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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 28

by Bailey Ardisone

  I fell into my desk chair and dropped my head onto my arms just as the final bell rang. I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster that had no end in sight. Couldn’t I at least have a pit stop to throw up?

  Three classes later, I started feeling elated by the time I got my food and sat down at the lunch table next to Zaylie, along with Desmond and Liam.

  “It feels so good to be with you guys,” I sighed, followed by a long drink of water. If I didn’t constantly move or have something in my mouth, I’d fall asleep.

  Like I did several times in all my morning classes.

  Ugh, I would give anything to crawl back into bed and get the sleep that cruelly escaped me.

  “Glad to hear it, because you’re stuck with us, babe,” Liam said overdramatically, like he was a game show host or something and they were a prize I had just won.

  “What does that mean?” I laughed skeptically.

  “Rydan didn’t tell you? We’re all going with you tonight.” Zaylie beamed, exuding the excitement I once felt before I lacked sleep. But I was quickly getting every ounce back as her words set in.

  “Are you serious? Oh, my god. That is the best news I have heard all day!” I grabbed her hands, and we both squealed like little girls.

  “Oh, crikey, shoot me now,” Desmond moaned as he dropped his head in his hands.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Liam let out, looking completely disgusted. “What the heck was that?” he asked exasperatedly as he shook his head.

  “Don’t you start with me!” Zaylie retorted, full of vigor and vim.

  “Listen, Blondie. Don’t make me come over there and really give you something to squeal about,” Liam threatened her.

  “Oy! That’s my sister, dillhead,” Desmond scolded as he punched Liam in the arm.

  “Thank yo—”

  “So I’ll show her who’s boss!” Desmond stood up, interrupting Zaylie, and punched the palm of his hand. Liam barked a laugh and clapped loudly.

  “Des!” both Zaylie and I yelled, thinking he was going to defend his sister.

  “You’re supposed to be on my side against dags like him. What good are you, anyway?” Zaylie huffed and crossed her arms. Desmond and Liam grinned at each other and did a fist bump.

  “Bros before hoes!” they hollered at the same time, then knocked their heads together like battering rams.

  “Oh for goodness sakes,” Zaylie rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, spare us the make out session, please,” I teased the boys and stuffed food in my mouth to keep from laughing.

  Liam slammed his fist on the table, saying, “Zip your lid, cookie monster,” and pointed a finger at me, trying to act serious. I stopped mid-chew and looked down at the half-eaten giant chocolate chip cookie in my hand. We all busted out laughing.

  I thought the time to leave for Portland would never come. But come it did as the group of us stepped outside into the chilly autumn air. The cool breeze blew through my hair and picked it up playfully as we walked toward Rydan’s parents' pearly white SUV. I tugged on my simple white sundress to keep it from blowing up in the wind. We had all changed into nicer, "symphony-appropriate" attire after our last class ended. I didn’t have very many fancy clothes, but I knew as long as it was a dress it would be fine.

  I could see Rydan’s dad and mom up front smiling, so I waved to them. His mom rolled down her window once we approached.

  “Hello, Nari,” she greeted me with a warm smile.

  “Hi, Anna!” I chirped back, my excitement getting the best of me.

  “Hello,” she said to everyone else.

  Rydan stepped out of the SUV and began the introductions.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Liam, Desmond, and Zaylie. Guys, these are my parents Anna and Darren.” As soon as he was finished, he stepped back in the car. Everyone greeted each other politely and respectfully.

  “Okay, welcome aboard! Let’s go watch some magic tonight!” Darren called out Anna’s window, obviously proud of his son’s piano skills. We all got in one by one. Rydan was in the very back, so I sat by him, and Zaylie followed to sit by me. Desmond and Liam claimed the two seats in the middle.

  “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley for letting us join you,” Zaylie called gratefully from the back seat to Rydan’s parents up front as we made our way from the school. Here we come, Portland!

  “Yes, we’re all so excited!” I added in agreement.

  “Oh, no need to thank us,” Anna replied, slightly turning around in her seat to look at us.

  Darren nodded and looked to his rearview mirror so he could see everyone. “The more the merrier,” he said with a smile.

  It was a forty-minute drive so I settled in next to Rydan, appreciating his warmth.

  “Rydan, are you nervous?” Zaylie asked sweetly, her Aussie accent a little thicker sounding. Rydan chuckled and shook his head.

  “No, I don’t get nervous. Not when it comes to music,” he answered her question confidently. I looped my arm through his and took his hand, relishing his comfort, and laid my head on his shoulder.

  My eyes were extremely heavy from not sleeping last night, and being near Rydan like this was always relaxing. It was a real struggle to keep awake and stay included in the group conversation that I knew would go on without me, but it felt so good to give in. Rydan was nice and warm, and I could hear his heart beating slow and steady, like a soothing lullaby, begging me to drift away into sweet oblivion. So I did.

  The last thing I heard before going under was Desmond yelling and laughing, “Oy! What do you think you’re doing, you batty crease?!”

  “What? Nothing!” Liam laughed, sounding guilty. Everyone else except for me laughed along with their silly antics. I smiled and then let myself fall asleep.

  “Nari, we’re here,” Rydan whispered as he squeezed my hand. I swore only forty seconds went by, not forty minutes, as I tried to open my eyes.

  I stumbled out of the SUV feeling worse than I did before. It wasn’t enough sleep, and now my head felt like it was full of sand. Perfect.

  “Wake up, sleepy head,” Liam teased and mussed up my hair on top of my head.

  “I can wake her up,” Desmond challenged deviously, and I had to wonder what he meant. But a half second later, I found out as he bent down and threw me over his shoulder and started running toward where we needed to go.

  I screamed and hit his back with my hands.

  “Des! Oh my g—put me down!” I laughed and screamed at the same time. Despite being startled at first, it was actually quite fun, and I couldn’t stop laughing hysterically.

  I heard Zaylie scream just after I had and noticed Liam had done the same thing to her and was running right behind us.

  “You cretin! You’re gonna pay for this!” I heard Zaylie yell at him.

  “Ooo, somebody save me please from the ninety-pound blonde I can easily put over my shoulder,” Liam scoffed playfully with amusement, pretending to sound afraid. He had a point.

  They finally put us down in front of the doors to the music hall.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again!” Zaylie growled, punching Liam in the chest. I noticed the tiny bit of amusement in her voice and her brown eyes sparkling. Both Liam and Desmond just laughed, and I did too, feeling completely revived and windblown.

  Rydan caught up to us, and that was when I noticed his parents were missing.

  “Where are your mom and dad?” I asked, hoping they didn’t just witness what happened.

  “They left the car right away while we stayed to wake you up. They had to go sign me in and take care of whatever parental business they’re responsible for. You know the drill,” Rydan explained, winking at me.

  “Oh yeah. I remember now.” Usually I went to our reserved seats while Rydan went back stage and Darren and Anna went to speak to the instructors.

  “I have to go set up. Catch you guys later,” Rydan said to everyone. “Enjoy the show.”

  “Break a leg!” Zaylie replied as Desmond and Liam sa
id their goodbyes too.

  “Rydan!” I called for him, making him turn around. “Have fun.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “I will.” He smiled at me. I watched him walk away, knowing he was right. He was about to have a blast.

  “This way, guys,” I instructed, already familiar with where we needed to go. They followed me as I took them to our seats.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  From atop the outer courtyard, I watched the downpour of rain as it saturated the ground. I stood next to the wall overlooking the Tari Garden as the rain pounded the hundreds of perishing plants below. Queen Lirima used to love this place. Years before, all by herself, she planted every single flower and had maintained the garden daily. It had once been known as one of the most beautiful gardens in all of Aselaira. Since the death of her husband and the rise of his brother Ohtar, the garden was nearly lifeless. A few turquoise lotes and yellow roses bloomed here and there, but now it was only a sad memory of what it used to be. No one ever saw her in the garden anymore.

  Mentally shaking the thoughts away, I took in a full breath of fresh air. Ever since my younger years, I had always loved the smell of rain. It smelled clean, pure, and new, like the bad things were being washed away. If only that were true.

  For the past three days, I had been cleaning the inner guest chambers from top to bottom. The King had invited royal guests from the neighboring land of Llad in hopes they would help us fight Lassaira. I and two other younger servants had the duty of cleaning thirteen guest chambers that would be used. It would take us days, but it was better than working in the hot kitchens and serving food to everyone but ourselves.

  It also meant time away from the dungeon and talking with my only friend, but it felt great to be outside today, even if in the rain. I felt sullen for Calen, for I knew she couldn’t be free to fly around the forest in this downpour. She was holed up in a cave near the center of the forest. I could sense her sleeping soundly amid the storm.

  As I started to close my eyes, and for once try to let my burdens melt away, I was startled as I began to hear shouting from behind. It got louder as I realized whoever was making all that racket drew closer. Thinking quickly, I ducked behind a nearby pillar and crouched low to the ground.

  “You must find him now! No more excuses!” a deep, dark voice shouted again.

  Suddenly there was a loud noise, and after some scuffing around I felt something collide with the pillar I crouched behind—like someone had been thrown up against it.

  My whole body shook as I recognized that deep, dark, and terrible voice.

  “Your family’s lives are on the line, N’taurn, if you do not find him. You do not want to see what I will do to them,” the disturbing voice threatened. “Go back now! Do as I command!” he screamed at what I assumed was the man getting crushed against my hiding pillar. I fervently hoped I was not discovered, for I would not see another day.

  “Y…yes, Y…Your Majesty,” a small voice answered.

  After a few more seconds of shuffling, I finally heard loud footsteps retreating. The captain by the pillar started to cough as he tried to find his breath.

  Soft footsteps approached. “N’taurn, are you all right?” I heard an unfamiliar male voice ask.

  “I am,” he answered slowly. “Listen...gather whoever is left of the extraction mission. Get everyone, and I mean everyone, Talar. We are going back. Tonight. We must…”

  I struggled to hear the last few words as the men walked around the corner. After letting out a huge gasp of breath and much relief, I stood up and tried to put together what I just heard.

  So…they were still looking for him.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Tears brimmed in my eyes as I sat mesmerized by Rydan’s enchanted playing. It truly was magical, like witnessing life after death, or the never failing sun rising at dawn to chase away the darkness. His music always spoke to me, but not like this. Not when he was in his true element.

  Rydan was born to play the piano. If there was anything I was sure of in this world, that was it.

  As he finished his piece and stood up to bow, I watched as the entire room erupted into wild cheering and clapping. Hundreds of roses were thrown onto the stage at his feet. He was always the finale and always had piles of roses at his feet by the time he walked off the stage.

  “That was incredible!” Zaylie said to me as she squeezed my arm. “I had no idea!”

  “I know, right? He is magnificent. This is my favorite thing to do,” I replied to her, remembering how much I looked forward to these trips every time I got to go. Sometimes Ray would put up a good fight and tell me no, other times he’d say yes but only if I did something in return, which was usually very unpleasant—Like making the garage and attic spotless or washing his car inside and out. Despite all that, it was absolutely worth it in the end.

  We met up with Rydan back stage. As soon as I saw him, I ran over and threw my arms around him. “You were breathtaking. Congratulations.” I beamed at him, feeling exceptionally proud of my best friend. Keeping to tradition, he handed me a single red rose he had picked up off the stage. I grinned at the familiar gesture and pulled it to my nose, taking in its wonderful scent. His parents came over next, so I relinquished my attention and let them take over.

  Anna cried as she hugged her son and offered her congratulations and compliments as well. Darren did the same, without the tears, but it was obvious how moved he was by Rydan’s gift. The intimate gestures brought more tears to my eyes as I watched them.

  I was happy Rydan had a loving family—and that so did Zaylie and Desmond, and even Liam. I was grateful my friends all had that.

  But it still sent aching pangs of envy through my limbs and made me wish I, too, had a caring family I could call my own. It made me miss Elizabeth more than ever when there were moments like this.

  Even Mycah knew his family history. I might not have known anything about it or where they were or if he was close with them, but he said himself he bore a family emblem right on his neck, so they must have meant something to him.

  I was the only one who didn’t know what it was like to be loved or cared for unconditionally—To have parents who worried about you all the time and watched you grow up and deal with typical teenage problems.

  “That was so awesome, man. We are seriously impressed,” I heard Liam say to Rydan. I took a deep breath, thankful to have been broken from my gloomy thoughts.

  “Ah, ya know, after some thought, I’m thinking we might make an exception and let you skip the audition trial for the band,” Desmond joked, shaking Rydan’s hand.

  “Thanks, man,” Rydan chuckled.

  “I’m starving. How about we head to the restaurant?” Darren asked everyone.

  “That’s a great idea, honey. We don’t want to keep these kids out too late. They have school in the morning still,” Anna added, being very motherly.

  Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley took us to a super fancy restaurant. I was barely able to read the menu since the whole thing was in a foreign language looking much like French, and there were no prices listed, which I knew meant no matter what I chose, I would be giving up my life savings.

  I inwardly rolled my eyes at myself every time I thought of the loose term "life savings" I always seemed to give it. It was a joke of course. I had no such thing as an actual life savings.

  “Please, everyone. Choose whatever sounds good to you. Tonight is our treat,” Anna said as Darren put an arm around her and nodded in agreement.

  “Oh, Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley, you really don’t have to do that!” Zaylie countered, shocked by the generosity.

  “Please! Don’t be silly, Zaylie. We absolutely want to. No arguments!” Darren spoke up, smiling.

  “Thank you so much!” Zaylie surrendered.

  “Yes, thank you! You’re so kind,” I added. I was used to their generosity, but it never failed to be so heartwarming. Rydan especially took after t
hem. He took care of me so much. I would forever be indebted to him and his family.

  Two and a half hours later, we were all dropped off at our respective homes. I was last, and as I stepped out of the SUV, Rydan followed me.

  “So you told them I was staying here, huh?” I asked him quietly, not wanting his parents to overhear as they stayed in the car. Originally Rydan was going to wait until my birthday to tell them that I moved into their B&B. But here we were parked outside, and I didn’t even need to tell them where to drop me off.

  “Uh yeah. Marie told them actually. After she walked in on you and…him,” he replied, shifting uncomfortably where he stood. Immediately a rush of blood went to my cheeks at the mention of Marie finding Mycah and I kissing passionately in front of his room. I was horrified that Rydan’s parents now knew, but even worse that Rydan knew, too.

  “Oh god. Please tell me I fell asleep on the ride home and this is just a stupid nightmare I am about to wake up from,” I grumbled, closing my eyes and willing myself to wake up.

  “Nope, I’m afraid not. Believe me, no one wishes that more than me,” he murmured.

  “Ow!” I yelped, my eyes popping open from Rydan pinching my arm. I had left them closed, determined to wake up soon. “What was that for?”

  “See? Not a nightmare,” he responded with a small smile.

  “Fine. So they’re okay with it?” I asked hesitantly. I was afraid maybe they’d make me go back tomorrow or something and were just being nice by letting me stay here tonight.

  “They’re fine. I told them how important it is for you to get away and that Ray wants you out just as much as you want to be out. They were concerned he’d file a complaint or make a big deal about it at first, but I explained to them how that would never happen.”

  “Okay, thank you so much for everything, Ry. I don’t know what I would do without you.” I sighed and gave him a huge hug.

  “Yeah, yeah, you say that all the time,” he chuckled, rolling his eyes at me. “See you tomorrow.”


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