Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me Page 5

by Angie Hayes

  He was standing there looking at me as if he didn’t have a chest full of hickeys and scratch marks that I can see clear as day. I quickly looked away from him.

  “I’m heading to TGI Fridays to have some lunch with Katrina.” I responded as I slipped into my dress.

  “What type of lunch is this for you to be wearing that damn dress?” Rashaad scoffed.

  I had decided to wear my Donna Karen backless sundress that stopped right above my knees. It was form fitting so it displayed all my curves.

  “I figure since it’s a nice day out, now would be the perfect time to wear it.” I explained.

  “Yeah, a ’ight. What time you coming home?”

  “I’m not sure yet Rashaad. We might do a little shopping afterwards, but I won’t be too late.”

  “Cool. I want to make us dinner tonight.” He said.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that his ass was still standing there shirtless with hickeys, I would think that he was really trying to change and do better by us.

  “That sounds great, I’ll see you later.” I said as I rushed past him to leave.

  Once I pulled out of our division, I let the tears flow again. I just couldn’t understand for the life of me why this man didn’t love me anymore how I loved him?


  I was already contemplating on what it was I wanted to eat, so when Kema text me asking me did I want to meet her for lunch I was all for it. Besides, maybe now would be the time for little Ms. Perfect to spill the beans on what’s really going on with her and Rashaad. Soon as I walked into the restaurant, I spotted Kema at a corner booth waving at me.

  “Hey girly.” She greeted me with a hug as I approached the booth.

  “Hey yourself, you’re looking cute boo.” I said admiring her little dress she had on.

  “Thanks. You’re looking cute too!” she responded.

  The waitress came over and took our drink and food orders. Once the waitress left, I decided to get down to the nitty-gritty.

  “So what’s been going on with you? Is everything ok?” I asked Kema.

  “Everything is fine.”

  “Are you sure?” I pressed hoping she’d take the bait.

  Before responding, she took a deep breath and suddenly the tears started to flow.

  “Katrina I just don’t know what’s going on anymore! Rashaad and I are at a crossroads and I don’t think he loves me anymore!” Kema sobbed.

  She then opened the flood gates and told me everything I already knew what was going on, except for the ass whooping’s Rashaad was giving her. Now that part shocked me considering he never displayed that kind of behavior towards me. Besides, if the nigga laid his hands on me, I would try to lay his ass out!

  “Damn Kema, I’m so sorry to hear that honey.” I said as I grabbed her hand from across the table.

  “I’ve been holding all this in for so long that it actually feels good to talk to someone and get this off of my chest.” Kema replied as she took a napkin off the table and wiped her tears.

  “If all of this is going on, why are you still with him? You need to get out of there girl!” I told her hoping her ass would start to listen.

  If this was any other chick, I could care less if she stayed or not and continued to get her ass beat, but Kema’s ass needed to get out of the picture so I could have my paid baby daddy all to myself.

  “I love him Katrina, where would I go?” Kema asked crying again.

  “Listen, a lot of times love isn’t enough. His ass is out here cheating and fucking around, then to top it off he’s putting his hands on you! You have Auntie Annie and Uncle Mike back at home. You know they wouldn’t turn you away.”

  “I’m not so sure. I turned my back on my parents the minute I chose to leave college and follow Rashaad here.”

  “Please, that doesn’t mean shit. You know that regardless of the situation, they would never deny you Kema. I think you should reach out to them and haul ass from Rashaad. This dude is doing him while sucking the life out of you in the process.”

  Kema was quiet for a moment. It was like she was thinking hard about what I had just said.

  “Maybe you’re right.” Was all she said.

  Before I could ask her to elaborate more on her response, the waitress came back with our plates. Considering the fact that I was starving, I went straight into tearing my food up. Kema ate in silence as well. I knew her mind was going a thousand miles a minute with what I had told her. I bet she wondered if her parents would still being there for her. I didn’t. Even though I haven’t spoken to my aunt and uncle in ages, I knew they would never turn their precious daughter away.

  Like I said before, Kema was always the weakest link. I figured if I was constantly in her ear telling her that she needed to leave Rashaad, I would push her ass to leave. It will only be a matter of time before me and my baby daddy would be as one.


  I don’t know what the fuck is up lately with Katrina and Kema hanging out all of a sudden, but I have to put a stop to this shit right now! I didn’t need Katrina running her mouth to Kema about us and our unborn child. Seeing Kema cry in the shower let me know that what I’m doing to her is taking its toll, so I don’t need to add anything extra right now. Everything I do will be done on my time and terms.

  I really did feel bad about her crying and not admitting it to me. It wasn’t until I went into the other bath room, and got undress when I noticed the hickeys and scratch marks Katrina left all over my chest the night before. I usually never let her leave her marks on me, but last night the way she was riding my dick had a nigga forgetting his name. Once I saw those, I knew that Kema must have also seen them which led to her crying in the shower. Since she never brought it up, I figured I should at least do something nice to take her mind off of yet another one of my fuck-ups. After my shower, I relaxed for a little while and took a nap. When I woke up, I went downstairs to start my meal. I decided to cook my baby her favorite which was my famous lasagna and a Cesar salad.

  Right after I prepped my lasagna and put it the oven, my phone started to ring from a familiar number, which was from my Aunt and Uncle back home. Like always I pressed the ignore button and continued doing what I was doing.

  My indicator went off letting me know I had a voicemail. Although my aunt and uncle raised me as if I was their very own, it seems like once I was drafted into the NFL, I distanced myself from that side of the family. It wasn’t like they were asking me for any money or handouts; I just didn’t want to keep being reminded of where my father came from. No matter how much I ignored them,

  like clock worth my aunt and uncle still called me twice a week; as well as every Sunday after a game during the season. They called to not only check up on me, but to congratulate me on a win. I appreciated everything they did for me, but I don’t need them anymore.

  While my food was cooking, I got a text message from Katrina.

  Katrina: So am I going to see you tonight?

  Me: Not tonight. Got plans

  Katrina: Really, this is the first time you’re turning me down. Must be some special plans.

  Me: I’ll check you out tomorrow.

  Katrina: Whatever.

  I didn’t text back after her last message. I could tell by her text that she had an attitude, but at this point I really didn’t give a fuck. I needed to make things a little easier with Kema right now until I figure out what it is I’m going to do.


  After lunch with Katrina, we did a little shopping at a boutique close to the restaurant and headed our separate ways, with the promise to hook up again soon. On my drive home, I started thinking again long and hard about what Katrina had told me at lunch. I know I needed to leave Rashaad, but I couldn’t help how much I still loved him. I also wondered if what she said about my parents still willingly taking me in was true also. I felt so ashamed of how I disappointed them. Tears started to well up in my eyes just thinking about them, because I missed them so much. It was ju
st that my pride wouldn’t let me pick up the phone and tell them. This is the bed I made for myself and now I have to choose to lie in it.

  Once I made it home and entered the house, I was greeted by the smell of Rashaad lasagna. Although I had eaten earlier, there was no way I was turning it down!

  “Hey baby, you just in time, the lasagna is fresh out the oven.” Rashaad said as he was placing our plates and salad on the table.

  This was the Rashaad I grew to love. So understanding and caring. In the beginning he used to always do gestures like this and be so attentive.

  “Thanks baby. Let me run upstairs and put my bags away and I’ll be right down.” I said as I headed upstairs.

  As soon as I came back down, I was greeted with soft music and lit candles on the table.

  “Have a seat.” Rashaad gestured as he pulled my chair out for me.

  Once I was seated, he took a seat right across from me. He reached for my plate and fixed my food, and took my glass and poured my wine.

  “So how was your day out?” he asked as he started to eat.

  “My day was good and relaxing. It feels good to finally have some family here.” I responded taking a bite of my food.

  Rashaad didn’t respond, he just continued to eat.

  “So what brought on this nice gesture? Not that I don’t appreciate it because I do!” I asked making sure I put emphasis on letting him know I appreciated everything he had done.

  “I just figured I had been slacking on the romance department with us and needed to step my game up.” Rashaad responded looking up from his plate smiling.

  That smile and those dimples made my heart flutter. I started to feel like the shy girl I was in high school when I first met him all over again.

  “Well its ok baby, I know you have a busy schedule with preparing for the season and all.” I responded trying to sound supportive as I could be.

  I know it was bullshit coming out of my mouth, but I wanted this evening to continue to go peaceful. I didn’t need the monster Rashaad coming out.

  “That’s what I love about you Kema. You are always so understanding and considerate of other people’s feelings, especially mines.”

  I didn’t respond, only smiled and nodded my head in response to what Rashaad had just said. I knew that was my biggest problem, always putting others before me, especially him.

  “I’ll always be here for you baby.” I finally admitted.

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Rashaad and I continued our meal making small talk. Afterwards, we went into the entertainment room and watched the Best Man Holiday. Of course my face was soaked with tears by the time it went off. Once we finished the movie, we headed upstairs where we made slow passionate love. At that time I didn’t see the marks on his chest, or think about where he was the night before. I also didn’t care who it was that kept blowing his phone up. All I was concerned about was having him at home with me. I enjoyed being in his arms and thought that maybe…just maybe this could be a new start for us after all.


  Rashaad must think I’m some kind of fucking fool! This nigga had the nerve to blow me off like I was some type of jump off bitch! Talking about he had something to do tonight. I already figured his ass must have been with Kema considering the fact she didn’t answer her phone tonight either. When we finished our lunch earlier and shopped at the cute boutique next to the restaurant, I instantly became pissed when I saw her pull out Rashaad black card and started purchasing whatever it was that she wanted without a care in the world. Don’t get me wrong, Rashaad makes sure I dont want for anything as well, but pulling out that nigga card and going home to that big ass mansion makes things more official.

  I had completely made up my mind after our little afternoon out that I was going to push things to my speed. I grabbed my phone and dialed up a number.

  “Hey, I need you to hit up baller-alert and TMZ and leak a story that Rashaad has an outside child on the way from another woman that is not his fiancée.” I said soon as she answered the phone.

  “I’m on it now.” She responded and hung up.

  Hmmph, his ass thinks he can continue to hide me and our baby in the background he better think again.

  You see, I always have a plan B with everything I do. I knew once I got pregnant by Rashaad, that I would need to have some ammunition to make sure I would always be in the picture. Seems like he has forced my hand, game on nigga!


  After my night with Kema, I woke up feeling good ass fuck. That was until I saw the many missed calls from Katrina, I instantly came back down to reality. I knew she was pissed that I blew her off and then wasn’t answering my phone. Long as there wasn’t a message saying nothing was wrong with my baby, she could wait. I slipped out this morning to head to the gym to meet up with Eddie and our other teammate Lamar. Kema was still sleeping peacefully and since I wanted to have a good workout, I decided that I would call Katrina back once I was finished and then hear her mouth.

  As soon as I walked into the gym, my boys were already in beast mode. I dropped my bag and joined in. After about two hours of lifting and cardio, we all showered and decided to head out for a quick lunch. We hit up our usual spot up the street and got our regular drinks and orders. After about three rounds, we were good and tipsy. Suddenly I heard a voice from behind me whisper in my ear.

  “Well looks like we meet again Mr. Football star.” Said a chick, which I recognized immediately.

  It was the blonde hair girl who I met in the club a while back. She was the one who sucked my dick in the hotel. Last time I saw her, I threw her ass forty dollars after she was talking shit about running into to Kema at the mall.

  “Oh yeah, what’s up?” I asked looking her up and down.

  It had been a minute since I saw her and I don’t know if it was the liquor, but shorty was stacked! I’m trying to remember why didn’t I fuck her instead of just getting head?

  “Last time we hooked up, you weren’t so nice to me.” She pouted as she nibbled on my ear.

  At that moment, my dick got rock hard. I looked over at Eddie and Lamar, and they were both being entertained by Blondie’s two friends.

  “I’m sorry for that. You should let me make that up to you.” I offered as I rubbed my hand up her thigh and under her dress. She was standing in front of me between my legs.

  “Lead the way.” She said.

  That’s all I needed to hear.

  “Aye man, I’m about to head on out of here. Y’all straight?” I asked my boys.

  “Yeah man we good. Handle ya business.” Lamar said smirking at me because he knew what I was about to get into. Eddie on the other hand was busy still talking to the other chick. It looked like he was trying to turn her down.

  I grabbed Blondie’s hand, and led her to the parking garage. Good thing we all drove our own car and followed one another to the bar. Once we got inside my car, she immediately took my dick out and went to work on it with her mouth. From the way her mouth was feeling, I knew I had to get that pussy tonight. I cranked up my car and headed to the nearest hotel. I almost crashed twice while driving from the feeling of her mouth.

  Once we pulled up to the spot, I put her on pause and went to the front desk to get a room. When we got inside the room we started to tear each other clothes off. The liquor in my system had me ready to fuck the dog shit outta her, and I did! We fucked like crazy for the next hour. When we were done we laid there for a minute catching our breaths.

  “That shit was good, you got skills girl.” I said as I got up to go to the bathroom to take a piss.

  Once I came back out, I saw blondie getting dressed.

  “I guess you already know what time it is.” I said.

  I’m glad she knew that this was just like the last time, except I got the pussy and the head.

  “I sure do, are you going to toss me forty dollars again?” she asked sarcastically. I admit that was low on what I did the last time, but the bi
tch pissed me off talking shit about Kema.

  “Nah, you earned more than that this time.” I told her as I peeled off ten hundred dollar bills. This time handed them to her.

  She looked at me for a while with a shocked look on her face. I didn’t know if it was because she never had that much money before or the fact that I just treated her like a trick again. Either way, she finally took the money.

  “I’ll drop you back down to the bar.” I told her as we prepared to leave the room.

  Before we pulled out I stopped by the front desk to return the room key. The ride back was quiet, which was fine by me because I personally didn’t have anything to say. I didn’t feel like hearing her talk either.

  “Alright, well I’ll probably see you around.” I told her as I pulled up to the bar.

  “Oh you definitely will.” She said with a smirk before she got out.

  I didn’t even stick around long enough to see if she made it safely to her car. I hauled ass to get home. I was exhausted and satisfied.


  I woke up feeling sore. Rashaad fucked the shit out of me last night. Any thought that I had of leaving him was completely out of the window now. I rolled over to the sound of my phone ringing. I saw that it was Pam calling.

  “Hey girl long time no hear.” I said as soon as I answered the phone.

  “Hey boo, sorry to wake you I just haven’t heard from you in a while and wanted to see what was up” Pam said.

  “I’m good hun, thanks for checking on me. How is everything on your end?” I asked as I got up out the bed and headed to the bathroom to pee.

  “Everything is good. Eddie and the kids are still driving me up the wall, but other than that we’re good.” Pam laughed. “Listen, I was wondering since the kids will be at my mom’s if you wanted to come over later for some drinks and a little girl time?” Pam asked.

  “Sure, I would love that! Oh I have my cousin Katrina in town. Is it ok if I invite her as well?” I asked not wanting to impose.


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