Dark Fire (Dark Series - book 6)
Page 29
“Tempest?” He said her name against her neck, his heart pounding with temptation. He closed his eyes, praying for strength to resist the velvet seduction of her words.
She raised her head so that her emerald eyes could search his face. “You could do it. Make me like you. Then you could rest without worry. Sleep the way you’re supposed to sleep. Just do it, Darius. Take my blood, and give me yours. I want you to live.”
There was resolve in her voice, in her mind, yet her slender body was trembling at the enormity of what she was going to do. Her thoughts were centered only on him, on his well-being. Darius groaned, fighting the selfish beast, the one that wanted it all—his lifemate, the fires of ecstasy burning between them for all eternity. She didn’t realize what it would cost her. The sun. The blood. The hunters. Humans abhorring what she would become. Even the danger of such an experiment.
His fingers crushed her hair in his hands. “We cannot, Tempest. We cannot even consider such an action. Do not bring this up again, as I do not know if I have the strength to refuse such a temptation.”
Her hand stroked his face, sending living flames piercing his body until he could think of nothing but possessing her. “I’ve thought a lot about it, Darius, and it’s the only way. If I was like you, there would be no need for you to worry about my safety. I could be with you in the ground.”
He felt the hard slam of her heart when she said it, saw the mental image of the earth closing over her head, of being buried alive. She pushed the thought away, but her pulse was racing.
He caught her hand to still her caressing fingers before he lost all good sense. Her scent was beckoning him; his body was hard and full with need. His mouth could actually taste her, the hot, tempting spice of her blood. He had never wanted anything more. “I will not even consider such a thing, Tempest. The danger to you is too great. I have made the decision to live as humanly as possible. I am willing to age as you age, to die when you die. Converting you is a risk I am not willing to take.”
“Watching your health and strength slowly dwindle is not something I’m willing to do, Darius,” she protested, wrapping her arms around his waist. Her fingers settled over his buttocks and began a slow, erotic motion that threatened to turn him inside out. “I’m not making an impulsive decision without thought. I’ve really given this a good amount of consideration. It’s the only answer for us. The only thing that makes sense.” Her mouth skimmed over his chest, her tongue lapping at his nipples, lazily tracing a bead of water to his flat stomach, swirling around his belly button so that every muscle in his body cried out for her.
“You have not thought it through.” His voice was a husky ache of need. Unable to stop himself, his hand skimmed over her satin skin, moved up to cup the soft weight of her breast, his thumb stroking her erect nipple so that she shivered and pressed into him. “You cannot abide closed-in places. The thought of being buried in the earth is repulsive to you. Your mind cannot deal with the idea of drinking blood.”
Darius had thought to make her wince with that deliberately graphic image, but she seemed preoccupied with catching a drop of water that was sliding over the tip of his throbbing erection. Her tongue sent a storm of fire surging through him, like a wild wind out of control. Her mouth was tight and hot and so exquisite, he bunched fistfuls of her hair in his hands, holding her there for a long moment, somewhere between agony and ecstasy.
He felt his hunger rise, the need to dominate, to take what was his, to feed on her voraciously, to feel her mouth taking him into her body as a true lifemate should. His fangs lengthened dangerously, and the beast fought for freedom. She had committed herself to him. It had been her idea. He could take her without guilt, bring her into his world and have her for all time. The temptation was so great, he forced her head up, his hands wrapped in her hair, her soft throat vulnerable and open for his assault.
She went to him willingly, without the slightest fear of him, lifting her chin to give him better access. At once Darius spun her around so that her back was to him. Locking her to him with one strong arm, he buried his face in her shoulder, breathing hard, breathing away the temptation beating at him so fiercely.
For the second time that he could remember, tears slid down his face and mingled with the water running down her shoulders. He ached to have her, to taste her, to teach her his ways. But more than that, he was humbled that she would make such an offering. That she could love him enough to come willingly into his life.
It wasn’t as if she accepted or acknowledged to herself that she loved him. She hadn’t even shared his mind enough to know him as he knew her. That was what made her gift so incredible to him. Her complete acceptance, her willingness to put his life, his health, before her own. He knew every one of her fears. He dwelt in her mind. Yet she was willing to give up everything she knew so that he would live safely the way he was meant to. No one had ever thought to protect him or put his needs first, not in all the long centuries of his existence. He doubted if anyone had given a thought to his desires. It was his duty to provide for the others, to hunt, to protect, to guide, to control. It simply was.
Tempest was offering him unconditional love. She didn’t recognize it for what it was; she didn’t think about it. He needed something, and she was willing to move heaven and earth to provide it for him. He read her determination easily. And she was quite capable of seducing him into it. He wanted it. He needed it. He hungered for it.
“Baby,” he whispered softly, his teeth scraping back and forth on the soft temptation of her pulse. “I will not put you in danger. I cannot risk your life. If I did this thing and something went wrong, we would both be lost. Thank you for your willingness to give me such a great gift, but I cannot accept. I cannot.” He was humbled by her, humbled by his own overwhelming love for her.
“It has been done before, Darius. If you fear my reaction, I have thought up solutions to some of the problems. You could put me to sleep before we go into the ground, at least until such time as my brain is accepting of your way of life.”
He resolutely turned off the water, needing a reprieve from the seduction of her offer. “That is true, Tempest, but—”
“Wait before you protest. Twice now you have given me your blood. I didn’t even know you did it. You can provide for me while I learn your ways. It shouldn’t be that difficult.” As he wrapped her in a towel, she caught his hand, held his palm against her breast. “I am already half in your world and half in mine, at home nowhere. You can’t live without your strength, and I can’t bear to see it drained away from you. It isn’t what you were meant for. There is greatness in you, Darius.”
He smiled, his black eyes softening, the hard edges of his mouth tender. “And what of you? Do you think yourself less than me that you must sacrifice so for me?”
She shook her head hastily to disabuse him of that notion. “Of course not. In fact, I think you need me around to keep you from being an arrogant, overbearing dictator, to keep you on the straight and narrow.”
“Overbearing dictator?” he echoed, male amusement sliding into the velvet timbre of his voice. He nuzzled the nape of her neck.
“Exactly.” The smile faded from her face, leaving her solemn. “I’m not like other people, Darius. I’ve never fit in anywhere. I don’t know if this will work out between us, but if you can manage not to try to rule every aspect of my life, I’m willing to try. I know I want to be with you. I know I’m not afraid of you or your people.”
His eyebrows shot up at her blatant lie.
“Oh, shut up.” She threw a towel at him. “Don’t look at me like that. I know you would never hurt me. Never, Darius. I don’t believe in too many things, but I believe in you.” She looked around for clean clothes and was disappointed when she realized she hadn’t thought to bring any with her. Fatigue was crowding in, pushing out her need to convince him. She wanted to lie down and sleep for a week.
“Just promise me you’ll think about this, Darius. It’s really the only sensible
solution. And if it doesn’t work out between us, by the time we know, I should be able to take care of myself.” She sank down onto the edge of the tub, too weary to stand any longer.
Darius tamped down his hunger, his raging desire, and the emotions that were clouding his good judgment. He caught up the robe he had made a day or two earlier for her. It was hanging on the door, thick and warm. He enfolded her in its softness. “We will eat, honey, and then we will sleep. All of this can be sorted out on the next rising.”
“Isn’t that the first day of Desari’s performance? Whoever sent those men after her will try again. She’ll be so vulnerable, Darius. We have to resolve this before she goes on stage.”
He could hear her weariness. It clung to her like a second skin. The Carpathian male could do no other than protect his lifemate, see to every aspect of her care, so he simply took possession of her arm and, without further conversation, led her into the kitchen and sat her at the table.
Desari had prepared a bowl of steaming vegetable broth. The aroma filled the bus, but Tempest merely pressed a hand to her stomach and tried not to gag.
See, Darius? I can’t eat anyway. I can’t have one foot in my world and one foot in yours. I’m willing to risk the conversion to have a chance at a future with you.
He ignored her soft, persuasive voice and thrust his mind deliberately into hers. Not gently, but firmly taking control, giving her no time to fight him.
You will eat this broth, and it will stay down and nourish you.
It was a command. He forced her obedience, even when her stomach rebelled, attempting to rid itself of the food.
Tempest blinked up at him, finding her soup bowl empty. She shoved her damp hair away from her face, her long lashes drooping tiredly. “I just want to sleep, Darius. Let’s go to sleep.”
He wrapped her in his good arm, lifted her easily, and carried her out of the trailer and into the night. They were back to their warrior and captive roles, but Tempest didn’t care. She closed her eyes and settled closer against his chest.
The tunnel he chose leading into the earth was warm with geothermal activity. At once it robbed her of breath, inducing a feeling of suffocation in her. She tried to hide it from Darius, not wanting him to know she was uncomfortable. She burrowed closer to him, giving herself up to his protection. She knew he would not go into the soil because she could not go. He would make them a sleeping area in the safety of the earth where she could sleep the sleep of humans and he could try his best to follow suit. But he needed the rejuvenating soil, especially now that he was wounded. He needed to shut down his heart and lungs and sleep the Carpathian way. Tempest smiled against his heavy muscles, suddenly confident of her ability to persuade him to her way of thinking. She just needed to rest first before she renewed her attack. Darius could not resist her forever. She had been in his mind, felt his vulnerability. He would give in if she persisted. He wanted her conversion with every cell in his body.
She knew Darius felt he had to protect her, that she was fragile and delicate. But Tempest knew she wasn’t. Perhaps physically she was weak in comparison to his race, but she had a tremendous strength of will. It was every bit a match for his. She would find a way to keep him safe, protect him in the same fierce way, with the same fierce love as Darius did her.
Chapter Sixteen
The Konocti Harbor Inn, famous for its food and concerts, was built on the edge of a large lake nestled in the mountains, cool and shaded by majestic pine trees. The resort drew large crowds to its outdoor concerts, its large amphitheater, and the more cozy indoor venue where guests could dine and watch their favorite performers. The Summerfest was legendary, bringing visitors from all over the country to the festivities. It was one of Desari’s favorite places to perform, and she scheduled concerts there each time she was in California. To Darius and Julian, the security was a logistical nightmare.
The head of security appeared to be in his forties and had the air of a man who knew his job and could handle any situation that should arise. He listened attentively to the group’s special problems. Already aware of the attempt on Desari’s life a few months earlier, he had made additional preparations himself. Still, he was open to their ideas and more than cooperative. Darius found himself liking the man, going so far as to give him the grudging respect he generally reserved for his own kind. Darius expected cooperation and got it either through consent or compulsion, but it was easier when he had the full cooperation of the security team.
Desari was to perform indoors. All three men agreed on that. It was safer and the environment much easier to control. The head of security showed them around, going over the recent renovations with them, showing them floor plans and every possible entrance and exit. He was easy to work with and had a fairly competent staff for the small resort. Still, for the kind of problems they expected, all of them knew it wouldn’t be enough.
Locals, mostly young, were employed as event staff, and they were far too inexperienced to handle the kind of threat Desari’s enemies posed. Darius and Julian knew they would have to check the entrances themselves, testing each individual’s thoughts as he or she moved through the doors. Dayan and Barack would be able to help at least up until the actual performance. With the ability to mask their appearance at will, they could blend in with the security staff and not look like band members.
While the men were occupied with pre-show security arrangements, Tempest enjoyed the shower in the suite of rooms provided by the resort. Darius had come up with a wardrobe of clothes for her, and she had never had such clothes in her life. The jeans didn’t have holes in them, the dresses clung and swirled, and everything fit perfectly. For a moment she almost didn’t wear them, feeling like a kept woman, but then she couldn’t resist. She was part of the troupe, like it or not. Desari and Syndil were both elegant, striking women. She couldn’t very well run around in her oily bib overalls.
She stepped out into the night air, remembering at the last moment to pin the little tag in place identifying her as a member of the band’s crew. She wandered around outdoors, inhaling the scent of pine trees and flowers. The lake was a stone’s throw away, boats docked in rows, waves lapping at the shore. The lake called to her, the breeze blowing gently in her face.
Tempest felt free walking by herself, even though Darius would have a fit. He was becoming more and more protective of her, so much so that she was thinking of breaking out of prison for a few hours, maybe during the concert. Darius would be busy and unaware of what she was up to.
not count on it, my love. You are not to wander around unescorted. Go back to the room while I am workng. Later you may come and listen to the concert.
His very voice held magic. A velvet caress that sent heat pooling low within her. How could he do that from such a distance? How could he bmsh the nape of her neck with his perfect mouth and span her throat with his palm, make her pulse race and her blood turn to molten lava?
How kind of you to give your permission,
retorted. Concentrate on your work, Darius. I’m just looking at the lake. What possible trouble could I get into?
His laughter, low with mocking male amusement, brushed in her mind like butterfly wings.
I would not be surprised if you managed to sink the entire pier. If someone told me you were singlehandedly trying to rescue seven drowning victims, I would not raise an eyebrow. There will be no heroics, no hang-gliding, no speedboat racing, and no flirting. I absolutely forbid your helping the security team deal with drunks, brawls, or any other situation. Go back to the room. I’m not that bad,
she reprimanded indignantly. Pay
attention to what you’re doing, and leave me in peace. I do not wish to force my will on you, honey.
It was a clear threat.
But you will if I don’t obey.
Her hot temper surged forth. If he was standing on the edge of the pier in his elegant suit, she would have shoved him right off the edge into th
e water.
Youliave no
right to dictate
to me, Darius. In case you‘ve forgotten, this is the modern era. Women have rights. You’re irritating me. I do not have time for this silly argument. Now
go. There was the slightest hint of resignation in his voice, in his mind, and it made her smile. Darius was slowly but surely getting the message that dictating to her did not necessarily get him his way. And she was beginning to understand his driving need to protect her. More and more she was sharing his mind, including memories of his childhood and his life.
“Tempest!” Cullen Tucker’s voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. “1 have to admit it’s a bit surprising to see you out without Darius.”
She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Is it catching or something? Come on, Cullen. Why would I need an escort at every moment?” She knew she sounded belligerent, but after Darius’s little lecture, she was annoyed with the entire male population of the earth.
He instantly and prudently held up a hand in surrender. “Hey, Tempest, you can pack that redheaded temper away. I don’t think you need a bodyguard at every moment, but Darius seems to keep a close watch on his property.”
Her eyebrows shot up, fury gathering in her green eyes. “For your information, Mr. Tucker, I am not
property. Least of all Darius’s. Don’t encourage him.”
You are definitely my property,
Darius said, laughter in his voice.
Oh, shut
up,she whispered sweetly.
“Okay,” Cullen said to appease her, discretion being the better part of valor. He waved a hand toward the glistening lake. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Tempest nodded, her eyes on the waves. “There’s always something soothing about water.”
Cullen gestured toward a riverboat that looked like something that should be on the Mississippi River. “That’s pretty cool. I hear you can rent it for private parties or take a three-hour tour on it around the lake. There’s a big bachelor party tonight. Darius had me go over the guest list to see if I recognized any of the names.”