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That Night with You

Page 19

by Alexandrea Weis

  His words registered in her head, but when his fingers fondled her nub, she forgot all thoughts. The aching began again in her gut, and the harder he stroked her, the faster her hips moved against his hand.

  “If I decide to withhold your pleasure….” He removed his hand. “You will accept it.”

  Madison’s hands curled into balls and her knuckles shone white, the same color as the tile of the floor. Her body was so close to coming, and she wanted him to touch her again, but she said nothing. She rocked gently back and forth, trying to ease the vice grip of need clenching her insides.

  “I have to know that I can do anything I want to you,” he whispered in her ear. “Say it.”

  “Yes, anything you want, Hayden.”

  He dragged her wetness from her folds up between her butt cheeks. His finger rubbed back and forth over her anus.

  “And if I want this?”

  Madison’s eyes snapped open and she hesitated.

  “Do you trust me, Madison?”

  She tensed, anticipating what was to come. “Yes, Hayden.”

  Silence permeated the air. She waited as the eerie quiet in the bathroom continued.

  He eased over on his side, watching her. “You need to be prepared in order for me to take this prize.” He rubbed his hand over her butt. “Do you want me to prepare you?”

  Resting on her heels, she considered his request. “Will it hurt?”

  “No, just feel different.” He held up his index finger. “I’ll use this, that’s all for now. If you don’t like how it feels, I’ll stop. Are you okay with that?”

  Staring into his eyes, she knew in that instant that she would never find another man who made her feel so comfortable with sex. “Yes.” Madison nodded her head.

  Hayden sat up from the floor and positioned her hips in front of him. His hand rubbed lightly over her ass, and when his fingers teased her wet folds, Madison closed her eyes. Stimulating her, she lost herself in the way his fingers moved rhythmically over her, but when he tracked her wetness to her anus, she sucked in a frightened gasp.

  “I want to see if you like how this feels,” he asserted, letting his thumb glide back and forth over her opening.

  Madison tensed when she felt the pressure of his thumb pressing down.

  Hayden let his hand fall away. “You need to relax for me.”

  Again his fingers went to her folds, but this time he rubbed her nub hard, making her groan. Her hips rocked back and forth and she relaxed as his hand awakened the heat between her legs. Then, she felt the pressure of his finger slowly entering her. He kept on stimulating, distracting her from the sensation of fullness as he pushed into her anus. At first, she did not know what to think; it felt awkward and unnatural. He began to wiggle his finger and the combined stimulation caused her insides to explode.

  “Jesus!” she cried out.

  “Do you like this, Madison?”

  “God, Hayden, yes.” Her arms gave out on her, dropping her head to the floor.

  He pinched her nub harder and wiggled his finger more. “If you want me to stop, I will. You only have to say so.”

  “No.” She pushed up on all fours. “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Deeper,” she implored. “Go deeper.”

  “Let’s try something else.”

  Unexpectedly, Hayden removed his finger and Madison almost crashed to the floor. Kneeling behind her, he shifted her hips to him and she heard a foil package ripping open. He spread her folds open and she flinched when his fingers slipped inside her wet flesh. She was sore and wanted to reach for his hand, stopping him, but she fought against the urge. She had to submit.

  “I know you’re still tender after last night,” he hummed in her ear, “but I need to be inside of you. Please, baby.” He bit her shoulder.

  She nodded her head and spread her legs apart, making ready for him.

  He stood and moved away. When the heat of his body returned against her backside, she jumped as his fingers slid into her.

  “This is just some lubricant. It will help reduce your discomfort.”

  The jelly felt good and eased the burning. When he glided the jelly toward her anus, she swallowed hard. Tenderly he entered her and Madison grimaced, but held her position beneath him. He pushed into her as his finger eased into her anus. She grunted at the discomfort, but when he pulled all the way out and drove into her again, she groaned. The delicious pressure from his finger was intensifying the sensation of him moving against her flesh. He shoved harder into her the next time, and she gasped when he reached the deepest parts of her.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop.” He kissed her back.

  “No. More,” she groaned.

  He retreated from her wet flesh, and this time, he wiggled his finger in her butt as he rammed into her.

  “Oh, God,” she shouted.

  Hayden thrust into her with an overwhelming force, pushing her forward into the floor. She lay on the white tile sprawled prone, helpless beneath him as he pounded into her. Her hands reached out to the floor, and her nails dug into the grout, holding on. When that tingling seized her, growing stronger with his every thrust, it became the most powerful sensation she had ever known. It was as if the discomfort she initially felt opened up another door, leading to absolute bliss. Her climax made her shake like a leaf in a violent wind, erasing all thought and reason. She erupted in hundreds of shooting bolts of electricity, and in the distance she could barely detect the sound of her impassioned scream.

  It took a few moments for her senses to return, but she came out of it just as Hayden made one last dive into her, letting go and grunting into her back. Settling against her, he was panting into her skin, and as the seconds ticked by, Madison soon became aware of her chest and knees pressing into the cold floor.

  “Now I know you trust me,” he breathed in her ear.

  “I never knew it could be like that. It was uncomfortable at first, but then it became…I can’t describe it.”

  He climbed off her back and pulled her into his arms. “I know many different ways to please you.”

  She rolled over to him. “Where did you learn about this stuff?”

  “Mostly from the women I’ve known. They taught me how to please them, and some things I picked up along the way.” He brushed a few strands of dark brown hair away from her face.

  “How come you didn’t do that before?”

  “Some women don’t like it, and I had to know if you were receptive. If I would have tried this before, I would have probably scared you away.”

  “What makes you think I’m not scared away now?”

  Letting out a long sigh, he looked down her body. “Because you’re still here, and you still want more.”

  She hated to admit it, but he was right. Instead of giving her an impetus to run away, his sexual appetites only made her feel closer to him.

  “You need to get in a hot shower,” he advised, patting her thigh. “I can’t have my favorite architect catching cold on my bathroom floor. After you’ve dressed, I’ll make us something to eat, and I’ll walk you over to the Martins’ house.”

  “I forgot about them.” She sat up, and all the tension their lovemaking had appeased instantly returned. “Are you sure about this, Hayden?”

  “You mean Mr. Parr, don’t you?” He stood from the floor and helped her up. “You’ll be fine, baby.” He gazed down at the bruised circles about her left wrist. “Make sure you put something over those bruises before you go to the Martins’ place.” He rolled his eyes. “The last thing I need is them wondering about you.”

  “Even I’m beginning to wonder about me,” she admitted, stepping toward the shower stall.

  “Why? Because of what we just did?”

  “No,” she opened the shower door and turned back to him, “because I want to do it all over again.”


  The Martins’ ho-hum, natural stone house loomed before Madison like a gallows
as she crossed the street, trudging behind Hayden. In the daylight, the house appeared less spectacular against the backdrop of the other million dollar mansions surrounding it. Following a path that was lined with green juniper bushes, they came to a sparse garden of pink azaleas and manicured white crape myrtle trees set before the short cement steps that led to the simple white-painted front door.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Hayden.”

  He handed her the rolled up design. “It’s part of your job, Madison. Smile, agree to whatever they want, then bring back their suggestions to the office and we’ll see what we can do. Just get them to show you their property. I want you to get started on some plans for me.”

  Glancing over at his pressed beige suit, she almost found it a little humorous that only an hour before he had been naked with her on his bathroom floor doing things that would have terrified his neighbors and most certainly the Martins. As she took in the other houses around them, she reasoned perhaps that was what went on in every home, making the façade presented to the world the actual fantasy, and the passion pursued behind closed doors the reality. Amazing what a person could hide behind a smile.

  At the entrance to the Martins’ home, she peered back at his cold, contemporary dwelling across the street. Picturing a window where she was standing, her mind began to fill with ideas for different architectural designs for Hayden.

  “Well, hello,” Stevie Martin chirped after opening her front door. “So glad you could make it.”

  Her soft blonde hair hung about her shoulders and the casual, blue slacks and fitted white top she wore accentuated her very slender figure. Madison envied the woman’s perfectly made up face, and wished she had taken more time to slap on a little more than lipstick and mascara.

  “Come in.” Stevie gave a welcoming smile, waving them inside.

  “Thanks, Stevie.” Hayden kissed her cheek. “Unfortunately, I have to run to the office, but I’m leaving Madison to go over the changes Pat and I discussed.” He pulled Madison to his side.

  “Oh, so sorry you can’t stay, Hayden.” Stevie’s deep blue eyes turned to Madison. “It seems Pat and I will have a lot to discuss with Madison.”

  Madison nervously clutched the roll of paper in her hand. “I look forward to hearing your suggestions, Mrs. Martin.”

  “Stevie, dear. No need to call me anything but Stevie.”

  Hayden backed out the door. “Well, I will leave you to it, Madison.” His voice was abrupt and businesslike. “Come and see me with the changes when you get back to the office.”

  Madison careened her head around to him. “Yes, Mr. Parr.”

  She noticed how he hesitated, covered his hand over his smirk, and then turned away.

  “So, Madison, can I get you any coffee?” Stevie inquired while closing the front door.

  Madison faced her hostess. It was then she took in the small entryway of the home. Rising up behind the short taupe-tiled foyer was a second floor balcony with black iron railings and a row of long windows behind it. The effect was dated and alluded to the homes late seventies contemporary design. Hanging before the railing was a teardrop-shaped, cascading chandelier.

  “Ah, no coffee, thank you.” Madison’s eyes returned to Stevie. “I had a big breakfast.” She briefly pictured the pile of frozen waffles with honey Hayden had served her earlier.

  “All right.” Stevie waved to an opening to the side of the entryway. “Why don’t we go in the den and go over those changes.”

  Walking down a dimly lit, almost claustrophobic, hallway with framed family pictures on the darkly paneled walls, Madison began to understand why Hayden was so dead set against keeping the house when he took over the property. My God, if this is the entrance….

  At the end of the hallway, the space opened into a large family room with a stone fireplace that rose all the way up to the top of the eighteen foot ceiling. However, that was about all Madison found redeeming. The white shag carpet, dull paneling, and row of patio doors to the left were better suited for an episode of the “Brady Bunch” rather than a modern Highland Park home.

  “You can see why we want to build something new,” Stevie said beside her. “It’s very dated, and we moved in expecting to renovate it. But…,” she threw her hands up, “one thing led to another, and now we just want to start over.”

  Madison took in the all glass bar in the corner of the room. “It’s not bad,” she admitted. “But it does need a good bit of updating.”

  “You should see the kitchen.” Stevie grimaced, shaking her head. “The place belonged to an older widow with grown children. She apparently liked living in the seventies, because God knows she never left it.”

  “I understand,” Madison remarked. “I have an aunt like that. Everything in her house has stayed exactly the same since I was a little girl.”

  “Where is your family, Madison?”

  “Arlington.” She took a step further into the room, and felt the lumpy shag carpet beneath her shoes.

  “I’m originally from Missouri,” Stevie volunteered. “Pat is from here. He has tons of family coming in and out, plus his three boys visit frequently.” Her blue eyes looked Madison’s figure over with interest. “In fact, he has a son, Randall. He’s about your age. He’s finishing up his masters in engineering at UT Austin. You two should meet.”

  Dread coursed through Madison’s body. That’s the last thing I need. Scrambling for a polite reply, she got out, “Ah, thank you, Stevie, but I’m kind of seeing someone right now.”

  The rude sneer that settled over the woman’s delicate features bugged Madison. “Yes, I could not help but notice your car was parked over at Hayden’s all night. Is there something going on between you two?” Her hand went up. “Not that it’s any of my business, dear, of course. It’s just that he was so happy with Ellen, and I think they both still want to work things out. I would hate to see you get hurt when that eventuality happens.”

  That cold steel rod of disbelief pierced the pit of Madison’s stomach when she realized who had called Hayden’s ex. She had heard about busybody neighbors—she had been dealing with Mrs. Leder for over a year now—but this was something she had never expected. A flurry of expletives came to mind, but Madison maintained her composure and came up with a more palatable solution to her predicament.

  “Mr. Parr and I were working most of the evening on your design.” She held up the roll of paper in her hand. “By the time we finished up, it was very late and he was worried about me making the long drive home only to have to return in the morning for our meeting. So, he kindly offered me his guest room.” She smiled sweetly, gritting her teeth while crushing the paper. “I can assure you that there is nothing between me and my boss, Stevie. That would be foolish.”

  The taunting grin on the woman’s pale face showed every one of her shiny capped white fangs. “That’s so nice to hear. I was so worried for you because you seemed like such a nice girl. I know Hayden is a very attractive man, especially to a young woman like you, but he is beyond you, my dear. Ellen is who he really needs,” Stevie went on. “Sophisticated, socially-connected, and she is an absolute angel of a woman.” Stevie headed toward an arched opening on the other side of the bar. “She even does a great deal of volunteer work at the local homeless shelter, did Hayden mention that?”

  Madison dutifully followed behind her client. “No, he never mentioned it.” She swore she was going to give Hayden an earful when she saw him later that morning.

  Behind the archway was an expansive kitchen with yellow linoleum floors, old yellow appliances, and green painted cabinets. Madison gawked at the décor and felt suddenly gladdened the catty woman had to cook in such a hideous kitchen. Yes, there was karma after all.

  “I know.” Stevie pouted her collagen-plumped lips. “It’s hideous.” She waved her hands about the kitchen. “But it grows on you.”

  Kind of like a tumor, Madison silently returned.

  “There’s our little design woman,” Pat Martin
called as he entered the kitchen from a patio door. “Stevie been showing you our retro home, eh?” he joked with a snicker.

  Casually attired in a red polo shirt and jeans, the affable man with the agreeable smile and friendly brown eyes instantly made Madison feel comfortable. Some people just had that ability to fill a room with their warmth, chasing away all the negativity that lingered in the air.

  “Good morning, Mr. Martin.” Madison’s smile widened with genuine emotion. “Yes, there’s a lot of potential here,” she lied.

  “More like potential to end up being a money pit,” he came back. “No, we need a fresh start. A new home with a new energy.” Pat came up to his wife’s side and clasped his arm about her tiny waist. “Took me two other tries to get it right with my Stevie. She’s the salt of the earth. Kind, considerate, and would never hurt a fly.” He kissed his wife’s cheek and the innocent sounding giggle Stevie gave him made Madison’s stomach turn. “No, she needs something wonderful, natural, and just like her.

  Images of a whorehouse decorated in black and red briefly danced across Madison’s mind. “Then we will have to build it for her,” she proclaimed.

  Going to a round breakfast table set up in the corner of the room by the patio doors, Madison began to unfurl the rolled up plans in her hand. Trying to smooth out the creases where she had crushed them, she waited patiently as her clients came up to the table, looking wide-eyed.

  “This is what Mr. Parr and I have come up with.” She motioned to the plans. “We’ve had to cut back a bit on the size of the atrium to add stability to the foundation, raised the height of the second floor to make sure the views from the second story are unencumbered by the first, and lessened the slope on your roof angles just a bit. Now this will increase the need for steel beams in the central portion of the atrium entrance, as well as along the central portion of the main walls on the first floor.”

  Pat eyed the drawings on the table. “Will that increase the cost?”

  “A modest increase,” Madison conceded, “but it will add stability to the structure.”

  “I wanted to open up the kitchen,” Stevie joined in, pointing to the kitchen off to the right of the atrium on the plans. “I’d hoped to have it to be a part of the atrium, not have a wall dividing it.”


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