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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

Page 11

by Angie Hayes

  “I wanna see you” The message said.

  “Who is this?” I texted back. Although my gut was already telling me I knew exactly who it was.

  “You know who this is. Meet me at my place in an hour.”

  Immediately after that message, Katrina sent over her address. I knew I should have just shut her down soon as soon as she texted that she wanted to see me, but I didn’t. I sat there for a moment contemplating on what it was I should do. I did need to know what her real motive to moving to Atlanta was though, so I decided to go over there with the plan to talk and nothing more. I went upstairs and jumped into the shower.

  While I was showering, I decided to shave as well. Once I was finished with my shower, I lotion my body with cocoa butter, sprayed some of my Dolce and Gabbana blue perfume on and slipped into a loose fit maxi dress. I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail, put on a pair of my diamond studs, grabbed my things and headed out the door. On the drive over to Katrina’s place, my stomach was filled with butterflies. I don’t know why I was a ball of nerves when my intentions was to talk to the crazy heffa and be done with it.

  I pulled up into her community and parked. After I climbed out of my car I walked up to the door number that she texted me and knocked. Seconds later, I heard footsteps coming my way. Katrina opened the door with nothing but a t-shirt and booty shorts on with her ass hanging out. I walked straight in without speaking as Katrina closed the door.

  “Well hello to you to. You do know it’s rude to come up into someone else’s place without speaking.” Katrina said rolling her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, hey Katrina. Now what is it you wanted me to come over here for?” I asked her getting straight to the point.

  I took a seat on the couch.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Katrina offered as she went into the kitchen.

  “No, I’m good.” I responded dryly.

  Katrina came out the kitchen with what looked like a glass of lemonade. She took a seat across from me on the loveseat. When she tucked her feet up under herself, she exposed her juicy thighs. My pussy started to tingle, which caused me to shift in my seat.

  “I figured since we got off on a bad note, it would be the perfect time to invite you over to call a truce.” Katrina spoke.

  “We started off on a bad note because we left on one. The shit you did to me back then was fucked up.” I reminded her.

  Just thinking about her blackmailing me back then made me mad all over again.

  “Look, I apologize for that. I was at a bad place back then and was always looking for a quick come up?”

  “And you’re still not?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” She asked curiously.

  “Why are you really here in Atlanta Katrina?”

  “I’m here because my baby daddy is here.” She said rubbing her stomach.

  “Yeah I get that, but I know you and I know there is more to it then what you’re telling. I remember very clear how you use to talk about this one stuck up cousin you had that you just couldn’t stand that lived out here. What a coincidence to find out that cousin is Kema.”

  “My you sure do remember the times we had don’t you.” Katrina laughed as she took a sip from her glass.

  “Yes I do. Too bad it’s not all good.” I spoke. “Now Kema is my girl and I don’t want anyone hurting her.” I looked her straight in her face as to let her know that I wasn’t up for her shit.

  “Please, Kema is a big girl. She can take care of herself. Besides, the only one that’s hurting her is the nigga she lays next too.” Katrina smirked.

  Something about the way she said that didn’t sit well with me. I knew deep down Katrina was up to something.

  “So tell me Pam, how are things at home with you, hubby and the kids?” Katrina asked.

  I cringed as soon as she asked me about my family. I didn’t want this bitch to know anything about my family, especially since she threatened to take them away from me before with exposing what we had.

  “Things are great.” I said keeping it short.

  “That’s good.” She nodded. “Listen, after our little kiss at Kema’s house the other day, it had me thinking about how much fun we use to have. So I was thinking that maybe we could start up having fun again with no strings attached.” Katrina said nonchalantly.

  I couldn’t believe what she had just asked me! A part of me was thinking that this bitch was beyond delusional. I wanted to get up and walk out. Sadly the other part of me had my pussy getting wet just thinking about what her tongue could do it.

  “Katrina you can’t be serious! First off, you’re a bitch who can’t be trusted. Second, I’m still married, and third you are pregnant so I’m sure yo baby daddy wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  Katrina started laughing as she set her glass down on the coffee table in front of her.

  “Now I can be a bitch, so you ain’t never lied about that. As far as trust, it depends on who I think deserves my loyalty. Your husband is your problem as he has always been, and as far as my baby daddy he has some issues he’s handling on his end right now. So like I said, what’s up with us rekindling what we had and have fun from time to time.”

  Before I got a chance to respond, Katrina got up and walked up over to where I was sitting. She leaned down and started to lick on my neck. I felt like I was in a trance from her touch. She then ran her hands over my thighs and started to rub on my pussy.

  “Seems like somebody has missed me.” She whispered in my ear as she stuck her tongue in it.

  “Katrina you need to stop. I didn’t come over her for this.” I said in between breaths as I tried to push her hands away from my hot box. My efforts were weak.

  “You may not have come over here for this, but I want it.” Katrina demanded as she grabbed my legs and roughly dragged me to the edge of the chair.

  She swiftly lifted up my dress and ripped my panties off. The touch of her running her tongue across my pussy lips me to moan out loud. I was being taken back to the place and feeling that I once loved to be, and that’s the touch of a woman.

  “Hmm, you taste just like how I remembered.” Katrina purred as she continued to give me some amazing head.

  Without warning the freak in me opened up, and I lifted up and started to tongue kiss her. I moaned when I tasted my own juices. We were kissing lost in one another’s touch. Soon we began to undress each other as she guided us into her bedroom. Once there I pushed her down on the bed and lifted her legs onto my shoulders. After I took the first lick of her sweetness, I was reminded why I loved fucking with her back then.

  Katrina and I fucked and sucked on one another for the next hour. We alternated from grinding our pussies together, to fucking each other with toys. After we both climaxed so many times, we fell asleep in each other’s arms. I was awakened by my phone ringing. I glanced at it to saw that it was Eddie who had called me. I jumped up and went into the bathroom to call him back.

  “Hey babe what’s up?” I asked when he answered the phone.

  “I just got in and saw that you weren’t home. I wanted to know where you were that’s all.” Eddie spoke.

  “Oh, I decided that since you and the kids were out that I would do a little shopping and head to the spa.” I told him lying my ass off.

  “Oh ok, well I’ll see you when you get home baby, I love you.” Eddie crooned into the phone.

  “I love you too baby, and I’ll see you in a bit.” I responded back right before we disconnected the call.

  Instantly I felt like shit. I deceived our vows once again with the same woman that almost cost me my marriage before. I walked out of the bathroom to find Katrina still knocked out. I tiptoed over to the bed and started to put my clothes on. As I bent down to put my shoes on I came across a picture on her night stand. My heart dropped when I saw a photo of her and Rashaad, Kema’s Rashaad and Katrina hugged up! Katrina stared stirring in her sleep as if she was about to wake up, so I quickly put on my
other shoe, grabbed my things and hauled ass out the door.

  In my car I was driving as fast as I could to get home without getting a ticket. I had to get as far away from Katrina as I could!

  It all makes sense now. Her baby daddy and reasoning for coming here was to be with Rashaad!


  I woke up to an empty bed and sun shining in my face. I pulled the covers from over my body and noticed that my dick was hanging from my briefs. I climbed out of the bed and went into the bathroom to take a piss. Once I finished I noticed that I still had Katrina’s juices dried up on my dick. I cut the shower on and immediately jumped in.

  As the hot water rained down on me, my thoughts were all over the place. I have dug myself in a bigger hole then before. Katrina was definitely on some whole other shit, and now she called herself giving me an ultimatum with a timeline! I knew there was no way in hell Kema was going to stay with me now after she finds out that not only that I lied to her about this whole baby situation, but that I have been fucking with her cousin just as long as we been together.

  I cut the water off and climbed out of the shower. When I finished handling the rest of my hygiene, I left out the bathroom. Once back in my bedroom, I checked my phone to see if I had any missed calls or messages. I had a few from my agent reminding me of some upcoming things, but nothing from Katrina which I was glad.

  I headed downstairs to find Kema sitting at the island on her laptop.

  “Morning baby what you doing?” I greeted her as I gave her a kiss on her cheek.

  “I’m just paying some bills online.”

  “Cool, you plan on cooking breakfast?”

  “Do you know what day it is Rashaad?” She asked skipping over my question.

  “It’s Saturday.”

  “Right, and since you always claim to know my body better than I do, you’ll notice that I’m scheduled to get my period today, which I did.” Kema answered never looking away from her laptop.

  “Is that right?” I said as I looked in the refrigerator for something quick to eat.

  “Yeah that’s right. So what now, are you gonna beat my ass or slap me down to the floor? You know this routine for us every month when Mother Nature pays me a visit.”

  I could tell she was being sarcastic, but also truthful. Normally I would be so pissed that once again she wasn’t baring my child, but right now I had so much shit to worry about that I wasn’t even trying to go there with Kema right now.

  “Kema I don’t have time for this shit. You got your period, big fucking deal!” I shouted slamming the refrigerator door.

  “Oh it’s a big deal now because you already have a bastard child out there! Kema screamed now staring my way as if she was challenging me.

  I was trying my hardest not top knock her damn teeth down her fucking throat, but she was pushing it.

  “Here we go with this shit again. I thought we were passed this shit Kema. You said that we were moving forward together, what about that?”

  “How can we move forward when yo’ ass is still fucking other bitches our here Rashaad?”

  “Man, I ain’t fucking nobody else but you!”

  “Well if that’s the case, why when I went to suck yo’ dick last night, after you denied me sex by the way, I tasted another nasty bitches juices all over it?”

  Kema stood there in front of me waiting for an answer. I knew I had to think of something fast because I standing there caught like a deer in headlights. I remember when I woke up this morning I noticed that I didn’t wash myself off from being with Katrina the night before.


  “Look baby I fucked up again and I’m sorry.” Was all I could muster up and say.

  “You’re sorry Rashaad? I can’t believe I keep letting you do this shit to me.” Kema said shaking her head. She immediately turned her attention back toward her laptop.

  “I told you I fucked up. I got a lot of shit going on right Kema and my head ain’t on right. I need you to understand that.”

  “So you want me to understand that not only do you have a baby on the way, but that you’re also gonna still be fucking other women? Then to add insult to injury, you deny me sex when I want it and don’t even have the decency to wash yo nasty ass dick off after you been with them!” Kema said laughing menacing.

  My blood started to boil and I felt myself getting closer and closer to choking the shit out of her ass. Right now I didn’t need for a bitch to not only be all up in my ear but to be laughing at shit like they think it’s funny.

  “I apologized. Now whether you forgive me is up to you. I tried to be open and not keep you in the dark about what’s going on. You said you was riding with me so why the fuck am I getting all this lip from you now?” I asked as I got up in her face.

  I could see the fear in her eyes as she jumped when I approached her. That’s exactly how I liked this shit, in order.

  “So what’s it gone be, you still riding with a nigga? Are you going to be my wife or are you heading out the fucking door? The choice is yours.”

  Kema was quiet for a while with her eyes full of tears that threatened to fall. I knew I was intimating her, but I needed her to fear me too much to leave.

  “I meant what I said Rashaad when I said that I wasn’t leaving your side, but I need you to leave these bitches out here alone.” She said with a shaky voice.

  “Didn’t you tell me earlier that you were online paying bills?” I questioned.

  “Yeah.” She answered looking at me confused.

  “With my money right?”

  She sighed loudly before replying”Yeah,” again.

  “Then that’s all you need to concern yourself about.” I told her as I began to make myself a smoothie.

  Once I was done with my smoothie I decided to head downstairs to my gym for a quick workout.

  “Hopefully when I come back upstairs, I’ll have some real breakfast cooking. Maybe then if your attitude is better we can spend the day together.” I told her as I headed downstairs.

  I knew how I had to play this. I needed to keep Kema feeling like that she was my one and only and that no other bitch could take her place, because that was the only way I knew that she would stay with me once she found out about Katrina.


  It’s been two weeks since Katrina and I fooled around. It’s been the same amount of time since I learned of her and Rashaad. My mind is so fucked up right now that I don’t know what to do! I feel like a damn fool getting myself sucked back into Katrina’s lies. I can’t front though, my body was still craving her. I haven’t even had sex with Eddie since the day me and her fucked.

  I was in this situation way worse than before. I couldn’t believe that Katrina was the chick that not only Rashaad has been fucking around with, but she was also pregnant by him! How could she do this to Kema, her own cousin! I quickly reminded myself of the woman she was and that was a trifling ass bitch with some good pussy!

  “Hey mommy!” My daughter Jewel said to me as she ran through the door with her brother and father behind her. She rushed over to me and gave me a hug.

  “Hey pumpkin, how was your day with daddy?” I asked as I gave her a kiss.

  “It was good. Daddy brought me five Barbie dolls.” She said excitedly as she began to show me the Toys R Us bag in her hand.

  I swear Eddie had these kids beyond spoiled, our daughter in particular.

  “Oh he did? What’s up EJ?” I greeted my son who was glued to that damn iPhone.

  “Hey ma,” He said giving me a kiss on the cheek never taking his eyes off the scream.

  “Hey momma.” Eddie said as he kissed me on the lips and slapped my ass. “What you been up to since me and the kids been gone?” He asked reaching into the refrigerator to grabbing a Gatorade.

  “I got some house cleaning done and afterwards I relaxed. Baby, has Rashaad mentioned anything going on with him and Kema to you?” I asked changing the subject.

  “Going on like what?”

p; “Well, Kema mentioned that she had heard rumors that Rashaad had a baby on the way, and at first he denied it. Then he finally admitted it.” I explained.

  “Come on baby, you know I don’t get in other peoples shit just like I don’t want them getting in mines. That man grown so whatever he do is on him.”

  “I know that but they are our friends. I also hate to see Kema hurt.”

  “She still with him after finding this out so obviously she good Pam. Stay out of it.” Eddie called himself warning me.

  “Whatever, all I’m saying is just talk to ya boy please.”

  “And all I’m saying is I’m not getting in that.” He retorted. “I’m about to step out for a while. I’m headed to Lamar’s crib for a few. He wants me to look at some shit he just copped.” Eddie told me as he prepared to leave.

  “Alright but please be home in time for dinner.”

  “I will. I love you.” Eddie kissed me and left.

  I knew asking him about Rashaad was a dead end. Even though Eddie never involved himself in other people’s business, I thought I’d try anyway. I needed to find out exactly how deep Katrina and Rashaad really were and the only person that could give me the answers I was looking for was Katrina herself.


  Pam thought she was gonna get some info out of me about Rashaad, but she know I don’t be in other peoples shit, so I don’t even know why she wasted her breath asking. I thought to myself as I headed to my next destination. It was going on three weeks since I’ve been over here, so I knew I was about to hear it as soon as I walked through the door. Thirty minutes later I pulled up in the driveway. I went into my trunk and got the other Toys R Us bags out and headed inside.

  “Daddy!” My twin daughters, Raven and Rai yelled as they both ran and jumped into my arms.

  That’s right I said daughters! I know I told Pam that I was hanging at my boy Lamar’s house for a minute before I left home, but I wasn’t. I came to see my other family. I have twin six year old daughters by a woman named Yolanda that I’ve been with for seven years. If you do the math, Yolanda has been in the picture throughout my marriage. My girls with her are around the same age as my oldest daughter Jewel that I have with my wife.


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