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That Night with You

Page 15

by Alexandrea Weis

  She shook her head.

  “Are you sure?” he persisted, grinning.

  She shook her head again.

  Reaching for her hand, he lifted her from the bed. Instead of kissing her, he turned her around and swept her brown hair away from her shoulders. Hayden stood behind her, kissing her right shoulder as his fingers glided between her legs.

  “Like silk,” he whispered, caressing her folds. “Get on the bed.”

  Bashfully avoiding his eyes, she went back to the bed and stretched out on the burgundy bedspread.

  Tilting his head to the side, he let his eyes travel over every inch of her. “You are exquisite.” He gracefully moved to the nightstand next to the bed and opened a small drawer. Reaching inside, he pulled out a red foil packet and flung it on the bed next to her. Standing at the end of the bed, he unzipped his dark blue trousers. “On your back. Spread your legs apart and close your eyes.”

  She was a little surprised that she liked how he took control and found his instructions comforting. There was no second-guessing as to what he wanted, and also little chance of her becoming flustered due to her inexperience. Closing her eyes, Madison lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide apart, waiting for him.

  Seconds ticked by and her heightened senses searched the room for the slightest hint of what was to come. She thought she heard the rustling of clothing, and then felt his weight on the end of the bed. Madison anxiously waited for his arms, but when his hands ran up her inner thighs, an excited breath escaped her lips. What she felt next was not his body enveloping her, but his fingers spreading her folds apart. When his mouth closed over her, she gasped. His tongue zeroed in on her tender nub, teasing it with circles, making her body tremble. When his teeth nipped at her, she covered her hand over her mouth, silencing her scream.

  Madison writhed on the bed, but he held her firmly to him and bit down even harder. She moaned as he tortured her with his teeth, and just when she was about to push him away, a thunderous wave of rapture overpowered her. She rose up from the bedspread, screaming out just at the moment her orgasm swept over her. Her nerve endings were exploding, and every muscle in her body quivered. The rhythmic pulsations in her loins seemed to go on and on, longer than anything she had ever known.

  Collapsing onto the sheets, a trickle of sweat ran down her brow. As she wiped it away and opened her eyes, she spotted Hayden rolling the condom over his erection. Madison inspected every inch of his naked body, from his wide shoulders to his ripped abdomen and narrow hips. When her eyes settled on his large member, she stared at it. Madison couldn’t remember him being that big before; but then again, she had been too afraid to look at him the last time.

  As he settled on top of her, an odd sense of relief washed over her. No longer nervous, her hands caressed his skin, and she marveled at the taut muscles in his firm, round ass, back, and shoulders.

  Hayden kissed her lips, but this was not a tender kiss like they had shared before; this one was saturated with need. As his hands explored her body, her nervousness returned. He immediately registered the change in her and pulled away.

  “What is it? Are you afraid?”

  She shook her head. “I’m just nervous.”

  He combed her long brown hair away from her face. “I have an idea.” He patted the bed. “Roll over on your stomach.”

  Madison looked to the bed. “Why?”

  His lips came closer to her ear. “Do as you’re told, baby.”

  Before rolling over, her green eyes gave him a wary side-glance. He waited patiently as she got comfortable on her stomach, and then he raised her hips. Pulling Madison to her knees, he stroked the white skin on her butt before prying her legs apart. When his fingers found her moist flesh, he began stroking her.

  “Now you’re ready,” he murmured.

  His fingers dipped deep into her wetness, and when he pulled out, he spread her folds apart.

  Madison closed her eyes as his tip nudged against her sex. She tensed, knowing what was coming. Instead of him pushing into her, his fingers once again teased her nub.

  “You need to relax,” he softly said.

  This time he was gentle as he fondled her, and Madison enjoyed the way he rhythmically moved his fingers back and forth. Tossing her head to the side, her hips gyrated against his hand. She could feel the delicious tingle building in the shallows of her gut, but then Hayden thrust unexpectedly into her. The fullness that he created caused Madison to wince slightly. Hayden held her shoulders as he sank deeper into her flesh. Slowly, he entered her again. Wrapping his arms about her waist, he eased out, but then he dove in hard and deep. He rammed into her again, but instead of feeling uncomfortable, Madison discovered she liked it better when he was rough.

  “Do it like that again.”

  He complied with her wishes, and it did not take long for him to push her over the edge. Clasping the bedspread in her hands, she fought to suppress her scream, and just as Madison caught her breath, Hayden flipped her over and pulled her onto his lap.

  “I want to see your face.”

  Her flesh spread apart as he lowered her hips over his erection, but unlike the first time, there was no discomfort, only intense pleasure.

  “Rise up and down. Put your hands on my shoulders for balance.”

  Keeping her eyes on him, she did as he instructed, slowly riding him. It felt better this way; she liked being in control. Madison began to move faster, hungry for more. His hands encouraged her to ride him harder. She was panting against him, clutching his shoulders as she felt her muscles tighten. Hayden was biting her neck, and his fingers kneaded into her hips, urging her to move faster. Then, just when she thought she could take no more, her climax erupted. She buried her head in his shoulder, desperate to suppress her scream.

  “Madison,” Hayden cried out as his body shook with his release.

  Keeping his arms about her, he gingerly lowered her to the bed.

  “I liked being on top,” she divulged, while snuggled against his chest.

  “I could tell.” He sat up and removed the condom. “I hope I wasn’t too rough.”

  “No, I liked it.”

  He dropped the condom to the floor and rolled with her over to the nightstand. “We’ll try another position this time.”

  Madison watched as he plucked another red foil packet from the drawer. “Can we do it the rough way again?”

  He came back to her side. “Are you sure? You’re going to be sore in the morning.”

  “I don’t care.” She lay back on the bed, eying the muscles in his arms as he ripped open the red foil packet with his hands. “That’s the last thing on my mind right now.”


  Hunger eventually drove them downstairs to the kitchen. Removing a package of uncooked chicken from the refrigerator, Hayden opened it and plopped a chicken breast on a cutting board while Madison searched the refrigerator for the wine.

  “Your fridge is empty,” she chided, pulling out the bottle of zinfandel.

  “I’ve been meaning to get to the grocery store. Be thankful I have this for us.” He waved to the bagged salad and chicken on the stainless countertop.

  Madison tugged at the white long-sleeved shirt she had put on to come downstairs. She could still smell his cologne on his collar, awakening the memory of how he had made love to her again and again. Blushing, she picked up the bottle of wine and refreshed her glass, hoping for some cool relief.

  “You don’t have to cook. We could order a pizza or something.” She took a sip of her wine.

  “I don’t mind cooking for us.”

  She took another sip from her wineglass and observed his lean, muscular torso as he stood by the countertop, wearing only his dark blue suit pants. “Do you usually cook dinner?”

  “Rarely. I’ll either grab something on the way home, or have dinner meetings with clients.” He motioned to his wineglass. “Can you refill mine, too, please?”

  She added the chilled wine to his empty glass on th
e countertop. “It doesn’t sound like you have much of a life.”

  As he began slicing the chicken breast on the chopping block, he nodded in agreement. “My business demands a lot from me. It was the same with my old man.”

  Madison rested her hip against the metal countertop, taking in the stark white and steel kitchen. “You ever get the desire to throw a splash of color on the walls?”

  “Frequently,” he chuckled. “Ellen was the designer. I just built the place. I wanted to go with warm, earthy colors, but she felt it would detract from the simplicity of the home.”

  “It’s cold,” Madison stated without thinking. “I mean, it’s pretty and all, but it needs more. You have an earthy exterior, one that blends with the land, but it feels like it’s….” She tried to find the right word.

  “Cold?” Hayden filled in the blank.

  “No,” she asserted. “Lifeless. There’s no life here. It’s almost like a show house. Perfect furniture, appliances, wood floors, but there are no stains, no muddied footprints, no happy voices.”

  He put down his knife and stared at her. “Are you asking why we didn’t have kids?”

  “No, I’m asking why your home doesn’t appear lived in. Homes are meant to be lived in, Hayden.”

  “Maybe because this wasn’t a home, it was just a house. By the time we finished building this place, and Ellen had completed the decorating, neither of us felt at home. I think we began to drift apart long before we got married.”

  Madison took a sip of her wine. “Is that what happened? You two drifted apart?”

  “Actually, I don’t know what happened. One day I thought we were happy, and the next she wasn’t happy anymore. We met in college. Ellen was a few years younger than me and studying interior design. When I got out of graduate school with my masters, she still had another year to go with her undergraduate degree. So I waited until she finished school before I gave her an engagement ring. After that everything changed.”

  “Changed how?”

  He went to the cooktop and removed a skillet from the cabinet below. “I was working at Parr and Associates by then, and my father was retiring and leaving me the business. She started wanting things. A car, jewelry, clothes, and then one day she suggested we needed a house…something unique, and she wanted me to build it. So I did.” He paused and looked around the kitchen. “The only problem was, the more I gave her, the more she wanted. It seemed like nothing was ever good enough.”

  Madison’s insides rolled with disgust. “Probably one of those ultra-chic, size zero women who only wear high heels, max out your credit cards, and could…never mind.”

  “No, Ellen wasn’t that bad. I would never have married her if she had been like that.”

  “Then why did you marry her?”

  “I thought we shared some common interests, and Ellen seemed like the kind of woman who would be there for me, but something was always missing.”

  “Like what?”

  “We never talked.” He flipped on the gas burner and placed the skillet over the flame. “I guess I never realized until I was married how important it was to be able to talk to the person you share your life with. In the beginning, you think marriage is about the sex, then about the house or kids, but at the end of the day it’s about being able to roll over in bed and have someone listen to all of your bullshit, and sometimes laugh at your jokes.”

  “That sounds nice. The talking part.”

  He went back to her side and collected the chicken on the countertop. “What about you? What’s your heartache?”

  “My heartache?”

  “Who broke your heart? That’s why you’re not married or engaged like your roommate, right? So, let’s hear it? Who was stupid enough to let you get away?”

  She gripped her wineglass, grimacing. “I didn’t have any heartache. Dating for me has always been akin to having a tooth pulled. It’s painful, awkward, and leaves me doubting myself for days if not weeks later. My roommate would argue that I dated the wrong men; the kind I could never care about.”

  He sat back against the counter. “Why did you do that?”

  “I don’t know. I never felt I deserved a great guy. I always thought they wouldn’t want me.”

  “And now, what do you feel?”

  She put her glass down on the metal countertop. “You’re the only one I could ever…. The thought of having sex with other guys I dated….” She ran her hands over her arms. “I couldn’t do it.”

  He carried the sliced up chicken breast to the waiting skillet. “Is that why you ended up with me that night, because you figured it would be better to have sex with a stranger than a man you knew?” He obtained a bottle of olive oil, stuffed with sprigs of rosemary, from the side of the cooktop and drizzled a bit into the skillet.

  “Silly, huh?” She dipped her head to the side, blushing.

  The sizzle of sautéing chicken filled the kitchen while Madison nervously grasped her glass. She waited as he went to the sink and washed his hands.

  “Why didn’t you say anything that night about being a virgin?” he finally demanded, wiping his hands on a nearby towel.

  “I wanted to appear sophisticated for you.” She motioned to him. “You seemed so worldly, and I was like a…country bumpkin.”

  He came up to her and took the wineglass from her. After placing it on the counter, he dipped his head in front of her. “Hardly a country bumpkin. You have a sophistication all your own, Madison. Why can’t you see that?”

  “I don’t have any sophistication. I’m not one of those uber hot women men like you drool over.”

  “How do you know what kind of woman I drool over?” Shaking his head, he went back to the chicken. “Maybe I want someone fresh, naïve, and uncomplicated, like you.”

  “If you say so…Mr. Parr,” she said with a sly grin.

  “I see I’m going to have my work cut out for me with you,” he mused.

  As she watched his long hands stir the chicken, an idea came to mind. “You know my roommate is getting married next week,” she began softly, “big church wedding and all. I’m going to be a bridesmaid.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Well, I was wondering…do you want to be my date?”

  “That’s not a good idea, Madison,” he stated in a cold voice. “I thought I explained that to you. We need to separate our work life and private life, and that includes being seen together after hours. People will get suspicious. I can’t afford that right now.”

  She had forgotten about this being just about sex, but the way they had talked in his kitchen like a regular couple had given her hope that maybe he had not meant it.

  Madison picked up her wine, more confused than ever. A week ago she was only concerned with her career; today she had entered into a relationship with a man who was beginning to make her feel like an underpaid sex worker. Would it always be like this with him? Or with time would his feelings for her grow into something more? Perhaps they just needed time to get to know each other. Anything was possible when two people cared about each other. After all, fairy tales were based on fact, weren’t they?

  Chapter 11

  Madison awoke to the bright sunlight streaming in through the wide corner window and casting shadows across the rumpled bedspread. As she stretched out her arms, the soft cotton sheets caressed her naked body, but when she turned to the side, she found that the bed was empty. Touching the pillow Hayden had used, she smiled, and then the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

  Swinging her legs over the side of the low bed, she stood and made her way to the half-open bathroom door. The bathroom was done in white with pale beige marble countertops and sleek, silver modern faucets. In the corner, a man’s round butt and long legs could barely be seen behind the fog-covered door to the shower stall. Inching closer, she let her eyes roam up his back as the water cascaded over the ropelike muscles. A surge of warmth erupted between her legs, making her want him all over again. Reaching for the silver
handle on the shower door, Madison ached to touch him.

  When she entered the shower, he grabbed her and pulled her beneath the spray of hot water. Before she could even get a “good morning” out, his lips were on her. Pressing her backside into the tiled wall, his hands went to work, roaming over her breasts, hips, and stomach. When his fingers slipped between her legs, caressing her delicate folds, she stiffened.

  “Are you sore?”

  “A little,” she shyly confessed.

  “I know just the thing for that.” He turned away and opened the shower door, reaching to the towel shelf to the right.

  Madison admired his wide shoulders, and on a whim raked her nails down his back all the way to his round butt.

  Slapping the door shut, Hayden groaned and flipped her around, making her face the shower wall. “That was bad, very bad, Madison.”

  She backed her butt into him, feeling his erection press against her. “What are you going to do about it? Spank me?”

  Holding her hands above her head, he spread her legs apart with his foot and pressed his upper body into her back, pinning her to the wall. “Maybe I should spank you. I think you need a little discipline.”

  Her breath caught in her throat; she didn’t know if he was actually being serious or going along with her joke. The grip of anxiety that swirled in her belly was both alluring and a little scary.

  “I want you to keep your hands above you,” he ordered in a husky voice.

  He backed away from her, allowing the full spray of the shower to hit her skin. She waited as the water cascaded down her body until his fingers reached into her folds and pinched her nub, hard.

  Madison arched against him, removing her hands from the wall.

  Hayden put her hands back on the cool tile. “No, baby. Keep your hands on the wall and don’t move.”

  She bit back her protests when his fingers jutted into her. Madison surrendered to him and willed herself not to move. Slowly she relaxed, and the more she let go, the deeper he went. Soon, the discomfort dissipated and she became aroused by his touch.


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