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Scholomance 7

Page 15

by Logan Jacobs

  “Look!” Vesta’s smooth voice rang through the air. “He’s awake!”

  I could hear the rustling of leaves as the women ran toward me, and only then did I feel the soft fabric underneath me. I was lying on some kind of velvet cot, raised a few feet from the ground, with a thick wool blanket covering my body. I looked around the campfire, and I saw the familiars were curled up into their usual love pile and deep asleep. They had returned to their former selves, and of course, Alexander and Silvia were pressed together as they dreamed of whatever familiars dreamt of. There were a few mounted silk tents around the campsite, and a cauldron hung over the small pyre. The air smelled like spiced rosemary tea, and if Vanessa was able to conjure this all up and make everyone cozy and comfortable, I briefly wondered just how long I was out.

  “Master!” Morgana breathed as her pale-blue eyes bored into mine. “How are you?”

  “We were so worried about you,” Circe added as she pushed back her long, fishtail braid.

  “W-What happened?” I asked, and my voice was hoarse like I hadn’t had a drop of water for days.

  “You collapsed,” Vanessa’s voice answered, and I had to look between the black trees to find her, but all I could see was the outline of her shadow drawing closer and closer. “Here, drink this, and for Satan’s sake, give the man some room to breathe, why don’t you?”

  The women moved briskly out of the way, and Vanessa dropped to her knees and placed a warm, wooden cup into my hands. I curled my fingers around the mug, and as I did so, I looked up to study the professor’s beautiful features. Her clear-blue eyes were narrowed, and her rosy lips were curved down into a deep frown as she stared back at me.

  “What?” she snapped. “It’s not poisoned. What the hell are you waiting for? Drink it!”

  “Okay, hold your centaurs,” I chuckled. “I was just taking a moment to appreciate it. Thank you.”

  “It’s nothing, really,” she muttered with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Just a few ground-up dire-viper scales, ginger root, and a pinch of cranberry seeds. It should revive you in a couple of minutes, but forewarning, it will hurt.”

  “Whatever it takes,” I said as I raised the mug into the air like I was about to give a toast. “Cheers.”

  The women watched with wide eyes as I tipped my head back, and the brew slowly slipped down my throat. It burned like acid, and it took all my might not to violently throw it back up as it scorched my stomach and soaked my insides. My taste buds all burned, and my tongue turned to sandpaper as I handed the mug back to Vanessa and tried to not squirm from the agony.

  “I told you,” she sighed before she took back the cup. “Not the best feeling, but the pain will wash over soon enough.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” I grunted as my stomach initiated violent summersaults. “Satan… what the hell even happened?”

  “You tell us,” Vanessa purred before she reached into her dress pocket and scattered bright-red particles of dust into the flames behind her, and they instantly roared and grew higher. “One moment, you were fully functional, bringing down an entire kingdom and burying it into the ground, and the next, you were out cold on the forest floor.”

  “Wait,” I said as I looked around the dark woods. “Where are we, exactly? And where’s the cross?”

  “It’s safe in my tent,” Vanessa replied, “and to answer your other question, we’re just to the north of Aether. Not the same woods we’re obviously looking for since there isn’t a glowing tree in sight, but at least we’re farther up north than we were before, which means we must be close to the first artifact.”

  “Err, but how will we navigate?” Circe asked as she kneeled next to me.

  “That’s the problem,” Vanessa sighed as she rubbed her temples. “I have absolutely no idea. There has to be a thick, resilient barrier placed here by Samara, so there’s no magic I can use to locate the hidden forest’s whereabouts.”

  “Well, shouldn’t the cross help lead us to it?” Penelope asked with a raised, orange eyebrow. “We nearly died trying to retrieve it, so surely it’s more than just a relic that holds a fragment of Samara’s power. I know it’s different from the artifact we’re searching for, but there’s a reason she went through all the trouble to hide it. There must be a clue on it somewhere, and I bet that clue will tell us where to go.”

  “I thought the same thing…” Vanessa said as she chewed on her lower lip. “Theodora told me it was supposed to lead us to a hidden passageway, but I didn’t see anything when I studied it.”

  “How about we give it a go?” Akira grinned with twinkling black eyes. “I mean no disrespect, Professor, but maybe we can find something you missed?”

  “Well, I don’t see the harm in trying,” Vanessa sighed before she made her way inside a tent, and when she was gone, the other women all turned their attention back to me.

  “Master,” Faye breathed as her golden-green eyes studied every feature on my face. “How are you feeling? We looked everywhere for those cranberry seeds, and Penelope wasn’t sure if the brew would even work.”

  “I was fairly certain,” Penelope interjected.

  “The point is,” Morgana said in a stern voice. “We were worried about you… it had been a while since you’ve collapsed from using your power.”

  “I don’t think it was my power that caused my blackout,” I said as I sat up higher and rubbed the stinging sensation from my eyes. “Before everything went dark, I heard Samara’s voice.”

  “What did that bitch have to say?” Akira growled in a dangerously low tone.

  “The typical elder bullshit,” I replied. “She threatened to find and destroy us, but I know it’s because she’s afraid of me.”

  “And she should be,” Beatrix said with her chin raised.

  “Yeah,” Akira agreed. “I can’t wait to burn each one and kill her as painfully as fucking possible--”

  “Which we’ll only be able to do if we can work out whatever is hidden on his damn thing,” Vanessa interrupted as she returned to the campfire with the wrapped-up cross in her hands. “There’s a reason this bitch decided to hide the next clue in a cross. She knew it would burn us if we tried to touch it. Come, let’s study it by the fire.”

  When I swung my legs over the cot, my entire body felt like it was utterly rejuvenated and put back together again. The others all watched and followed as I slowly made my way over to the professor, and we all quietly took a seat. Then Vanessa set down the hidden relic and carefully pulled back the corners of the cloth, and we marveled at the beautifully crafted cross with its brilliant gems and sparkling diamonds embedded into the gold piece.

  “Wow,” Vesta mused aloud. “If it weren’t such a disgusting, holy artifact, I’d actually appreciate its craftsmanship. Look at the jewels. They sparkle like the rarest and most expensive gems in the world.”

  “I wouldn’t be shocked if Samara ventured to every corner of the worlds to retrieve them,” Vanessa muttered as her blue eyes narrowed down at the cross. “Satan, this feels nearly impossible… perhaps the gems are arranged in a secret coded display?”

  “They look random to me, don’t you think?” Marina questioned with a small pout. “I may be a newly added Wicca, but still, this seems to be leading us nowhere.”

  “Perhaps we should turn it over?” Penelope suggested. “Maybe whatever we’re looking for is on the back?”

  “Yeah,” I agreed.

  “I’ve already examined it,” Vanessa scoffed. “I didn’t see a damn thing.”

  “Still, let us have a quick look,” I pressed. “Like you said, there’s no harm in trying.”

  Vanessa didn’t argue as I used the fabric to cautiously turn over the cross, and as I did so, we all gasped when we saw a series of engravings suddenly trailing down the back of the golden relic.

  “What is it?” Faye asked. “And how did it suddenly appear like that?”

  “Maybe the fire brought it back to life?” Penelope pursed her lips in thought

  “Perhaps you’re right, Miss Penelope… but unfortunately, this is an ancient dialect,” Vanessa sighed as she rubbed at her forehead. “It could take me days to decipher it.”

  “May I take a closer look?” Circe questioned as she leaned over Vanessa’s shoulders and squinted her serpentine eyes down at the gold symbols. “I-I’m not sure, but I think I can read it.”

  “Really?” Vanessa asked, and for once, her voice sounded both hopeful and impressed. “By all means, go ahead and give it a go.”

  “I-I think…” the blonde witch said as she bit her lip and furrowed her blonde eyebrows. “I believe it says to follow the frozen river up a cluster of hills and between the changing trees. There you will find the entrance of a cave, as large as the mouth of a dragon, ready to devour your soul whole.”

  “Fuck,” I breathed as I stared at the serpentine witch. “That was incredible, Circe.”

  “How did you do it?” Marina asked.

  “I must be much older than I look,” the blonde Wicca giggled.

  “You most certainly are,” Vanessa agreed as she nodded her head. “That dialect derives from the First Dawn.”

  “Shit,” Circe giggled. “I suppose I’m finding out more about myself with each passing moon.”

  “It’s incredible,” I said, and I sent the serpentine witch a subtle wink. “I can’t wait to learn more about you.”

  “I’m glad we have you with us,” Vesta added with a glittering smile.

  “Yes, we all are relieved you’re here,” Vanessa said as she dramatically rolled her eyes, “but now that we know what we’re looking for, I suggest we all get a good night’s rest. We’ll be up at first light, so I’ll be returning to my quarters now.”

  “Yes, Professor,” the others responded as we watched Vanessa wrap the cross up and retire to her tent.

  “I think she’s right.” Circe yawned before she glanced behind her. “Good night, everyone.”

  “Good night,” we called back.

  “I believe I’ll join her,” Nyx said, and her indigo eyes were heavy with sleep.

  “Yeah,” Morgana added as she stared at the others. “We should listen to Vanessa.”

  “You’re probably right.” Penelope nodded.

  As the women all headed into their different tents and their familiars remained by the fire, I stayed where I was and stared into the flames. I’d been asleep for so long that the idea of closing my eyes and resting just seemed impossible.

  “Cole?” Marina asked, and when I averted my eyes, I realized both Beatrix and the former siren had remained behind.

  “You’re not tired?” I asked with a raised eyebrow. “You should probably heed Vanessa’s advice and rest.”

  “Not just yet,” Beatrix responded before she shook her head. “To be honest with you, I’m far too anxious to even think about sleep.”

  “What’s going through your mind?” I asked. “Besides, you know… the obvious.”

  “I just… well,” the light-haired brunette sighed under her breath. “Sometimes, I just feel envious of you and your coven.”

  “Yeah?” I asked as I leaned forward and tried to soak up some warmth from the fire. “Tell me more.”

  “I just wish I could have the same bond you all do,” she said in a dreamlike voice. “The idea of tying one’s soul to another is just so… romantic.”

  “Romantic?” Marina repeated with a dubious expression. “I think the word that first comes to mind is practical… but I think I understand what you mean. There is certainly an appeal to the entire pact notion. I basically had a bond with my sea sisters, and sometimes, those relationships were the only thing that kept me going.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said as I looked at the lavender-haired Wicca. “I bet you felt like a prisoner, bound to that bastard for all your life.”

  “It was truly horrid,” Marina muttered without meeting my eyes. “I thought I’d die there in that pool until you showed up and saved me.”

  “Well, as long as I live, I vow to keep you safe,” I said, and her lavender eyes were suddenly filled with hope and longing. I then turned to look at the beautiful and quirky Beatrix and flashed her the same confident smile. “You, too. I promise to watch over you, and perhaps, with time, you two can become like the others.”

  “Thank you, Cole,” they answered at the same time before they glanced at one another and began to giggle like a pair of giddy schoolgirls.

  “Well,” Beatrix sighed. “We’d better go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, a long day of Vanessa bitching at us,” Marina muttered under her breath, and Beatrix burst into soft laughter.

  “That, too,” I chuckled. “Alright, I’ll see you two tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Cole,” they said before they swiftly turned and headed inside one of the tents.

  As I stared at the dying embers, I realized it would be pointless to stay outside here with the diminishing flames and not one other soul in sight, so I got up, headed into my large, silk tent, and slowly began to undress. I kicked off my boots, unbuttoned my shirt, unclasped my trousers, and prepared to lay down on the widespread cot covered with thick fur blankets and smooth silks. The tent was spacious, and there was enough room to fill at least six or seven people inside, but as I prepared to lay my body down and force myself to sleep, I heard something rustling outside.

  I whipped around, and my mouth dropped open when I saw Akira, Morgana, Faye, and Vesta wearing nothing but smiles.

  “Master,” Akira growled in a hungry voice. “We tried, but we couldn’t even think about sleeping… not after what happened to you.”

  “She’s right,” Vesta purred as she took a step closer toward me. “Seeing you like that… it was too much to bear.”

  “Please fill us up with your unholy seed and help us forget,” Morgana pleaded as she pouted her lower lip. “Spread us wide open and fill us to the brim with your huge, delicious dick.”

  “And fuck us like wild animals,” Faye added as her golden-green eyes shone with delight. “Here, deep in the belly of the forest.”

  I stared at each woman’s different but very beautiful bodies, and I could feel my blood rushing south. Then, as my cock hardened and sprung into view, each woman’s eyes widened with delight and longing. The flames from the campfire seeped into the tent’s opening and cast a warm glow over all the women and their perfectly sculpted bodies, and my heart began to pound with arousal.

  “Master?” Akira moaned as she moved her slender but athletic body toward mine. “May I please be the first one to taste your cock?”

  “You may.” I grinned as she slowly got down on her knees and locked eyes with me. “Take your time… go nice and slow and as deep as you can. And the rest of you, I want you to get down on the floor and watch while you touch yourselves. But do not even think about cumming until I tell you to.”

  “Yes, master,” the others responded as their hands trailed down their stomachs and toward their hungry pussies.

  Akira grinned like a tiger as she licked her lips, wrapped her soft hands around my shaft, and moved up and down in slow motions. She giggled before she swirled her long, hot tongue along my flared tip and then slowly along my underside.

  “Satan,” I groaned and grabbed her short black hair, and she moaned as I gripped even tighter.

  “Master,” she panted. “I like it when you’re rough like that.”

  “And I like it when you put my cock in your mouth,” I grunted. “Now, be quiet and take me alllll the way in. I want to fuck the back of your throat and hear you gag for more.”

  “Yes, master.” Akira smiled right before she wrapped her moist lips around my cock and took me all the way in.

  I grunted with instant pleasure and tightened my hold on her hair as I bucked my hips back and forth and prodded the back of her wanting throat. The sound of her slurping and humming along my length sent me into overdrive, and I picked up the pace and thrust deeper inside her hung
ry mouth.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” I grunted. “Good girl… keep going, yes, just like that.”

  “Mmmmm,” Akira moaned as she continued to stroke my member and bob her head back and forth.

  “She looks so lovely taking in your cock, master,” Vesta purred as her shimmering silver eyes gleamed with desire, and her slender fingers prodded in and out of her bare lilac pussy.

  “Absolutely ravishing,” Faye agreed with a sultry smile. “Satan, I can’t wait to fill you inside me, master.”

  “Me, either,” Morgana hummed. “I’ve been longing to feel your warm seed filling my womb.”

  “Patience,” I growled as I bucked my hips with more fervor. “Fuck… I’m close, Akira. When I come, you’d better swallow every single drop. If you don’t, you won’t be able to reap your reward? Understood?”

  In response the ebony-haired Wicca eagerly wriggled her head all the way down to my balls, gently gagged, and then stared up at me with glassy, lust-filled eyes. Her tongue ran along my length as she moved her head up and down, and my cock twitched as my entire body quivered with intense desire. Then I spurted a bucket-load of hot cream inside her starving mouth, and as my head spun and my whole body shook, Akira slurped and drank every drop of my cum. She moaned with hungry pleasure as my seed poured down her throat, and when I gently pulled my cock away from her lips, a popping sound echoed inside the tent.

  “Good girl,” I panted as Akira wiped the corners of her mouth and sucked her fingers. “Now, lay down on the silks and furs and spread those legs nice and wide for me. Then I want you to look at me while you rub your clit… I promise you, when I’m ready, I will give you what you so desire.”

  “Yes, master,” the black-haired witch responded before she crawled over to the covered ground. “As you wish.”

  As she moved her tight ass over to the silks and furs, I looked down at the others and smiled.

  “Now, you can all stop what you’re doing, at least for now,” I ordered. “I want you all to lick my cock clean, and once you’ve done that, you will place yourselves in front of the cot and watch while I fuck Akira’s brains out. I want you all to be soaking wet once I get to you, but again, you’re forbidden to cum. Not unless my cock is deep, deep inside your pussies. Understood?”


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