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A Gentleman in the Street

Page 7

by Alisha Rai

  Light flashed off the diamond studs in her ears as she turned slightly. Black eyes met his.

  Jacob didn’t need a mirror to know he was probably staring at her agog. In stark contrast, there was zero shock on her face.

  A corner of her red-painted mouth kicked up. While his heart pounded triple-time, she treated him to a languorous study before giving him a mocking salute.

  The man at her side leaned in to whisper something to her, and her attention shifted. God damn it, who was that man? Her date?

  She had never brought an escort to any of her mother’s parties—strange, since that would have been an ideal way to annoy the other woman—but she had often found companionship when she got there. He’d become an expert at finding excuses to leave the room or avert his gaze when she sidled close to someone, an intimate look in her eyes.

  It stirred too much inside him to watch her trail her fingers over another man’s arm or face. Envy, because of the man’s right to stand so close to her, to touch her and be touched. Lust, over thoughts of what she would do to the stranger when she got him alone. Greed, because he wanted to both be the object of her desire and have a front row seat to it.

  He felt all those things now when the man’s perfect face pressed far too close to Akira’s. But he couldn’t look away. Not this time.

  Not even when she offered the man a blinding smile and pressed her body against his. Or when she snaked her hand through the crook of his arm.

  They slipped away from the crowd surrounding them as if they were accustomed to sneaking off on their own. Just before they disappeared through a doorway, Akira turned her head, the tips of her hair brushing over her spine, and made eye contact. She lifted her hand languidly.

  And crooked a finger at him.

  With a sultry smile, she disappeared.


  Spell broken, he jerked, startled, and looked at Elizabeth, who was studying him with curiosity.

  He should forget about Akira and her bizarre beckoning. He should spend the evening with proper, safe Elizabeth, and wipe Akira from his mind entirely.

  He had done it before, all those other times she had disappeared with some other man. He’d buried his desire down deep and soldiered on.

  Not tonight.

  The thought came unexpectedly, but once it took hold in his brain, he couldn’t shake it off. He couldn’t march away like a good boy. This time, he was going to feed all those emotions swirling in his chest.

  “Excuse me,” he said to Elizabeth, aware he was a shade too abrupt, but unable to correct his behavior. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  She patted him on the shoulder and said something to him. Perhaps he agreed to see her later. He couldn’t quite recall.

  He was too intent on finding his prey.

  A deserted hallway lay beyond the door Akira and her man had exited through. Like Akira’s office building, this place was another converted mansion, used for events instead of offices. As he moved down the hallway, the sounds of the party became muted, assisted by the thick carpeting and solid walls.

  There was nothing, in fact, to disguise the noise that made him stop in his tracks, his muscles locking.

  Surely she wouldn’t…

  He took another couple of steps and heard it again, a feminine gasp followed quickly by a man’s sigh.

  Moth to a flame, a magnet to metal…there was nothing that could prevent him from following that sound. The door was ajar. He only had to nudge it open so he could peek inside. Bare and plain, the room beyond was an unremarkable storage closet.

  What made it remarkable was the woman leaning against the shelf. Dark eyes clashed with his, daring him to…do something. What, he wasn’t sure. He was fairly certain he had no blood left in his brain to manage any sort of cognitive functions.

  Akira’s dress was peeled down to her waist, her small, firm breasts propped up on the shelf of her black corset. The dim light from the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling gleamed on her date’s head as he sucked one long brown nipple into his mouth, his cheeks hollowing with each motion.

  Red-tipped fingers tightened on the fine fabric of the tux covering the man’s shoulders. “If you’re going to watch, come in and shut the door,” she drawled.

  Shameless. That’s what she was.

  The man lifted his head at Akira’s words.

  Good. Yes, Akira’s date would stop this madness. Order Jacob out. Or better yet, leave himself.

  But there was nothing but amusement in the blue eyes meeting Jacob’s. Elegant and lean, with a perfectly formed face, the man looked like a male model. Dismissing him quickly, the man returned to burying his face in those magnificent breasts.

  No help from that quarter.

  A drop of sweat rolled down Jacob’s temple. He ought to be outraged. Or disgusted. Maybe writhing with jealousy. His cock shouldn’t be so hard it ached as he watched another man suck on the woman he lusted after. It shouldn’t grow harder at the thought of watching the other man fuck the woman he wanted to fuck.

  Shameless. That’s what she made him.

  It was the only explanation for why he stepped inside.

  He relished the flash of confusion and surprise on her face as the door clicked shut behind him. What did she think, he would become flustered and run away? Actually, given his track record, that wasn’t a crazy expectation.

  Running wasn’t an option when it meant he’d be missing the sight of Akira’s nipples hardening and tightening as someone else toyed with them.

  “Fine, then,” she breathed, recovering from her shock. “Stay. Remy and I don’t mind, do you, darling?”

  The man—Remy, what kind of fucking name was that?—bit down on her nipple and tugged so the flesh was even more elongated. He released her when Akira gave a sharp cry and trailed his lips up to her neck. He groaned into the skin there. “I don’t care if this place burns down, as long as I don’t have to stop.”

  Akira stroked a forefinger over her nipple, wet from Remy’s saliva. Jacob clenched his hands into fists and leaned against the door, striving to appear nonchalant when the reality was he couldn’t support his own weight.

  “No need to stop. Right, Jacob?”

  He was barely capable of shaking his head, once.

  Akira stretched and gripped the shelf above her, the movement lifting her breasts and arching her back.

  “What do you want?” Remy asked her. He licked her ear. Her dress pooled over his arm as he slid his hand farther up her thigh, the red a harsh contrast to his black jacket.

  She arched her back. Showing off. “Since Jacob’s the guest, he should get to pick.”

  Jacob jerked. What?

  Remy’s chuckle was low. “Fine by me.” The dull light shone on his shaved head as he glanced at Jacob again. “What do you want me to do to her?” His hand moved down her leg, his fingers hooked in a scrap of black lace.

  “I can suck Remy off. Or he can eat me.” A sly smile crossed her beautiful face, and he wondered if she was remembering the moment Jacob had slipped his tongue inside her sweet cunt.

  He wet his lips. His palm made contact with the doorknob behind him, hesitated there, as she continued in a whisper. “Or he can fuck me while you watch.”

  Jacob’s hand fell away from the knob. He was barely conscious of taking the six steps separating them, until he was close enough to Akira to count each breath she took. Close enough to Remy to see the droplet of sweat trickling down the man’s neck and the thick outline of his cock against his tuxedo pants.

  “What do you want, Jacob?” she murmured, challenge in every word.

  He lifted his hand, unsurprised to find it shaking, and touched his fingertip to her cheek. What did he want?


  “Fuck her.” The words were so guttural, it hurt when he uttered them.

  Akira’s mouth parted in a wordless exhale of air. Because he was watching her, Jacob caught the subtle nod she gave Remy. Distantly, he was aware of the other man mo
ving—the rasp of a zipper, the crinkling foil of a condom being opened—but Jacob’s eyes were on Akira and the flush coating her face and skin.

  He had missed this, when he’d taken her roughly with his mouth on her office floor. He wanted to press the pause button and catalogue every single sign of her arousal, from her dilated eyes to the way her toes curled in sexy black high-heeled sandals as Remy ran his hands over her ass and hoisted her up the wall.

  She let out a small cry when Remy sank inside her with a single thrust. Jacob ran his finger over her cheek and traced her open lips. Hot breaths puffed against his skin.

  She bit the fleshy part of his forefinger when Remy thrust inside her again, and Jacob welcomed the pain. It echoed the throbbing of his cock. Punishment for all the years he’d lusted after her. Punishment for loving this moment as much as he did.

  When she closed her eyes after a particularly deep thrust, Jacob grasped her chin and shook her head. “No,” he ordered, unable to fathom how he was able to speak at all. “You look at me.”

  Remy gave a half-laugh as she opened lust-dazed eyes. “She could look at me too.” He inserted his hand between their bodies. Akira’s feet flexed, the sexy satin bows wrapping around her ankles bouncing as Remy shafted her deeper.

  “There’s the spot I like,” Remy murmured.

  Remy’s cock was large and thick as it thrust in and out of her, her copious arousal making the condom shiny. Jacob had felt her pussy clamping on his tongue and fingers. How would he survive if that was his penis fucking into her?

  He could take a single step closer and change his relatively innocent touch on her face to something more depraved. He could run his hand down her body, finger those swollen pussy lips stretched around Remy’s cock. His knuckles might rub against the other man’s erection.

  “This is what you love, then? Watching?” Her breaths came in increasing pants.

  Jacob was silent for a moment, fascinated by the way her pussy clung to Remy’s cock on withdrawal, the controlled brutality of the other man as he shoved himself back in.


  Jacob looked her in the eyes. “I love watching,” he confessed. “You.”

  Her teeth clenched. “Harder.”

  Remy’s next thrust rattled the shelves. “Hard enough for you?”

  Jacob bit the inside of his cheek until he almost broke skin.

  Eyes locked on Jacob’s, Akira shook her head and squirmed on the cock impaling her. “No. Harder.”

  Greedy. He didn’t mean to say the word, but his lips formed it, a silent judgment. Or praise, he wasn’t sure.

  She caught it, a fierce smile crossing her face. “I am greedy,” she purred.

  Remy laughed, out of breath and clearly nearing his own orgasm. “The greediest bitch I know.” He ground his hips.

  “Yes. Yes.” Akira arched her back, her hungry pussy straining to keep him in. “That deep.”

  Remy’s hand settled on her clit. “You need to come, you greedy little slut.”

  That word, the one he despised on principle, the one he had punished his sister for using, shouldn’t make his arousal ratchet higher. But then, he shouldn’t be aroused by Akira being held open for another man’s cock.

  If this was to be a night for firsts, he may as well go all the way.

  Akira’s hips jerked. “I do need it.”

  “Then take it.” Remy pinched her clit hard. Akira stiffened in his arms, her breasts trembling. Shivers racked her, and she came, a small, keening cry leaving her.

  Jacob clamped his palm over her mouth. “Shh,” he heard himself say. Her lips were wet and soft under his hand.

  Remy grunted and shoved deep, heat pouring off him as he came inside Akira.

  Akira’s cries subsided to soft whimpers, and Jacob eased his hand off her mouth and stumbled a step away, his cock so erect it was a vicious pain. There was no helping the condition, not with Akira standing there, bare breasts heaving. Her skirt had drifted down to cover her pussy. She steadied herself against the wall as Remy turned his back.

  Ice ran down his spine. Sick. This was sick. And so dangerous. What had he done?

  It didn’t matter that he hadn’t come. It didn’t matter that Akira had invited him in. He had stayed.

  The self-disgust kept him frozen in place as Akira pulled up the bodice of her dress and twitched her skirt into place. Remy said something—Jacob wasn’t in any kind of condition to pay attention—and slipped out of the room, leaving them alone. She stopped on her way out and rose on her tiptoes. Her breath brushed across his ear as she whispered, “Now we can forget it. Well. You can try.”

  Akira was proud of herself for tossing out the sassy final words, though her legs were shaking and her head spinning from one of the most intense orgasms she’d ever had.

  Time to make your exit.

  Easier said then done, when her triumphant march was interrupted by Jacob reaching above her head and slamming the door shut in front of her, keeping her trapped inside. Her nose twitched. Damn his long arms.

  His fingers wrapped around her shoulder and swung her around, pushing her against the thick wood. The dull overhead light highlighted the sweat trickling over Jacob’s flushed face.

  She’d had no set plans when she’d spotted Jacob across the ballroom floor, beyond some vague, half-formed idea of revenge.

  Please, just…forget it.

  Forget it? He meant forget her, and she’d decided long ago no one would ever fucking forget her. Eating her out would be a memory he took to his grave, because God knew it would get some extra screen time on her own recap of life. She couldn’t, wouldn’t be the only one.

  When Remy had whispered a naughty invitation to accompany him to the storage room he’d scoped out, it had seemed like fate. She hadn’t honestly expected Jacob to follow her, even after she’d beckoned him. At best, she’d hoped he’d be tormented with images of what she might be up to.

  But then she’d found him framed in the doorway, face flushed, eyes hot, not a trace of disgust clinging to him. So she’d thrown out the invitation.

  And he had taken it.

  As expert a lover as Remy was, she couldn’t ascribe her most-excellent orgasm to his talent alone. Without Jacob here watching her, wanting her, she doubted she would have flown so high.

  Akira licked her lips, tasting the sweat from the hand he’d placed over her mouth to stifle her cries. Could she keep his taste on her lips forever?

  He leaned in close, massive arms bracketing her head, palms flat on the door. He loomed over her, but she wasn’t scared.

  “I think we’re finished,” she said, struggling to be cool. It was a challenge, though she had gotten both her orgasm and her revenge.


  She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yes. Very much yes.”

  “Why did you do that?”

  Though she realized the words were dipped in agony, they made her bristle. He had no right to question anything she did. Uncaring that he was so much larger than her, she took a step closer, her heels helping her to get up in his face. “Why did you stay, darling?”

  No answer.

  Her lips curved in a bitter smile. “I mean, it couldn’t have been the same reason you kissed me on Monday.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. “You don’t know why I kissed you on Monday.”

  “Of course I do. The blubbering I did probably brought out all your protective manly instincts. Turned you on.”

  “I’m not turned on by weakness.”

  She snorted. “Yeah. Sure.”

  “I’m not.”

  Lies. Maybe it was the Molotov cocktail of emotions inside of her, but she needed to push him. Force him to admit the truth. “Yeah, it’s a coincidence after almost a decade and a half of knowing each other, your face wound up in my vagina the one time I cried in front of you?”

  He flinched at the word vagina, which only made her want to say it again and again, like a snotty teenage boy. Shoulda said cunt.

nbsp; “It didn’t happen because you were crying.”

  “Oh, was it the fetal position I was in then?”

  “No.” The single word was low and held a warning.

  “A glimpse of my softer side because I held my grandmother’s—”

  “It happened because I touched you.”

  She froze. For a normal person, that would have been a forceful declaration. For usually quiet Jacob, it was a roar. Shock chased across his face, as if he had been unprepared to make that announcement.

  Akira blinked. “What?”

  “We don’t… We’ve never touched.”

  Not before she’d made the not-too-strategic move in pressing herself against him at his cabin. Because there was only so much contact she could manage with the man before her mask was in danger of cracking, before she showed him how she really felt about him.

  Can’t let him see.

  He shook his head. “I knew if I touched you, if you gave the slightest hint you were…” A deep breath. “I wouldn’t want to stop.”

  “You’re not making any sense.” The world had tilted on its axis. Up was down, right was left, and the sky was green. She spoke slowly, as if she were trying to make a small child understand a basic truth. “You can’t even stand to be in the same room as me.”

  His teeth clenched. “Not because I hate you.”

  “Then why?” she shot back. Comprehension was coming, and with it a cold anger, but she wanted it perfectly articulated. Damned if she’d ever let him complain she misunderstood him.

  Visibly discomfited, Jacob ran a hand through his hair. “I just can’t look at you without…without wanting you.”

  “You—” She choked. “You want me. All these years, you’ve lusted after me.”

  He closed his eyes briefly, as if she were a cross to bear. As if the thought of wanting her pained him so much.

  The light bulb clicked on, and with it came an icy rage. Rage hot enough to eclipse the mortification of being abandoned half-naked, post-orgasm on her office floor.


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