The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4 Page 22

by Bailey Ardisone

  I wiped down the counters and every surface or item in the kitchen, took care of any dishes, mopped all the floors, vacuumed any carpets and rugs, dusted every inch imaginable, cleaned the bathroom. I even washed the windows. Then finally, several hours later, finished with the last load of laundry.

  A figure moved outside in the yard, making me do a double-take. It was Mycah. I moved closer to see what he was doing out there, surprised to see him. He walked in a line, holding his hands to the ground, and with each step he took the leaves that littered the yard disintegrated back into the earth. He must've just finished taking care of the entire lawn, because not a loose leaf was in sight. I completely forgot about the yard. I was overcome with relief that Mycah thought of it and deeply grateful.

  He looked up and saw me in the window gawking, then smirked in his sexy way. He jerked his thumb behind him toward the road, signaling he had to go, and waved goodbye. I waved back feeling disappointed he was leaving.

  But just as he pulled away, I suddenly remembered I had yet to finish my dress for the dance and still figure out how to give myself a makeover worthy of the fancy occasion. I was horrible at doing makeup and my hair, only just learning the bare basics. Normally I wouldn’t care, but there was something in me that burned to look extra nice tonight.

  I tried not to get overwhelmed with dread as I ran to my room to finish up my dress, now having only two hours until Zaylie picked me up.


  I could feel myself panicking. There was no way I’d be able to do anything special with myself. Maybe I could at least accomplish "decent."

  After a while, I went to assess my dress one more time just as the doorbell ringing pulled me out of my concentration. I just finished it and had little over an hour to get ready. I didn’t have time to deal with whoever was at the door. I barely had time to shower and take care of myself. I had no idea how to get ready for a dance. An incessant knock made me grunt as I sprinted to the door. I opened it to find a grinning Zaylie clad with bags hanging from her arms.

  “Surprise!” she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, pleasantly surprised.

  “I’ve come to help you get ready!” she squealed, holding up the bags in the air. Her pretty accent painted her words, and I had to stop myself from knocking her to the ground in a bear hug. Her hair and makeup were done to perfection so I couldn’t possibly do anything to mess it up.

  “Seriously? You have got to be my fairy godmother.” I laughed, carefully pulling her into a gentle hug. “Thank you so much!”

  “Don’t thank me yet! We don’t have much time. Point me in the right direction.” She shook the bags and waggled her eyebrows, reminding me of her twin brother.

  “Follow me.” I grinned back and took some of the bags she carried to lighten her load.

  I showed her my room and then quickly jumped in the shower. I worked as fast as I could, shaving my legs and massaging my face under the hot water, and used a special body scrub that Zaylie said would brighten my skin. I was instructed to stand under cold water for a few minutes when I was done with everything else. I didn’t know what it did, but I obeyed.

  I eventually dried and put on a button-down shirt, per her request, and sat down in a chair for her to work her magic on me.

  “You have such captivating eyes, you know that?” Zaylie said as she ran mascara through my lashes. “I would kill for your eyes. Not to mention you don’t even need fake eyelashes! It already looks like you’re wearing some,” she gushed with a laugh.

  “Thank you. But you have gorgeous eyes.” I smiled up at her, truly appreciative of the compliment. Ray hated my eyes—I grew up with him constantly making fun of me and telling me not to look at him. I thought they were ugly because he had always told me they were.

  “So, tell me about your mum and dad. Are you close with them?” she asked with genuine interest.

  “Oh, I used to be close to my mom. But not my dad. Actually, they’re my foster parents. And I don’t actually call Ray dad or anything,” I explained as she moved to apply mascara to my other eye. I wasn't entirely sure how much I wanted to open up to Zaylie. Yes, she was my friend of course, but it took a lot for me to open up to someone.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. Close your eyes,” she quietly instructed. “So what happened? How come you’re not close to your mum anymore?” She said the words softly as she gently swiped my closed lids with a soft brush.

  “Ummm...” I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let the words escape my mouth, and my brain desperately fought to keep the images hidden away. “I can’t really talk about it right now. I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, no problem. Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” She smiled down at me. “Look up,” she instructed next. She began working underneath my eyes.

  “No, don’t apologize. It’s just hard for me to get into it. I don’t want to ruin our night.” I felt guilty. I hoped I didn’t make her feel bad. Especially after all the trouble she was going through just to be friendly toward me. I sucked.

  “No worries.” She laughed as she finished up my eyes and moved to my face. After applying some fluffy brushes powdered in a light pink, and once she felt satisfied, she started on my hair. I wasn’t allowed to see the makeup until she was completely done with everything over an hour later.

  I touched my fingertips to my lips and then slowly reached out to touch them in the mirror. My eyes lifted and went to the purple eyes reflecting back at me. I knew it was me—I could see that I was looking at myself. But I looked...foreign. I didn’t look myself. I looked...pretty. I felt pretty.

  “You are incredible, Zales. Thank you so much,” I whispered with gratitude, unable to overcome my shock. I’d never felt so good before. I was happy and excited, and for once I didn’t feel shy. I was now prepared to face tonight. Courage burst into my gut, and a small idea popped into mind.

  “I’m very happy to do it.” Zaylie smirked as she squeezed my bare shoulders. “My turn to get my dress on!”

  “Okay.” I laughed as she ran to the bathroom carrying her garment bag. The idea floated through my mind again. Maybe I could do it...I sucked in a deep breath and steadied my hands.

  Of course I could do it. I was able to make the finishing touches to my dress, shower, Zaylie fixed my hair and makeup, and now our ride would be here at any minute. It didn’t seem possible that I could finish in time, but I did. I could do anything.

  This was it. I was about to go to a dance with Mycah and my friends. I had friends. That was a huge accomplishment all on its own. I was growing into a different person. I could feel it. This should be easy. I could be brave. Tonight, I would be brave.

  I was going to ask Mycah where we stood.

  The small idea might have seemed simple and innocent, even easy for some. But for me, it was a big deal. I needed to know if he thought of us as friends, or if he was just going to up and leave without ever seeing or hearing from him again. And if we really were friends, I needed him to show me by opening up. I needed him to trust me. I needed to know more before he left and I never got the chance to find out.

  And I was going to beg him to tell me.

  My hands started to shake so I squeezed them closed. I could do this. I had no idea if Mycah was coming to my house first, or if he’d be meeting us at the school. We never did hammer out those details, which only made not knowing magnify my nerves. But I needed to stay confident. After the dance tonight, I was going to make him tell me.

  I twirled one finger around a strand of my long hair. Zaylie carefully straightened it into a perfect satin curtain that now hung low across my back. My hair was slightly curled on the ends in its natural state like loose ringlets, but the top half was mostly straight. So using a flat iron, Zaylie worked to provide a more sultry look. In the end, she added a bit of my favorite bubblegum lip conditioner to my lips. I checked my smoky eyeliner one more time, making sure I didn’t cause any smudges.

  I ran a h
and over my black form-fitting silk dress. It hugged my curves and dropped several inches above my knee. I hadn’t meant to make it so snug—I wasn’t used to making dresses, especially silk ones. I adjusted the strapless sweetheart neckline bodice that cinched my waist and tugged on the A-line skirt. It would have to do.

  I had never felt more grateful of Ray’s inability to get rid of my mother’s things as I put on the killer pair of black strappy heels I found in her box of shoes. Though she was a size eight, my size seven feet would just have to make it work. I also couldn’t be more grateful that he wasn’t home yet. We might just be able to get out of there without seeing him.

  I walked around my room, practicing the foreign height. It wasn’t so bad. It was all about balance. I could do this. I looked up once I heard Zaylie enter my room.

  “Zaylie! You look amazing!” I gushed openly. She truly did look beautiful. She had her hair curled in an up-do with a few ringlets to frame her face and crisp eye makeup that spelled jungle cat. Her dress was a cute shimmery forest green that brought out the gold in her eyes. It was a fun spaghetti strapped number with a short balloon skirt and chunky belt to cinch her waist.

  “Thank you, doll.” She posed with her arms in the air and leg bent up to her knee.

  I checked my clock, and as if right on cue, a knock sent our eyes to meet and kept us silent. I carefully strode to the door, conscious of my steps so that I wouldn’t break an ankle. I opened the door grinning, expecting to greet a similar smiling Seth who was about to get even smilier once he laid eyes on his date, Zaylie. Instead, my breath was knocked out of me upon finding a gorgeous Mycah, looking completely dapper in his black tux. Holy crap.

  I had never seen anyone look so stunning in all my life. I had to consciously unhinge my jaw and snap it closed. Every color in his blue eyes exploded in contrast to the blackness of his messy rock star hair and black suit. He left his white shirt unbuttoned at the top, and his black tie was loose around his collar, screaming debonair.

  He swept his eyes over me without even a hint of a smile.

  “Nariella...” he breathed my name in his sexy accent, and that right there was enough to strike heat throughout my body. “You’re...stunning. Beautiful. Really.” He stepped onto the doorstep and grabbed my hand.

  “Thank you. And you look very dashing yourself.” I turned away from his intense stare, feeling self-conscious and embarrassed by the way he looked at me. I had planned on displaying confidence when this moment came, but now that I was actually living it I was quickly losing the battle. My small and innocent idea started to become a vague and hazy impossibility the longer he kept his eyes on me. Why did he make me so nervous?

  “Hi, Mycah. I didn’t know you were coming.” Zaylie grinned behind me, and I could hear the happy accusation in her voice. She was all too thrilled with this turn of events.

  “You look beautiful, Zaylie,” Mycah replied. I tried to pull my hand from his grasp, still feeling self-conscious, especially in front of Zaylie, but Mycah tightened his hold. “I hope you don’t mind my intrusion. Nari mentioned she was going alone, so I offered myself.” He smirked.

  “Oh no, no, no. Of course not!” Zaylie drew out each word, being completely overdramatic. I shot her a look, but she only grinned wider at me. Ugh. We were only friends. With...mind-shattering kissing benefits every now and then. This wasn’t what it seemed...I knew it wasn’t. Mycah knew it. Now she just needed to be informed.

  Thankfully, a car I didn’t recognize pulled into the driveway, saving me from the awkwardness, and I was finally able to free my hand from Mycah’s. Seth stepped out of the car, looking super handsome in his black suit, black shirt, and forest green tie that matched Zaylie’s dress. Awww. So sweet.

  “Wow, you girls look amazing,” Seth said with a grin.

  “Thank you!” Zaylie and I said at the same time. “Pinch poke you owe me a coke!” we both exclaimed while pinching and poking each other. We burst into laughter, and I could physically feel the nervous tension evaporate off my shoulders. The guys only smiled at us, looking confused and amused.

  “Hey, Mycah. We’ve never officially met before. I’m Seth.” He reached out his hand for a shake as he got up to us. Mycah gave him a slight nod and firmly took his hand.

  “Evening,” he greeted smoothly.

  “I promised my mum we’d take pictures. Let's stand in front of the tree,” Zaylie suggested as she darted over to it, pulling Seth along with her. I followed and took the camera that she handed over.

  I held the digital camera out in front of me and waited for them to pose. Seth stood behind Zaylie and held on to her waist.


  “Take a few more,” she commanded with a grin, so I obeyed. She moved to stand next to Seth with his arm behind her back.


  Now she stood sideways with Seth behind her again, only their faces were angled toward the camera.


  “Okay, now you and Mycah,” she exclaimed, with way too much excitement in her voice. It made me smile. She took the camera back, and I walked over to the tree, feeling Mycah following behind. I turned around to face the lens, and as Mycah stepped closer to me, my nerves bubbled over like an antsy volcano.

  He put a hand on my back and slid it up to my shoulders, pulling me into him, and his delicious scent flooded my system. My heart stopped momentarily as my eyes flickered up to his. He looked down at me, smirking.


  My head jerked to Zaylie with surprise, who stole a picture without me even being ready.


  “Zales!” I squeaked, feeling embarrassed.

  “You looked so sweet! Now let’s take a group photo. Ummm...” She looked around, trying to figure out how we could all be in the photo together.

  “Here,” Mycah said as he strode up to her and took the camera. “Place it on Seth’s car. Get into position, and I’ll set it on self-timer.” Everyone worked to do what Mycah said. Zaylie and Seth stood together, and I stood by Zaylie. After Mycah positioned the camera just right, he walked over and put an arm around me. I was determined to not be affected by his closeness and smiled this time.


  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “Cathar!” I whispered excitedly. I had been terrified at first, but as soon as we got behind the pillar he let go, turned me around, and instantly threw his arms around me in a big hug. He may have been younger in cycles, but he still towered over me. “What are you doing here, brother?” I asked him.

  “I had to see you,” he said as he tried to push his blond hair out of his dark brown eyes.

  I leaned back out of his embrace to look into those eyes. My younger brother had aged much since the King had sent him to the garrison to train only several months ago. I hadn’t seen him since. “Will you get into trouble?”

  “If they find me. That’s why I had to sneak up on you like that,” he said, while looking around covertly.

  “Why would you risk it? It would be dangerous for you to be seen conversing with a servant,” I told him hastily. Although I was so delighted to see him and would have given anything to have more time with him, I knew if we were caught it would be a catastrophe.

  “Naminé, I am leaving tonight. I had to see you before I left.”

  “What? Where are you off to? Why?” I asked him as my voice shook.

  “They are sending my convoy out for scouting. We leave at nightfall and make our way to the boundary. I do not know how long I will be gone or when I will be back. I have been aching to see you. Have you been all right?”

  I trembled. I didn’t want him to go. He was only fifteen. Why was he being sent out? I didn’t understand any of it. “I’m all right,” I told him weakly. “Cathar, I don’t want you to go. It is too dangerous.”

  “Nam, I have to. It’s an order,” he said as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. “Please tell Father and Mother, and don’t worry for me. I will be all right. We have been t
raining hard, and I feel stronger than I have ever felt before.” He looked down at me and wiped the tears that strolled down my cheeks. “I love you, dear sister of mine. You must remain strong. I will be back for you.”

  As he walked away, he gave me one last look, slightly smiled, and was gone. I stared after him with a nervous, terrible feeling in my gut that I was never going to see him again.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  We rode in Seth’s car, finally on our way to the Homecoming Dance. Seth drove with Zaylie in the front and Mycah and me in the back.

  My heart constricted each time Mycah softly moved his thumb over my knuckle. He had immediately put his hand over mine after I buckled my seatbelt. It was mind-numbing.

  “Ooo, turn it up! I love this song!” Zaylie shouted as she reached over and cranked up the radio herself. She bobbed in her seat and sang along to the hip dance number I was unfamiliar with, making me chuckle. I looked out my window, squinting against the setting sun, feeling serene and in the moment.

  Mycah pulled my hand up to his mouth and gently kissed my fingers. I instantly blushed and looked down. He was making it very difficult for me to keep my confident composure that I had to desperately work to convey in the first place.

  And then before any of us could comprehend what was happening, exploding glass from the car windows showered the space around us, and we were falling.

  Or, not falling—Crashing.

  The impact flung our bodies, and the sound of screeching metal was deafening as we continued to slide across the asphalt. The movement then stopped and all was still. My ears rang as sound slowly faded back to normal.

  I looked around.

  The car was mangled, glass was everywhere. We were hit. I slowly realized we were just in a car collision as my eyes settled upon the front of a large, black SUV smashed against us. Against the front passenger side door. And right in the middle of town. But...the streets were deserted. There was no one around...


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