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Scholomance 7

Page 11

by Logan Jacobs

  “She does,” Vanessa said in a sharp, low tone, “but that isn’t a discussion I’m delving into right now. Come on, let’s clean this up and get a move on. I can already feel Penelope’s potion taking effect over my body, and who knows how long it will last? We have plenty of more walking ahead of us before we reach the outskirts of the Redwood, and we’ll need every ounce of extra energy Penelope has conjured up for us.”

  “Yes, professor,” we responded.

  Vanessa snapped her fingers, and all the dishes disappeared at once, but the pile of burnt wood remained. We took a minute or two to toss the wood from the mound and make it seem like nothing was out of the ordinary, and once that was finished, Vanessa smoothed her skirts and pushed back her hair before she regarded each of us.

  “Let’s go,” she ordered.

  Without another word, we headed north and followed the pale sun that shone high above the scarlet trees. We walked for hours without saying a word to one another, and by the time the sun turned to blood-orange, we were all exhausted and ready to take a break.

  “It looks like we’ve nearly reached the end of the woodland,” Faye panted as we marched through the blood-red forest.

  “Wait,” Vanessa sighed, “how do you know that?”

  “The trees are growing thinner,” the redhead answered. “Trees tend to slim in size as you near the outskirts… plus, I think Penelope’s potion worked. I feel certain we’re on the right path and have no doubt in my mind about it. Don’t you?”

  “Ah.” The professor nodded as she stopped in her tracks and looked around. “I did feel a sense of certainty, but I wasn’t sure if that was her potion or just my confidence. Anyway, we’ve gone far enough for one day. I can summon a few tents, and we can rest here for the night. By morning light, we will reach the gates of the kingdom and proceed from there.”

  “Does anyone hear that?” I asked as I strained to listen to something off in the distance. “It sounds like running water.”

  “I hear it, too,” Vesta purred, and her silver eyes sparkled with delight. “Fresh water would be lovely right about now.”

  “It’s coming from the right,” I said as I glanced over my shoulder. “Come on. Let’s check it out.”

  “I’ll lead the way, Cole.” Vanessa marched past me and headed down a small hill. “Come on, stay behind me.”

  “Like a row of ducklings,” Akira grunted as we followed the dark-haired professor downhill, but then I rushed in front of Vanessa, and she stopped in her tracks.

  “How about I lead the way, Professor?” I offered with a tight smile. “I’d hate to see you trip over a root or rock with that dress of yours.”

  “Fine,” she huffed before she placed her hands on her slender hips. “If you insist.”

  I flashed the beautiful professor a small grin before I walked past her and led the women carefully downward and toward the sound of rushing water. When I brushed past the red leaves and thorn-covered thicket, my jaw dropped at the sight before me.

  A narrow crimson river rushed through the woodland, and when I narrowed my eyes at the body of water, I searched deep in my heart and in the darkness of my consciousness to detect if there were any threats lurking within its shallow depths.

  It’s safe, Cole, the woman from my dreams purred inside my head. Go ahead and take a deep sip. You all need it.

  “It’s fine,” I said as I gestured for the women to approach. “Drink as much as you need.”

  The women didn’t hesitate as they leaped toward the water and began to greedily drink as much as they could. I bent down beside Vanessa, and her eyes warily studied me as I began to cup my hands and splash water over my face.

  “You couldn’t have refreshed yourself over there?” the professor asked in an icy tone as she pointed far down the river. “Why did you have to come near me? There’s plenty of water for everyone.”

  “I don’t see the problem,” I said as I began to drink the refreshing red water. “If you’re so repulsed by me, you’re free to move. I won’t stop you.”

  Vanessa scoffed at my remark but made no move to leave. She claimed to be annoyed by my close proximity, yet, each time I took a sip of water, I could feel her eyes all over me.

  As I took a moment to breathe, I decided to unbutton my shirt, kick off my boots, and drop my trousers so I could dip myself in the still water. All the women stopped what they were doing as I dropped my briefs, and suddenly, Vanessa stood on her feet and took a few clumsy steps back.

  “Excuse me?” she sneered. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to wash up.” I shrugged. “I thought that was pretty clear.”

  “Not in my presence, you’re not,” the professor growled before she glared at the other women. “Come on, ladies. We’ll head back and make camp while your precious master cleans himself up.”

  “Oh, but we’d love to join our master,” Circe cooed as she reached up to undo her own dress.

  “Fuck, no,” Vanessa retorted as she furiously shook her head. “I will have none of that in my presence. Come on, now. I won’t repeat myself.”

  “But, master,” Circe pouted as her serpentine eyes found mine. “Do we have to listen to her?”

  “Yeah,” I agreed as I stared into Vanessa’s angry eyes and quivering lips. “She’s still our professor, and we can respect her wishes… at least for tonight.”

  “Very well,” the blonde Wicca responded with a disappointed sigh. “Enjoy yourself, master.”

  “But not too much.” Akira winked before Vanessa ushered them all away from the river.

  When I was alone, I plunged myself into the water and sighed with relief as I washed the day’s journey off my body and took a moment to simply relax.

  Cole, the dream woman’s voice echoed through my thoughts. You are not far from the kingdom… and now that you’re alone, I think we should talk.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked as I brushed water out of my eyes and sank deeper into the river. “Do you bear a warning?”

  I do, she replied. The kingdom you’re about to enter is filled with madness and fury against your kind… more than any domain you’ve come across. I implore you to keep the women’s rage in check. I also know where the first clue lies.

  “Where?” I asked in a rushed voice.

  In the church, she responded. You will find a gold cross, and that cross will lead you to your next destination. I think it goes without saying to be careful once you see this object… one touch will burn the skin right off your bones.

  “I know,” I replied. “Thank you for telling me… who knows how long we’d waste inside those walls without your guidance?”

  Of course, Cole, she answered. I would never abandon you. Now… I think you should return to your women and rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.

  “You’re right,” I said before I stepped out of the water. “I promise I won’t let you down.”

  You never do, she murmured as her presence left my mind like a raven from the nest.

  When I was finished, I put on my underwear, trousers, and boots and walked back up the hill as a gentle night breeze brushed against my bare chest. Small tents were spread all around the campsite in a circle when I returned, and when I peered inside each tent, three women were already deep asleep in their own confinements. Morgana, Akira, and Vesta slept in one, while Circe, Faye, and Penelope slumbered in another. Marina, Beatrix, and Nyx had their tent situated by Vanessa, who had her own tent. The familiars were all asleep in their usual love pile, and from a quick glance, they looked like a giant pile of furs. Everyone was cuddled up together, and Alexander was perched on top of Silvia and deep asleep in his raven body. The familiars had pranced and prowled all day, probably trying to get used to their temporary bodies, and now they were exhausted.

  As I looked around, I realized the professor was the only one awake, and when I peered inside her tent, she shot me a cold glare as she sharpened her blade with a smooth silver stone.
Vanessa’s familiar, Isobel, had her head on the professor’s lap, and when the smaller-sized canine creature glanced up at me and realized I wasn’t any type of threat, she lowered her head and continued to sleep.

  “Your bed is over there,” she said as she pointed to a tent farther away from the others and next to a tree. “You’re welcome.”

  “Thanks,” I chuckled as I rubbed the back of my head. “So, tomorrow, we’ll be looking for a church. That’s where a unique cross is hidden, and said cross will lead us to the artifact.”

  “How do you know that?” she asked as her eyes flicked up to meet mine.

  “I just do,” I said. “The same way I knew to follow the sun for a day’s walk.”

  “Fine,” she grumbled after a long moment. “You’d better be right.”

  “I usually am,” I replied with a cocksure grin. “Anyway, I’m going to bed. Have a great night.”

  “Thanks,” she muttered as she continued to work on her blade.

  I pulled away from her tent, and when I slipped into my own warm confinements, I instantly fell into a deep sleep.

  When I awoke, my throat felt dry, and I noticed the sun was nearly up as I peered outside my tent. I yawned, crawled out of the tent, and slowly looked around. From what I could see, the women were still asleep, and I figured I’d let them rest for a few more minutes before we carried onward.

  Since I was feeling positively parched, I decided to quietly venture down to the red river to drink a few fresh gulps of water, but as I wandered away from the tents and made my way downhill, I thought I could hear something or someone ahead of me. It was splashing around in the water, and as my stomach dropped and my senses went into overdrive, I slowly approached the sound with my wand extended and my mind ready.

  But when I stepped past the thicket and saw the river, I slowly lowered my wand, and my mouth parted slightly open.

  There, basking in the early morning light and bathing in the red river, was Vanessa. She was completely naked, and her full breasts were shimmering with beads of crimson water. Her long, straight hair was plastered against her ivory skin, and the rest of her body was submerged under the dark-hued river. She had her head tilted back, and as she closed her eyes and relished in the water, I took a small step back and tried to quietly return to the campsite. But then I stepped on a twig, and the snap echoed loudly enough for Vanessa to gasp and open her pale-blue eyes.

  When she saw me, a mixture of emotions passed across her face like a brewing storm. First, she seemed surprised, then embarrassed, and then finally, enraged.

  “Cole!” she yelled as she covered her breasts with her arms, and her eyes trailed down my naked chest before she glared at me with all the venom she could muster. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I was just coming down for a drink of water,” I said with my hands raised in defense. “I swear to Satan I had no idea you were here.”

  “I don’t care!” she shrieked. “Get away from me this very instant!”

  “Sure,” I muttered in a rushed voice. “Apologies, Professor…”

  As I turned away from the furious Vanessa, I couldn’t help but break into a small grin. I might have been wrong, but I could have sworn I saw a glint of excitement in her eyes. I saw the way her gaze briefly studied my bare chest, and deep down, I knew it would only be a matter of time before she gave in to her desires.

  And I’d be ready to make her mine.

  When I returned to the tents, the other women were awake and doing their best to brush the knots out of their tangled hair.

  “Don’t bother,” I said as I glanced at the group. “The messier you look, the more convincing you’ll appear.”

  “That’s true, master.” Vesta let out a long, drawn out sigh before her silver eyes danced around the tents. “Where is Professor Vanessa… surely she’s not still asleep?”

  “No, she’s… uhm,” I started as I rubbed the back of my neck, “she’s just washing up, and she’ll be joining us momentarily, I’m sure.”

  The women all exchanged small smiles with one another as they continued to get dressed. As they did so, I buttoned up my shirt, and by the time we were all ready, Vanessa came stomping back into camp, and her hair was drenched as she glared at each of us.

  “Let’s get a move on,” she ordered before she snapped her fingers, and all the tents disappeared at once. “We’re wasting precious morning light.”

  No one said a word when Isobel joined Vanessa as she marched north toward the rising sun, and we all silently followed after the professor. By the time we reached the Redwood borders, we could see the silver kingdom just a few miles ahead, and the only thing standing in our way was a vast green field.

  “Well, there it is,” I sighed as I glanced at the women. “Now… let’s formulate a plan before we enter one of the deadliest kingdoms in existence, shall we?”

  Chapter 10

  As we marveled at the silver, elder-worshipping kingdom in front of us, I knew passing through the towering city-gates was the first obstacle we’d have to face. Once that was accomplished, we’d have to find a way to locate the correct church and then find whatever cross would lead us to the first artifact.

  “I think we’d better disguise ourselves,” Vanessa remarked as she stared at the glittering kingdom. “That’s the first thing we should consider before we even take another step.”

  “Aren’t we already doing that?” Circe questioned with her head cocked to the side. “We look like a group of filthy peasants.”

  “It’s not enough,” Vanessa said as she studied her delicate hands. “I think I have an idea, and it won’t take an immense amount of power. All I need is this.”

  We watched as the dark-haired professor pulled out a bright red apple from her peasant dress and stared long and hard at the fruit like there was a secret engraving embedded deep within its core.

  “What are you going to do with that?” Marina asked in a faint voice. “If you don’t mind me asking?”

  “I can place an aging charm on myself,” Vanessa answered as she twisted the bright fruit in her hand. “I can disguise myself as your mother, and I’m here to help each of you girls find a suitable spouse. It’s not unusual for these hybrid peasants to breed children like cattle… we’ll just need to be as convincing as possible.”

  “What about me?” I asked.

  “You can be my… son or something.” Vanessa waved a dismissive hand.

  “We’re capable actresses, Professor,” Vesta purred as she pushed back her sage-green hair. “Even if the roles are less than glamorous.”

  “If you’re going to disguise yourself,” Beatrix said as she stared at the apple. “Perhaps I should place a disguising charm on the rest of us?”

  “I agree,” I answered after a moment. “If we’ve come all this way to find husbands for each woman, we’ll have to make you all a little less… beautiful. No one is going to believe such breathtaking women couldn’t find a husband in their own village. Now, I’m not saying we should make you hideous, but we do need to blend in better with elder hybrids if we’re all supposed to pass as one… which obviously means a greater change is needed for Nyx and Vesta in particular.”

  “That’s actually a smart point,” Vanessa agreed. “Beatrix, how long will your charm last? We’ll need one strong enough to last through our walk toward the gates and past the guards.”

  “Well, I’ve been practicing more and more with concealment charms,” the light-haired brunette responded with pride shimmering in her eyes. “I can dull our features for a few hours… probably until the sun sets.”

  “Must you?” Vesta moaned under her breath.

  “Yes, she must,” Vanessa snapped before she placed the apple down in front of her feet. “If I’m going to look like a hag, then you can live with duller hair and fair skin. At least for a few hours.”

  “I don’t care what we look like,” Akira said in a firm voice. “I just want to find whatever it is we’re looking for.�

  “Neither do I,” Morgana added. “Wait… what are we looking for, master?”

  “A cross,” Vanessa said before I could respond. “According to your beloved master, that’s what we need to keep an eye out for. And it should be located within a church, but that’s all he knows or wishes to tell us.”

  “She’s right,” I confirmed after a moment. “That’s all I know.”

  “Well, if Cole believes that’s what we need to be on the hunt for, then that’s what we’ll look for,” Faye said with her chin raised. “He’s never been wrong before, so let’s hurry up with our disguises, shall we?”

  “Very well,” Vanessa muttered before she closed her eyes and began to whisper under her breath. “Et adiuva me, mutata specie ad avaritiam eos faciam voluntatem meam audire.”

  We watched as a dark cloud of green mist surrounded the apple and began to turn it into a brighter shade of red. Once the glittering smoke evaporated, Vanessa leaned down to pick up the fruit, and she took a deep breath before she bit into its sweet-looking skin.

  The professor chewed the apple, and as she did so, her beautiful ivory flesh slowly morphed into a sallow greyish-yellow. Her deep-blue eyes turned bloodshot and murky, and her long, dark hair transformed into a dull shade of gray. Wrinkles etched at the corner of her eyes and around her mouth, and her posture curled over as she aged about fifty or seventy years.

  “Oh, Satan!” Vesta gasped as she stared at the transformed professor. “You look… quite different, Professor.”

  She looks fucking terrible, Alexander gasped as he perched on my shoulder.

  “That’s the point, Miss Vesta,” Vanessa replied in a shrill voice that threw me completely off. “Now, Beatrix, would you please stop gawking at me and enact your charm? We don’t have all bloody day, do we?”

  “Err, r-right,” the light-haired brunette stuttered in a nervous voice. “Sorry about that… I was just--”

  “Caught off guard by my sudden change?” Vanessa cackled like one of the bark-skinned crones. “Well, of course, you were. Let’s just hope your charm will be as convincing as my spell. I’d offer you all a bite, but then you’d just look like me, and something tells me the kingdom won’t allow a group of old women through their gates for no good reason.”


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