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Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1)

Page 26

by Audrey Carlan

  She looks at me with a satisfied glint in her eye. She’s not at all embarrassed by her sexual display. She’s very comfortable with her sexuality and doesn’t apologize for it. Tom on the other hand has turned beet red, his hand covering a very impressive erection.

  “I’ll just be a minute. I need a glass of wine,” I tell her while walking down the hallway.

  Purposely, I take longer than usual putting my things away and changing into yoga pants and a tank top. When I walk back into the living room I hear laughter coming from the kitchen. Making my way around the island I plant my bum on one of our barstools. Maria is opening my favorite white wine. Tom is standing behind Maria gripping her hips and kissing her neck playfully. She’s smiling and wiggling her ass provocatively against him. He keeps jutting his hips back not allowing the contact. She knows what she’s doing to him. The poor guy doesn’t stand a chance. I sit and watch them be frisky with one another, my elbow on the counter and my chin in my cupped hand. Seeing Maria happy and in love is a dream come true. There was a time I wasn’t sure either one of us would have a happily ever after again. She’s had her own fair share of shitty men in the past. Antonio right up there with Justin, but this one seems to be the real deal.

  I clear my throat. They both look my way, full of smiles. She saunters over swaying her hips giving her man a show from behind. He doesn’t miss a beat, blatantly staring at her ass. “Damn woman, you know how to work that ass!” he says without shame.

  “I know,” she says saucily.

  I laugh and accept the glass she hands me.

  “So Bonita, where’s Chase?” she asks.

  “Working late. He’ll probably come by this evening. Just then the landline rings and Maria answers it.

  “Hola” she answers. She listens for a moment while Tom and I wait. “Hola sexy hombre de negocios.” She says. I can’t remember what negocios means. But I caught the part about saying “hello sexy man.”

  She continues in her native tongue. “Estoy bien, ¿verdad?” I watch her intently; she’s smiling that sneaky grin. “Ella está aquí. ¿Qué tan malo es lo que quieres hablar con mi hermosa?” she says defiantly. She said something about speaking to her girl. Then she hands the phone to me.

  “It’s for you,” she says smiling.

  I cringe at her and she sticks out her tongue. The only person I know that can speak Spanish as well as her is Chase.


  “Evening, gorgeous,” I smile at his newest endearment. Kitten went the way of the wind, thank God. Wasn’t fond of that one. Babycakes came and went. Baby and Gorgeous seem to have stuck. I’m not complaining.

  “Evening. What’s up?” I ask.

  “I texted you, but you didn’t answer so I figured I’d call your land line. I have to jet off to Toronto this evening. One of my sky rises that’s being built had a tragic accident. Apparently one of the crewman didn’t secure himself to the scaffolding and fell off. He died instantly. I need to deal with the architect, the foreman, the insurance companies, pretty much everyone involved with the incident, not to mention I want to say a few words to the family.”

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that. Did you know him?” I ask solemnly.

  “Know who?” he asks. I hear him shuffling papers and moving around in the background. His breath is labored like he just finished exercising. He must be pulling his things together to leave now.

  “The man who died?” I ask.

  “Oh, no. I employ around fifty thousand or so people, Gillian. I only personally know the heads of my companies and some of the key executives.”

  Wow, I guess that makes sense. Then it hits me, fifty thousand people? Holy hell that’s a lot of people counting on him and the success of his businesses. I usually joke about him running his empire but he really does have a lot on his plate.

  “Makes sense. Go, don’t worry about me. I’m not leaving for New York for a couple days.”

  “That’s why I called. One of my jets will be ready to take you and Mr. Jefferson to New York on Thursday morning. Jack will pick you up at the airport. He’ll drop off Mr. Jefferson at his hotel and then he’ll bring you to me.” The sentence is laced with desire and want, making my heart pound and the space between my thighs moisten.

  “Is that right? He’ll bring me to you?” I try to put as much sex in my tone as possible.

  He growls seductively. “Yes, he will bring my woman to me.“ He emphasizes.

  “Two days is a long time to wait,” I warn. It’s been months since we’ve spent a night apart. I’m not sure if I remember what it’s like to sleep alone. I’m pretty sure I’m in full pout mode because Maria is in the background making the duck symbol with her hand then mouthing “que.”

  “But it will be worth the wait. And Gillian?”

  “Yes, Chase,” I answer a little out of breath and squirming in my seat excited about meeting up with my lover in a new city but also aching to be in his arms.

  “Don’t be wearing any panties. I plan on fucking you the second you arrive.”

  Desire streaks down my body and settles at my center. I can’t speak. Visions of exactly what he’ll do to me when I see him flutter in quick pornographic images across my mind. I try to shake them off, to pay attention to his words but am unsuccessful. God I wish he were here now.

  “Until then gorgeous, remember the rule.” His voice is gruff and strained. “Your pleasure is mine. Don’t touch yourself,” he warns. I practically come from that request alone. Jesus he knows how to play me until I’m weeping with desire.

  “And what if I do? What if I can’t help myself?” I ask boldly.

  “I’ll know, and I won’t be happy.” His tone is unyielding.

  “I won’t,” I mutter quickly. I want him happy at all times, in all things.

  “Goodnight, Baby,” he says and hangs up.

  I fan myself and put the phone back into the receiver. Maria studies me and I take a huge swallow of the chilled wine, hoping it will help the internal fire raging deep inside. Two whole days without the feel of him, waking up near his warm, naked body. I sigh and mentally berate myself. What am I doing? I’m freaking myself out. I can handle this. It’s two freakin’ days, for crying out loud.

  “What’s the matter Cara Bonita?” Maria asks and Tom looks concerned.

  “Chase has to fly out to Toronto. A crewman working on one of his buildings fell to his death today.” Maria gasps and Tom puts his hands on her shoulders instinctively. The movement does not go unnoticed. He’s totally and completely in love with her. I wonder if she is in love with him. Hmmm. Looks like we need some girl time. “I know, it’s sad. He’ll meet me in New York though on Thursday. So you’ll have to put up with me here for a couple more days,” I laugh.

  “Chica, esta es tu casa…your home. If we want to be alone to bump uglies we can go to his house.” She points her thumb over her shoulder at Tom, who starts laughing at her unique way of referring to having sex.

  “Thanks, girl. Now what’s for dinner?” I ask knowing she rarely cooks.

  She looks pointedly at me. “I don’t know, what is for dinner?” I roll my eyes.

  “How about some good old fashioned pizza?” Tom suggests. “I know the best place. I can pick it up, give you two some time to catch up,” he offers. To hell with Maria, I think I love this man! A man who knows when women need some girl time and offers food is marriage material.

  “You’re too good to me, Papi,” She whirls around and kisses him. Papi? I laugh at her nickname for him.

  He returns the kiss and his face turns red again. It’s actually quite sweet, what they have. I wonder if our friends think the same about Chase and me. We had a rocky start but aside from the demonstrative way he tries to dig his way into my life we’re really happy. Tom goes into the other room and I hear him ordering the pizza and rifling through the keys in the bowl at the side table. The last thing I hear is the door shutting and that’s my queue to pounce.

  “So, Ria, you two
looked pretty cozy.”

  A huge smile breaks across her face. “He makes me happy and the sex, Cara Bonita, the sex is caliente!” she confides.

  “Do you love him?” I ask, holding my breath.

  She sets her hands on the counter and cocks her head to the side. She bites her lip and thinks a moment. “I think so. I don’t want anyone else.” I nod in understanding. “You know how it is, Gigi. It’s hard to give my heart. He’s told me he loves me though,” she hedges.

  “Oh. My. God! And you didn’t tell me. What the hell? I’m your best friend,” I chastise her. “Did you say it back?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. I’m guess I’m just waiting for it to go bad. Eventually, he’ll joder,” she says.

  “He will not fuck up! No joder!” I yell as convincingly as possible, but lack the Spanish flair in pronouncing my words.

  “Maybe, but I’m not there yet.” She pulls her long tresses up into a ponytail using the hair tie she has around her wrist.

  “Okay, okay. Just don’t wait too long to tell him, Ria. Don’t sabotage yourself because you’re afraid of being happy.” I hit the nail on the head. She nods, tears welling in her ice blue eyes. In two strides I’m around the island and pulling her into a tight hug. “I love how he looks at you like there’s no one else in the room but you. He’s in deep, sister. Don’t think he’s not as far gone as you are.”

  “You think?” Her voice comes across so small. Nothing like her typical boisterous self.

  “I know,” I pull her chin and stare into her eyes. A tear slips down her cheek and I wipe it away. “I know,” I reiterate. She nods and hugs me again.


  I spend the next two days getting ready for my trip. Maria and I go to Bree’s studio for some hardcore Yoga and meet up with Kat. We have dinner in our grubby workout clothes and catch up. Kat tells us everything is going well with Carson and that she, too, is falling in love with him. Bree let us know that things are progressing with Phillip but more slowly than our three relationships. We set her mind at ease, assuring her that he is into her but that single dads have more on their mind than hitting the sheets with a hot blonde. She feels better but is frustrated that they haven’t taken their relationship to the next level. Maria and Kat both give her their ideas for seducing him. I stayed out of it. It is like talking about getting my brother laid. It feels icky and gross. The next evening I hit the gym one last time before my flight in the morning.

  Running is just what I need to release the sexual frustration built up from a two day dry spell. I up the incline on the treadmill and my heart pounds along with my feet as they thump against the revolving belt. Black Eyed Peas’ Hey Mama blares through my MP3 player as I hit the euphoric runner’s high. Images of Chase running alongside me slither along my vision. His sweat slicked chest, the shower for two after we’ve worked our bodies to the limit, the pounding sex against the shower wall like icing on our workout cake. I sigh and up the incline one more time.

  After a solid hour of pushing myself, I finally hit the stop button and jump to the sides of the machine. The endorphins run rampant through my system, and I tilt my head back and practically moan. It’s the closest thing to euphoria I’ve felt in three days. I’ve gotten used to Chase pleasuring me to the point of madness each night and it’s hard to fall asleep without that release or his warm arms surrounding me. Exercise is the only option until tomorrow. I can’t wait to see him.

  “Gillian?” A deep voice booms from behind me. I pull out my earphones, press stop on the Black Eye Peas screaming about “Getting it Started” and turn to see Daniel, my ex-boyfriend. I try my best not to cringe. It’s been close to a year since we last spoke.

  “Daniel, wow, it’s been awhile,” I say and climb down off the machine.

  He pulls me into a sweaty full bodied hug. Once our chests make contact I stiffen. The only man’s sweat I want anywhere near me is Chase’s, and, typically, while I’m licking it off his naked chest.

  “What has it been, six months?” he asks.

  “Closer to a year. How are you?” I ask politely, not really wanting to talk to him. Even though he treated me like a princess, I still had to break up with him. It was awkward and he was genuinely upset that I was breaking it off. It wasn’t possible for me to get past his you want me to fuck you like a whore comment in the bedroom when I tried to discuss ramping up our sex life. Basically, I wanted to come and he wasn’t able to take me there. Sex with him was too nice and backed by little feeling on my part. In order for me to orgasm, I need to be emotionally invested and with Danny, I just wasn’t. He said he loved me often, I never uttered those words. After a less than a month with Chase I was devoting my heart to him forever more. That ought to say something.

  “Good. What are you doing after this?” he asks as we head toward the locker rooms.

  “Heading home. I have an early flight to New York City tomorrow.” There is no way I’m meeting up with him for a drink or anything remotely close to a date. No way, no how.

  “Oh yeah, business or pleasure?” he asks making polite conversation. Internally I groan. I just want to get my purse and leave.

  “A little of both. Donor visit for the Foundation but I’m meeting my boyfriend,” I say nonchalantly.

  Daniel runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. “You have a new boyfriend?” he says with a hint of surprise. He looks genuinely puzzled by my admission. “Who?” he asks and I don’t recognize the tone in his voice.

  “Chase Davis,” I say confidently. That’s right buddy, someone else did want to be with me. The whore. My mind reels to our last sexual encounter where Daniel told me he wouldn’t fuck me like a dog and he couldn’t believe I wanted to be treated like a whore. That was the last straw for me. Being treated like a queen or not, if a man thinks that fucking you from behind is raunchy, then he can find someone else who likes perfect vanilla missionary position for the rest of their lives. I feel bad for the next woman he’s with. He’s no orgasm Danny.

  “The billionaire?” he asks in shock.

  “That’s the one. Hey, Danny, it’s really nice seeing you, but I do have to run. I need to call Chase. I’ll catch you around some time.” I quickly enter the woman’s locker room. I don’t even wait for a good bye. The last thing I want to do is shoot the shit with my ex. I’d rather get my teeth cleaned. Besides, Chase would be absolutely livid if he knew the man so much as hugged me.

  Whistling a tune to myself, I think on how I just saw Danny, a man I spent a year with, and didn’t feel anything. Not even guilt for breaking up with him. It feels good to know what I want in life and he’s over six feet tall, broad shouldered, with ocean eyes and a “I’m going to fuck you till you scream” attitude. Chase. The mere thought of him makes my sex jump. I need him. Tomorrow cannot come soon enough.

  Chapter 17

  The plane roars to a stop. Taye and I spent six wonderful hours talking about everything from his crazy kids and wife, Melody, to my wild friends and their constant shenanigans. We spent only a little going over our meeting with our donor prospect, “Theodore Vandegren.” The seatbelt signs are off and the captain makes his appearance.

  “Ms. Callahan, so nice to see you again,” he says.

  “You too. Another excellent flight and perfect landing.” I beam and shake the man’s hand.

  Taye and I make our way out of the plane and true to Chase’s word, Jack Porter is standing next to the limo, awaiting our arrival. He grabs our bags and starts for the trunk.

  “Afternoon, Jack,” I say over the noise from the airplanes.

  “Ms. Callahan. Glad to see you arrived safely. Mr. Davis will be pleased. He’s anxious for your arrival.” I see a hint of a grin at the corner of his stern face.

  Taye and I settle into the limo. “Must be nice having a boyfriend with such frills. Mel was shocked that we were flying in a private jet and being taken to the hotel in a limo.”

smile. Taye’s truly in awe of such luxury. It still blows me away, too.

  “I’m not used to it either, but it comes with the man so I deal with it.” I point at Jack, “It also comes with a twenty-four seven linebacker. “ I say loud enough for Jack to hear. Jack rolls up the privacy screen. The man ruffles my feathers more often than not. He has decided he doesn’t want to like me and it irks me. Everyone likes me. The people pleaser in me is frustrated that he’s such a tough nut to crack. I’m committed to winning him over. One day Jack Porter will be my friend, or, at the very least, friendly toward me.

  “That’s got to get to a woman like you,” Taye says knowingly. Ever since Justin, I pride myself on being able to take care of myself. I don’t need a man to take care of me, but I want Chase. And Chase is a man that needs to take care of his woman. So I deal.

  “It does, but I’ve gotten used to it. Chase has to deal with the possibility of people wanting to hurt him. I give them a unique way to hurt him so he’s overly protective of me. Plus, after what happened on our last business trip, he’s not taking any chances.” I rub the scar over my eye that hasn’t quite gone away. Chase says he’ll have it removed permanently if it continues to bother me. He hates seeing it as much as I do. Not because it mars my looks but because of what it stands for. Same with the jagged one on my hip. He wants it gone, but I refuse. I need the reminder of what I’ve survived.

  “Good man. You know how I feel about you, girl, you’re like my own daughter. Sounds like he knows a good woman when he sees one.” He smiles and pats my knee. Over the past couple years I’ve grown attached to Taye. He truly is like the Father I never had. He’s kind, considerate, and genuinely cares about me and my life.

  “Thanks, Taye.” I look out the window as the limo comes to a halt outside a huge hotel. The bellman opens the door and Taye gets out. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon before our dinner. Meet in the lobby around four?”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’d ask you to meet me for dinner but I’m pretty sure that boy of yours has plans for you.” He shakes his head and laughs and heads into the hotel.


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