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Yo' Boo Been Creepin' With Me

Page 13

by Angie Hayes

  “Well I see everybody wants to visit Katrina this evening.” I heard her say.

  “Who is everybody?” I heard the other voice say. Suddenly my heart was beating fast as fuck when the voice sounded familiar.

  Just as I looked up I locked eyes with Eddie’s wife, Pam!


  Right now I didn’t know whether I was coming or going! It seemed like every time Rashaad fucked up, he came back harder and sweeter to try and make things right. That shit sucked me right back in only to later question why I was such a damn fool? It’s like we went from one routine to another. I really wish I was talking to my parents, especially my momma because I knew that they would be my strength and outlet out of this nightmare. Since I don’t, I made a promise to Rashaad about sticking by his side no matter what. This was my bed and I had to sleep in it. I would be lying if I said that this whole baby situation wasn’t bothering me, because it is. Matter of fact its eating me up inside! When I got my period this month, I sat there and cried like I had lost a child or a loved one. Only this time, I wasn’t crying out of fear of what Rashaad would do to me once he found out like in the past.

  No, this time I was crying out because it was finally sinking in that another woman was giving him something I just couldn’t. I quickly sucked that shit up though. She may be having his child—if it is in fact his—but I’m still going to be his wife! Just the thought of us actually finally getting married gave me some type of hope that we’re gonna make it.

  I decided today that I was gonna give this fertility specialist one last shot. I wasn’t telling Rashaad, because if it didn’t work again I didn’t want to disappoint him even more. I needed to try and do everything I could to make my family complete, so whoever the bitch was who is having his baby would understand that this is his home. I grabbed my laptop to log on to their website and schedule an appointment. After I finished, I closed down my laptop and said a silent prayer asking God to please let it work this time.

  Feeling hopeful, I went into the kitchen to get dinner prepped when my phone rang. I looked to see that it was an unknown caller. My gut was telling me that this was the same coward ass bitch who called my phone the first time. Curiosity got the best of me, so I answered the phone.

  “What!” I yelled into the phone with much attitude.

  “I see yo’ dumb ass decided to play step-momma after all.” The caller said laughing into the phone.

  This time it was a female’s voice. Instantly I knew it had to be the bitch Rashaad had gotten pregnant. I wasn’t gone give her the satisfaction of thinking she was just gone call my fucking phone and get the best of me, so I decided to entertain the hoe.

  “I sure am bitch, and I’m pretty sure your so called baby will love calling me momma.” I said laughing back at her ass.

  “That’s a cute lil comeback, especially coming from a naïve little bitch like you. But sweetie save ya lil jokes for the real baby momma, cause I’m not her!” the caller said laughing again.

  Now I was heated! I didn’t know if this was really her or someone else playing games, either way this hoe had to get off my phone!

  “Look bitch, I don’t give a fuck who you are! Stop calling my damn phone with the foolishness. Coward ass bitches can’t even be woman enough to show her number!” With that I hung up the phone.

  I was so pissed from the call, that as soon I hung up I called Rashaad. His phone rang a couple of times and went to the voicemail. Deciding not to leave a message, I hung up and called right back.

  “Hello?” a female voice said on the other end.

  I took the phone from my ear to look at the number and make sure I dialed the right person because I knew that some bitch didn’t just answer my man’s phone!

  “Um, who is this?” I asked putting the phone back to my ear.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know” the caller said sounding somewhat familiar “but don’t worry you will know who I am very soon bitch.” The chick said and hung up.

  I tried calling his phone back for the next thirty minutes, but it kept going straight to the voicemail. This was all really beginning to be too much! How did I go from the woman who was there with Rashaad since the beginning of time to the woman who actually feels like she is the side chick who’s left in the dark?


  I decided to come by Katrina’s and talk to her about what was going on. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Rashaad’s sorry ass sitting on her couch! He looked like he had just saw a ghost, and I know I was looking like I wanted to choke the shit out of him!

  “Pam what you doing here?” He had the nerve to ask me stuttering.

  “Well I should be asking you that considering that Katrina and Kema are cousins, and I see you over here without Kema.” I shot back.

  If I ever needed confirmation about these two, this was definitely it!

  “Ay yo’ I gotta go. Pam, tell Eddie I’ll holla at him later.” Rashaad said as he rushed passed me and out the door.

  “Really Katrina? Yo’ own cousin?” I turned around and asked her.

  “Girl please with the dramatics ok! I’ve been with Rashaad longer than Kema. As matter of fact I met him first.” She told me calmly as she went to sit down on the couch where Rashaad had just got up from.

  “So fucking what. He’s with her!”


  Before I could say anything else, a phone started to ring. Katrina looked around and a saw that the ringing was coming from the corner of the couch.

  “Well look at this. My day just keeps getting better!” Katrina said as she answered the phone.

  I don’t know who the caller was or what they asked, but by Katrina’s response, my gut feeling told me it was Kema. She hung up the phone laughing.

  “Katrina please tell me that wasn’t Kema.”

  “It seems like Rashaad’s phone must have fell out of his pocket and into the couch. Unless he has someone else name wifey in his phone, then yup that was her!”

  I just sat there for a minute with my mouth opened in shock! I couldn’t believe the shit that was transpiring right before me and here I was caught dead in the middle. First I find Rashaad here and then Katrina answer’s his phone when Kema called.

  “So what brought you by today Pam? You wanted some more of this good-good because I don’t mind giving it to you right now?” Katrina said breaking me out of my trance.

  She was now laid on the couch with her hand rubbing on her pussy. I felt like a cat in heat just watching her for that quick second. I quickly reminded myself the real reason for this visit.

  “I didn’t come over here for that Katrina. I came over here to ask you about what was going on with you and Rashaad because the last time I was over here I saw a picture of you two on your nightstand, but I guess I don’t even have to ask now.”

  “Well I just told you I’ve been with him longer than Kema, you saw the picture of us two, then you just saw him over here and it’s no secret that I’m pregnant. Oh and remember, I moved out here to be with my baby daddy so it doesn’t take a rocket scientists to put all these pieces together now does it?”

  “You right it doesn’t, but this shit is foul Katrina! How could you and Rashaad do this to Kema?” I asked disgusted by the entire situation. ”Then you go to her house and sit with her as if things are all good!”

  “I sure do and before you waste another breath to ask, no I don’t feel sorry about shit. Why do you give a fuck anyway, it’s not like you’re going to say anything to her.” Katrina replied chuckling.

  I didn’t find the shit funny. As a matter of fact, pregnant or not I was tempted to beat this bitches ass on the strength of Kema.

  “What’s make you think that I won’t say anything?” I questioned with my eye brows raised.

  “Because if you do, then you’ll open up a can of worms that will have yo’ shit spilling out as well.” Katrina said looking me dead in my face as if she was challenging me.

  This bitch was ruthless, but she was also rig
ht. I had a lot to lose if my shit ever got out and I wasn’t about to risk that. I mean Kema was my girl and all and I really did feel bad about the shit that was being done to her, but when it all came down to it my family came first. I just sat there on the couch and put my head in my hands. This shit was beyond crazy!

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Oh shit, I forgot my sister was coming over just that fast.” Katrina said as she got up to answer the door.

  “Sister?” I said out loud in confusion as I lifted my head to see what she was talking about.

  Katrina walked in with this beautiful woman, and I could tell that they were related because they had some of the same features, but very different complexions.

  “Pam this is my sister Yolanda, Yolanda this is my girl Pam.”


  I was sitting home by myself consumed in my thoughts of my situation with Yolanda when my doorbell rang. I answered it to find a paranoid Rashaad at my door.

  “Man what’s up, you good?” I asked him as I let him in.

  “Man Pam busted my ass!” He blurted out.

  “Pam? My Pam?”

  “Yeah, yo’ Pam!”

  “What you mean she busted you?” I asked as I went and grabbed us two Heinekens out the fridge.

  “Man I was over to Katrina’s crib trying to talk some sense into her ass about trying to give me an ultimatum and in walks Pam!” He explained.

  “What the hell was Pam doing over there, and how does she even know Katrina?” I was confused as all get out with this shit!

  “Man that’s what I’m trying to figure out! I quickly got the hell out of dodge though! I’m so fucked now because I just know Pam gone tell Kema!” Rashaad said as he shook his head and drunk a big gulp from his beer.

  “I don’t know man. You know how tight Pam and Kema are. I never knew that Pam knew Katrina though.”

  “Yeah man. The only thing I can think of is when Kema introduced them and I guess they been cool ever since.” Rashaad explained. ‘

  We sat there and talked for a while longer, trying to dissect how much of a fucked up situation he had really gotten himself into.

  “Aye man, thanks for listening to a nigga. I gotta bounce and head home and see if Pam blew my cover. Plus I need to get some sleep and get up early to go with Katrina to her doctor’s appointment in the morning, I’ll holla at ya boy.” Rashaad dapped me out and left.


  I ain’t gone lie, a nigga was sweating bullets on my way home. I felt like I was about to take my last walk on the green mile. I just knew Pam had already called up Kema and told her everything. I reached for my phone to see if I had any missed calls or texts from her and noticed that it wasn’t in my pocket. I pulled my car over and looked under my seats to see if it fell in between them, but it wasn’t there either.

  Then suddenly it hit me and I realized that I must have dropped it in the couch at Katrina’s place. Fuck! There was no way in hell I could go back over there right now and risk running into Pam again, I thought. Fuck it, what’s done is done. I needed to get my phone before Kema calls me and Katrina finds out its even there.

  I turned around and sped back to Katrina’s place in hopes that I wouldn’t get a speeding ticket. As soon I pulled up, I raced to her door and banged on it.

  “Why are you banging on my shit like the police?” Katrina yelled as she snatched the door open.

  “Yo’ I need you to look in your couch and see if I drooped my phone in there.” I asked her still standing outside the door.

  “Why can’t you come in and do it?” She inquired.

  “Come on Katrina you know why, now please just go look for me.”

  “Fine.” She said and slammed the door in my face.

  Seconds later she came back with my phone in her hands.

  “Don’t forget about tomorrow.” She reminded me with an attitude as she handed it to me.

  “I won’t.” I promised as I snatched my phone out of her hand and left.

  I looked at my call log on my way to my car and sure enough I had twenty missed calls from Kema. Upon further inspection I saw that one of them had been answered. Once I saw that I knew shit was about to hit the fan!


  “Sorry about that y’all but that was my baby daddy at the door acting like an asshole. So what were you saying Yolanda?” I asked as I went back into the living room and sat down.

  Yolanda was telling us about how she’s tired of her daughter’s father hiding them. I knew my sister had twin girls, but when I asked her about their daddy she told me that he was back in Puerto Rico and not in the picture. Tonight though, she finally revealed the truth.

  “So let me get this straight. You’ve been with this man for seven years and the whole time he’s been married?” Pam asked.

  She was caught up in her story just as much as I was.

  “Yes” Yolanda said shaking her head up and down.

  “And then you get pregnant, have his babies and still stayed quiet in the background?” Pam continued with her questions.

  “Yup.” Yolanda admitted.

  “But why? Why put up with it for so long and let him get away with it? Then now you want things to change?” Pam asked.

  I just sat there waiting for Yolanda to answer as well.

  “At first I didn’t expect to fall in love with him. I wanted to have fun you know? But things went left and feelings started getting involved. It wasn’t until he told me that he loved me first that I realized I really loved him back. Then I got pregnant with my babies and he begged me not to get an abortion and that he would be here for us. The problem now is, that time is moving on and my girls are getting big. I want more for them. They have other siblings and I want them to get to know each other.” Yolanda explained with tears in her eyes.

  “But you also want him to leave his wife for you too right?” I asked her.

  This was my sister and all, but if she said yeah I was about to let her ass know that she was a damn fool like the rest of these sideline chicks with tunnel vision.

  “Yes, I love him and deserve him!” She blurted out.

  “And his wife doesn’t? I’m sorry to say boo but the husbands never leave home.” Pam told her shaking her head.

  “Correction, they sometimes do leave home. It just has to be the right bitch to push his ass out the door.” I corrected looking at Pam and smirking.

  I knew where she was going with that last statement, but she knew more than anyone else that whatever I wanted I got it!


  My alarm went off yanking me up out of my slumber. I shut it off and looked over to see Kema stirring in her sleep. Last night was hell when I got home. She immediately went off on me about some bitch answering my phone and then how another person called her again from an unknown number taunting her about me getting somebody else pregnant. Honestly, I was too drained mentally to sit there and try to explain the shit, so I just let her go in. Finally after all her crying and arguing, she came upstairs and slammed the door. I waited for about another hour and finally went upstairs to take a shower and get some sleep. I was glad she was already asleep when I came into the room.

  I rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom to handle my business so I could head over to Katrina’s for her doctor’s appointment. When I came out the bathroom, Kema was out of bed. She rushed right passed me to get into the bathroom without even muttering a single word. I knew she was still pissed, but I decided to just finish getting dress and hurry out the door before she started up again. Within ten minutes, I was dressed and headed out the door. On the way over to Katrina’s I started to get pissed with her ass all over again! I still couldn’t believe that she answered my fucking phone! This shit was getting out of hand more and more by the minute. When I pulled up to her place, I didn’t even bother getting out, I just sent her a text saying that I was downstairs and to come out. Minutes later she came outside and climbed into the car. We rode in silence, because appare
ntly both of us had some deep shit on our minds.

  Me personally, I didn’t have shit to say to her ass nor did I even want to get into it as to why she answered my phone yesterday. Katrina made it clear that she didn’t give a fuck about shit else but her and the baby and she’s proving that more and more each day.


  I could tell that Rashaad must have still had an attitude from yesterday when he picked me up for my doctor’s appointment this morning. His ass didn’t even come inside, only sent me a funky ass text telling me that he was downstairs. As soon I got in the car, he pulled off without saying a single word to me. The drive was quiet which was fine by me. I was still tired and sleepy as hell anyway. Pam and Yolanda didn’t end up leaving my place until around one-thirty in the morning. They both seemed to have this debate going on last night between them about Yolanda’s situation with her married baby daddy. I personally couldn’t understand why Pam’s ass was so concerned. Hell it’s not like it was Pam’s husband she was messing with so why was she so mad about it?

  As soon as l closed my eyes to catch a quick nap, the car stopped. I looked to see we were already at the office. Rashaad and I both got out the car and walked inside still not saying shit to one another. I went up to the window and signed myself in before taking a seat. Rashaad had already sat down. He picked up a magazine from a nearby table and started to read it.

  “Ms. Blake?” the nurse called from behind the window.

  “Yes.” I said standing up and walking over towards her.

  “The doctor is running behind this morning so your scheduled appointment is going to be a little late. I’m sorry for inconvenience.” The nurse informed me.

  I thanked her and went back to have a seat. I picked up a magazine of my own to read to try to kill some time. Thirty minutes had passed and I still hadn’t been called yet.

  “With all this waiting, I have to use the bathroom.” I said as I stood up.


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