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That Same Old Love (A Second Chance Romance) (India) (Match Made in Hell series Book 1)

Page 6

by MV Kasi

  She was about to step out of the house with her umbrella to go to her friend's house, when she spotted Sidhu sitting outside her gate.

  "Sidhu?" she asked in surprise.

  Sidhu was squinting at her and didn't remember who she was.

  "It's me, Ananya." Sidhu gave her a blank stare. "Samrat's sister."

  "Oh...I remember you. Samrat's little sister. Mahi made fun of you in college. I'm sorry I couldn't stop her."

  Ananya didn't think whatever Mahi did to her could be in anyway called 'fun', but Sidhu was too blinded by love to recognize the abusive behavior of his girlfriend.

  For 'fun', Mahi had made Ananya eat lunch in the girl's bathroom several times, and threatened her with dire consequences if she complained about it to anyone. Ananya had kept quiet and often threw up her lunch, when Mahi and her gang stood near the bathroom door and watched her eat. Somehow, one of her classmates found out and informed Samrat, and soon he put an end to it.

  That had made Mahi even more furious and she ramped up her bullying and called it 'ragging' her junior. Her bullying hadn't stopped after a year like it was supposed to, it continued well after the first year, until as recently as four weeks ago when Mahi did something even worse.

  Mahi had somehow managed to slip something into Ananya's lunch box that made her severely sick. She kept throwing up several times and had to leave the college early. Meantime, Mahi had spread vicious rumors that Ananya was pregnant and that one of their forty year old neighbor was the father of her child. Mahi had even told everyone that she often saw Ananya sneak into his house during the nights.

  When the rumor somehow spread to Samrat, he confronted Mahi and was about to drag her to the principal's office. But Sidhu stopped him, explaining to him that Mahi meant it as a joke and that she never expected people to react or believe her nonsense. Sidhu begged Mahi to apologize, but she refused. And when Sidhu explained to Mahi that their final exams were close and that she could be suspended based on such behavior, she had finally relented. Mahi grudgingly delivered a halfhearted 'sorry' in front of everyone and told them that she had spread the false rumors.

  Ananya had no idea why Mahi seemed to target both her brother and her when they barely interacted with her.

  "Yes. I'm Samrat's sister. You are completely wet from the rain; would you like to come inside? I can lend you my brother's clean clothes and a spare umbrella."

  Sidhu was slightly drunk for the first time in his life. His friends had suggested that alcohol would dull the pain of a heart break and maybe even make him bold enough to confront Mahi's parents and demand to see her. He did confront her parents, but was told that Mahi wasn't at home. So he began to wait outside her house, getting wet in the rain and starving from the past four hours.

  Ananya looked at Sidhu's tired face. "Actually, I insist that you come inside and I won't move from here until you agree."

  Sidhu smiled at her a little tiredly. "Okay...then I'll take up your offer. I'm tired and have been waiting here since this afternoon."

  He stood up on his slightly unsteady legs and followed behind her to her house.

  Her heart was thumping loudly when the object of her affections stood right in her living room. She had loved him for so long, even when she knew her love could never be reciprocated.

  "Would you like some hot chai? I can start making one while I look for my brother's clothes," she offered.

  He smiled at her, flashing his famous dimples. "Oh definitely, I feel slightly dizzy. First and last time, I'm ever drinking any sort of alcohol again. I still don't understand how some people actually enjoy it."

  She almost melted there on the spot staring at his dimples. He had always been kind and considerate to everyone. Even when he had every right to tease his juniors in their first year, he was well known for rescuing them from the worst of bullying. But only when it came to Mahi, he had a huge blind spot.

  What was so great about Mahi? She wasn't even the best looking girl in the college, she thought resentfully, remembering how she had caught Sidhu and Mahi making out in one of their empty lab rooms last year.

  She had forgotten her lab kit that morning and wanted to check if it was still there. She found Mahi sitting on Sidhu's lap facing him. His shirt was unbuttoned and they were kissing each other.

  She stood in shock for several seconds. And after a while, Sidhu opened his eyes and saw her. Mahi was facing away and was busy kissing his neck.

  "Mahi, wait. Someone is in the lab and looking right at us."

  Mahi paused and turned back, and when she saw who it was, she gave an evil grin.

  "Ehh... it's only a boring junior. That nerd Samrat's sister. Let's give her a show Sidhu, she might learn something interesting."

  Before Sidhu could answer or continue with whatever they were doing, Ananya ran out of there and cried for several nights. She knew Sidhu and Mahi were together as a couple, but to actually see them like that had broken her heart. But somehow she still harbored strong feelings for Sidhu, and felt that her quiet and pure love was the kind that would win eventually.

  That was if Sidhu ever had a clue about how she felt about him.

  She had a chance now.

  She put on a tea kettle filled with water for a boil and brought back a towel along with clean dry clothes for Sidhu.

  He took the things from her. "Thanks...uh. Thanks for helping me. I'll be forever indebted to you, I promise."

  "It's Ananya. And no need to thank me. You are my brother's classmate and my senior. It's my duty to help you," she teased him slightly, even though she was nervous seeing him at close proximity.

  He smiled and placed a hand on his heart. "Well Ananya, consider your duty done effectively. For this evening, I'll be forever indebted to you until the day I die."

  She relaxed, smiling at his goofiness. All the girls loved the fact that he always flirted with them in a charming way.

  "You can change in the guest bedroom downstairs by your right. The chai will be ready in five minutes," she said.

  After the tea was prepared, she served it into two cups and placed them on the dining table, waiting for him to join her.

  When he didn't, even after fifteen minutes, she was worried that the tea would cool down.

  She knocked on the closed guest bedroom door and called out to him. "Sidhu, are you there? Your chai is ready."

  She couldn't hear anything except some muffled noises. She opened the door slowly and entered the slightly dark room that was lit only by the setting sun.

  "Sidhu? Are you okay?" she asked him when she saw his bent figure.

  He was seated shirtless on the bed, next to the towel and dry clothes, and was holding his head in both his hands. His shoulders were shaking slightly.

  "Sidhu?" she called out softly again, feeling torn. She knew that he was crying because of Mahi. She also knew that she should leave him alone. Any guy would hate being caught crying, but this was Sidhu, the only guy she ever loved, and he was in pain.

  "Why Ananya. Why? What's so bad about me? I come from a rich family; I have a good education and I am planning on getting more soon. People think I'm good to look at and I treat everyone with respect. I don't know what is so unsuitable about me," he said looking at her with swollen red eyes.

  Her heart went out to him and she sat next to him. "You are all those things and more, Sidhu. You are also kind and generous while being fun at the same time. There is nothing unsuitable about you," she told him sincerely.

  He scoffed.

  She touched his shoulder tentatively. "No. I really mean it. I don't know how many people have appreciated you for being you, but please believe me. I do...a lot. In fact I..I..I'm pretty sure that I love you. I have loved you from the moment I saw you for the first time three years ago," she whispered to him.

  He was quiet and then leaned his head on her shoulder. "Oh god, Ananya. Why couldn't she feel that way too," he said and broke down.

  She was shocked at the contact. She could feel the hea
t from his bare chest against her thin cotton dress, and hundreds of small tingles began to run all over her body. She raised her hand slowly and began to stroke his back. She could feel the tingles extend to the tip of her fingers as well.

  Soon Sidhu stopped crying and his breathing rhythm changed. He began to breathe heavily like her, and then pushed her away slightly from him, looking shocked and dazed.

  Staring into his eyes, she gently ran her fingers over his cheek, still unable to believe that Sidhu was at her house, and that she was able to touch him, and then feel him from this close. She had been dreaming of him frequently in the past three years and even in her dreams she was never this close to him.

  Staring at his mouth, she leaned closer to him and then kissed him with all her love and passion.

  After a few shocked seconds, he responded back to her kiss with desperation. Soon their kisses advanced into something more, turning that night into one of the most memorable nights she ever had.

  But, the next morning he looked ashamed and apologized for what had happened.

  "I'm so sorry Ananya. I didn't mean for us spend the night together. Mahi—" he broke off and shook his head.

  She felt her heart break when she heard him talk about their special night as some sort of mistake. "Don't worry Sidhu. It's okay...I-I realize it happens sometimes. You were so sad and I-I just was carried away, especially because of how I felt about you."

  "No Ananya. You don't understand. I've never ever done that in my lifetime. You were my first and I am pretty sure I was yours too. I've always wanted my first time to be with my wife. And I realize it must be of a huge significance to you as well. I-I will speak to my parents and ask them to talk to yours soon. Before I leave the country in two weeks, we should get m-married to each other," he said.

  She was hurt by his tone which sounded as though he was volunteering a death sentence. She had always dreamt about Sidhu proposing to her in the most romantic way possible.

  "That's not needed Sidhu. I can take care of myself and I don't have to marry someone just because it was our first time," she said with as much dignity as possible.

  "No Ananya. I insist. Otherwise, I will feel guilty about last night my entire life," he pleaded.

  "Sidhu, please stop. I'm not interested in marrying anyone at my age, alright? I'm still in my third year and I don't intend to marry anyone until I'm at least twenty five years old."

  He looked at her skeptically. "Then, let's get engaged. We can wait until you finish your education before we marry," he insisted.

  She had no intention to ever put him under duress about taking her virginity. She had offered it to him more than willingly.

  She used a stalling technique, telling him that because of her brother's current problems; they should wait for a month before breaking the news about their impending engagement.

  But after a month, they had to make an announcement to their families, and it was about their final decision to get married. Ananya had missed her period and she knew for a fact that their night together had some serious consequences.

  Sidhu dropped his idea of getting a Master’s degree, and returned from the U.S within a couple of weeks, and joined his family business.

  Their daughter, Srishti had arrived exactly seven months after their wedding day.

  She had always felt that she effectively ruined Sidhu's future plans and that he had to settle for her, to do the 'right thing'. She also felt that if she hadn't been with him that night, there was no way he would have even considered being with her, let alone marry her.



  By the time Rajeev dropped Mahi back home, it was late in the evening.

  "Seriously Rajeev, you didn't have to accompany me for the bank and groceries errands too. You have to prepare for your finals as it is." she told him worriedly.

  "That's okay. I had planned on spending the day with you. My campus is only a few minutes away and my friend was kind enough to lend me a car until tonight."

  Rajeev was glad he could spend time with Mahi. She was like an older sister to him, even though she wasn't in touch with him and his mother for a few years. And after spending some time with her, he felt their special bond grow stronger. She was divorced and was back to Hyderabad after fourteen years. Anyone would require help getting around the city, after being gone for that long.

  Mahi smiled at him as they unloaded her bags from the car. "Thanks for taking me to that great place for dinner. It was great! I've almost forgotten how authentic Hyderabad Biryani and Kubani ka meetha tasted like."

  When they got into her house, she said, "I'll take it from here; you should get back to your hostel and study soon. I'm still angry that until ten minutes ago, you didn't mention that your exams are starting next week. Run along and study immediately! Now that I have a SIM card and phone number, I'm going to text you or call you if I need anything. So don't worry about me."

  Rajeev smiled. "Call me often akka, even though I'm sure you can manage. Ma always regaled me with tales of what a bundle of energy you were. I wish I remembered all our interactions or had better memories of you as that girl. I just have some vague memories of playing with you or coercing you to buy me something."

  She walked him out to his car. "Oh trust me. I'm glad you were too young at that time and only have fond memories of me all those years ago. I was a horrible person back then and not very nice to know. But, I'm in a much better place right now."

  "I seriously doubt that. How can someone who took me to an exhibition fair each year be bad? I can't ever imagine any other teenager or twenty something year old girl, taking her very young cousin along with her friends to any place. I remember eating a lot of cotton candy and popcorn, and later passing out in a backseat of a car, and then waking up next to ma in the morning. I used to look forward to the trip each year."

  Rajeev's mother had been too busy at home to take him anywhere. Mahi had offered to shop for him and she often stocked up some toys during those exhibitions trips. Since she didn't enjoy the rides, she dragged Sidhu and her friends along, to accompany Rajeev for the spinning rides he seemed to love.

  "You were the most well behaved toddler and kid, and my friends loved you too."

  She hugged him tightly.

  "Don't forget to call me if you need anything," he reminded her and drove away in his friend's borrowed Mercedes car.

  She still felt slightly choked up after meeting her frail, but brave aunt in the hospital. She had hugged her aunt and acted strong even though she wanted to burst into tears.

  "Mahi you look great, my child. You have always been a strong fighter and I am glad you decided to start your life in Hyderabad. I missed you a lot when you left home," her aunt said, smiling weakly from her hospital bed, her shorn head covered by a scarf.

  Mahi spent a couple of hours at the hospital, which according to Rajeev was the longest his mother had ever allowed anyone to visit her. Her aunt had a lot of visitors who were mostly of her age.

  Mahi had insisted that after the surgery, her aunt should come and live with her, but her aunt strongly opposed the idea, and said that she already made some provisions and not to worry about her.

  "I need to spend some time with women of my age and similar life experiences. And Mahi, you need to spend time starting another chapter of your life," said her aunt.

  Mahi didn't agree to that, but her aunt had been adamant, as had been Rajeev. She decided to try and argue her case the next time she saw them both.

  Just before Mahi turned to go back into her house, she felt someone watching her.

  It was Samrat and he was talking to someone on his phone, but his eyes were directed towards her.

  She waved to him with a smile, but he didn't bother acknowledging her and went back to his house.

  "Great. Just great. He's back to being the angry and pissed off neighbor again. Exactly what I need right now," she muttered while going back to her house.

br />   Samrat was back to his senses that he felt were missing during his temporary insanity this morning. That woman had been the cause of grief to him and his family, especially to his sister and his brother-in-law.

  After his sister left, he called Sidhu to let him know about Mahi agreeing to sell them her lands. Sidhu just responded back saying that it was good news, and that they could finally go ahead with some approval paperwork.

  And having known Sidhu pretty well in the past fourteen years, he knew that Sidhu was the kind to forgive everyone easily, and even go as far as helping them during their need. He didn't want Sidhu helping Mahi in any way or even have any sort of personal contact with her. She had been a user before and wouldn't have changed much.

  It probably wasn't fair making that assumption, simply based on seeing a Mercedes dropping her home with several shopping bags. But it fit in right with the character she was before, and also the rumors that were spread about her marriage and affairs.

  A bitter sensation was creeping through him like a poison, and he tried to identify the feeling. It seemed to be a combination of both anger and confusion. The thought of Mahi with that young boy in the Mercedes made him want to punish her, even though he himself had been similarly fascinated and attracted to her, when he saw her for the first time almost eighteen years ago.

  He remembered that day pretty clearly, even though he felt like gauging out a part of his brain for having that memory.

  Eighteen years ago

  He had only half listened to his parents' conversation when they spoke about a new family that had moved into their opposite house. He vaguely remembered something about the children from that family being close to his and his sister's age. He hadn't really been interested in socializing, since he spent most of his time with his inventions and his programming. The rest of the time was spent in going to several shops to buy second hand electronics and technology books.

  On that particular day, he had gone outside his room and was standing impatiently on the balcony, trying to get as much sun as possible for a bag to charge. He had been testing a prototype of a solar powered bag that he had built, to not just keep his father's lunch warm, but to also heat it.


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