The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 21

by Bailey Ardisone

  “Call or text if you need anything,” he said as he got on his motorcycle.

  “You know I will.” I waved goodbye and watched him as he finally turned on to the main street, then out of sight.

  I slowly walked up to my house hugging the teddy bear Mycah gave me. I decided to fight my fears by remembering the great night I had. I hadn't thought I would've been able to have any fun at all. I had been downright miserable when the day started, even if I hadn't wanted to admit it. But my friends (which was weird for me to say still) were amazing. I loved them all. I never thought I would feel that way about a person other than Rydan, and now I actually had several people who I could call true friends. My day had a rough start, but awesome company followed by Mycah’s return made it one of the best days of my life.

  Lost in thought, I went to unlock the door but froze upon finding it already cracked open.

  “Hello?” I called tentatively, not really sure I wanted anyone to answer. Scratch that. I prayed that no one would answer. I slowly opened the door while every skin cell I owned pricked to attention. Just as I stepped inside, a large body slammed me into the wall across the way, making me drop the teddy bear, and held me in place with a knife to my neck.

  “Where is Ray Miller?” a burly man demanded, wearing sunglasses despite the late hour.

  “He’s on vacation, but I don’t know where,” I immediately answered, terrified out of my mind.

  “Well, well, well. Isn’t that just wonderful for him?” he mused sarcastically. “So, instead of paying off his debts, he chooses to run off and play.”

  “I don’t know what you're talking about,” I explained, hoping he’d understand.

  “Mr. Miller owes a substantial amount of money. My boss is not a patient man. Ray’s gambling days are over if he doesn’t pay up. Oh, but don’t you worry your pretty little head. We’ll find a way to collect every penny soon enough. Maybe I should give him a warning, hmm?” he threatened by digging the knife deeper into my throat.

  “He’ll be back tomorrow, okay? And don’t bother with a warning. He couldn’t care less what you do to me,” I spat, knowing every word was true. He’d be doing Ray a favor in all honesty.

  He let go, removing the knife as he stepped back. I breathed a sigh of relief, but it was premature. He hit me across the face with an iron fist, knocking me to the floor.

  “I’ll take my chances; you understand.” He smiled, knowing full well I didn’t. “Tell Mr. Miller there is more where that came from if he doesn’t take care of his debts by tomorrow night.”

  At that, he stormed out of the house as I stayed crouched on the floor. My life was becoming one living nightmare after another. There really was only so much a person could take, and I was quickly filling my quota. I looked around the dark, empty house, loathing every second I spent there. This house was pure hell.

  I ran outside, not even bothering to lock it. It was chilly, so I numbly stuffed my hands in the pockets of my coat. It must've been midnight, and I had to walk in the dark, but I was too angry for it to bother me. I knew exactly where I wanted to go—who I needed to see. My pace quickened at the thought of him wrapping his arms around me, calming my frightened heart.

  Stupid Ray. I hated him. Just as much as he hated me. My eyes stung with unshed emotion, dreading the moment I had to be near him again when he came home tomorrow. He better have the money he owed or I was afraid I’d be feeling the brunt of it if that man returned looking for him.

  After about a thirty-minute walk, I finally made it to O’Malley’s Bed & Breakfast and couldn’t feel more relieved. I quietly walked up to the front door, ready to go inside. But in my haste, I forgot to think about if Mycah was still staying here or if he was even in the same room. What was I thinking? He had left town…he could be staying anywhere or in any room. Could I risk disturbing whoever was in the room he had before?

  I slowly turned around with my eyes closed and sat down on the porch steps, tears threatening to surface as I contemplated what to do.


  I jerked my head up at the sound of Mycah’s silky voice. God, was he ravishing in the moonlight as it reflected off his midnight blue hair, all ruffled and stuck up in random spots. My throat immediately closed from forcing back tears.

  “What’s wrong?” he rasped as he quickly walked up to me.

  I didn’t say anything as he pulled me up tightly against his muscular body, wrapping me in a warm embrace. I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer and began sobbing in his chest. He started rubbing the back of my head, trying to comfort me.

  All of a sudden, he bent down slightly and effortlessly picked me up off the ground, still holding me tightly against his body. Like the time he carried me before, I buried my face in his neck and knotted my fingers through his hair. I inhaled his sweet smell, using it like a balm.

  His soft skin warmed my cold face as he quietly carried me through the B&B and into his room, not turning on any lights. He sat down in the chair by the window, never letting go or loosening his hold.

  I was pathetic. A total drama queen. I couldn’t stand myself these last few weeks. But I wasn't only upset over what happened just moments ago. I vented about everything. I cried about the crappy things that had happened recently, the fact that I was terrified to be at home now—and not just because of Ray like the reason used to be. Now it was the fact I had more than just Ray threatening my life every time I was there. I was torn up about Mycah leaving and that he came back. I was a mess.

  “I’m such a mess,” I grimaced, echoing my thoughts. “I’m sorry for coming here in the middle of the night like this,” I sniffed.

  “Nariella,” he whispered in my ear, causing my heart to do a cartwheel. “Don’t ever be sorry for coming to me. Ever.” He wiped my hot tears away, making me flinch and pull away. His touch was gentle, but it stung my bruised face where that hideous man hit me. “Where did you get that?” he questioned with alarm as he tipped my wounded face into the moonlight. He put his fingers against the bruise and healed it immediately.

  “Thanks.” I laid my face back against his neck where it belonged. “A man was inside my house when I got home. He was looking for Ray, who seems to owe lots of money.”

  “You can’t be serious.” He sighed. “That worthless prat.” I felt his jaw tighten against my face and had the strongest urge to kiss it.

  “Why were you outside already?” I asked, rubbing my nose. I needed to distract myself. And it was a legitimate question since it was in the middle of the night; there wasn’t much to do here in this small town.

  “I…was out. Taking a walk. I didn’t feel like sleeping and then time got away from me,” he stated rather suspiciously. He didn’t sound very convincing.

  “Earlier you said, "They’re here”—who were you talking about?” I interrogated, feeling a new wave of worry hit me in my stomach. I looked up into his deep blue eyes, demanding an honest answer.

  “I want to tell you, I do. But I don’t think you can handle it just yet.” He searched my eyes, wanting me to understand.

  “Was it the men who took me before?” My voice shook, betraying the brave face I tried to put on.

  “No. No, it wasn’t. This was worse. Much worse.” He stared with great intensity into my eyes and tried to convey the gravity of his words. And it worked. I shuddered, realizing I had no idea what I’d gotten myself into and wasn’t sure I wanted to know. I mean, what could be worse?

  “What does this mean?” I pointed to his tattoo then gently touched it, finally able to admire the intricacy up close.

  “Hmmm,” he mused with a smirk and narrowed his eyes at me like he was trying to decipher whether to tell me or not. “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

  “Psh…whatever. That is such a cliché,” I laughed.

  “Ah well, sometimes I love a good cliché.” He winked at me, smiling. It was so charming and alluring, I had a hard time concentrating on anything else. “Truthfully, it’s jus
t something that has been passed down in my family for a long time. A very long time.” I watched his face as he spoke and noticed a change in his expression and demeanor. He seemed solemn, maybe even sad. I wanted to ask more about it but something told me not to, just like the other time he mentioned his family.

  After a few minutes, I desperately needed a tissue. I unwillingly forced myself to unmold from his arms and made my way to the bathroom. I could feel him watching me, and my pulse quickened in response. I pulled off my coat now that I was warm and hung it on a hook, then took care of my nose, splashed some water on my face, and padded my way back to him.

  He stood up, never taking his eyes away from mine. The moonlight was filtering in through the antique curtains of the window and fell on his dazzling features, making him look incredibly stunning. I lost my breath from the way he gazed at me, and I once again wondered if the devil or maybe an angel stood before me. I couldn’t decide which one.

  My heart—oh, my poor heart—raced and swelled, threatening to burst right out of its cavity as he reached up and caressed both of my arms with his soft, gentle hands.

  I forced myself to swallow and felt a million butterflies plunge in my stomach. He had to be able to hear my pulse because it felt like it was zooming so fast in my veins and was thumping in my own ears – there was no way he could miss it. I felt my cheeks grow hot at the thought and then realized my whole body grew hot.

  My skin had to be on fire, begging to be snuffed by his touch. Seeming to know what I wanted, or needed, he reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear before holding his palm to my cheek, caressing my skin with his thumb.

  My heart, body, and soul all seemed to dance within me in triumph as he pulled me close to him, slipping a hand underneath my shirt. He gently grazed the small of my back with his soft fingers, and I finally knew my resolve against men was officially broken.

  He slipped both his hands down to the back of my thighs then lifted me up, moving my legs around his waist. He kept his eyes locked onto mine as he pushed me roughly against the wall with his warm body, and suddenly his lips were on mine. He kissed me with intense hunger, like his life depended on this one kiss.

  I kissed him back with equal desperation, feeling as if I too would die without him. A fire exploded around us, engulfing every inch our bodies touched in hot flames, and I thought for sure at any moment I would combust into a pile of ash. He kissed me passionately, knotting his hand in my hair and pulling my head back to kiss my jawline, ear, neck, collarbone, giving me a moment to breathe, but then was right back to my mouth with even more fervor, as if that time away had been torture.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist even tighter and pulled him closer to my body, never feeling that he was actually close enough. This was heaven. I was sure of it. I died somewhere back there and this was heaven, it was the only explanation. We were one, completely in sync, souls now forever united and intertwined with one another. I never wanted to part from this angel from this day forward.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Red. Blue. Yellow.

  Red. Blue. Yellow.

  I had to repeat those colors in my head over and over so that I would not forget the order in which the vessels were to be placed. The arrangement of these vessels was very important, and if the order got switched the potion wouldn’t work.

  Falla was preparing a healing potion for the baby griffin. After three long hours of healing, something was still not right.

  I arranged the vessels according to color. Red. Blue. Yellow. The red vessel was Carad, which would help the baby strengthen faster. The blue vessel was Luin, and it was a medicine that would heal the wound quicker. The yellow was Malina, and it would give the baby the nutrients it needed to survive.

  Now all we had to do was wait.

  I helped Falla with the potion and then left her healing chamber. I walked through the gallery and out into the great hall. It was an hour before the first meal, and I needed to attend to my normal duties.

  Before I reached any further, a hand clamped down over my mouth, arms wrapped around my waist, and suddenly I was dragged behind a giant pillar.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I awoke without opening my eyes, blissful, and realized my lips burned with longing. I could tell through my eyelids that it must've been in the middle of the day, because the sun screamed into my face.

  I had an amazing dream and would give anything for it to have been real. I slightly stirred, not wanting to open my eyes; afraid my euphoria would end upon doing so.

  In that split second, my eyes tore open as my heart jumped to my throat. I was held in place by a lean but muscular arm with incredibly soft skin and a human-sized heating pad attached to my back. With my heart swelling, I went to move my arms and then realized my right hand was interlaced with much larger fingers than mine, and my left hand grasped that same soft arm that rested around me.

  That was when his familiar, delicious woodsy scent flooded through me.

  It wasn’t a dream. Each soft stroke of his breathing against the back of my neck told me that this was very real. I felt my grin grow from ear to ear, and there was nothing I could do to stop it as my heart thumped in my chest. All we did was sleep, but it was still the most amazing night I have ever had.

  I began ever-so-lightly to trace patterns with my fingers over the silky skin of his sun-kissed arm. His breath caught, setting off those dang butterflies in my stomach again, which started doing somersaults at the wondrous sound of him softly moaning in appreciation.

  “You have no idea how beautiful you are, do you?” he whispered against my neck, setting off a whole new wave of acrobatic butterflies inside me. I turned my head to bury my face in my pillow, trying to hide my flushed cheeks.

  He chuckled softly, then kissed my head. He got up and went in the bathroom. I quickly turned on my back, throwing my hand over my eyes, grinning at this amazing moment and this amazing person who was now in my life. I could barely believe that it was real—that at any moment I wasn't going to wake up and realize it had all just been a crazy, wonderful dream. I pinched myself—just in case. Nope, wasn't a dream. This was reality. I bit my lower lip as I quietly squealed and danced against the bed.

  And then it hit me.

  I still had no clue who this "amazing person" was. He wouldn’t tell me. He wouldn’t tell me what he was or why he was dangerous. How could I trust someone like that?

  Especially since one minute he was kissing me, and the next he was telling me he couldn’t stay here. Yeah, he may be in my life now, but that could change at any second. He had already left abruptly once before. Eventually he would go back to Chicago. I didn’t know what we were, but we were definitely not a couple. If I let him in, truly let him into my heart, then I’d only be giving it a death sentence because it was clear sooner or later he was just going to smash it to pieces.

  Moments later, any thoughts I battled with were quickly erased. I watched as he returned dripping wet wearing nothing but a white towel low around his waist, and I swear it was in slow motion as he casually sauntered into the walk-in closet in all his swagger. He had no shame and clearly had no reason to. Words could not describe the incredible sight before me, as his perfectly tight abs cut and disappeared down into the towel and every other muscle glistened in the sun. I knew I was blushing. The hottest guy I had ever been around was Rydan and not once had he paraded half-naked in front of me. It was a sight I certainly was not used to, but even still the level of lust I suddenly felt for this guy overwhelmed me and took me by surprise.

  “Did you want to shower too, love?” he asked once he stepped out of the closet, dressed only in black jeans that hung from his hips. He pulled a fitted long-sleeved shirt over his head, then pushed up the sleeves to his elbows—a look I was becoming familiar with. Yet, even with him now fully clothed, I was still left breathless as I tried to recover from gawking.

  I cleared my throat and pretended not
to be bothered by him.

  “Umm…that would be great, but it’d just be a waste. I have to get home and clean before the dance tonight. Ray will be back,” I explained dejectedly, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. If he came home and it wasn’t completely spotless, I’d need Dr. Mycah again. Not that that’d be the worst thing…

  “Ah, yes. The dance. Rydan your date?” he asked without looking at me. His mind had focused on something entirely different than mine.

  “No, I’m going alone. Dances aren’t really Rydan’s thing.” I laughed, remembering how any time I’d begged him to take me before, he immediately refused with a look of disgust.

  “The poor chap probably can’t dance.” Mycah pointed a finger at me for a split second before grinning. “I, on the other hand, am an excellent dancer.”

  “Shocker,” I responded sarcastically, smiling. Who was he kidding? Was there anything Mycah wasn’t excellent at?

  “I could go with you.” He met my eyes seriously. I sucked in a breath, really taken by surprise this time. Marie said he wasn’t going to the dance so I never even let myself entertain the idea before. “Unless you don’t want me to.” He mistook my silence for rejection.

  “No! I...I want you to. I mean, that’d be nice. Thanks.” I swallowed and forced myself to keep calm. I hated every moment my heart betrayed the logic that I firmly held in my brain. I didn’t know what this meant or if it meant anything at all. It could just be a friendly gesture since I was dateless. But I didn’t even know if we actually were friends. He didn’t exactly treat me like one. Didn’t friends tell each other things? I couldn’t let myself get carried away with him. He was lying to me about so many things. I wouldn’t let myself get any deeper until he confided in me.

  He dropped me off at home, and I immediately got to work taking care of the house. I didn’t know what time Ray would be back so I moved as quickly as I could just in case, expecting him to walk in at any moment. I wouldn’t have much time to get ready for the dance, but preventing bruises sat at a higher priority for me.


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