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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

Page 4

by Angie Hayes

  “Come on nah Kema, I know you not crying over that dude Ethan.” She said as she sat on my bed.

  “You knew I liked him Kema, how could you?” I asked as I sat up with my wet face looking at her.

  “Yeah I knew you liked him, but you never say anything to him so I figured you wouldn’t care. Besides he’s just a stupid boy.” She said as she got off my bed and went over to my dresser to grab my nail polish.

  “Then why were y’all kissing and stuff?”

  “Because that’s what you do with boys when they buy you things. Ethan told me he’ll take me to the candy lady house if I let him kiss me and touch my breast so I let him, and now look.” Katrina disclosed as she pulled the bag full of candy, hot chips and a pickle egg from her jacket pocket.

  I never said anything else to Katrina about Ethan again. That whole summer that’s all they seem to do. He would take her to the candy lady house, or pay her way into the pool at the park and in return she would let him kiss her and feel her up. By the time the summer was coming to an end, everyone knew that Katrina and Ethan were an item and I was just the third wheel.

  When the school year finally came, Katrina had already dumped Ethan and moved on to other boys. She also started to distance herself from me. I couldn’t understand why though. Every time I would ask her if she wanted to spend the night over or just hang out she would give me excuses. By the time we reached high school, we had stopped talking altogether. We only occasionally spoke when in passing in the hallways and she never came over to my house. I was still the quiet type, but I was finally developing as well. That’s when I met Rashaad and just forgot about me and Katrina’s relationship all together.

  Now that she’s moved here to Atlanta it’s made me realize how much I missed her. It’ll be good to finally have family here and someone to hang with. Lord knows I’m tired of having to carry the weight of my relationship with Rashaad all by myself. I need someone I could talk to.


  Rashaad and I had just finished fucking one another’s brains out and now his ass was laid out sleeping. After I had hung up the phone in his face after he called me questioning why I was at his house, I went to the spa to relax. Afterwards I went to get a bite to eat with the hopes that I could keep it down because I was hungry as hell. While having lunch I sat there devising my plan I had in my head on exactly what it was that I was gonna do about making sure Rashaad didn’t hide us anymore to Kema. As I laid in the bed, I started to think back on how close me and Kema use to be. We were more like sisters then cousins.

  I admit I have always secretly envied her growing up; especially when I spent time at my aunt and uncle’s house with her. They were always the perfect little family, whereas my mom and I were just fucked up. No one knew the real things that were going on in our household. My momma always seemed to blame me for my daddy, whoever he was, not being around. She always had a nasty attitude towards everything and everyone. Even though her and Kema’s mom, my aunt Annie were sisters they were like night and day. While Aunt Annie told Kema how much she loved her, my momma was telling me to get the fuck out of her face. When Aunt Annie would attend school functions for Kema, my momma was running the streets with whoever she was fucking with at the time. Needless to say

  I have always felt more love from my aunt then from my own momma.

  Now back to me and Kema. One summer when the changes in my body started to occur, I started to notice how much attention I was getting. Boys started to flock around me like I was honey and they were bees. I was happy, because I was finally starting to get the attention and have something that Kema didn’t have. When she first caught me making out with her crush Ethan, I loved the look on her face. Finally the little spoil bitch realized that she couldn’t have everything she wanted. Of course I knew how much Kema liked Ethan, I mean that’s all she would talk about when we would stay up late night talking, but I didn’t care. I really didn’t even like Ethan; I just didn’t want Kema to have him. I guess you can say the same thing applies to Rashaad.

  I had him first, but of course Miss Kema just had to come in and scoop him up into her clutches with her so called innocence. Once again I’m in the background. This time, I refuse to just sit back and watch her think she has this fairy tale life.

  I felt Rashaad roll over and sit up.

  “Damn I didn’t even know I fell asleep, I gotta head home.” he said as he kissed me on my forehead and got up to head into the bathroom.

  I just laid there as I heard the water running. Finally he came out of the bathroom and started putting his clothes back on.

  “Rashaad I’m really getting tired of going to bed alone.” I complained with frustration.

  “I know baby, I just need a little bit more time to handle things with Kema.”

  “Rashaad what is it to handle? It’s not like y’all are married or have any kids! How hard is it to tell her that you have baby on the way with someone else and to tell her ass to go?” I asked now sitting up in the bed.

  “Come on Katrina. Kema is gonna flip with not only finding out that I have a baby on the way but with her cousin! You acting like she is just some random bitch on the street!”

  “And you acting like I’m just a fucking jump off!” I yelled back at his ass.

  “No I’m not, but yo ass acting like things need to be done on your time and your terms! I told you I would handle it. All you need to do is just sit back and take care of my seed. Our time is gonna come.” Rashaad assured me.

  Once he finished getting dressed, he kissed me and told me he’ll talk to me later and left. I just sat there thinking about what he had just said. He was right when he said I wanted things to work on my time. Whether he knew it or not, his ass was about to handle this situation sooner than he thought!


  Katrina was really starting to get on my damn nerves with this demanding shit. I wasn’t about to let her or nobody else determine how I handle things with Kema. I know I do some fucked up shit to her with the cheating and abuse, but Kema is my baby. We may have our problems, but if it wasn’t for the fact that Katrina was pregnant, I wouldn’t even be considering the fact of leaving her. I also know that I can’t keep Katrina and my baby a secret forever.

  “So man what you gone do?” My teammate and homeboy Eddie asked me.

  We were chilling and having us a couple drinks. I decided to swing by his place to holla at him after I left the gym this morning. He was the only other person that knew what was going on between Katrina and I.

  “Man I don’t know. I know that eventually I will have to tell Kema about the baby, but I don’t want to lose her.” I confessed as I took a shot of my henn.

  “Don’t you think it’s a little too late to think about losing her man? I mean come on, not only have you been sleeping her cousin but you fucked around and got the broad pregnant. I told you from jump that broad was gone find a way to trap yo ass.” Eddie said to me shaking his head.

  “Man I told you Katrina was on birth control when she got pregnant. You know women can still get pregnant while on that shit! You should know considering you and Pam got two kids.” I reminded him laughing.

  “I know it happens, but I doubt her ass was on birth control in the first place.” He chuckled. “I told you when you first came into the league to be aware of women who willingly and accept not being first in your life. I’ve been in the game long enough to see every trick in the book played.” Eddie admitted.

  Eddie was a veteran and leader of our team. He’s been on the team for ten years now and he and his wife Pam have been married fifteen. They were the football couple you looked up too in hopes of having what they have. When I first got drafted by the Falcons, Eddie took me under his wing. He said he had been following me since he found out the team was interested in me. He had become like a big brother to me and always trying to stir me in the right direction. When it came to the field, I always took his advice and strived, but as far as my personal life, I always moved to my own

  “I’ve known Katrina for just as long as I’ve known Kema. I know her ass is wild, but if she was trying to play me I would know. Besides, we’ve been rocking this long so why would she try anything now?”

  “Because maybe she got tired of playing second.” He answered shrugging his shoulders as he threw a shot to the back of his throat.

  “Shit, it’s not like I was hiding Kema from Katrina. She knew everything from jump and still stayed so I don’t know what makes her think things would be different.”

  “What’s different is before you were just a boy in hopes of making it into the NFL. Now that you have made it, you still have Kema by your side and Katrina is in the background. I’m just telling you to be careful because something doesn’t seem right with that chick.” Eddie warned me.

  Right before I could ask Eddie what it was he was talking about his wife came through the door.

  “Hey baby, hey Rashaad.” Pam greeted us as she kissed Eddie on the lips.

  “Hey Pam.” I greeted back.

  “How’s Kema? I’ve been meaning to call and check up on her, but I’ve been sidetracked with the kids and their summer activities.” She explained.

  “She’s good. I’ll tell her you asked about her.”

  “Great! You do that and tell her to call me. I’m going upstairs to put somethings away and I’ll start on lunch baby.” Pam said as she gave Eddie another kiss and disappeared upstairs.

  “Man you and Pam always seem so fucking happy, like the Huxables.” I teased laughing.

  “Shit, it wasn’t always like this. Pam was with me when I didn’t have a pot to piss in. Hell most of the times in college we would share a bowl of noodles. She was my rider and still is. I remember plenty of times where I would have to pull Pam off of bitches I was fucking with. She stayed whooping somebody ass over my dumb mistakes.” Eddie reminisced laughing.

  “Pam? She doesn’t seem like the type. Ever since I’ve known ya’ll, she has always showed nothing but class!” I said shocked.

  I swear I couldn’t picture Pam whooping a trick’s ass.

  “Man Pam could go from classy to ghetto in 2.5 seconds! Don’t let her prissy ass fool you. When it comes to my black ass and her family she doesn’t play! I had to learn that the hard way plenty of times, especially when I first got into the league.” Eddie confessed. “I let the money and hoes get to my head in the beginning. Pam got so fed up with my shit that she left me, pregnant and all.”

  “Word? So what made her come back?”

  “My ass begging like Marvin! I was so use to her being here with me no matter what, that when she finally did leave I felt sick to my stomach. All the other hoes, pussy and money didn’t seem to matter anymore. Finally after about three months, she decided to give me another chance and we still here.” Eddie explained.

  “Damn I wish things could be like that for me and Kema.” I finally said taking another shot.

  “It can, but you don’t want it to be.”

  “How you figure?” I looked at him like he was crazy. “I love Kema, it’s just that I want a family and she’s not giving me that!” I replied as I found myself getting mad.

  “Rashaad, did you ever stop to think about how it makes Kema feel as a woman to not to be able to conceive? It took Pam eight years to get pregnant with EJ. We were just like you and Kema, going to see specialist and all. Pam started being a crazy woman every time she got her period. Things were really bad with us. Then finally we just stopped and bam! She got pregnant.”

  What Eddie was saying had me thinking hard with about me and Kema’s situation. I don’t know if it was my conscience kicking in, but I started feeling bad for everything I was putting her through. I knew she didn’t deserve any of it. Just as quickly I had to remind myself that regardless of the situation, I still had a baby coming into the world and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I chilled with Eddie for a little bit longer and headed home. I had come in the night before way late from dealing with Katrina and I know that Kema was probably pissed about that. Once I got home, I heard music coming from our downstairs gym. I went down to see Kema going hard on the elliptical.

  I just stood in the doorway unnoticed, watching her sweat. My dick instantly became hard at the sight of her plump juicy ass as her legs moved up and down on the elliptical. It had been a while since we had sex and by the bulge in my pants I knew I was over due to get my dick wet by her. I walked up behind her and smacked her ass.

  “Oh my God Rashaad you scared me!” Kema yelled as she jumped off the machine.

  “I just got in.” I said as I started to rub on her ass.

  “What are you doing?” Kema asked looking at me strangely.

  I know she was shocked that I was touching her, but like I said it’s been a while.

  “I’m trying to get some of my woman’s good-good.” I told her licking my lips.

  “I’m sweaty from working out.”

  “That makes it all the better.” I told her as I grabbed her by her waist and started kissing her.

  Although I had been fucking Katrina, I needed to make love to Kema. She is the only woman I would ever make love to. After what seemed like minutes, she pulled away from me.

  “What brings this on?” Kema asked me.

  “Damn I can’t kiss on my woman? Come here.” I said again as I pulled her more aggressively to me and started kissing her hard.

  I trailed my kisses down her neck, savoring every last drop of her sweat. From the sounds of her moans, I could tell she was starting to get into it. I slid my hands down the front of her tights and started rubbing my fingers lightly on her clit. That must have turned Kema on even more because she was now grinding on my fingers as if she was already on my dick. In return she lifted my shirt up and started kissing on my chest. I gripped her ass cheeks and picked her up. We continued to kiss while her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. I quickly pulled down my gym shorts and underwear at the same time. Kema stepped down for a moment and came out of her tights before she climbed back up and slid right down on my dick.

  “Ah shit!” I moaned as I felt the wetness of her juices.

  Still standing I leaned us up against the wall and started to bounce her up and down on my dick. Kema had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck holding on for dear life as I was pumping hard in and out of her.

  “Don’t stop baby. I’ve missed you so much!” Kema screamed out.

  “I missed you too!” I grunted as I was thrusting in and out.

  Minutes later we both exploded together. Exhausted we slid down to the floor trying to catch our breaths. Kema got up without saying a word and headed upstairs. I was expecting for her to say something or at least question me about why I came home so late last night, but she never did. I just sat there on the floor collecting my thoughts before I went upstairs to see what was up with her.

  When I finally made it upstairs, I heard the water running. I stepped inside the bathroom to find Kema in the shower and from the sound of it she was crying.

  “Kema what’s wrong?” I asked as I opened the shower door.

  “Nothing. I just got soap in my eye that’s all.” She answered trying to sound convincing.

  “Ok” was all I said as I looked at her.

  She stared back at me as if she wanted to say something, but never did. I closed the shower door and left out of the bedroom. I went into the other adjoining bathroom and took a shower as well so I could get me some rest.


  Once again Rashaad didn’t bring his ass home until the wee hours this morning. Although he consistently did this, I still get sick and tired of the lack of respect he has for us and this household. When I heard him finally come in, I laid in bed and pretended like I was asleep because I didn’t know what mood he would be in. Lucky for me he just came in, showered and went straight to sleep. I would be a damn fool if I didn’t think he had just come in from being with another woman.

  My intuition was proven true wh
en he came home from wherever he was a little while ago and wanted to have sex. I was surprised at his gesture to even touch me considering the fact that our sex life was basically non-existence. During our session, as I was kissing on his chest I noticed a lot of scratches and hickeys displayed on it. I wanted nothing more than to stop right then and there and go off and question who the hell did they come from, but I knew better. Not only did I not feel like getting my ass beat, but I guess I was just that desperate for him to have sex with me, so I just went with the flow.

  After we were done, I just got up and went to take a shower without saying a one word to him. I was scrubbing myself so hard in in the water that my skin was starting to feel raw. I have always known Rashaad fooled around, but this was the first time I have witnessed his infidelities all over him. The thought of him and another woman fucking one another made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t realize I was crying until Rashaad came into the bathroom and asked me what was wrong. I wanted so badly to confront him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was too weak when it came to that man, so I just made up an excuse saying I got soap in my eye. Once I was done showering, I went into the bedroom to find him not there. I knew I needed to get out this house and clear my head ASAP!

  I decided that now would be the best time for me to call up Katrina and see if she would like to meet me for lunch. I sent her a quick text offering the invitation, and within seconds she replied back accepting. I gave her the address of TGI Fridays, because I had a taste for their mash potatoes and got dressed to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Rashaad asked as he emerged from the other bathroom with the towel wrapped around his waist.


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