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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

Page 7

by Angie Hayes

  The bitch threated to tell my husband everything. She said she would go make sure everyone including my husband would know we were fucking. When I burst her bubble by letting her know that she had no proof, I found out that not only had she been recording our phone sex conversations, but that she also had us on tape fucking. There was no way I could lose my family over my fuck up with that slimy hoe, so I paid her ass the ten grand that she requested and as promised she went away. Now here it is almost three years later and I find myself still thinking about her. I don’t even know why I’m wasting my time having her ass take up space in my head right now.

  Eddie calling my name brought me back to reality. I quickly finished folding the last shirt I had in my hand and went upstairs to see what my husband wanted.


  After I confronted Rashaad about the baby allegations and he denied them, things have been alright between us. I mean he still comes in all times of the night, but there has been nothing else that I’ve seen that says that he does in fact have a child on the way with another chick. As far as our sex life goes, it seems to also be back on the regular. With that being said, hopefully I’ll be pregnant soon!

  “Hmm good morning baby.” I greeted Rashaad as I rolled over in bed.

  “Morning.” He responded as he got up and went into the bathroom.

  I rolled my eyes because I would have preferred a kiss instead of that dry ass ‘good morning’ he gave me. Never the less, at least he was home in bed when I woke up. I continued to lay in the same spot reflecting on everything that was going on in my life. Things weren’t perfect between Rashaad and I but they were better than before. The beatings have stopped and his attitude isn’t so hateful towards me anymore. I don’t know how long this will last though, so right now I’ll just enjoy this peace while I can. Finally Rashaad came out the bathroom looking delicious as hell with his bare chest showing. Muscles and tattoos graced his solid frame.

  “You want some breakfast baby?” I asked as I got up to go handle my business in the bathroom as well.

  “Yeah, I’ll take some pancake and turkey sausage with some fruit.”

  “Ok, give me a minute to freshen up and I’ll head downstairs to fix it.”

  After I finished up in the bathroom, I came out and saw that Rashaad was no longer in our bedroom. A buzzing sound caught my attention and when I followed the noise I saw that it was his phone going off on the nightstand. Rashaad never left his phone just lying around, so I took this opportunity to grab that muthafucka and go through it. There were messages from a few people that I recognized like his homeboys and teammates. One message in particular caught my eye. It was between him and somebody with the initials BM. I know damn well this BM doesn’t stand for baby momma, I thought to myself. From the look of the conversation between the two of them, they were fucking around. I got sick to my stomach when I saw that the bitch had texted him saying that she couldn’t wait to taste him again. Then this asshole has a nerve to tell her he was still thinking about her pussy. I couldn’t believe the explicit messages these two were exchanging!

  I wanted nothing more than to take his phone and shove it clean down his fuckin throat, but I knew I couldn’t do that. I knew better. I still wanted peace in my house between us, so I put his phone back down where I found it and headed downstairs. I saw Rashaad in the living room with his feet up playing on his ps4. Without saying a word I went straight into the kitchen, took out my pans and food to prepare Rashaad his breakfast. Once I was finished cooking, Rashaad came into the kitchen and sat down to start eating.

  Quietly I sat down as well and started to pick with my food, because I no longer had an appetite. I knew I had to do something to distract me from mentioning the text messages in his phone.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why are you so quiet?” Rashaad asked with a mouth full of food.

  “Nothing. I’m just tired.” I lied.

  “I don’t see how, you were snoring yo’ ass off last night.” He laughed.

  I didn’t find shit funny. I wanted to take my fork and stab the nigga in his throat. Even though I tried, I just couldn’t continue to keep quiet about what I had just seen. The woman in me wouldn’t let me keep quiet.

  “Rashaad who is BM?” I asked looking him dead in his face so I can read his expression and prepare myself for the lie he was about to tell.

  “What?” he asked as if he didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about.

  “I asked you who BM was.” I repeated.

  “Why are you asking me that?”

  “I saw the messages in your phone. You left it upstairs and it kept going off, so I looked at it.” I explained.

  I know I was being bold as hell telling him that I went through his phone, but the fact still remained that it is rumored that he has a baby on the way out here and I still needed to know if it was true. Rashaad looked back down at his food as he continued to eat. I don’t know if he was trying to think of an excuse or just ignoring me. Next thing I knew I felt a slap so hard to the side of my face that I fell out the chair.

  “You dumb ass bitch!” He roared. “You getting bold to go through my shit and then try to fucking question me about it! Bitch you seem to forget that I pay every last bill in this muthafucka. So you don’t get to question shit I do!” he continued to yell as he stood over me.

  Not able to do anything else I laid there on the floor, crying and touching my face because it hurt so badly.

  I knew I should have just kept my damn mouth shut.

  “Rashaad, I’m sorry baby.” I cried. “I just wanted to know who kept calling you because your phone kept going off. I thought that it was important.” I tried to explain.

  “Then you come tell me! You don’t go through my shit! I swear Kema every time we get on good terms you always do some dumb shit to fuck it up! I’m out this bitch!” Rashaad screamed as he left out of the kitchen.

  I was still on the floor in a fetal position crying, when I heard the front door slam letting me know that he had left. Knowing this made me even cry harder. He was right; I should have just told him that his phone was going off instead of looking through it. I did all that shit for nothing. Now it seems like we’re back to square one and I still am no closer to knowing who BM is.


  I really didn’t wanna go there with Kema’s ass! I mean, shit was cool between us for a while, but when she asked who BM was and told me that she had gone through my phone I lost it. I don’t need Kema thinking that she can play detective by trying to find shit out on her own. I knew I had the opportunity to tell her the truth when she confronted me the other day about me having a baby out here, but I just didn’t want to. I refused to be forced to tell Kema about my situation. I’m a nigga that likes to be in control of things and that’s how I’m going to handle this.

  I had plans of chilling out at home today since its Sunday. Sunday is supposed to be a day of relaxation, but that ain’t happening, so I’m heading over to Katrina’s. My phone started to ring and when I glanced down at it, I see the familiar number from back home calling once again. Now was definitely not the time to talk to my aunt or uncle, so I ignore the call and let it roll over to the voicemail. Just like always, I get an alert letting me know that they have left a voicemail.

  I pulled up into my parking space and make my way to the door. After I let myself in I hear laughter coming from Katrina’s bedroom. I walked inside to find her on the phone running her mouth. As soon as she saw me, she hung up quickly.

  “Who was that you were laughing with on the phone?” I asked as I put my phone, wallet and keys on the night stand.

  “Oh, that was my momma. She was telling me somethings about what was going on back home in Michigan.” Katrina replied.

  I could only imagine what her trifling ass momma was gossiping about. You see, Katrina’s momma had a reputation back home for being messy as hell. She was always in somebody else’s business and stayed trying to live like the Jones’s. She was also known for a
round with other women’s men. Her and Kema’s mom were sisters, but believe me when I tell you they were like oil and water; just different.

  “So what brings you by this Sunday morning? I thought you’d be home with little Ms. Perfect” Katrina said sarcastically.

  I didn’t feel like getting into it with her right now. Honestly, all I wanted to do was keep a clear head and relax.

  “How’s my baby doing?” I asked rubbing her stomach while advoiding the question.

  “Good. I wasn’t as sick this morning so that’s a plus.”

  “That’s good, maybe you’re past the morning sickness stage”

  “I hope so. Anyway I’m glad you’re here because I text you earlier. I wanted you know that I couldn’t wait to taste you.” Katrina said as she grabbed my bulge through my shorts.

  “I knew you sent something, because Kema saw the messages and asked me about it.”

  “Huh? What do you mean saw them and asked you?” Katrina asked with her eyes wide.

  “I left my phone on the nightstand earlier while I went downstairs. Kema must have heard it going off and decided to check it. She saw the messages from BM which is what I have you listed under and questioned me about them.” I explained.

  “Going through your phone and questioning you? Hump, you slipping. I thought you had everything at home under control.” Katrina said laughing. “I see Kema getting bold.”

  “Don’t worry about how I handle things at home. You just need to worry about handling this right here.” I stated as I took my dick out and pushed her head down toward it.

  Once I felt the warmth of Katrina’s mouth, I closed my eyes and started to relax. Her head game was lethal and I knew I would bust a nut in no time. She was right though, because Kema was getting bold. I don’t know what possessed her ass to go through my shit in the first place, but I bet you she won’t try it no more.


  “I’m telling you this shit is way easier than I thought. The only downside is this pregnancy, which I can’t wait to be over with!” I said in disgust to my mom on the phone.

  I had called my mom and was filling her in on the latest of events that was going on with the baby situation. She and I were more like sisters then mother and daughter. I couldn’t stand her when I was a kid, but as I got older that changed. It was then that she started to school me on life and how I had the ability to get whatever it was that I wanted if I used what I had between my legs the right way. Growing up, it was always said around our small ass town that my mother was a hoe. I remember it use to hurt my feelings. It’s so embarrassing to hear those kinds of things about your momma. As time went on, I began to notice that we didn’t want for anything, and since my momma didn’t have a job nowhere in sight, I put two-and-two together and figured out why we didn’t struggle.

  It was when I got in high school that she started to tell me the way shit worked. What my momma told me made perfect sense, so I decided to put her words to work. Just like that I had nigga’s eating out of both my hands and my pussy, while throwing anything I wanted my way.

  “Girl I told you it would be! Yo’ momma knows what the hell she be talking about! Suck that pregnancy shit up. It’ll be over soon. You need to be careful and take good care of yourself while you pregnant though because this baby is our meal ticket. We will never have to worry about shit ever again.”

  “Us?” I asked with my face twisted up.

  “Yes us! Bitch you think you would be able to pull this shit off without me? Besides, this was my plan.” She reminded me.

  She was right, because she was the mastermind behind all of this. I just wish like hell she wasn’t.

  “Whatever ma.” I brushed her off. “Anyways, I had Tamika leak the pregnancy to the blogs and then she had her brother call Kema’s phone to let her know about it. Still after all that the bitch Kema still isn’t budging.” I explained.

  “She’s dumb as hell for a man, just like her momma Annie. Glad I was the sister born with some damn sense.” My mother scoffed. “You gone have to step yo’ game up and force that bitch out of there, because she ain’t gone leave on her own.”

  “How I’m supposed to do that? Rashaad keeps being in my ear telling me that he’ll handle it on his own time.”

  “Shit fuck him too! I swear your brain be more in yo’ ass than in yo head. That nigga just trying to buy more time while you just sitting there being the good lil side bitch. You need to put some fire under his balls and make his ass get it together!” She snapped blowing smoke into the receiver.

  I knew her ass was high, I thought as I laughed to myself.

  I instantly felt a presence that made me look up from the phone. As soon as I did I saw Rashaad standing in my bedroom doorway. Not sure of how much he heard, I quickly told my momma I had to go and hung up. I didn’t know why he was here this early, especially since on Sundays he would usually be at home. When he mentioned how Kema had gone through his phone and found the messages that I sent him it was music to my ears. I know that bitch was probably somewhere in a corner crying her weak ass eyes out after seeing that. Rashaad claimed he handled it, but at the moment I didn’t give a fuck about that. All I wanted was what I had texted him and that was to taste his juicy-fat dick and that’s exactly what I did.


  After Rashaad knocked my ass to the floor, I continued to lay lie there in a ball as I cried. I knew he would probably be gone for the rest of day, or hell, he might not come back tonight all together. Never the less, I felt like I was responsible for what had just happened. I should have just left well enough alone. Rashaad’s phone has rang plenty of times in my presence when he wasn’t around and I never had the desire to check it before. I knew things were changing with us, so my curiosity got the best of me which led me to get my ass slapped. I finally got up off the floor and cleaned the table off. Once I finished with the breakfast dishes, I retrieved the ice pack out of the freezer and went upstairs to my bathroom to see the damage that was done to my face. I already knew it was swollen and marked up. Since I bruise very easily.

  Once I saw my reflection in the mirror I started to cry uncontrollably. The woman I saw starring back at me was nothing more than a bruised and weak individual. I couldn’t phantom why I continued to put myself through this. I know Rashaad fucks around with other women and I accept it. Now my gut is telling me that he also could have fathered a child out here as well, but I still can’t let him go. I hate that I’m putting him before me and my health. It has crossed my mind lately that I needed to go to the doctor and get myself checked out for any diseases, because if he’s out here like that, who knows what I could have. I’ve never had any STD’s before, but I don’t know if Rashaad was out here using protection. Hell, he can’t be if he’s gotten some chick pregnant. I took my clothes off and decided to take a hot shower. Once I was finished, I got out and put on some sweats and a t-shirt. My plan was to lie in the bed crying. I hated that I loved this man more than life itself, hell I think I may love Rashaad more than I love myself!

  It’s then that a thought popped into my head. If he does have a baby out here would I stay? As much as it would hurt me, I still refused to let another bitch try to step in and take what I’ve worked so hard to have. I gave up everything to be with this man and I’ll be damn if anybody takes this from me, baby or not. I’m here to stay!


  I was glad when Kema called saying that she wanted to make good on her rain check and meet up for lunch today. It’ll be good to get out and catch up with her. I like Kema and really took to her which I rarely do with any of the other player’s girlfriends. Those hoes always had gold digger written right across their forehead. It was different when I met Kema though, she just seemed different. I could tell she was very genuine and loved the hell out of Rashaad’s dog ass. I mean don’t get me wrong I like Rashaad also, but he was no different than these young ass other dudes that come into the league and let the money and hoe’s get into their head. I just hate like hell
that Kema has to be the one to suffer behind his foolishness.

  “Hey honey!” I greeted Kema with a hug and a kiss on the cheek as I approached the table she was sitting at. We had decided to meet up at a little sushi spot we used to frequent downtown.

  “Hey yourself, you look very nice today.” She told me with a smile.

  It was a nice day out so I decided to wear some cut up stone wash jean shorts, with a light green cami top and light green Michael Kohrs sandals to match. I added a few gold accessories to match.

  “Thank you. You look nice as well, but why in the world do you still have on your sunglasses?” I asked as the waiter came carrying Saki, which I assumed Kema ordered for us prior to me getting here.

  “Oh girl I had a bad migraine this morning and I don’t want it to come back.” She explained.

  “We could have met up another time if you aren’t feeling well.” I told her with concern.

  “No I’ll be alright. Besides I needed some girl time. I hope you don’t mind, but I also invited my cousin to join us. She should be here any minute.”

  “Oh girl I don’t mind at all.” I told Kema with a wave of my hand.

  I’m usually not in the mood to meet new chicks, but since she was Kema’s peoples I figured she would be ok.


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