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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 57

by Bailey Ardisone

  “Rydan?!” I tried to say, but I was so stricken with shock no sound came out.

  “Nariella?!” he asked again, sending my heart into a beating frenzy against my ribcage.

  “Rydan!!” I screeched, my voice cracking with emotion. A second later, he appeared in front of my cell.

  “Thank god, Nari.” He reached through the bars and snaked his hands through my tangled, messy hair, holding my face. “I’ve been so worried about you. I’m so sorry I left you here. I didn’t know what else to do, or how to save you.”

  “Rydan...I never thought I would see you again.” Already I had broken out in tears. I was so happy. “It’s okay, you’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

  “We have to get you out of here,” he said gruffly. He took the bars with his hands and shook them violently. He growled in frustration when they wouldn’t budge. “How could they do this? How could they keep you in here! Look at you!”

  Naminé walked up next to Rydan, holding on to Cathar at her side. He looked horrible and barely conscious. His head lulled to the side, resting on her shoulder.

  “Cathar! Is he okay?” I asked with deep concern for my new friend. I completely forgot they had taken him, too—I was horrible. I mentally smacked myself for being so self-absorbed.

  “He will be. Rydan, we must make haste. I do not know how long we have,” Naminé said quickly before turning around toward Ender, dragging Cathar with her.

  A ginormous white tiger came stalking up behind Rydan.

  “Rydan, look out!” I screeched, falling backward on my behind. He just laughed.

  “Nari, this is Lómë. She’s my Fëa,” he supplied.


  I waved at the white tiger, not really sure what else to do or say about that.

  Naminé addressed Ender with a curtsey. “Hello, my dear friend. How are you holding up?” she said gently to him.

  Rydan snapped his fingers in my face, drawing my attention back to him. “Did you hear what I said?”

  “Uh, no. Sorry, what?” I was distracted by too many things.

  “I said the castle is under attack! The entire Kingdom is battling for their lives right now,” he rushed out in a blur.

  “Wait, what? Why? How?” I questioned, not understanding.

  “The Tavas’Elda Kingdom—Lassaira or whatever. They’ve come for you. Some old guy found out you were captured and he’s freaking pissed,” he explained.

  “Döron? My grandfather?” I asked in shock.

  “Yeah, him. This is your only chance to escape. We have to get out of here before Ohtar finds us all.”

  “Yeah, I get that. But unless you have a key, I don’t exactly see how that’s going to be possible. Do you? Have a key?” I inquired, skeptically, but hopeful.

  “No,” he said, defeated. He paced back and forth, shoving two hands through his hair and letting out a big growl of frustration. He all of a sudden stopped in front of my cell and slammed his closed fists against the door, causing the walls to shake. Dust and tiny rocks vibrated down to the ground.

  “Great. Now what?” I said, more to myself than anyone else.

  “Rydan is strong enough. He has the ability to break you out,” Ender mentioned quietly across the way. He drank water and ate some fruit that Naminé gave him.

  “And who are you?” Rydan questioned snidely.

  “Rydan, this is Ender. Mycah’s Guardian,” I introduced the two.

  Naminé snapped her head up. “For you are King Remycah’s Guardian? Yet you never thought to mention that detail to me?” she asked Ender with awe in her voice.

  “It is not important who I am, child. All that mattered was you bring our only hope back home,” Ender rasped through the bars of his cell.

  “But I certainly would have wished to have known such a detail as this! I would have had so many more questions for you!” Her voice rang like bells through the quiet darkness surrounding us.

  “We had no time for questions. We could not be sure our plan would go unheard by others around, and its success depended on it staying secret.” Ender took a few gulps of air before continuing. “Had you known Remycah and Rydan were left without Guardians, you may not have had such strong hopes of success. I needed you to have no doubt of our plan. You were young in your gift; it was a precaution. Forgive me. I did what I thought was best for us all,” Ender explained solemnly.

  “Yes, certainly. I do understand, my old friend. I do not bear any ill-feelings toward you. I only wish to have taken better care of you. Perhaps worked to set you free instead of letting you rot in here alone.” Rydan gently took Naminé’s hand for comfort. My eyes bulged like melons.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered to her.

  “I know,” she softly whispered back. Annnnd then my mouth dropped open. “I am grateful I can do that now.” Ender patted her on the hand through the bars.

  “Ummm...guys. I hate to break up this love-fest, but isn’t there a huge battle going on outside? We need to think of a way to get out of here,” I reminded everyone.

  Ender coughed a bit to clear his throat before speaking, “Rydan, you must try to use your strength to free Nariella. You have it in you.”

  “I’m not like my brother. I don’t have that freaky elf superpower. I’m nothing special,” Rydan replied.

  “That is enough negativity. I will not hear another word of it. You are Rydan Cael Zafriel. That means you are a direct Zafriel heir. Your abilities may not have shown themselves just yet, but regardless, you do have them. And you are strong enough to free us,” Ender lectured with determination and confidence.

  “Okay, then how?” Rydan asked, not truly believing Ender.

  “You must muster up the strength within your blood, within your body, within your soul. You must draw from the land below your feet and from around your being. Your Fëa will be your strongest source of power. Soon, it will be such a part of you that you will always have it. Similar to how I imagine your brother Remycah to be, a powerful force to reckon with—you, too, have that potential in you. It may not ever be as great as Remycah, but that is only because he is our true King and grace has gifted him. But you, dear Rydan, are our Prince. You are his second in command, and I sense greatness in you. I sense your Guardian abilities.”

  “Yes, Rydan is an Animal Guardian,” Naminé offered.

  “He is more than that, dear one. He is also an Elda Guardian,” Ender corrected.

  “I’m a what?”

  “A what?” both Rydan and I spoke at the same time.

  “Yes, Rydan is an Elda Guardian. I can always sense another with this gift. It is used in the service of our royal family. On occasion, most notably among siblings within the royal family, an heir is birthed with this gift.”

  “I knew it! My dearest Rydan, this explains your unorthodox protectiveness toward Nariella. For she is your Óre’Dae!”

  “Are you for certain?” Ender gasped.

  “I am. Oh, Ender, if you could have only seen the way he is whenever she is in danger. It can be the only explanation!” Naminé replied excitedly. Rydan and I just stared at each other, looking very much confused.

  “Okay, can we just back up for a second—What in the world are you guys talking about?!” I interrupted, frustration at being left out getting the best of me.

  Ender cleared his throat in preparation of an explanation. “Rydan is both a Guardian of the animal kingdom and of our elda kingdom. It is not uncommon for heirs to be born with multiple gifts. I cannot even count the number of gifts Remycah inherited. I assume during the course of your lives intertwining together in Kennebunkport, Rydan attained guardianship over you, Nariella. His soul chose you as his Óre’Dae. Or in the common tongue—Heart Shadow,” Ender explained seriously.

  I looked at Rydan, who stared at his feet with wide eyes.

  “I’m his Heart Shadow? Like how Mycah is yours? Rydan is my...protector? My Guardian?” My voice grew higher and higher with each passing word that tumbled out of my mouth. />
  “I am certain of it, if what Naminé says to be true. And I have no reason to doubt her. Just his actions a moment ago proves this to be true. His sense of protectiveness is enough to light the world on fire, should it mean your life.”

  “It’s true,” Rydan blurted out.

  “What?” I asked, not understanding how he could seem so certain all of a sudden.

  “I’m your Guardian. I can feel it. I didn’t understand before, but I get it now. I can...feel it throughout my body...this strong, overwhelming need to protect you. To keep you safe.” He ran a hand through his black hair, not looking at me.

  I then had a revelation. I directed it toward my father sitting in the cell across from me. “Ender, Rydan would literally fight Mycah back in Kennebunkport whenever the two of them were around me—back when Rydan didn’t understand who Mycah was. Rydan thought Mycah couldn’t be trusted, and I was spending a lot of time around him.” I blushed, thinking about those days. “Is that why Rydan was like that? Because of this Guardian thing?”

  Ender chuckled. “Yes, indeed, that does seem like the case.”

  I shoved Rydan’s shoulder with excitement. “See! You have no reason to hate Mycah now! You were just worried over me because of this whole freaky Guardian thing! Now that you know you...can—” I trailed off, realizing what I was about to say wasn’t true.

  “Now that I can, what?” Rydan asked impatiently.

  “Nothing. Forget it.” I turned away, not wanting to think about it.

  “Nari, what is it? Tell me.” Rydan grew concerned.

  “Mycah. He’s...on Ohtar’s side now. You were right, Rydan. He can’t be trusted.” I kept my voice low, not wanting to hear myself speak.

  “I kinda figured. It looked like he was protecting Aselaira pretty well out there—but I only saw him for a split second,” Rydan explained.

  “No, don’t tell me. I don’t want to hear it. I can’t think about him killing more Wood Elves. I just can’t take it.” I squeezed a hand over my mouth to keep it shut.

  “Well, you’re going to have to get over it. Because soon it’ll be right in your face. That’s where we’re going once I get you out of this hellhole,” he said in a dark voice.

  Ender reached out to grab Rydan by the shoulder. “Rydan, now that you know Nariella is your Óre’Dae, you must put her safety first in your mind. Imagine if you do not save her now, she will die. That breaking her out of here means her life. Your brain was created to instinctively devise a plan to keep your Óre’Dae out of harm’s way. That is your skill as a Guardian—The skill of escape. You have the power to do whatever is necessary to protect the one entrusted to you. Do you understand?” Ender instructed passionately. It was the most muster I had seen in him since I arrived.

  “I think I do,” Rydan answered. At that, he grabbed the bars in front of me and closed his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his jaw. I stared at his strained face and tried to imagine what he saw in his mind’s eye.

  Lómë made a low grumble in her chest and swished her tail from side to side. She brushed against Rydan’s legs.

  After a few minutes, he popped his once silver eyes open that now swirled in a bright glowing orange and stared right into mine. They were slick from emotion, and instantly he let out a loud, feral cry. With all his might and strength, he pulled on the bars. The ground shook, the walls trembled, and the dirt sprinkled through the air.

  And then it happened. He tore the stone door right from where it had previously sat and threw it to the side, away from us. His eyes stayed on mine as he took the space between us in two strides. He engulfed me in his arms and crushed me against his chest.

  It felt so good to be in my best friend’s arms. I clung to the back of his shirt with my hands and buried my face in his chest.

  He saved me. Rydan saved me. I knew he would—I didn’t know how, but I knew that he would save me.

  “Thank you,” I whispered into his heart that was thumping beneath my cheek.

  “Anytime,” he murmured in his deep voice. My heart flapped its wings, soaring just a bit higher with joy. Lómë rubbed her head against my arm, which I found kinda weird, but totally awesome.

  Ender cleared his throat. “Well done, Rydan. Do you think you can do that again, perhaps?”

  Rydan pulled out of our embrace, but he kept his arm slung across my shoulders. “I’m not sure. I didn’t like what I had to imagine,” he explained sadly.

  I noticed Cathar drooped on the floor against the wall and Naminé doing her best to keep him in a comfortable position. I could see her worry for him taking over anything else, and it made my heart clench. I was worried for him, too.

  I ran up to him and placed my hands around his head. I closed my eyes. I imagined every healing property I could manage. I was weakened from starvation and dehydration, but I was determined to not let that stop me.

  I pulled from deep within my gut. I beseeched the Aselaira land around me to give aid. It wasn’t easy to call upon this land, like Ender had said. I recalled him explaining that it would take a lot of practice to harness both—but I didn’t have time to practice. I needed this power, and I needed it now.

  I grew frustrated the longer it took. Eventually, after what felt like hours, but maybe was only ten minutes, Cathar opened his eyes. We were bathed in light.

  Naminé fell to her knees beside us. “Cathar! My dear brother, I was so worried! I thought you to be dead!” she cried. Did she just say brother?! They’re siblings??

  “Where am I?” Cathar asked, sounding a bit dazed. He was visibly getting stronger by the second. I also felt stronger for some reason.

  “You are home, at Castle Edhel-N’dor. Oh, dearest brother, I was told by King Ohtar you were dead! I was certain it was true! I tried many times to reach you but to no avail!” Naminé had tears streaming down her face, making me choke up just watching them together. I had no idea they were brother and sister. It was so sweet. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he responded the same way. We let them hug each other for a while, rejoicing in their reunion.

  “This isn’t our home, sister. But that is for another time. I have much to tell you. First, I must know, how did you ever find me?” Cathar asked all of us.

  Rydan spoke up, “We sort of found you by accident. We were near the castle when we heard the battle break out. A large Tavas’Elda army is trying to overthrow the castle as we speak to rescue Nariella out of Ohtar’s hands. It wasn’t until we got to the dungeon that we saw a guard corralling all the prisoners out. You were being carried by two of them, I guess because you were the only one unconscious.”

  “But what for? What were they to do with us?” Cathar asked.

  Ender began, “If I know anything about the Isil army, it is they rejoice in their numbers. It would suggest that they were gathering all elda in the castle to be used for battle.”

  Naminé then piped in, “Rydan secretly overtook the guard corralling the prisoners, and that was how we acquired you, brother. Thank the Sea and Stars, he did not notice us!”

  “That is when you found me?” I asked.

  “Yes, it is fortunate for us all that you were in the same location as dear Ender. We must quickly escape this wretched place,” Naminé replied.

  “Why does it seem so calm? It doesn’t sound like a battle is going on at all,” I mused.

  Ender explained, “We are deep in the dungeons. You will not hear a sound until we draw closer to the surface. It is by ordinance that every soul in this Kingdom be used to protect the castle. Now is our chance to escape undetected.”

  Rydan pulled on Ender’s bars. “How?”

  Cathar stood up and examined the stone door that kept Ender locked in. I got closer as well and peered in. I was extremely curious about what my father looked like.

  My heart sunk. He was caked in dirt and grime. There was nothing on him but raggedy clothes and skin stretched over bones as he trembled uncontrollably. His dark hair was long and had a bit of wave to it
. Even despite all that, I could see he was handsome. He looked to have my nose. Or I guess I had his. The color of his eyes was dimmed from his weakened state, but it was still recognizable that they were a mixture of greens, golds, and browns.

  “What if we all tried to break the door open, like Rydan did with mine?” I inquired, eager to finally free him from this morbid cage.

  “You did that?” Cathar asked, pointing toward the crumbled stone door, now in a heaping pile next to us.

  “Yeah,” Rydan answered nonchalantly.

  “Incredible,” Cathar replied in awe. “All right, it wouldn’t hurt to try.”

  “Wait, Ender can help, too,” I said, pushing my arms through the bars and wrapping my hands around his head. Since both Cathar and Ender didn’t actually have wounds, it just felt right to work through their head. Healing their energy and their spirit would be easier that way.

  I did to Ender what I had just done to Cathar. I again closed my eyes and tried to pull deep within my soul any ounce of energy I could spare. I had to focus on the land. On calling energy through my mind—and slowly, it worked. But it took so much more time and energy to heal Ender than it did Cather. About twice as much, because Ender was so far past broken, I didn’t have a clue how he was still alive.

  His mind was so hard to penetrate. Not that I was actually entering his mind, but it felt different. It almost felt like I had to pass through a brick wall to manage any healing ability.

  A lonely bead of sweat dripped down my left temple. And then eventually, I felt it. I felt the heat of energy pass through my hands and the low hum of cells healing beneath my fingertips.

  Finally. I did it. When I opened my eyes, it was no surprise to find our entire bodies glowing from the effort.

  “You truly are something special, my daughter.” Ender pulled me into a hug through the bars. I hugged him back, as much as I could with a door between us, in response.

  “Wait, what? Did you say—wait, your what?” Rydan fumbled through his question.

  “Rydan, this is my father! But we have no time to go over that now. My people are dying out there! I have to go help them. And I’m not leaving until we get my dad out of this place!” I placed my hands around the bars to show them that I meant business. Rydan just stood there gawking between Ender and me, not able to get over the shocking news just yet. “Ry! Come on! We don’t have a lot of time!”


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