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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

Page 15

by Audrey Carlan

  “Sit.” Chase holds out my chair for me. “Would you like some wine?”

  “That would be heavenly, thank you.”

  He pulls the white wine from the free standing ice bucket and fills our glasses. I’m still completely giddy and sated from our rendezvous moments ago.

  We clink our glasses together and sip, eyeing one another.

  “That was…” Chase exhales deeply and shakes his head. “Being with you, it was unbelievable, Gillian.” His eyes hold mine.

  My face heats and I nod, not knowing what to say.

  “Having you on top of my desk…I’m usually more controlled than that.” He licks his lips and sizes me up. “I can barely keep my hands off you now.” His eyes burn with desire and I bite my own lip as I glance at his hands. They are held into tight fists on top of the table showing the power behind his restraint. “Will you stay the weekend with me?” he asks.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want, Chase?” After this afternoon I’m surprised he didn’t run for the hills. When he really gets to know me, learn of my past, he won’t want me anymore. Men like him are used to shiny new toys, not damaged broken ones that need a lot of TLC.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything.” His answer is revealing and brutally honest. It makes me nervous but looking into his gorgeous face seals the deal. He’s too damned pretty. Maybe I’ll just do what Maria says and enjoy. If I don’t get too attached to the man, we’ll both get something out of it.

  “Okay,” I say with a hint of trepidation and a great deal of excitement. A couple days of having him in every possible way will be like a dream come true.

  “It’s settled then. Your clothes will arrive in the morning.”

  “You ordered me clothes?” That’s what they were talking about. I’m so dense.

  “Yes,” he grins. “I have a charity function I’d like you to attend with me tomorrow evening. I’m certain Dana will do you justice.”

  Dana. The lovely, perky blonde that seems overly familiar with her boss. Hell, I’m overly familiar with the boss right now. “You call her by her first name.” It’s not a question but an observation.

  “Yes, Dana and I have been together for the past several years. I scooped her up right out of college. She’s loyal, and I trust her. I trust very few people.”

  “Were you ever with her?” I hate myself the second the question passes my lips but the desire to know is overwhelming. I knot my fingers together in my lap.

  He shakes his head and picks up his wine glass. “No.” He laughs. “She’s my most trusted colleague and friend, aside from Carson. I’m not attracted to her in that way, but I care a great deal for her.”

  I wrap my mind around that and realize this is the time to pounce. “So, what you’re saying is that you love and care for her, but you’re not in love with her, is that right Mr. Davis?” My question hits home when I see his eyes sparkle and his lip curl into a crooked grin. Now he’ll have no choice but to feel ridiculous about his jealously over Phillip.

  “Touché, Miss Callahan.” I beam with pride and he caresses the side of my face. His thumb brushes against my lower lip.

  A short rotund man enters the room with two plates. He’s wearing a butler style suit. “Salmon, Mr. Davis and chicken cordon blue for the lady,” he announces.

  I smile realizing he remembered my distaste for seafood. “Thank you.” I smile at the man.

  “Looks amazing, Bentley. You can leave us undisturbed. I’ve got it from here.”

  He definitely has me, that’s for sure.

  Chapter 10

  Clouds streak across a summery pristine blue sky. I stare at the fluffy shapes and try to discern objects from them. As a child, this was a favorite pastime, lying in the grass watching the clouds glide along the wide expanse of sky. I would giggle with extreme joy when my Mother could name the object I had decided a specific cloud looked like. Now Chase lies next to me, staring at the endless sky. He points to a large cloud and asks me to guess what it is. I shake my head. I can’t take my eyes away from him. I’m too enamored with his glee at the passing clouds above our little enclosure. He looks at me warmly, the blue reflecting off his eyes, making them shine as bright and colorful as an opal. Never in my life have I been more content.

  “Baby, wake up,” he murmurs.

  I look at him confused. My surroundings tilt and sway. I feel feather light kisses against my temple, cheek and jaw.

  “Gillian, wake up,” he repeats. His face dissipates and my surroundings change. Dream Chase has disappeared and I’m left with lovely, warm, sleepy Chase.

  I stretch and realize Chase is hovering over me. His knees firmly planted on each side of my hips. That’s the second time I’ve woken to him on top of me, but this time I’m not scared. I run my hands up and down his naked back, reveling in the feel of his warm skin and the joy of waking with this beautiful man. He’s kissing along my neck, long languid presses of his lips and tongue. Light fingertips trail along the balls of each shoulder as his head and lips move down to the swells of my breasts. I sigh, appreciating the intimacy. It’s not something I’m used to. I pull Chase over me, wrapping arms and legs tightly around his toned form. He snuggles fully into me, wrapping his arms around me. His head rests against my bare chest. I feel so protected. Loved. Nothing can harm me in the cradle of his body. And for a moment I allow myself to wish it was forever--although, a rather large intruder is poking against my hip. I slowly grind myself against the length.

  “Happy to see me?” I ask coyly.

  His forehead rubs against my chest, his nose rubbing between my breasts. “Obviously.” He grinds his length against me.

  “Again?” After last night’s marathon sex, I’m honestly surprised. After desecrating his office desk early in the evening, he later took me against the dining room wall before we even finished our meal. Then we slipped into a hot shower where he proceeded to soap every inch of my body in a deliriously meticulous manner that had me purring and moaning like a cat in heat. Soap suds never felt so good.

  We fell into bed sated, snoozed for a few hours then woke again and made passionate, unhurried love before we both passed out, completely exhausted.

  “Yes, Baby. You drive me mad with your sexy body.” His hands cup and squeeze my breasts, fingers rubbing little circles around the tightening peaks. My body responds like Pavlov’s dog to a bell. In an instant I’m needy and wanton, arching into him.

  His foot slides between mine and separates my legs in one swift move. He seats himself firmly between my splayed thighs. With no preamble, he centers his cock against my moist opening and inch by glorious inch presses his length into me. The deliciously abused and swollen tissues attempt to reject him, but he slides out a couple inches and works his way in, slowly smoothing the way for me to accept his wide girth. Once he’s completely imbedded, I exhale the breath I was holding. It’s never been more perfect. When Chase is deep inside me, it’s as if our souls are connected and always have been.

  “So good,” he whispers against my lips as he kisses me. I return his kiss, enjoying this languid love making.

  After several long, slow strokes, he quickens the pace, his hands sliding under my back to cup my shoulders, giving him more purchase to pound into me. Sex with Chase is an event not just a meeting of skin to skin. He does things to me you only see in movies. The feeling is unparalleled, unlike any experience that came before. The way he moves, the sensual caress of his fingers over my skin, his mouth worshiping every inch of me is like art imitating life. Hard, soft, beautiful, aching, devastating…nourishing. With every press of his body, every taste of his sweet kiss he is healing me from the inside out.

  Chase picks up speed, his movements becoming jerky, erratic. The pleasure within me mounts, crawls up that mountain and sits right at the edge of bliss. A couple hard strokes and I barrel head first off the cliff. I muffle a cry against his shoulder, biting the tender skin near his clavicle.

  He roars into my ear, his face
wedged into the crook of my neck. His body goes tight, ridged with tension as his climax overtakes him, spilling his seed hotly into me. I love the pulsing beat of his cock nestled deep in my core as the aftershocks extend his pleasure. I grip his length in a kegel, using the muscles along the pelvic floor to clench around him.

  Chase moans into my hairline and thrusts his hips. “Whoa, what the hell was that?” A sexy grin adorns his beautiful face as he trails little bites and nips along my neck and chin before sealing his lips over my mouth.

  He pulls away and cups my cheek with one hand, sweeping his thumb along the cheekbone. I smile and waggle my eyebrows and clinch my internal muscles again. His eyes roll into the back of his head and a quick breath leaves his lips.

  “That was a kegel, Baby.” I roll the endearment around in my head. I guess if it works for him, it could work for me. I’ve never been one to dole out terms of endearments. He grins that sexy sideways grin. I’m proud of my womanly trick, even more so knowing he’s never experienced it before with someone else.

  Just when I think I’ve got one over on him, his dick twitches enticingly inside my womb. “Hey! What was that?”

  “A bagel,” he answers and licks his bottom lip.

  “A what?” I slide my hands up his dewy back and massage the muscles.

  He nuzzles his cheek against mine. “If yours was a kegel, mine was a bagel. A boy kegel.”

  His eyes dance with mirth, and we both laugh hysterically. So many rounds in the sack have made us silly and I love the carefree side of him. This is the first time I’ve seen “Playful Chase.”

  He kisses me and then sits up. “I have to get a little work done this morning.” He searches my face for a hint of irritation. He finds none and smiles. The man has to work. Even if it is, Saturday. I can’t imagine he makes billions without burning the midnight oil and working on the weekends.

  “Kay. I’ll take a shower.” I stretch the kinks in my body and nuzzle into his pillow. It smells like him; completely divine.

  “Help yourself to a little something to eat in the kitchen.” He moves over to a large chest, pulls out a pair of pajama bottoms and a white undershirt. Damn, the man would look good enough to eat in a burlap sack, but casual Chase is sleepy sexy. My lady bits twinge excitedly as I watch him slip the shirt over his broad chest, his abdomen bunching and twisting with the effort. Next time we’re together I’m licking a trail along each and every bump on that heavenly landscape. He’s still talking and I look away from his body to pay attention. “I don’t usually have Bentley come until around ten. I prefer to have something light in the morning and then have a larger brunch.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I smile and he leans down to kiss me one last time. “God, you’re beautiful.” He shakes his head and leaves the room.

  Strange man, but I’m in to him. At least until he figures out how messed up I am. I take stock of my body as I stretch each limb. Definitely well used. My shoulders are stiff, lady parts delectably sore, and my thighs feel over worked in a delicious way. Overall, I feel damn good indeed. I smile, proud of myself as I saunter into his master bath completely naked.

  Settling under the double headed spray, I let the hot water massage my sore underused muscles. I need to hit the gym this week. I only worked out twice instead of my normal three times, coupled with two visits to Bree’s yoga or Pilates classes. Although, the sexcapades last night had to count for a serious calorie burn. I grin to myself. Chase is a stallion in the sack. The way he used my body, gave and took pleasure…a shiver runs down my spine. I kick each arm and fling my fingers out trying to knock out the sexual energy that surges when I think of him.

  Drying off I evaluate my surroundings and learn a little about the man behind the empire. Chase’s bathroom is right out of a Modern Living magazine layout. The walls are covered in tiny mosaic tiles in varying shades of green and blue. A large brown star like shape cuts through the middle of the wall and borders the entire room. The intricate design is stunning. It reminds me of the cool calming colors found at the beach. It must have taken days to place each of the one inch sized tiles in perfect order in a bathroom this grandiose. I’m sure Chase paid very good money to make it just so.

  I blow dry my hair and use Chase’s brush. I smile as I see long red strands running through the bristles. If I was considerate I’d pull them out and throw them away but I like the idea of a physical reminder of my presence here. He said he’s never brought a woman home. I wonder why. Would he tell me if I asked?

  Opening doors I make my way into quite possibly the largest walk-in closet on God’s green earth. I’m not sure it can classify as a closet; it’s a small men’s clothing store. The space is larger than my entire apartment’s living room and kitchen combined. The man is a fashion whore. Just like I am with my bargain shoes. The word “overboard” comes to mind. At least thirty feet of suits hang like perfect sentinels in exact order by color, mostly in shades of black, gray, navy, and tan. Tuxedos finish the lineup. The opposite wall holds jeans, dress shirts and polos in a wide palette of colors. I grab a white pinstriped dress shirt with the tiniest green lines and throw it over my naked body. Since I don’t have suitable clothes, this will have to do. I highly doubt Chase will mind. If he does, he can just take it off me, the little devil on my shoulder laughs haughtily.

  Too hungry to wait for Bentley, I make my way to the kitchen. It’s early and it’s another hour or two before he’ll make Chase his breakfast. At the very least, I need caffeine. I look through a few cabinets trying to find the coffee and coffee pot. There’s nothing on the kitchen counters except a glass dish filled to the brim with what looks like homemade cookies. Crumbs scatter around the edge of the dish. He likes to have something light in the morning, I snicker. Yeah, right. He eats cookies for breakfast. Alpha male, master of his own universe and sugar junkie. Somehow it makes him more real.

  Again, I scan the space. At home, Maria and I have gadgets, trinkets, and papers galore covering the counters. It’s strange to see a living space so sterile. I open the bottom cabinets to the left of the kitchen island and find the coffee pot. Eureka! I give myself an internal fist pump, wiggling my bum in the air to a victory beat only I can hear. I move things around in the low cupboard to find the coffee.

  “Damn!” says a loud unrecognizable voice behind me.

  I spring up nearly whacking my head on the cupboard and am caught off guard by the smiling stranger in front of me. His eyes are wide and his mouth opens and closes a couple times but no words come out. I’m certain the look on my face expresses the same shock. The man’s blue eyes travel up and down my scantily clothed body and I pull the shirt-tails to cover as much skin as possible. It doesn’t work; the shirt only covers my naked form to mid-thigh so I jump behind the island to hide more of me.

  The stranger and I stare, saying nothing. He has blonde shaggy hair that’s sexy in a boyish way. His blue eyes are really light, almost grey and his smile is bright white as if he’d had a lot of orthodontia to make it so perfect. Chase saunters in as if nothing unusual is taking place. He sets down an empty glass and milk residue pools at the bottom. He grabs a cookie from the dish. He’s oblivious to the crackling tension between the man and I as he pulls me to his side with a firm hand around my waist then nuzzles my neck. He kisses it lightly a couple times. The stranger’s mouth falls open again before a wide grin splits across his handsome face.

  “Carson, meet Gillian Callahan.” Oh, thank God! Carson is the cousin, his best friend from what I’ve gathered in conversations. “Gillian, this is Carson Davis.”

  “Hello.” I feel weakened by my lack of appropriate attire.

  “Red,” he says in awe and shakes his head. “You’re a redhead,” he says again, sounding astonished.

  I grab a lock of hair and self-consciously twirl it around my fingers. He was probably expecting a blonde. Chase eases my discomfort by walking over to Carson and clapping him on the back.

  “Close your mouth, Carson.” He laughs
. Carson clamps his mouth shut but continues to stare. It’s unnerving and rude. First Chase’s bodyguard stares me up and down, now his cousin. What is with these guys?

  “Gillian, your clothes have arrived. I set them on the bed,” Chase says.

  “Nice to meet you. So nice,” Carson says and turns to follow Chase out of the kitchen.

  Thank God! One more minute suffering this man’s stare would undo me. I scurry out of the room, holding the dress shirt firmly to my bum just in case he turns around. I don’t want the shirt to float up in my hasty retreat. Carson doesn’t need another show. Internally I groan, wondering how much of my bare ass he probably saw.

  Several bags and boxes are strewn across the king-sized bed when I get there. What did he do, buy out Macy’s? No such luck. Every piece of apparel is designer. Gucci, Prada, Channel, Marc Jacobs, Guess, Versace…shit. I can’t accept these. I fall to the bed like an elephant and put my head into my hands. Why is he buying me these things? Does he think that will make me happy? Adding up the price tags, there are over ten thousand dollars worth of clothes here, not to mention one long evening gown made by Valentino. Forty-eight hundred dollars. For one dress. Tingles of anxiety skitter along my nerve endings. Breathe. Deep calming breaths.

  I look over the side of the bed and see a plethora of shoe boxes all in my size. How his assistant knew my sizes is beyond me. Maybe he owns a private investigator firm as well as his many other large enterprises. Am I one of his large enterprises? Does he think he needs to buy me expensive things to possess me? The thought makes my stomach lurch and churn. Whore. We are going to discuss this later. He’s waiting with his most trusted confidant, besides Dana my jealous mind supplies unhelpfully. The redhead comment threw me for a loop. I make a mental note to bring that question up when I broach my discomfort with the money he’s spending on clothes and shoes for me.


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