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Scholomance 7

Page 23

by Logan Jacobs

  When I neared it, I saw another lock, and again, I slid the cross inside and turned it. The lid immediately cracked open, but then the cross melted in the cloth and turned into a puddle in my hands. I had to drop the fabric before the gold burned my skin, and when I stepped over the small pool of melted metal and peered into the chest, I saw a glint inside.

  I pried the lid completely open, and my eyes fell upon a necklace with a golden key as the pendant. It was not a large key. In fact, it was fairly small, and when I picked it up, it was exceptionally light to hold.

  “Cole?” Vanessa’s voice suddenly gasped from behind me. “Did you find it?”

  “I think so,” I breathed as I slowly turned around and showed it to her. “Look.”

  “Unholy hell,” the professor breathed as she reached down to touch it. “I… I almost can’t believe we found it.”

  “Neither can I,” I said as Vanessa gently caressed the holy artifact like it was made of glass. “After everything we went through, we finally found it.”

  “My Satan,” she laughed. “It’s incredible… and so small. I figured someone like Samara would yearn for something as gawky and flamboyant as herself.”

  “You should guard it,” I said as I handed it over to her. “You’re the leader here, after all.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said after a long moment.

  “What?” I asked, and I could feel my eyebrows rising up to my hairline. “Are you sure? Are you feeling well?”

  “Satan, I don’t like admitting this aloud,” Vanessa grumbled as she rubbed at her temples, “but I believe it would be safest in your possession. Samara has possessed me before, and my fight against her was futile, until you helped me. Seeing as you have the ability to push her out of your own head, I think it would be safest with you.

  “If you say so,” I said as I wrapped the key around my neck. “Now what? Are we heading back to Scholomance or do we continue our search for the next relic?”

  “First things first, I think you should get some rest--” she began, but then her eyes narrowed at my neck. “Actually, no. I need to ask you something first. Is that my mother’s necklace around your neck? I’ve seen glimpses of it several times over the past few days, but now I’m sure I recognize it.”

  “Err… yes,” I answered in a hesitant tone. “Theodora gave it to me before we left.”

  “Of course, she did,” Vanessa sighed as she rolled her eyes. “As protection against Samara?”

  “Well, Samara was still making her way into my head,” I explained, “but with this, she wasn’t able to pretend to be the woman from my dreams anymore. There was no way for her to try and trick me with this around my neck, which is the only reason Theodora gave it to me.”

  “The woman from your dreams?” Vanessa repeated with an arched eyebrow. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Oh, that’s right,” I said as my fingers found their way to the gold pendant around my neck. “That’s what I call her. She’s a beautiful woman I’ve seen in a painting down in the forbidden cellar, I don’t know if you know about it, but it’s in the study hall, behind a bookcase. She’s also been in my dreams, and she’s been guiding me when times were challenging. I have no control over her, but she has our best interests at heart.”

  “I see…” Vanessa drawled in a curious tone, “but you have no idea who she is? You haven’t mentioned a name.”

  “No, I don’t know her name,” I said. “I’ve briefly talked to Theodora about her, and something tells me she knows more about her than she’s letting on.”

  “My mother always does,” Vanessa agreed. “Anyway, enough talk. I imagine you’re just as exhausted as I am, and now that we’ve found the first artifact, we can finally rest. And to answer your prior question, yes, we will continue on our journey. Returning to Scholomance would only waste time and energy. Now, please, for the final time, go and sleep.”

  “Alright, Professor,” I said as I took a deep breath. “I do believe rest would be the best idea. It feels like it’s been ten-thousand years since I last slept.”

  “Well, luckily for us, this palace is filled with bedrooms,” the professor said as she stifled a yawn. “I suggest you find one and get as much rest as possible. We’ll be leaving the woodland at first light. We may be safe for now, but I’ll be damned if we push our luck any further.”

  “Do we have any idea where we’re going after this?” I asked.

  “Not yet.” She smiled as she placed a hand on my shoulder. “But when has that ever stopped us? Besides, something tells me you’ll find our bearings as soon as we step out of here.”

  I laughed at her unexpected enthusiasm, and without thinking, my hand went straight to hers. When our skin touched, her smile died, and a small blush crept across her face. Then she jerked back like a spell just sent a current through her skin, and she smoothed her hair before her eyes went deadly cold.

  “Apologies, Professor,” I muttered as I took a small step back. “I meant no disrespect.”

  “Forget it,” she said in a rushed voice. “You’re probably just exhausted, and your mind is elsewhere. I normally hate to repeat myself, but as I said, you need to rest, so you don’t make any more reckless mistakes like that again.”

  “Of course,” I agreed with my hands raised in defense. “I’ll be off now.”

  I left the professor and the cellar, and when I made my way back into the entranceway, evening light spilled in through the window and cast a deep orange glow across the marble floors and moth-eaten carpets. The familiars must have decided to take a break because they were all asleep by one of the stairwells. I wondered where the others were, and I thought it was strange I didn’t hear a sound as I trekked up the stairs and wandered around the dusty castle.

  When I was at the top of the stairs, I saw a series of doors stretch down the adjacent hall, and each one had a dusty, gold knob on it. The wood was dark in color, which meant this place was as old as we perceived. I slowly walked down the hall, and each door was shut except for one at the very end of the hall. Curiosity got the best of me, and when I neared the slightly ajar door, I could have sworn I heard giggling coming from within.

  I pushed the door open without hesitation now, and my heart wildly beat inside my chest as my breath caught in my throat at the sight before me. There, spread across a vast, king-sized bed, was my coven. Each woman was completely naked, and their dresses were all piled into a corner. Beatrix and Marina were in their undergarments, and both women were on their knees in the middle of the floor. When they saw me, they bowed before me and pressed their foreheads against the floorboards, but as they did so, I could see their bodies slightly trembling.

  “What do we have here?” I smirked as I looked down at the two women. “Two more lovely offerings, I presume?”

  “Cole!” Beatrix was the first to gasp when she glanced back up. “We’re here to give ourselves to you, body and soul.”

  “We long to call you our master,” Marina added in a gentle voice. “I’ve been a slave to one man before, and I vowed never to let it happen again, but with you, it feels different. I want to become one with you and feel a bond stronger than blood. I want the power of your unholy protection, and I want to be a part of you and your unholy coven, if you’ll let me, that is.”

  “Is that so?” I asked as I stepped inside and closed the door.

  “Yes,” Beatrix answered for both of them. “She speaks the truth, Cole. And as for myself, when I first saw you in the games, I wanted to become a part of your coven, but I knew I wasn’t yet worthy. I hope now that you see me in a different light, for I have been fighting tooth and nail to gain your approval.”

  “I do see you as a worthy addition,” I grunted as I started to unbutton my shirt. “Now, let’s make it happen. Ladies, take off the rest of their clothes, and make sure to do it nice and slooooow.”

  “Yes, master,” the coven answered in unison.

  I started to take off the rest of my bloody g
arments, and I carefully watched as my naked coven began to pull down Marina and Beatrix’s panties and bras. When the two women were entirely naked, I studied the duo’s bare bodies and felt my blood rushing down south.

  The warm glow from the sun illuminated all their features, and when their hungry eyes glanced down at my erect cock, they both licked their lips and got back down on their knees. They were clearly itching to come closer, and when their eyes were locked onto my member, I knew exactly what they had in mind.

  “Not yet,” I said before they could crawl any closer. “I know you’re eager, but we need to enact the pact first… or did you already forget? You’re quite the pair of eager ones, I see. Not that I blame you.”

  “No, Cole,” the two replied in high-pitched voices.

  “We didn’t forget,” Marina said.

  “Forgive us for our haste,” Beatrix added.

  “I shall,” I said before I flicked my eyes back at the coven. “Someone bring me their blades, and let’s begin.”

  “Here, master.” Akira leaped from the bed with her arms behind her back, and when she approached me, she revealed the two bonded weapons in her hands.

  “Thank you.” I took the daggers and glanced back down at the two vulnerable women, and a smile crept across my face. Typically, the women just had to cut their palms for this part of the ceremony, but I had another, sexier idea, so I knelt down to their level and sliced shallowly across the upper curves of their breasts.

  Neither woman flinched as blood dripped down their bodies, and after I drew the pentagram on the dust-covered floor, I stood upright and took a deep breath before I began the unholy ritual.

  “Close your eyes,” I ordered. “Don’t you dare open them until I fucking tell you to. Open your heart to the darkness and repeat every word I command. Soon, you shall become one of us, and I promise you will relish in the reward I have to offer the two of you.”

  Both women did as they were told, and then I raised my hands up into the air.

  “Vocai, et tenebras petere quod sit conjunctio fiet, et anima per sanguinem,” I recited, and a sharp wind coursed through the bedroom. “Hae mulieres serve meus, et me in vita mea voluntati parere… now, say you are mine for all eternity.”

  “We are yours for all eternity, Cole,” the two women said in sing-song voices. “From here henceforward, we vow to call you our master, king, and husband.”

  “In the ancient tongue, say you’re mine, and you will serve me for all eternity,” I ordered as I placed both my hands on their heads.

  “Si audierint et observaverint illum sicut animam meam in dominum!” the two Wiccas repeated without hesitation, and the floorboards and walls began to pulsate like a violent storm was brewing.

  “Et nos in viam diabolum malum,” I roared. “Nos gratias ago vos omnem virum robustum!”

  The two women were shivering as I finished the ritual, and when the air became still and silent once more, I looked down at them.

  “Now, open your eyes,” I commanded as a grin spread across my face. “That’s an order from your new master.”

  Both women gawked at me as their eyes fluttered open, and it was like they were two butterflies finally emerging from the confinements of their cocoons.

  “Unholy hell,” Marina said as her hand went to her chest. “I-It worked.”

  “Now that we’ve completed the ritual,” I growled. “We can finally begin.”

  “What would you have us do first, master?” Beatrix asked in a smooth, sultry voice. “We’ll do anything.”

  “I want you both to take turns sucking on my cock,” I ordered. “You’ll do it until I cum all over you… and I want everyone else to watch and guide you.”

  “Yes, master,” all the women answered at once as they clambered off the bed and stood behind the two newly added Wiccas, who both had their lips parted wide open.

  As Beatrix and Marina waited on their knees, I stood in between them and gently batted my titanium rod against their moist lips. Both of them kept their mouths wide open as they desperately longed for a deeper taste of my member, and desire burned hot inside the pit of my gut.

  “I think we’ll start with you, Beatrix,” I said as a slow smile crept across my lips. “Do you think you’re ready for my cock?”

  “Yes, master,” the light-haired brunette purred in an eager voice. “I am.”

  “Very well,” I said before my eyes flicked upward, and I studied the other bare beauties. “Ladies, be sure to show her what to do.”

  “Of course, we will, master,” Akira said as she stood behind the light-haired brunette. “We’ll guide her nice and sloooow at first.”

  “And we’ll make sure she goes as deeeeeeep as she can,” Penelope chuckled.

  “Excellent,” I grunted as I inched closer to the brunette, and when I tapped my tip along her tongue, Akira and Morgana placed their hands on her head and prepared to do their part.

  “Do you like that?” I teased as I batted my tip even faster along her hot tongue. “Do you want more?”

  “Hmmmm,” she moaned as her glassy brown eyes stared into mine, and the corners of her lips formed a smile.

  “I think she enjoys the taste, master,” Morgana cooed. “Use your tongue, Beatrix. Taste the tip of our master’s beloved cock.”

  Beatrix wasted no time before she followed the dark-haired brunette’s advice and began to swirl her long hot tongue along my flared tip in slow, gradual circles. Then, without being told what to do, she took the initiative to run her tongue along my underside, and I shuddered with pleasure when she wrapped her velvety lips around my cock and began to lightly suck and slurp along my length.

  “Good girl,” I grunted before I began to buck my hips forward and thrust into her warm mouth. “Mmmm, I’m going to fuck the back of your throat, and you will take me all the way in, understand?”

  In response, the brunette wriggled her head even further along my length until she reached my balls. Shivers ran down my entire body as I thrust even deeper and harder inside her desperate mouth, and she gently gagged each time my tip touched the back of her throat. Akira and Morgana weaved their fingers through her hair as she bobbed back and forth, and as their grips tightened, they guided her even faster along my length.

  “She looks so lovely taking in your cock, master,” Vesta purred.

  “She does,” I growled as Beatrix greedily slurped and hummed along my dick, and the wet sounds of her mouth taking in my cock echoed in the room. “Now, it’s your turn for a taste, Marina. We can’t keep you waiting, can we?”

  When I plucked my slick cock from Beatrix’s hungry mouth, the light-haired brunette pouted and stared up at me with desperate longing. I knew she wanted more by the way she licked her lips and bucked her hips along the blood-streaked floor, but she had to wait.

  I was in charge.

  “But, master,” Beatrix pouted. “I want moooooore. Pleeeeease, you taste soooo delicious.”

  “In time,” I said before Akira violently yanked back on her hair, and I placed a finger under her chin. “For now, you will be quiet and watch as I fuck Marina’s lovely mouth, understood?”

  “Yes, master,” Beatrix mewled.

  “You need to have patience,” the black-haired witch hissed into her ear. “You’ll get only what you deserve.”

  “She speaks truly,” I said in a faint voice before I turned to study the lavender-haired Wicca. “Now, are you ready to take me inside your mouth?”

  “Yes,” the former siren said in a dream-like voice as her purple eyes met mine. “I want you more than anything.”

  “Then let’s give you a taste, shall we?” I grinned before I tapped my flared tip along her gaping mouth, and when I batted my cock against her tongue, precum spilled onto her lips.

  “Hmmmmmmm,” Marina moaned as I gave her a pleasant taste.

  The purple-eyed witch then smiled as I guided my member inside her wide mouth, and when she wrapped her lips around my cock and took me entirely inside, my body s
huddered with instant gratification.

  “Fuuuuuuuuuck,” I grunted as she slowly moved her head up and down along my shaft. “Vesta, Penelope… grab her hair and guide her faster along my cock. Show her how it’s done.”

  “Yes, master,” the two women responded as they grabbed her head.

  The former siren’s head moved up and down in faster motions, and she groaned with delight and gagged each time I thrust harder inside her wanting mouth. As my desire grew more demanding, I bucked my hips forward with more fervor, and the lavender-haired Wicca continued to stare up at me with glassy, desire-filled eyes. Precum dripped from the corners of her lips, and her face was flushed as I ventured deeper inside her throat and fucked her with all my determination.

  “Do you like that?” I grunted as the two women moved her head faster along my length. “Do you want to taste my unholy seed?”

  “Hmmmmm,” the lavender Wicca groaned as she swirled her long tongue along my cock and bobbed her head even faster.

  “Look at both of them,” Nyx cooed. “They’re both dripping… I can see puddles beneath their pussies.”

  When I flicked my eyes downward, I realized the sapphire-skinned witch was correct. There were two wet patches on the floor, and as I prodded faster and harder inside Marina’s mouth, I noticed Beatrix was biting her lower lip. Her eyes were filled with eager desire as I fucked Marina’s throat over and over again, and the coil inside my gut tightened.

  “Fuuuuuck, I’m going to cum,” I groaned as my cock twitched inside her mouth, and shivers coursed through my entire body. “Now, both of you need to swallow every drop I give you, understood? Beatrix, come closer and prepare to have a taste as well… you deserve it.”

  “Yes, master,” Beatrix purred with a wide smile.

  “Mmmmm,” Marina gurgled and slurped as the women moved her head up and down at a faster pace.

  When my throbbing tip scraped the back of her throat, one long, sharp quiver ran up my body, and then I gently pulled out and sprayed my sweltering seed all over her face and then at Beatrix’s parted lips.

  As I covered the two of them with my creamy cum, they both licked their lips and did their best to taste every drop I had to offer them.


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