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Let There Be Light

Page 32

by Al Lacy

  Tears were streaming down Jenny’s face. “Oh, Dan! Oh, darling, I love you so very much!”

  They sealed it with a kiss, then went inside to tell the Holdens and the Stevenses the whole story.

  At one point, Mary Holden asked Jenny what she would do about Edgar Toomey.

  Jenny drew a deep breath. “Well, Mary, since there is no way to prove that he murdered Papa, I will just leave him in God’s hands. Just this morning, while I was reading passages in the book of Romans that Laura had underlined, I came across Romans 12:19, which she had not underlined. It’s where God says, ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay.’ So, like I said, I’ll just leave Edgar Toomey in God’s hands.”

  “That’s the way to do it, honey,” said Martha Stevens. “Let the Lord take care of punishing Edgar Toomey.”

  Everyone at the table agreed.

  The next evening, Jenny and Dan went to the parsonage and told the pastor and his wife the whole story. The Denisons rejoiced in God’s marvelous working, and it was set that Jenny would be baptized the next night in the Wednesday evening service.

  Jenny and Dan left the parsonage and took a drive under the stars in his wagon. Jenny brought up Laura Denton, saying she had written to her that day and told her of how she had received Jesus as her Saviour. Again, she mentioned Laura having underlined passages in the Bible she gave her, and told Dan that Pastor Denison had used some of those very verses in his sermon last Sunday morning. “Remember, darling? Genesis 1:3: ‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.’ And 2 Corinthians 4:6: ‘For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.’ What a powerful connection there is between these two verses!”

  “Amen to that, Jenny, darlin’! And praise the Lord for shining His gospel light into your heart.”

  The Arizona sun was gleaming brightly out of a glorious blue sky on Saturday afternoon, October 14. But it couldn’t begin to outshine the glow on the faces of Dan Tyler and Jenny Linden when the pump organ was playing the wedding march and Jenny headed down the aisle toward the man she loved.

  Jenny was dressed in a simple white organdy gown and carried a small nosegay made up of late summer desert flowers. She was a vision of loveliness to the smiling man who waited for her at the altar.

  The congregation watched with pleasure as Jenny came to a graceful halt and looked up at her groom. Her face beamed and she smiled at him as he offered his arm.

  Sliding her hand into the crook of his arm, she looked up at him and whispered, “ ‘And God said, Let there be light: and there was light!’ ”

  A wide grin spread over Dan’s shining face as they mounted the steps to the platform, where Pastor David Denison waited to hear their vows.

  Mail Order Bride Series

  Desperate men who settled the West resorted to unconventional measures in their quest for companionship, advertising for and marrying women they’d never even met! Read about a unique and adventurous period in the history of romance.

  #1 Secrets of the Heart

  #2 A Time to Love

  #3 The Tender Flame

  #4 Blessed are the Merciful

  #5 Ransom of Love

  #6 Until the Daybreak

  #7 Sincerely Yours

  #8 A Measure of Grace

  #9 So Little Time

  #10 Let There Be Light

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  Let Freedom Ring

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  It is January 1886 in Russia. Vladimir Petrovna, a Christian husband and father of three, faces bankruptcy, persecution for his beliefs, and despair. The solutions lie across a perilous sea.

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  #2 Faithful Heart

  #3 Captive Set Free

  #4 A Dream Fulfilled

  #5 Suffer the Little Children

  #6 Whither Thou Goest

  #7 Final Justice

  #8 Not By Might

  #9 Things Not Seen

  #10 Far Above Rubies

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  Hannah Cooper’s husband dies on the dusty Oregon Trail, leaving her in charge of five children and a general store in Fort Bridger. Dependence on God fortifies her against grueling challenges and bitter tragedies.

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  #2 Consider the Lilies

  #3 No Place for Fear

  #4 Pillow of Stone

  #5 The Perfect Gift

  #6 Touch of Compassion

  #7 Beyond the Valley

  #8 Damascus Journey

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  Kearney, Cheyenne, Rawlins. Reno, Sacramento, San Francisco. At each train station, a few lucky orphans from the crowded streets of New York City receive the fulfillment of their dreams: a home and family. This “orphan train” is the vision of Charles Loring Brace, founder of the Children’s Aid Society, who cannot bear to see innocent children abandoned in the overpopulated cities of the mid-nineteenth-century. Yet it is not just the orphans whose lives need mending—follow the train along and watch God’s hand restore love and laughter to the right family at the right time!


  The Orphan Train Trilogy #2

  When sixty-two orphans and abandoned children leave New York City on a train headed out West, they have no idea what to expect. Will they get separated from their friends or siblings? Will their new families love them? Will a family even pick them at all? Future events are wilder than any of them could imagine—ranging from kidnappings and whippings to stowing away on wagon trains, from starting orphanages of their own to serving as missionaries to the Apache. No matter what, their paths are being watched by someone who cares about and carefully plans all their tomorrows.

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