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The Vampire, The Witch and the Werewolf: The Wolfe Pack

Page 7

by Louisa Bacio

  “Here, I packed you a few things.” Lily handed him a small wooden box. He went to open the lid, and she shooed his hand away. “If you need it, it’ll be there. Otherwise, keep it shut.”

  “What? Do you know something about this trip, or Silver, that you’re not telling me?”

  As a born witch, Lily sometimes had tendencies to foretell the future, or to pick up on what others were thinking.

  “Because if you can direct me to my wayward girlfriend,” Nick continued, “without me trekking halfway around the world and through countless forests, I’d appreciate it. I’d also rather not piss off too many wolf packs along the way.”

  She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Sorry, I’ve tried. It’s just a vague feeling of uneasiness. And it’s always better to be prepared…” She left the rest of the sentence unsaid, but his mind finished it.

  The sealed box added to his collection of belongings, Nick gave a final glance at the family setting of the kitchen—Lily, Trev and their son—and a feeling of rightness came over him. Time to leave.

  * * * *

  Hot, sweaty, hungry, and suffering from mosquito bites, Nick questioned why he set off to find Silver in the first place. Who knew the insect bloodsuckers went for bloodsuckers? The damn things had something in common. How he wished he shared some of Trevor’s characteristics. After living mostly on the street for a few years, and from his werewolf nature, Trevor knew how to live off the land.

  Plus, Nick’s balls ached.

  The jeans chafed against his inner thighs, rubbing them raw. He contemplated if sweat or blood wet the inside of his pants. He was afraid to find out. With his vampire senses on high alert, he’d been traveling by night, and finding the odd hidey spot during the day to sleep.

  What the hell had he been trying to prove, walking the entire way? Silver had taken his truck, but could have easily rented another vehicle. Part of him thought about the two of them riding back home together, and another part of him, deep within his subconscious, thought he was doing some type of penance. For what? To whom? It didn’t make sense. The trek gave him plenty of time to think and rethink his decision to come on this rescue mission.

  Silver was a grown woman. A werewolf, even. If she didn’t want to come back home, there probably was a good reason for it, right? Mentally, he couldn’t really go there. She could be in some sort of danger, or lost, or who knew, maybe held against her will. They’d already come across some wacky situations during their time together.

  Traveling only at night sucked the big one. In the city, at least Nick could blend in with the rest of the tourists easily enough. Out here, in the country, on the deserted roads, it was all him and his thoughts, trapped together. Too bad he’d rather not reflect upon such issues.

  As Nick walked alone through the woods, guided by the moon and his own acute sight in the darkness, he possessed plenty of time to weigh the outcome of his decision. Something told him that when he found Silver it wasn’t going to be the happy homecoming he fantasized about when he set off on his journey.

  Life could never be that easy.

  Something might be keeping Silver from returning home. Or, another possibility: she didn’t want to come back.

  More than once, he’d debated heading back to New Orleans. Exertion settled in his bones. Since he’d been turned into a vampire, he had more strength and stamina than a human, but it wasn’t unlimited. Plus, he hadn’t been getting enough regular substance since he’d set out. He needed to be careful. The last thing he wanted on his conscious was a trail of drained and dead bodies. But the longer time passed, the more he craved blood—rich, enriching blood.

  Nick surveyed the path ahead. He knew Silver had passed through this way. It was like something within her blood called to him. Maybe it was the blood exchange he’d done a few times, but he could hone in on her like a GPS tracking device. Maybe the love they shared added another dimension. Or maybe it was simply his vampire senses tapping into her energy. In any circumstance, charged vibrations filled the air. He felt a bit like a search-and-rescue dog tracking a lead. Except here, Silver would be his savior. Hadn’t he turned down such an offer in the past?

  Part of him feared he wasn’t headed in the right direction, that he was taking his bond with Silver too seriously. But no, something within her called to him and in the hollow of his chest, he sensed her nearby. He listened to his body, ignoring those naysaying doubts.

  Chapter Eight

  The aroma of freshly cooked spices, sage, and thyme reached Silver’s senses, and she breathed in deeply. “Wow that smells amazing,” she said.

  “The venison has been marinating for four days,” Jana explained, “and now it’s been smoking for almost the entire day. A lot of time to have all those spices seep into the meat.”

  Silver’s father approached them. He looked exceptionally regal in a long royal blue cape with a silver underlay. The silky material flowed out behind him when he walked, and one couldn’t help stare at him.

  “My daughter, I can’t believe I’m going to have one of my children here for this ceremony. It’s going to be a first.”

  He patted her on the back, as if he wanted that physical connection but wasn’t quite sure how to broach the divide between them yet.

  “Jana’s been telling me all about it, and I can’t wait for it to get started,” Silver said.

  “Don’t listen to everything this young woman says. Her heart might be in the right place, but I’m sure she’s more focused on the romantic elements of the ceremonies.”

  Under his stare, Jana blushed brightly. Nathaniel let out a great big guffaw, expanding his already big chest even bigger.

  “Ah, how did I know?” he said. “I’ll tell you how. I once was a young stud myself.”

  Now it was Silver’s turn to flush to shades of embarrassment. Seriously, did she want to imagine her father as a young stud?

  “You should have seen me back when I met your mother.”

  Oh no, he didn’t go there, did he? She was torn between putting her hands over her ears and hearing any little tidbit he might have about her mother.

  “I’ll never forget our first date, or the first time she told me she loved me …”

  “Nathaniel, it’s probably for the best if you don’t distract the girls from their chores with your old war stories,” Sheba interrupted, “especially with, you know, Jana’s clumsy history. It really would be nice to have things go off without any problems this year. Oh hello, dear.”

  Like a switch being flipped, Sheba went from being super-bitch to sweet and helpful. She had to have known both Jana and Silver were standing right there, yet she still had to badmouth Jana just long enough to make the other woman slink back into her shell, and to do that bizarre Jekyll/Hyde on Silver. The least amount of attention that Silver attracted from Sheba, the better, and she figured that was probably the case with her friend, too.

  “Sheba.” Jana nodded her head. “Aren’t you looking quite colorful this evening?”

  The woman wore what was probably considered traditional clothing for the ceremonies, but the lumps of brown and orange did nothing for her complexion or the texture of her skin. Downright scaly.

  “If I want to celebrate and talk with my daughter, I will, Sheba,” Nathaniel said. “Now, go finish up some of the preparations, and I’ll worry about my own actions.”

  As soon as the nasty stepmother was out of earshot, Nathaniel tried to explain her away. “She means well, you know. She’s always gotten a little high maintenance around events such as this one. You know, because she wants it to be so perfect.”

  “Aha, I get it. Perfect,” Silver said. “I can also see how there can be a lot of pressure in the position of your wife.”

  “I’m glad you understand,” he said. “I would like you two to get along. Now, she’s probably right. I should get going and finish a few items

  “And here I thought she was just being a bitch,” Jana said to his back.

  “Shhh,” Silver said. “He’ll hear you.”

  “Sometimes I think that would be for the best. He can’t possibly be so blind that he doesn’t know how she truly acts, can he?”

  “Maybe he’s right, and she’s just ‘misunderstood.’”

  Jana stared at her, as if Silver had sprouted fangs and was going for her neck for a bloody kiss. “Now, I know you are totally kidding there. She’s always hated me, and there’s no way she would ever allow someone like me to mate with her son.”

  Jana’s insistence about being a non-shifter and therefore infertile really made Silver wonder. She knew male werewolves started the transformation process as teenagers/young adults. Women, though, only shifted after their “sexual awakening.” That slight bit of information was never told to Silver, so after the first time she had sex with Nick: Watch out! She began changing into a wolf, and totally didn’t know what to expect. Not that the situation was her brother Trevor’s fault either. He’d just met her and Nick and he definitely had no idea that they were going to do the dirty. But what if with Sheba being as mean and evil as she was, she kept that information to herself, and she only made everyone think Jana was infertile?

  All Jana would have to do would be to get busy between their sheets with someone—preferably Dominick, since she already had a crush on him. That made it super convenient. Then, she’d shift and bye-bye reservations against Jana.

  A trumpet sounded, indicating the feast was about to get underway. Silver and Jana took their respective spots around the circle. As the daughter of the leader, Silver sat to his immediate left. On Nathaniel’s right were Sheba, Dominick, and Pearl. Oversized platters of steaming meats and veggies were passed down, and Silver filled her plate.

  “Wow. I’ve never tasted something like this – the complex layers of flavor.” She nibbled on the meat, letting it lie on her tongue, savoring the spices. “It’s stunning.”

  “Have you ever eaten venison before coming here?”

  “No. It’s always seemed kinda icky, like eating Bambi.”

  “Well, there are a lot of ‘Bambis’ out here. It’s our primary source of meat, seeing where we live and all. It makes great jerky.”

  Weird how changing location could make her think of something like eating deer so differently. The act seemed uncivilized in the city. Why? They even ate alligator—Gator Bites, small pieces of fried alligator, oh yeah. They were considered a delicacy. Tastes changed. Or maybe it was her who had changed. Not only physiology as a werewolf, but some of her ideas about things over the past few years, too. The knowledge of the entire paranormal world, the Others, rocked her reality. Oh, she’d known they existed, but not the depth and not the diversity.

  “Silver, dear, don’t forget to have one of my biscuits,” Sheba called out from around Nathaniel. She leaned forward and passed her a roll.

  Silver poked around at the food, exploring the different tastes and textures. “It’s much darker and richer than beef, isn’t it?”

  “Yep. That’s where the description of ‘gamey’ comes in,” Jana explained. “Don’t forget to wash it down with some of your apple cider.”

  Silver had thought apple cider—well, fancy apple juice—was a drink kids enjoyed. Not here. She sipped at her cup, and marveled at the cinnamon and cloves.

  “Whoa, that’s got quite a kick.” She coughed, and Jana patted her on the back, laughing.

  “You were probably thinking it was nonalcoholic, huh?”

  She sputtered. “Mm-hm.”

  “Especially for this ceremony, we enjoy our spirits.”

  The she-wolf held up her cup to Silver in toast, and they clicked glasses. The next drink burned a little less.

  At the front of the clearing there was a bit of a shuffling, and a few members started setting up what looked like a stage.

  “What’s that all about?” Silver asked. She had no idea what to expect from the evening, except for a few highlights.

  “Oh, a special treat. I think you’re going to really, really like tonight’s entertainment,” Jana said.

  “Pretty evasive answer.”

  In response, Jana simply pointed toward the front, where Viktor carried a guitar, and sat on a stool center stage. Chills went up Silver’s arms.

  “He sings?”

  “Oh yes, he does, and we’d better get up there and stake your claim because after he plays, the she-wolves go a bit crazy, if you know what I mean.”

  They left their plates but brought their cups with them. The area was set up like a horseshoe, with the stage at the open end, and her father at the rounded tip. The fire pit rested more toward the end, so it gave some open space in front of the stage and to the sides, to stand around.

  “Isn’t he delicious?” purred one woman near her.

  If Silver were to describe it, her “hackles” rose. The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention, and she wanted to bare her teeth at the other woman.

  She slapped her hand on her neck. What was up with her already? She didn’t come here looking to get laid. The situation would only complicate things in a manner she didn’t want.

  The rest of the band filled out, with Dominick on drums. It was Silver’s turn to elbow her friend. “Oh, I know,” Jana said. “He’s real good with his hands, and sometimes I fantasize about what he can do with those drumsticks, too.”

  Silver looked at her friend in shock. For all her naiveté, Jana hid a secret hussy inside! Silver wouldn’t have guessed.

  The music started, sounding awfully familiar and a bit nostalgic. Then Silver laughed. Perfect. How else would a band of wolves kick off a set but with the ’80s classic “Hungry Like the Wolf” by Duran Duran?

  As he sang, Viktor swayed to the beat, his body becoming one with the rhythm of the music. He’d laid the guitar down and stood, eyes closed, as if the music pulsed through his being. His voice dropped, deep and sultry, and the chorus worked its way into a frenzy.

  With a leap from the stage, Viktor prowled the audience, singing on a cordless microphone, and stalking his prey. His eyes settled on Silver, and she stifled the urge to turn around to see if there was someone else he hunted.

  Only her. Lost and found. If he smelled like he sounded, then the girl’s assessment earlier “delicious” would be more than appropriate. His red plaid shirt pulled tight across his broad chest, and underneath peeked out a white T-shirt and some wolf fuzz. She craved to touch it, settle her fingers into the soft coarseness.

  The path between him and her opened. The people in front of her moved aside slightly, glancing at her and seeing his intent. To her side, Jana plucked the cup from Silver’s hand, and stepped away, smiling at her. “I told you so,” she whispered.

  The hunt had begun.

  * * * *

  When Viktor took the stage, he had no intention of stalking Silver. Her luminosity shining from the packed dance floor drew his attention. Simply saying she stood out wouldn’t do her justice. Her magnificent silver hair caught the moonlight, captured the brilliance as if it was storing up the energy. The awe on her face watching him, and the interest in her eyes, added to the effect.

  As the music flowed through him, he took on another persona, one that was freer. He didn’t need to worry about what would happen tomorrow or next week. All that mattered was right now. This moment. This song. And there was no one he’d rather grind against than Silver.

  The other people around him faded away. His feet hit the floor, and a few other women grabbed at him, clinging. As nicely as possible, he pulled away, and kept walking to where she stood. The distance wasn’t all that far, but it felt like it took an eternity to get to her.

  “You sing?” she said when he reached her side.

  “I’m a man of many talents,” he said. “Dance
with me?”

  Before she could either say yes or turn him down, he slipped his free hand onto her hip and held her close, swaying to the beat. His desire pooled directly between his legs, pressing against her. God, this was too good. His cock throbbed, as if pulsing to the rhythm itself. Her eyes grew wide, looking up at him, and he raised an eyebrow at her. Obviously, there was no hiding that wild beast. Why would he have to?

  All too soon the song ended, and Viktor bowed and thanked her for the dance. He slipped his hand onto hers and kissed the tips.

  “What do you do for an encore?” she asked.

  He gave her a quick pat on the bottom and a light peck on the lips. The crowd around them broke out into hoots and hollers.

  “Wait around and find out.”

  Chapter Nine

  Later came sooner than Silver had anticipated. As the music set wrapped up, Nathaniel held his arms out until all quieted down, and he addressed the Pack.

  “Another fruitful summer draws to a close, and I thank each and every member who made it a successful season. As the seasons change and winter draws close, we need to reaffirm our family connections and rejoice in our mating season.”

  A knot of nervousness built within Silver’s stomach. As part human and part Other, the call of nature and procreation screamed strong to the werewolves. The rise of excitement rose in a hushed murmur.

  “I ask the great creator that next year bring us many new members,” Nathaniel continued. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a mate to attend to.”

  He took Sheba’s hand, and with great showmanship kissed the top of her fingers and bowed. Applause broke out amongst the members, and Sheba feigned a blush. They left the common area, and then two by two, couples left.

  Jana began collecting the discarded cups and empty plates, piling them high like a high-class restaurant server. Silver grabbed a few and attempted to follow her friend.

  “Wait up. I’ll help you clean,” she said.

  The other woman turned. “Only those who do not take part in the mating festivities are required to clean up,” she said, the corners of her eyes watering.


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