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Rebel's Karma

Page 18

by Rebecca Zanetti

  He stiffened and looked down at her. “You want me to take over?”

  She leaned in and kissed him on the solar plexus. “I really do.”

  His hands went to her waist and lifted her, tossing her back on the bed. She landed on her butt and bounced, unable to stop the laugh that erupted. Who knew that intimacy with him would be fun? Then he pressed one knee on the bed and leaned down to kiss her navel.

  She gasped, and liquid fire shot through her veins faster than a good port. Never in her life had she wanted anything as badly as she wanted his mouth on her skin. His hands on her body. All of Benjamin for her to enjoy. She dug her fingers into his thick hair, which was silkier than she expected. She tugged.

  He looked up, crouched over her like a predator, and his eyes glittered. “I’m taking over.” His voice had gone demon-rough and hoarse.

  The trembling that took her fire-bombed every nerve in her body. Her legs shook, and her abdomen rolled. “Yes.” Never in her long life had she felt so needy. So wanted.

  His primitive smile should’ve given her pause, but the promise in his eyes only heated her more. He leaned down and nipped her hip bone before sinking his teeth into the material covering her private parts. He tugged her panties down her legs. With his teeth! Then she was fully nude before him.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, caressing his way up her legs and then placing the gentlest of kisses on her clitoris.

  Electric zaps zinged through her from his mouth, and she gasped, shocked by the intensity of the pleasure. Then he kissed her again, settling in, his wide shoulders forcing her legs apart. She caught her breath, waiting. What was he going to— “Oh,” she breathed, the room wavering.

  “Yeah. Oh,” he said against her sex, licking her again.

  It was decadent and so good. She wasn’t sure what to do. “I’ve never done this before.”

  His chuckle shot vibrations through her lower body. “You don’t have to do anything. Just relax and let me play.”

  She could do that. When he slid one finger inside her, she wanted more. A lot more. He nipped her, and she spiraled out of control, an orgasm taking her with a suddenness that almost hurt. “Oh. I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  He looked up. “Huh?”

  “It was so fast. I mean, it has been forever. I’m so sorry it was fast.” She spoke in a rush, not sure what else to say.

  He chuckled, his eyes an odd combination of black and green with no pattern. “Then let’s go slower this time.” Humming happily, he rubbed his tongue against her swollen clit.

  “You don’t have to do this. I’m sorry about earlier.” She was having trouble thinking.

  “Stop apologizing. Anything we do is good.” He turned his head and nipped her thigh before returning to her core, his mouth beyond talented. He was doing all the work.

  If he didn’t stop soon, she wasn’t going to be able to think. “Benjamin. This can’t be all about me,” she moaned. “I am sorry.”

  Faster than a popped champagne cork, he flipped her over, bit her butt, and flipped her back. His mouth found her again.

  She yelped. “What was that for?”

  He lifted his head, his gaze intense, his chin…right there. Slowly, he scraped his whiskers across her tender flesh.

  Lava poured through her, lighting her on fire. Even so, she kept his gaze.

  He grinned. “Lesson four. From now on, anytime you needlessly apologize, I’m going to bite your butt.”

  She couldn’t quite grasp his meaning. “That’s crazy.” Yet everything inside her that wasn’t on fire for him wanted to laugh. To settle into all that was Benjamin Reese.

  “Maybe, but I don’t like any other forms of discipline for you when you’re not being nice to yourself. So, a nip to the ass it is.” He licked her, swirling that dangerous tongue over her clit.

  She chuckled, but the sound was pained. How in the world did he make her need and laugh at the same time? Maybe she was as crazy as he. He went to work again, using his mouth, teeth, and fingers until she was writhing on the bed, nearly sobbing with need.

  Then he pushed her over. Live wires uncoiled inside her, and she detonated, crying out words that didn’t make any sense. She rode the climax, shutting her eyes, trusting that she’d survive. Finally, with a soft whimper, she relaxed onto the bed.

  Only then did he stand and shove his boxers to the floor.

  By all the gods on all the mountains. Benjamin Reese was well endowed. Very. She stared at him from beneath hooded eyelids. “I want to please you,” she whispered.

  “You do.” Anchoring one knee on the bed again, he settled against her, his very hard shaft probing her softened entrance. Her heart softened right along with the rest of her. He had made sure she was ready for him. Had completely put her comfort before his.

  She tangled both of her hands in his hair. “You’re perfect.”

  He kissed her hard, going deep. “Yeah, I figured you were nuts. But you go ahead and think I’m perfect.” Slowly, he penetrated her, taking his time but giving no quarter.

  It truly was the most exquisite feeling in the entire world. “I had no idea,” she said, her voice hushed.

  He dropped his forehead to hers. “Me, either.” For two heartbeats, they were completely connected and still. Then he began to move. Slowly at first and then with increasing speed, he powered into her.

  She shut her eyes so she could just feel, holding his hair and lifting her knees to take more of him. He hammered wildly for several long moments until that wire heated up inside her again. She bit her lip, so close to paradise. Then she toppled over, crying out, holding on to him as the waves swept her away.

  He groaned against her neck, pounding into her, prolonging her ecstasy. Only then did he shove inside her and jerk with his own release. Slowly, still inside her, he lifted his head and kissed her so tenderly that tears pricked the backs of her eyes.

  She blinked, shocked. “I think I love you, Benjamin.”

  He stiffened.

  She slapped her hand against her mouth. What had she just done in the haze of lovemaking? “Oh, no. I’m so sorry.”

  His jaw tightened, and as sure as the sun would rise, he flipped her over and bit her butt.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The sun was barely peeking over the mountain as Benny skipped another rock across the river. Clouds rolled in from the east, promising a heck of an autumn storm. Even now, the dew on the weeds had dampened his boots and the bottoms of his jeans.

  “What are you up to?” Mercy jogged up the river, her leggings the same color as the turning leaves on the other side.

  He double checked for threats. Nope. “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  Mercy stopped. “Does it hurt?”

  He snorted. The fairy was the closest thing to a sister that he’d never wanted, and he pretty much adored her. She was crazier than he, which was kind of nice. Plus, with her one green and one blue eye, she was always interesting to look at, and that was even when she wasn’t driving poor Logan insane. “Yes, my brain hurts when I think. Happy now?”

  “No.” She leaned down and fetched a smooth rock. “It’s no fun messing with you when you agree. What’s the matter?” She expertly skipped the rock across the entire span of water, her curly hair bouncing in the chilly breeze.

  He looked around. “Where’s Logan?” It was odd to see Mercy out jogging without her mate.

  She put her hands on slim hips covered by a bright orange hoodie that kind of matched her leggings. “Why? Do you think I can’t go jogging by myself?”

  “Not usually,” Benny admitted. “Where is he?”

  She huffed and picked up another rock. “We saw you, and I said I wanted to talk to you, so he returned to the control room to search for Sam. Again.” Her eyebrows drew together, and she threw the rock too hard. It splashed twice and then sank to the b

  Benny handed her another rock. “This is a good one. Don’t worry. We’ll find Sam.” He’d left Karma sleeping peacefully in his bed, hoping Linda would visit her and be helpful. He wasn’t counting on it, though. “What time are we calling Zane and the demon nation?”

  Mercy grimaced. “By noon. We can’t wait longer than that.”

  Man, this might mean war. Brother against brother, family against family, and mates caught in the middle. Benny plucked a smooth rock off the ground and zinged it across the water, skipping it at least ten times.

  “Nice,” Mercy said, side-arming her rock. It skipped eleven times. “Tell me what’s going on in your head. I can smell Karma all over you, but I don’t sense matehood. So you got some, huh?” She grinned.

  “Watch it or I’ll toss you in,” he said, kind of meaning it. “She’s a lady.”

  “Does the lady have moves?” Mercy danced around him, her eyes full of sparkle. “Are you in luuuuuv?”

  He rolled his eyes. While he’d like to discuss what Karma had said about mating, he didn’t want to break her confidence. “I like her, you know?”

  Mercy’s expression turned dreamy. “Yeah. Are you going to mate?”

  He lifted a shoulder. “I’m not sure. She’s never been on her own or had choices, and I don’t want to lock her down before she has a chance to see some of the world. Plus, there’s the final battle coming up, and you know not all of us are going to survive. She also has two little girls, and I’m terrible around kids. Probably. What if I scare them? Finally, I like her, but I’m not into the whole white-picket, forever, roses, and mushy crap.” He wasn’t enough for a female who wanted all the trimmings.

  Mercy’s expression softened. She moved toward him, stretched up on her toes…and punched him right in the eye.

  He growled and stepped back, clapping a hand over his brutalized eye. “What did you do that for, you crazy fairy?”

  “Fae,” she said, huffing. “I did that because you’re a moron.”

  He sent healing cells to his eye to make sure it wasn’t truly damaged. Nope. It just hurt like hell. What had he been thinking to seek advice from a Fae? “That was unnecessary,” he complained, removing his hand and blinking into the soft light of the morning.

  She reached for a rock and straightened up.

  He paused and watched her carefully, just in case she decided to throw it at his head.

  A small smile played on her pixie-like face, and she skipped the rock across the river. Twelve times. “One, Karma is old enough, by far, to make her own choices. If she’s dumb enough to choose you, then thank your lucky stars. Two, I am so tired of hearing about that final battle. If Ulric makes it back here, we’ll all deal with him as a team. Third, you’re half-crazy, which kids just love. Any little girls lucky enough to have you around would love their very safe and probably wild life. And fourth, what makes you think any of us want white picket fences or roses? Personally, I like metal throwing stars and tulips.” She turned to face him, her stance set.

  He took two very cautious steps back. It wouldn’t be the first time Mercy had kicked him in the neck, but he just wasn’t in the mood. “I have no idea how Logan puts up with you.” He kind of meant it, but his voice was still soft because this was Mercy.

  “I know, right?” She snorted and bounced back on her heels. “Do you want to spar?”

  “No.” He shook his head. The fairy was smart and could be mean, but she really wasn’t that good of a fighter. He’d spend too much time making sure she didn’t get hurt, and she’d end up punching him in the eye again.

  Mercy ducked her head and then moved, coming close again.

  He tensed.

  She reached for his arm and patted his sleeve. “Listen. You’re a good guy, Benny. I think if you gave things a chance with Karma, you might find happiness. You deserve that, and I’d love to see you with somebody. You don’t have to be alone just because there might be a battle a zillion years from now.”

  “Thanks.” He smiled at her, keeping his thoughts to himself. The timeline was narrowing—he felt it in his very bones. Ulric would soon gain his freedom, and the final battle would happen before any of them expected.

  It was definitely coming.

  * * * *

  Karma rolled over in the ocean-wide bed and stretched before wincing. Wow. She was sore everywhere. There wasn’t an inch of her Benjamin hadn’t laid claim to the night before, and she wore light love marks over her entire body. Including her rear end. Turning her face into a pillow, she laughed. He’d lightly bitten her butt several times during the night. Why did she apologize so much? It was probably something she needed to work on, once she got her girls free of the Kurjans. More than ever, she could see hope for her future. For their future. She would get Benjamin to train her a little bit before she went back, which would have to be soon. The Kurjans would be searching the rubble for her, because Terre wanted her. He’d made that clear.

  “What is so funny?” Linda asked, her voice muffled by the pillow.

  Karma jolted and rolled over, making sure she was decently covered by the bedspread. “Nothing. Do you have news?” She sat up, pushing her wild hair over her shoulder.

  Linda studied her with soft brown eyes. “You and the big guy, huh?”

  This was so weird. “Yes.” Who knew? Her best friend was a spirit. She leaned forward a little. “I was nervous because I didn’t really know exactly what to do, but Benjamin knew everything.” Her entire body warmed. “It was lovely.”

  Linda hovered near the bed, more translucent than ever. “I’m glad for you. You said you were mated centuries ago. I take it you didn’t enjoy yourself back then?”

  It was hard to remember. “Not really. It was just another duty, and he died shortly after we mated.” In fact, she’d had no idea how wonderful sex could be. She knew Benjamin had held back the night before. What would he be like fully unleashed? She tapped her finger against her lips. “I need to conduct research on the Internet.” She was fully aware of the Internet and had used it illicitly a few times in Kurjan territory, but here she could probably research all she wanted. There were no restrictions.

  Linda shrugged. “Or just keep playing with the big immortal dude. He seems to be up for exploration.”

  How true. “I told him that I loved him, and he panicked.” Karma whispered.

  Linda snorted. “Men are dorks who are afraid of love. Don’t worry about that. You have to go with your feelings.”

  Yes, that was true. Karma smiled at her friend. Thank goodness she had one for now. “I have to contact the Kurjans soon. Terre will be looking for me, and I don’t dare leave the girls in their hands for long. They’re safer if I’m with the Kurjans.” Even if the twins were used to extort her cooperation, at least she could ensure their safety for now.

  Linda wrung her hands together. “I’m sorry you have to go back.”

  Karma straightened. “They’re our girls, Linda. Yours and mine.” Her heart hurt for the young mother. “I’m sorry you can’t be here with them.”

  “Me, too,” Linda said softly. “But you are here, and you’ll be a good mother for them. I feel better crossing over, knowing that you’ll love and protect them.”

  “After we get them free,” Karma vowed.

  Linda wavered, and most of her dark hair wisped out of sight. “I don’t have much longer. The pull is too strong.”

  “Okay. Tell me what you know,” Karma said, grasping the bedspread. “Did you see the girls?”

  “No,” Linda answered, looking around the quiet room. “The girls aren’t with Terre and Jaydon.”

  Any hope Karma had held that she wouldn’t have to go back dissipated. “I see.”

  Linda flickered out of sight and then returned. “Terre is frantically searching for you in the rubble, while his brother is hunting for the technology the Seven left b
ehind. They do think that the area was the true headquarters and are unaware it was a setup.”

  Well, that was something. “We haven’t seen any trace of them on the satellite feeds,” Karma said thoughtfully. “How are they searching?”

  “They know of the satellites the Seven are using,” Linda said. “They search when they are outside your field of observation.”

  That was a fact Benjamin would need to know. “So the Kurjans are located close to the mountain in Utah?”

  “Yes. I don’t know their exact location, but Terre said something about it taking thirty minutes to reach the imploded mountain. He wants you more than you feared, Karma. He’s obsessed, not even sleeping. His brother is thinking about knocking him out for a while, and Jaydon is on board with that. But Terre is making plans to take out Jaydon.”

  Karma smoothed the bedspread across her legs. “He is?” Why did the Kurjans keep turning against each other? When she went back to them, it would only be a matter of time before Terre turned against her. Unless she kept giving him sons. The thought sent bile through her stomach. “Do they have Sam Kyllwood?”

  Linda nodded. “Yes, but I didn’t see him. I overheard Terre and Dayne talking about the Kyllwood brother and discussing what to do with him. They don’t want war right now with the demon nation, so it sounded like they might try to exchange him for something, but I don’t know what. Of course, they’re in no hurry.”

  No hurry because they were torturing Sam for information about the Seven and probably the Realm and the demon nation. While Benjamin and the others seemed to be holding it together, there was a level of tension throughout the headquarters that made the air seem heavy. They all knew what Kurjans did to prisoners, and the need to rescue Sam before he was further damaged was paramount.

  Karma gathered the throw blanket from the end of the bed and slipped free, covering herself. “Anything else?”

  “They don’t believe that Ulric is on this planet or being held by the Seven. They have some sort of tie to him that tells them he’s still on the prison world,” Linda admitted. “They know Benjamin was lying about that.”


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