The Alembic Plot: A Terran Empire novel

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The Alembic Plot: A Terran Empire novel Page 31

by Ann Wilson

  30. Interview

  Upstairs in the Family section, Odeon turned to Medart. "Thanks forhelping her, Jim. That's one the Brothers hadn't tried before,tricking her into executing an innocent man."

  "It was a nasty frame, all right, for both of them," Medart agreed."She seems to take a lot of pride in confining her torture tocriminals; killing someone who didn't deserve it under your laws, evenif it was on false evidence, I'd say would be a major blow."

  "One that would lessen her effectiveness, and that'd be a major victoryfor the Brotherhood." Odeon led Medart to one of the Lodge's guestsuites and showed him in. "This is yours as long as you want to stay.If you'll authorize one to go aboard your lander, a servant will bringyour baggage."

  "Damn--I forgot you don't have fabricators." Medart touched histhroat, activating his comm implant. "Empress Lindner?"

  When the ship answered, he went on. "Have a standard travel kit madeup for me, please, for an indefinite stay. Lieutenant DarElwyn will beup shortly; he can bring it with him when he comes back. Medart out."

  "You can communicate with your ship with no equipment?" Odeon asked.

  "Not exactly; the equipment's in my throat and behind my ear. It'scalled a comm implant, and most senior Imperials have them. Normally Iinitiate the contact the way you just saw, but the ship can contact meif necessary, or I can tell it to monitor full-time if I think therecould be a need."

  "Still a lot I don't know," Odeon said ruefully. "I'd recommend thelatter whenever you leave the Lodge." He hesitated, then askedabruptly, "How do you feel about Joan?"

  "I'm not in love with her, if that's what you're asking."

  "It was, but how--oh. You felt it when you mind-touched us right atfirst. I'm not surprised; you don't seem the type to become anEnforcement trooper. In case you're worried, that's the onlypersonality type she has that effect on. I'd say the Sandeman is,though."

  "He is," Medart said, then, "You felt my mind-touch? That's neverhappened before, unless I did it deliberately."

  Odeon grimaced. "I had some . . . mental surgery . . . a few monthsago. It left me able to release the compulsions Shannon could impose,and it gave me a strong sensitivity to mental contact. I can't doanything with or about the contact, unless it's with someone else hemind-touched, but I know when it happens."

  Medart sensed the other's reluctance to pursue that subject, so hereturned to practicalities. "Since you don't have fabricators, andwhat I'm wearing is all I've got till Keith gets back with my kit, isthere any way I can get my clothes cleaned in the couple of hours I'llbe napping?"

  "Easily," Odeon said, clearly relieved. "We sometimes have unexpectedovernight company, so the guest suites are equipped with robes,pajamas, and standard toiletries. If you'll change, the servants canhave what you're wearing clean and back to you in about an hour."

  "I'd appreciate that."

  * * * * *

  When Medart woke, his uniform was hanging up inside the bathroom door,his underwear was folded neatly on top of the clothes hamper, and hisboots and other leather items had been polished. He showered anddressed, decided not to call DeLayne since he'd gotten the necessaryinformation about Cortin's odd Talent from Odeon, and checked the time.He'd slept longer than he expected; it was about 1730 Standard, aboutan hour later local time.

  He left his suite, followed sounds of talk and laughter to the livingroom--and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with a hug andenthusiastic kiss from the Inquisitor. He returned both with equalenthusiasm, got a similar greeting from Sis and a more restrained onefrom Betty--right, she wasn't a trooper, didn't share theirdispensation, so more wouldn't be appropriate. Then Odeon approached,his expression inquiring.

  Medart shook his head with a smile. "I'm flattered, Mike, and I don'twant to offend you, but I'm afraid you aren't my type."

  "Thanks, and none taken," Odeon said. "Too bad, though--does beingaround it bother you?"

  "No, not at all--it just doesn't do anything for me, either."

  Odeon chuckled. "It would if you'd had the plague and been out onremote patrol. There aren't many women in Enforcement, so all but avery few troopers go both ways, especially in the field."

  "I can understand that," Medart said. "The ones I've seen, on a coupleof worlds where sex is considered an art form, didn't leave any doubtthey were enjoying themselves, either."

  "That's all very well," Cortin said, sounding plaintively amused, "butwould you mind going into reminiscence and philosophy later? I, forone, am ready for supper and after-dinner relaxation."

  Her semi-complaint drew chuckles and agreement; the Family and guestwent to the dining room.

  * * * * *

  After breakfast the next morning, Cortin asked Medart to accompany herto her ground-floor office. When they were seated in the conversationarea there, she said, "While you were napping yesterday, I calledColonel Bradford and asked him to go into the details of what you foundout from Shelton. I'm the best in the Kingdoms at third-stage, buthe's the best at first, especially the memory-enhancing techniques weuse with cooperative witnesses. I'd like you to work with him thismorning; you can join me this afternoon, if you want to observe anexecution."

  Medart grinned briefly, then nodded. It was almost half a centurysince he'd taken orders from anyone except the Sovereign--but he wasn'tin the Empire now, he was Colonel Cortin's guest; he'd go along withher arrangements, as long as they didn't interfere with his duty. "Asyou say, Colonel."

  Cortin returned the grin. "Pretty good, for someone Captain DeLaynetold me gave orders rather than taking them."

  "That depends on circumstances. One of my colleagues, not quite twentyyears ago, took orders from a fourteen-year-old who'd rescued him fromrebels--but if I may change the subject, did DeLayne and his peoplehave any effect on your attitude toward the Empire?"

  Cortin sobered. "In that they were all proud to be citizens and partof your military, a little. They got along well with the troopers, andSpacer Third Class Conley made a very favorable impression on myFamily, so I can say your ordinary citizens would probably get alongwith ours. And Mike is convinced that joining the Empire would be goodfor us, after a transition period he does think would be difficult--hesays that's the only thing I have any real reason to worry about. Noneof the Columbus' people were on a policy level, though."

  "And I am. Yes." Medart was silent for a moment. "Our basic policyis pretty simple, really, though some of the corollaries can getcomplex. People everywhere in the Empire have the same basic wants andneeds: a stable environment, a secure home, safety for their family.Those can be achieved in any number of ways, and a way that's ideal forone person may be totally abhorrent to another. That's why we try topreserve cultural diversity, even at the cost of some order andefficiency, and whatever we may think of some aspects of a givenculture. If it can provide most of its citizens with the opportunityfor those basics, the Empire won't try to change it."

  Cortin frowned. That matched what Mike had reported, and Medartbelieved it implicitly, but it was still hard for her to believe itcould be true. She started to say as much and challenge him, but wasstopped when Matthew knocked on the door and announced Colonel DavidBradford.

  Cortin made the introductions, then smiled. "You two don't need me, soif you'll excuse me, I have a multiple rapist-murderer I've beenlooking forward to."

  Bradford chuckled. "I've heard about him--how long do you think he'lllast?"

  "I think I can stretch him a day and a half, maybe a little longer."

  "Good. I may come down and observe for a bit, if this doesn't take toolong."

  "Fine. If not, I'll see you Sunday."

  "I wouldn't miss it." As Cortin left, Bradford turned to Medart. "Iunderstand you actually have Shelton's memories, in full detail?"

  "Of that particular series of events, yes. Not of his entire life."

  "That series is all we need." Bradford smiled, though Medart di
dn'tthink he meant it. "You should be as relaxed as possible for thisinterview; I'd suggest you lean back, or perhaps lie down on the couch."

  "In a moment. How long will this take?"

  "That depends on several factors, but probably not over two hours.Why?"

  "My new bodyguard team's due down sometime this morning, and I want tobe there when they arrive." Medart touched his throat. "EmpressLindner, what's Lieutenant DarElwyn's departure time?" Subvocally headded, "Monitor till I tell you otherwise."

  "Yes, Ranger," came the answer only he could hear. "He is preparingfor launch now."

  "Ask him to delay for two hours, please," Medart said aloud. "And makesure he's bringing a shelter for the team; they'd be pretty cramped inthe facilities available here." He paused. "Oh, and program my chronoto display local time as the primary."

  "Yes, sir. Is there anything else?"

  "That's it; Medart out." Turning his attention back to the Inquisitor,Medart settled back in his chair. "All right, Colonel. I'm ready."

  * * * * *

  Bradford's questioning, Medart thought when it was over, was the mostthorough and probing debrief he'd ever been through. It hadn't beenpleasant reliving those memories of murder, family loss, torture andmaiming--his, even though he hadn't been the one the originals happenedto--and he was relieved when Bradford called a halt, saying he'd gottenall the useful information Medart had. His smile this time was moregenuine. "You're a good subject, Ranger. You've given me all I needto have that judge arrested, as well as identify and arrest the rogueInquisitor and the rest of those Brothers."

  "If they haven't gone into hiding." Medart checked his chrono androse. "My bodyguard team should be down in ten minutes or so, if you'dcare to meet some non-humans."

  Bradford hesitated, then nodded. "I don't really care to, but ifColonel Cortin's right, I'd better start getting used to them."

  Medart smiled. "If you join the Empire, yes. I'd planned on givingyou a bit more preparation, but Colonel Cortin suggested my bodyguardbe the biggest people we have, and those are Traiti. The Empireincludes standard humans, human variants like the Sandemans and theNarvonese Dragon-Kindred, and non-humans, like the Traiti andIrschchans. One of my fellow Rangers is Irschchan, and I wouldn't beat all surprised if she became Empress some day. Plus there areoccasional genetically-engineered variants who're so far from the humannorm they'd be classified non-human if that weren't their root stock."

  "I understand."

  Medart was thinking hard as they went outside to wait. He would haveliked to get a reaction uninfluenced by prior information to hisbodyguards' appearance, but from Bradford's response to the meremention of non-humans, that didn't seem like such a good idea. He'dwarn the spectators, then, and see about having pictures circulatedbefore he went out in public with them. Bradford was right: if therewas a chance these people would join the Empire, they'd have to startgetting used to their fellow citizens.

  He'd barely finished a brief description of the Traiti when the soundof null-grav engines made him look up. It was the lander, making afast but otherwise sedate approach. Medart hid a grin as spectatorsdrew back, expecting a crash. Sandeman reflexes made the speedperfectly safe, and if they thought this was something, they should seethe type of landing a pilot trained at Clan Leras preferred. Given achoice, especially on a non-Sandeman world, those would stunt a crafttill it was barely a couple of meters off the ground. That usuallyresulted in one of the watchers panicking and calling the localemergency services before a safe, if overly dramatic, landing.

  The lander touched down, and moments later the hatch opened. Keithdisembarked, followed by four enlisted Marines. Despite Medart'scaution and description, the massive gray-skinned Traiti drew sounds ofastonishment--and, Medart thought, some fear--from the troopers, and anexclamation of "Dear God!" from Bradford.

  The team stopped about a meter from Medart and saluted. When he'dreturned the salute, Keith introduced the team members. "Do you havework for us right away," he asked then, "or should I have them set uptheir shelter?"

  "The shelter," Medart said. "And it might not be a bad idea for themto circulate, let these people get used to them. You can do that aswell, or join Colonel Bradford and me; we'll be observing ColonelCortin at work."

  "I'd prefer to join you, sir." Keith turned to the senior NCO."You're in charge here, Sergeant Tovar."

  "Yes, sir." The sergeant smiled, exposing shark-like teeth. "You neednot worry, sirs. This is not our first time among humans who haven'tseen Traiti before. It's just too bad there are no children here."

  "Children!" Bradford exclaimed in disbelief.

  "Children," Medart confirmed with a chuckle. "Traiti adore children,anyone's children--and the youngsters have some way of knowing it.Five minutes or so after they meet, they're fast friends."

  "I think I would like my children to have such friends," a woman saidbehind Medart. He turned, to see all of Family Cortin except Cortinherself, Odeon, and the children. Chang stepped forward, one handbrushing the bulge of her abdomen. "I do not know why, but I findthese Traiti . . . comfortable."

  Medart smiled. Sis had a trace of empathy, not enough to be calledTalent but clearly enough for her to sense the Traiti regard forchildren and women--especially pregnant ones--of whatever race.

  Betty looked from the Traiti to the Family's senior wife, thought for amoment, then nodded. "I trust Sis' feelings; they can come out afterlunch."

  Breakthrough! Medart thought as all four Traiti smiled and Tovar bowedto the women. If Cortin's Family allowed their children to play withnon-humans, it would have to have a favorable effect, at least on thosewho saw them.

  "We thank you, ka'naya," Tovar said. "Not having children around isone of the most difficult parts of military life; we will treasure thisopportunity."

  "They will, too," Medart told Bradford as the three made their way toCortin's underground suite. "If they can't be at home, the Traitiversion of perfect shore leave is a park-full of kids."

  Bradford didn't have anything to say to that, so the three were silentuntil they got to the observation room door, where he paused with hishand on the knob. "Colonel Cortin says she told you briefly what shedoes. I have to add that she's extremely good at both making thepunishment fit the crime, and at making that punishment last. Ifyou're at all squeamish, I'd strongly recommend that you not follow methrough this door."

  "I'm here to observe," Medart said. "I don't expect to like it, but Ican't form an accurate assessment of this society if I only observe thepositive side. Would you mind telling me what this one did?"

  "Of course. He's attacked three families, in all cases raping andkilling them one at a time, while the survivors watched. Childrenfirst, then the mother, with the father last. Grandfather, in onecase. He claims more, but Enforcement has found only those fifteenbodies. Even Colonel Cortin can't make him suffer for that many, soany more would be academic as far as his punishment is concerned."

  Medart grimaced. "I see what she meant about getting the particularlynasty ones. Do you know what she has in mind for him?"

  "That depends mostly on how he reacts to her preliminary examination.Most people have one major fear, criminals usually more; when shediscovers his, that's what she'll concentrate on. But since he's arapist, that'll definitely include sexual pain."

  "She'll geld him, of course," Keith said.

  "Probably," Bradford agreed, "but not immediately; intact genitals aretoo useful for producing both physical and psychological pain to wastethem early. Especially with one like this, where they're powerful egopoints."

  For the torture scene:

  30a. Cortin's point of view

  30b. Medart's point of view

  30c. Odeon's point of view

  30d. Keith's point of view


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