Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me Page 6

by Angie Hayes

  “Yes, that’s fine. The more the merrier! I will see you girls around six o’clock this evening?”

  “Six sounds good. I’ll see you then.” I said and hung up the phone.

  After I finished on the toilet, I jumped in the shower and let the hot water beat down on my body easing the pain. I started to reminisce about the love making session that Rashaad and I had last night. Everything was so perfect just like it was in the beginning with us. Once I finished my shower, I brushed my teeth and stepped into the bedroom where I noticed that Rashaad wasn’t in bed. I’m not sure why I didn’t notice it at first.

  I glance at the clock and saw that I had really slept in late. Taking a seat on the bed, I began to lotion up. When I was finished I threw on a t-shirt and some panties and headed to the lower level to see if Rashaad was home. When I got downstairs, I noticed that everything was still quiet and that he was nowhere to be found. I picked up the house phone and called his phone trying to see where he was only to get sent to the voicemail. This wasn’t unusual, in fact I get sent to the voicemail a lot. After trying two more times I gave up.

  I heard my cell phone ringing from upstairs and I realized that I’d left it in the bathroom. Thinking that it could be Rashaad calling or texting me I ran upstairs to retrieve it. The phone had stopped ringing by the time I got there, but I noticed that an unfamiliar number displayed on my screen. Right when I grabbed my phone to leave back out the bathroom, it rung again with the same number.

  “Hello?” I answered curiously, because usually I don’t answer numbers I don’t recognize.

  “You have got to be the dumbest bitch alive.” The male caller sneered on the other end of the phone.

  “Excuse me? Who is this?” I asked believing that maybe he had the wrong number.

  “This is Kema right?”

  “Yes it is.”

  “Well I’m talking to the right bitch and like I said you are one dumb broad.” He said laughing into the phone.

  “If I’m so dumb then why the fuck are you calling me?” I snapped back

  “I’m calling you to let you know that you are about to be a step mother so I hope you enjoy.” The caller retorted before he hung up.

  I just stood there with my phone still to my ear wondering what the fuck did they mean I was about to be a step mother? Immediately my instincts kicked in. I went to my laptop and cut it on. While I waited for it to load up I tried calling Rashaad again only to continue to get his voicemail. Finally my computer loaded up and I hit up the blogs.

  My heart dropped when I saw the headlines:

  Atlanta Falcons star Running Back, Rashaad Davis has a baby on the way with a woman other than his fiancée. Sources say his alleged baby momma is expected to deliver by early next year and that Davis is very excited for the arrival of his first child.

  I checked four other blogs and the same story was headlining. Now, I know that the blogs are known for releasing bullshit, but they also have accurate information as well. So far everything they have said in the past about Rashaad was true. I knew I had to find out what the fuck was going on, but most importantly I needed to know who was the guy that just called my phone to tell me this. What the fuck is going on?



  I text Pam back and let her know that I would have to take a rain check on coming to her house for drinks. I sat in the living room with my laptop sitting next to me drinking on my vodka and cranberry juice watching the door. I was waiting for Rashaad’s ass to get home. I didn’t even bother calling his phone anymore because I knew he wouldn’t answer. I’m not a hard drinker, but I knew I needed something strong for whatever it was I was about to face when Rashaad came through the door.

  I was still in deep thought and drinking when I finally heard the alarm alert from the door opening.

  “Damn bae why you sitting in here by yourself with everything off?” Rashaad asked as he stepped down in our living room.

  I didn’t answer him right away like I normally would. I downed the last bit of my drink and slammed the glass down on the table next to the chaise I was sitting in. I stood up with the laptop in my hand and turned to face him.

  “So is this true?” I asked looking him straight in his face.

  “Is what true Kema?” Rashaad asked dumbfounded.

  I walked up to him closer so that there was no space in between us and shoved the laptop in his face.

  “Is this shit true Rashaad?” I asked again the laptop in his chest.

  I know I might get my head knocked off, but nothing would hurt me more than if him conceiving another baby by someone else other than me.

  Rashaad grabbed the laptop and looked at the screen displaying the headlines of him fathering a child.

  “Man Kema you tripping! You know damn well all these fucking blogs be lying.” Rashaad said nonchalantly as he handed me back the computer and went into the kitchen.

  “Really Rashaad? Because so far they have been right about you! Every time you’re in somebody club throwing yo’ money around or looking cozy with other bitches they seem to get that information right!” I yelled as I followed him into the kitchen.

  I don’t know if it was the alcohol or the fact that I was just fed up with his bullshit, but I wasn’t gonna back down from his ass on this.

  “I told you that shit is lying Kema.” Rashaad repeated again drinking from his bottle of water.

  “Well that’s funny, because I got a phone call earlier also from a guy congratulating me on becoming a step momma and that also I was the dumbest person he knew. So tell me what the fuck is going on Rashaad.” I demanded.

  I was shaking and my heart was beating so loud I thought that it would jump out of my chest. I took on a lot of things with Rashaad, but him having a baby with someone else while beating my ass because I can’t is something I don’t think I could stomach!

  Rashaad just stood there for a moment quiet finishing up drinking his water. Once he was done he placed the bottle in the trash and walked over to me. I flinched when he raised his hand thinking I was about to feel his blows, but instead in ran it softly down my face.

  “Look baby. I promise you that I don’t have a baby out here with no one. I don’t want know other woman baring my seed but you. I’m sorry that I have been taking my frustration out on you in past about not getting pregnant.” Rashaad expressed sincerely.

  Looking in his eyes, I saw the man I fell in love with. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Rashaad pulled away for our kiss and looked me in my eyes while still holding me.

  “Kema we have to stick together no matter what. You know with my status comes a lot of lies and drama, but I need you to be here holding me down.”

  “I know baby. I got us. I’m not going anywhere.” I responded as I kissed him again confirming what I had just promised.

  Call me stupid all you want, but Rashaad is my man and I’ll be damn if another bitch tries to take my spot.


  I had just stepped out of the shower and was on my way into my bedroom when I saw Rashaad sitting on the edge of my bed.

  “Damn Rashaad you scared me!” I yelled as I jumped.

  “Why the fuck did you leak to the blogs about your pregnancy Katrina?” Rashaad asked starring up at me.

  He was talking so calm that it was almost scary. I expected him to be yelling and going off but he wasn’t.

  “Rashaad I have the slightest idea what you are talking about. I didn’t leak shit to no damn blogs.” I told him as I walked over to my dresser to retrieve some underwear.

  “Well somebody did and the only people that know about this baby are you and me, and since I know I didn’t tell anyone that leaves you.”

  “Like I said, I didn’t say shit to no damn blogs Rashaad.” I snapped.

  What I was saying was true. I didn’t leak my pregnancy, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have someone else do it.

  “I get home to Kema going off on me about this shit t
hen she tells me that some man called her congratulating her on becoming a new step momma. What the fuck is going on Katrina?” he asked me again this time raising his voice.

  Now granted, I could go off and snap back on his ass for getting loud in my shit, but I still needed to play this whole situation out until I was completely in the door with Rashaad, and what I mean by in the door I mean not just sharing his bed with him, but his home too.

  “Rashaad I would never do that to you. I trust you when you say that you’ll handle this on your own so I don’t need to run to any blogs baby.” I said sounding compassionate as I walked over to him and straddled him.

  “Somebody said something Katrina. No one even knows that we have dealings!”

  “Rashaad all I can tell you is that it wasn’t me. Besides you never know who is lurking around trying to be in your business. You are the mega football star here in Atlanta, someone is bound to try and get a come up off of you by any means.” I explained to him trying to sound convincing.

  I can tell by the way his face was softening up that he was buying the bullshit I was feeding him. Just sitting on his lap was making my pussy wet. “I gotta figure this shit out and make sure Kema doesn’t find out until I tell her. In the meantime, I need you to lay low and stop coming around or hanging with her until I get this under control.”

  “Anything you say baby. How about you give me some of this good dick?” I suggested as I started nibbling on his ear lobe.

  “Damn Katrina, you know that’s a nigga spot.” He said as he gripped my ass cheeks.

  Rashaad flipped me over on the bed on my back and ripped my panties right off. Then he dove head first into my sweet, shaven honey pot.

  “Hmm…right there baby.” I moaned as I opened my legs wider while I gripped the back of his head.

  Rashaad was eating my pussy like he was a slave on the gravy train. I came twice in his mouth and he sucked every last drop of my juices. After my second climax, he stood up and took his clothes off and grabbed my legs and dragged me to the edge of the bed. Since I started to get a little pudge, he never really fucked me on top anymore. Rashaad then placed my legs on his shoulders and plunged all twelve inches of that chocolate stick inside my wet-wet.

  “Fuck! I swear this pregnant pussy get better every time I slide up in it.” He yelled out.

  I was so wet all I could hear was the gushing sounds my pussy was making.

  “Get this pussy baby, it’s yours!” I groaned throwing it back.

  “Damn I’m about to nut already!” Rashaad screamed before he started going faster.

  Now normally I wouldn’t go for this quick shit, but at this point I didn’t care. After about five more minutes of us hard core fucking, we both came together.

  “Damn that shit was good.” Rashaad said trying to catch his breath as he lay on the bed.

  “It wouldn’t be anything less.” I smirked as I lay on his chest.

  Shortly after, I heard him start to snore lightly. Just like always, I put this nigga to sleep with this sweet ass. I just continued to lay on his chest thinking about my next move. Rashaad had just told me that Kema was informed about a baby he had on the way. What he didn’t say was if she believed it or not. Since I haven’t received a phone call from her yet telling me what she’d heard, I don’t know how she feels about it.

  What I do know is that I need to step my game up and make sure that not only does this bitch Kema folds, but that she breaks.


  I was so damn glad when Eddie’s momma called and said that they would get the kids for the weekend I could do cartwheels! Don’t get me wrong, I love both of my children, but they wear me out! My daughter Jewel was seven going on twenty-seven, and my son Eddie Jr, who we all call EJ is ten and already thinking he’s the man. I also need a break from my husband Eddie too. I just need some time to myself to enjoy the things I use too before I decided enough was enough and settle down. I was standing in my laundry room folding some clothes out of the dryer when my mind started to wander.

  Eddie and I have been together for a total of nineteen years. We’ve been married for fifteen of those. We met when we both lived in Mercy Point Belmont housing projects in Belmont, North Carolina. We leaned on each other because neither of us didn’t have shit. Eddie was the best friend of my older brother Rico and use to always come around. When Rico was sixteen, he was shot and killed by a stray bullet from a drive-by in the neighborhood while he and Eddie were playing basketball one day on the court. Rico was my rock and my protector considering the fact that our daddy wasn’t around and our sorry excuse for a momma was always out chasing dick. My brother was all I had and when he was killed I felt like I wanted to die too. I felt so alone. That was when I became extremely close to Eddie. He felt like he needed to pick up where my brother left off as far as taking care of me.

  Eddie took Rico’s death hard as well, so that was what made our bond even stronger. Feelings started to change for us when I went to high school. Puberty was taking over my body and the attention I was receiving was crazy! Eddie always stood in the background blocking anyone trying to step to me. By this time everyone in school knew that we were best friends and that Eddie always claimed me as his little sister. It was his senior year when things took a turn with us. I was still a junior, and wanted to go the prom that year anyway, so when he asked me I thought it was no big deal. I had a job after school since my momma was still in and out my life, so basically I was taking care of myself. Eddie told me that the only thing I needed to worry about for prom was being ready when he came to pick me up. He gave me money for a dress, shoes. He even gave me extra money to get my hair and nails done.

  When prom day finally arrived, I knew I was about to look good! My dress was form fitting and showed not only all of my curves but my plump ass as well. I had gone and had my natural hair styled in tight spiral curls. Since it was already long it looked real cute. At the nail shop I got a French tip on both my nails and toes. My makeup was done by my home girl who worked at the Macy’s counter after school. When I was finished getting dressed, I looked myself over in the mirror and was satisfied. I still felt some sadness though, because I wish my brother was still around so that he could see me. I also wished that my mother was home to take lots of pictures and see me off. Neither of those wishes would happen though.

  When Eddie arrived, he looked like he had just stepped out of the Jet magazine. That was the first time I looked at him as being the sexy handsome dude he was instead of my brother figure. I could tell he saw me differently too because he couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off of me that whole night.

  After prom Eddie and I went to a hotel where he took my virginity. Afterwards we were inseparable. We ended up going to the same college, studied together, and struggled together. No matter what I was right by his side. So when he was drafted in the NFL I was still right by his side. All I knew was Eddie and I definitely wasn’t gonna let no other hoe step in my shoes. I’ve had my share of groupies and I’ve even beat bitches asses over my husband when he made it big. But I got tired of that after a while and left his ass when I was pregnant with our first child, our son. I needed to show his ass a lesson. That’s what I made him think anyway.

  You see, even though Eddie and I have been together for a long time, there were still some things he just didn’t know about me. Of course I planned to keep it that way. My husband doesn’t need to know that I’ve lived a double life, and I don’t mean a double life with other men. Naw, never that. I could never see myself letting another man up in Eddie’s goodies. What I would do is let another woman taste all that she could though. That’s right; I dibble and dabble with women from time to time, or well I used too.

  It was nothing major though. I don’t really consider myself being gay or bisexual. It’s just something about a woman putting her mouth down there that drives me crazy! Fuck whatcha heard, no matter how good a man can eat yo pussy, he could never top a woman’s skills. I guess it’s because females know exa
ctly what they like, so they do it to you. My first experience with a woman was my freshman year in high school with this chick name Ariel. She ended up being my partner on a science project that we were assigned to. We didn’t live close to one another so she came to my house one weekend to start working on it.

  Since I was always home the majority of times by myself anyway, I was happy to have the company. While studying in my room that afternoon, I noticed how Ariel kept staring at me. When I finally asked her what her problem was she said that my lips were just beautiful. I was so shocked by what she had just told me that I didn’t even respond. I just kept thinking that I had never had anyone tell me that, let alone a girl!

  Next thing I knew she reached over and started to kiss me. My first response was to push her away, but then I started to feel this funny, yet good sensation flowing through my body. We ended up kissing for what seemed like hours. Once we both came up for air, Ariel told me to lie down and I obliged. When she got on top of me and started grinding against my pussy, I felt like I was about to pee on myself because of how good it was feeling! She then lowered herself down my body and removed my shorts and underwear. Once they were discarded Ariel started to lick on my pussy ever so gently, and it was then that I was hooked!

  After that Ariel and I continued our little hookups all throughout high school. It was our secret and that’s how we kept it. Once we graduated we went our separate ways. I don’t know what she did, but I ended up finding another little jump off when I got to college. We kicked it from time to time, but once Eddie was drafted and we moved to Atlanta I slowed down. I couldn’t risk anyone finding out about my taste for women.

  I was doing well for a while until one day I ran into this fine ass chick at the mall. She seemed to bring back those desires I once had. We were both in Nordstrom’s trying on shoes when she complimented my taste in footwear. We clicked immediately and shopped together for the rest of the day. After our shopping excursion, we exchanged numbers and promised to get together soon. We first started out texting one another. That’s when I found out that she didn’t live in Atlanta but frequent here from time to time. That made it even better. One night while she was here on her many visits we hooked up and from there it was on! I was addicted to her sexy ass and the way she made my body feel. We started to fool around whenever she would come into town. It lasted for about six months when somewhere along the line Eddie started to notice a change in me and got suspicious. Not wanting to get caught, I told her that I couldn’t see her anymore. I guess she didn’t like that because she suddenly flipped the script and started to blackmail me!


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