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The Sweet Series Box Set: Books 1-4

Page 127

by Bailey Ardisone

  Not long later, Mycah and Rydan returned for me. I hugged Zaylie good-bye, but promised I would meet up with her once again right before we left to go back to Aselaira. I didn’t know when that would be or for how much longer we would be here, so all I could say was that I’d let her know.

  I jogged to Mycah’s car and discovered that Rydan wasn’t in it. “Where’s Ry?”

  “Saying good-bye to the O’Malleys. It’s just you and me, lovely.” Mycah opened the car door for me and closed it once I took my seat.

  When he was inside, I said, “Oh, really? When are we leaving?”

  “In a few days.” He threaded our fingers together and held our clasped palms to his chest while he drove.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Impatient, are we?”

  “Always.” I grinned. “You know that.”

  “Yes, I am quite aware of that.” He chuckled.

  When we arrived, I knew right away. It was the cemetery overlooking the ocean, and I was brought here to visit Elizabeth’s grave one last time. Mycah led the way, never letting go of my hand. He carried a bag of something in his other, but I didn’t know what.

  I stared at the stone:

  Elizabeth Jean Miller

  Beloved Daughter, Wife and Mother


  I let the memories of just how beautiful she was replay in my head. The sorrow in my heart no longer crippled me, thanks to Lady Almárëa. I could finally stand here and enjoy thinking of her. Relish the nostalgia and be proud of having any time spent with her, little as it was.

  Mycah pulled me down to the ground, and we sat there together in silence. He handed me a chocolate milk and strawberry-filled pastry with powdered sugar on top. My eyes grew wet at his thoughtfulness, and I smiled in remembrance as we dug in.

  The familiar sound of the ocean waves crashing nearby gave me chills, but in a good way, just as the sun peeked its face from behind the passing clouds. Sitting here with Mycah as he played with my hair, it was a calm, serene moment. One that I would treasure forever.

  It was perfect.

  “Now where are you taking me?” I asked, hating to wait again.

  “Here,” he announced a few steps later after we rounded a corner.

  “Here?” I spun around. It was the spot we had collided in—the moment we had first met and my treasured sculpture had broken. But I didn’t understand the reason. “Why here?”

  “Nariella, this spot is quite dear to me.” He slipped his hand into his favorite spot just below my ear, his fingers entangled in my hair and his thumb left grazing my cheek. “I already told you it was the moment I realized miracles existed, and I returned us here today in the hopes that another miracle would be made.”

  “What miracle is that?”

  “I’m not human, nor do I hold to their traditions. But you are the only one to ever bring me to my knees, Nariella.” He lowered to one knee, and my heart spasmed out of control. “And this moment is no different. My heart—my life—is in your hands every day. You could so easily break me. You could send me into sweet oblivion and I would die happy that way. But I trust you’ll save my life instead, because I hold to what a promise can do. And I promise you this: Just as you have helped me find my way back home and anchored my soul, I will forever devote my life to doing the same for you.”

  I dropped to my knees before him as he cradled my head in between his hands like I was a fragile, breakable treasure. He closed his eyes with furrowed brows as he kissed me, as if he was in pain not to do so. Like he had so much love for me that it literally pained him. He pulled away for only a moment to whisper, “Amin mela lle.”

  “I love you,” I breathed back, unable to control the tears that slipped to our connected lips.

  “Nariella Ashwyn Woodlinn,” he uttered in worship. “Please marry me, love.”

  I pressed my lips into his with uncontrolled emotion and nodded my head emphatically. I felt his smile against my mouth and we toppled to the cement right in the middle of the sidewalk. We laughed as we continued to embrace each other with all the love in the world.

  I knew we were young, and some would argue that it was way too soon to ever think about marriage. But I was already wholly connected to this person in almost every way—our souls and hearts were sewn together, and there would be nothing in existence that could ever tear us apart. I knew without a doubt he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And if being with him in every way possible—not only emotionally, but physically—meant marriage in the customs of our people, then I would marry him this second if I were given the chance. In the eyes of humans, marriage sometimes meant nothing but a piece of paper. One that could easily be torn in two.

  But in the eyes of elves, it was forever. It was a merging of our souls that could never be undone, and ours were already halfway there. I was ready to go the rest of the way.

  He pulled a small silk pouch from his pocket and removed an object out of it. As we lay together on the ground—my neck in the crook of his arm that his body was propped up on—he took my left hand and slipped a ring over my ring finger. I stared at the intricate piece of jewelry showcasing a dazzling stone in the center that sparkled white with a hint of a soft blue. “This is a gem made of pure starlight. It is most loved by our people.”

  I sucked in a breath. “It’s unbelievable. Completely breathing-taking. Thank you.”

  I pushed his chest until his back hit the concrete. I straddled him as I lowered down to his mouth and showed him just how thankful I was for the most beautiful ring anyone could ever dream of. But we were in public, so I tamed it down a ton, though it wasn’t easy.

  We’d save the real stuff for another day.

  It was our final day in Kennebunkport. Zaylie ran a mascara brush through my eyelashes yet again for the tenth time.

  She wouldn’t stop making me cry! But she had her reasons to. Not only was it my wedding day, but we were reminiscing, and that always led to tears and lots and lots of giggles. What bride didn’t need a dozen touchups?

  None of it truly hit me yet—it was happening at lightning speed before I could even catch my breath. But I was confident in my decision and didn’t have a single bit of cold feet—not even my baby toe.

  Mycah and I discussed it, and I decided that I wanted to get married in Kennebunkport so that Zaylie could be at my side. Since she was no longer able to enter Luïnil, it had to be now or never.

  I was saddened that my father and grandparents couldn’t be there too, but Mycah promised me we would have another ceremony when we returned. One that was of elven tradition. I couldn’t argue with that—what girl wouldn’t want two weddings when she was marrying the most incredible creature ever to walk this earth?

  It still pained my heart that they wouldn’t be at the very first one, though. But I tried not to dwell on it. I was happy regardless.

  “There. Done!” Zaylie announced. “Again.”

  “Thanks, Zales.” I laughed.

  We took each other’s hands and walked over to the full-length mirror that hung on the back of the closet door in the master bedroom of O’Malley’s Bed and Breakfast. Once we saw our reflections, we both exclaimed in sync with each other, “You look beautiful!”

  We faced each other and yelled at the same time, “Pinch poke you owe me a coke!” as we pinched each other’s arms. We busted out laughing at our silliness and got tangled in a hysterical embrace.

  “Oh, Zales. I’m going to miss you so much.” I wiped away the tears that surfaced from laughing too hard.

  “Hey! None of that now.” She pushed me toward the door, still laughing. “We don’t have time for more touchups. Everyone is waiting.”

  “You’re right. I’m good. And so ready for this.” I inhaled a deep breath and let it out fast. “Let’s go.”

  After exiting the room and entering the main entrance of the B&B, I found Rydan there waiting for us, completely decked out in a black tux. Holy crap. His dark hair was a layered me
ss, which was his style. I had never seen him look so strikingly handsome. With his mercury eyes intent on mine, he smiled and said, “Nariella, I have never seen you look so beautiful.”

  “Hey! That’s exactly what I was thinking about you.” I poked him in the shoulder.

  “Am I really that beautiful?” he swept his gaze over his body down to his feet and then looked back up to me with feigned surprise. He placed a hand over his heart. “Aww, thank you. You know, I really tried.”

  Zaylie and I cracked up. “Why yes, darling. You are just so very pretty,” I joined in his joke.

  “I, for one, am quite jealous. How did you ever get your eyelashes to curve so perfectly?” Zaylie quipped along with us.

  “Okay, whoa, now you took it too far there, Zales.” Rydan laughed as he put an arm around her shoulders.

  “You mean those things are natural?” She tried to touch them. “Bloody hell, that really isn’t fair.”

  He yanked her into him by the neck, and she laughed. “If you weren’t so done-up and gorgeous, I would have given you a noogie.” He knocked his knuckles once on the top of her head instead.

  “Well then I thank you for being a gentleman for the day,” she said as she got away and stepped outside the B&B. Her eyes had remained turned behind her on us as she giggled. She slipped on the porch stair with a squeak, her arms going up to fix her balance, but rather than falling to the ground, she was left clinging to a boy.


  A hand had flown to my mouth as I had watched it transpire, worried she had fallen, but now I was stuck with a smile as she stared into Liam’s eyes, breathing heavily. Their faces were inches apart. “Hey,” Liam rasped.

  “Hey yourself,” she breathed back, her cheeks flaming to red instantly the longer they stayed tangled in each other’s arms. She must have realized this, because suddenly she was pushing off of him in a hurry, her eyes darting like crazy.

  “Careful,” he warned, his voice gruff. He helped her return to a stable standing position before letting go.

  “Uh, yeah, thanks.” She giggled lightly with no real humor to her voice. It sounded more like nerves than anything. “What are you doing here?”

  Rydan and I walked out then before he could respond. “Nice catch, bro.”

  “Hey, Liam,” I said after Rydan.

  “Uh, hey, guys,” he replied, his own cheeks painted pink to match Zaylie’s. I stifled a giggle. “Yeah, I was just running the flowers by like Rydan asked.”

  “Oh! Thank you so much.” I kissed his cheek, my elation over my special day growing by the second. I sniffed the pink and orange peonies and reveled in the silkiness of the petals as they caressed my nose.

  Rydan put his arm around my shoulders and led me in a direction I didn’t pay attention to, because suddenly Liam snatched Zaylie’s hand as she walked away. “Hey, Zales…”


  “You look…” He sighed. “You’re beautiful. You know that?”

  Awwww! I about died!

  “Thanks, Liam.” She smiled all sexily at him, surprising me. After she took steps away, she turned back and grabbed him by the lapel, pulling him to her. She kissed him.

  Holy crap, she kissed him. Zaylie kissed Liam!

  She let go and said, “See you later?”

  He nodded with no other sound or word…shock written all over his face. She swiveled around with grace and a grin to boot.

  “Actually, you two are going together,” Rydan informed slyly, quirking his eyebrow. A small smirk sat on his lips in that very devious way of his.

  “Wait, what? We are?” she asked as Rydan pushed her toward Liam and his waiting car. I heard her murmur under her breath, “Good lord.”

  “See you soon, sillies.” I winked as Zaylie stared at me with pleading eyes, chewing on her bottom lip. I chuckled and shook my head. I added to Rydan, “Oh, I cannot wait to get the juicy details about that one! Wow.”

  He shook his head, laughing. “‘Bout time.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked once I realized we were going through the backyard of the B&B instead of to a car.

  “Here,” he answered, only confusing me more. Then Lissë came into view, shocking the heck out of me.

  “Lissë?” I screeched. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her warm neck, tears pricking my eyes. “What is she doing here? How did she get here? And without me knowing?”

  “Let’s just say strings were pulled. Magic was cast. Don’t bore yourself with all the tiny details.” He held up what appeared to be…a blindfold? “Um, I’m going to need you to put this on.”

  “What? Why? I’m not putting that thing on.” I pointed to my face. “Hello! Makeup.”

  “Just do it.” He didn’t let me argue. He already had it wrapped around my eyes and tied like a pro. I had to wonder how many times he had done this before to be such an expert at it.

  He helped me climb onto Lissë’s back and then joined me, but I had no idea where we were going. I was freaking blind. “Ry! This better be good.” I laughed, shaking my head at the craziness of it.

  “Well, I guess we’ll see, now won’t we?” he responded vaguely.

  I glided my hands over Lissë’s skin, relishing having her here with me on my special day. I was so thankful that I started to choke up again. I ended up lost deep in my own thoughts, and we remained in silence. Eventually, the somewhat-gentle ride turned incredibly bumpy. What the heck?

  I was jostled around like a hot potato, making my curiosity about where we were going kick up a notch. And Lissë was being very mysterious, not giving me any hints. I knew better than to ask Rydan. He could be a stone wall just about what he ate for breakfast in the morning, let alone when it came to secrets that really mattered.

  I smoothed my hand over my chiffon and damask layered dress. It was a one-of-a-kind handmade gown from a local specialty boutique here in town, and I had fallen in love with it instantly. It was elegant, ethereal, and even had a bit of an elven-look to it.

  Zaylie and Naminé’s dresses were also one-of-a-kinds, meaning they didn’t match each other’s. Each one was every bit as gorgeous as the other. They were a delicate shade of green—almost softer in color than a pastel mint. Zaylie’s was a short little number that fell just above her knee, whereas Naminé’s dropped to the floor. Rydan had immediately sent for her when I asked if she could be at the wedding, too. I was so happy she had been able to come.

  Lissë’s gait finally stopped being so bouncy, and I said a silent thank you. A soothing breeze blew over me, and I swear I recognized the familiar scent. I just didn’t understand why I could smell it.

  Rydan led me to where he wanted me to go, and my heart pounded like a jackhammer. He removed the blindfold, and the brilliant orange and pink lights of the setting sun hit me full force.

  My heart was in my throat. I turned into Rydan instantly and cried, wrapping my arms around his neck. I couldn’t believe it. Not even for a second. He held me close and tight, letting me shed my emotion.

  Our tree. Our beautiful Weeping Willow. It rose gallantly toward the sky, its loving arms blowing in the wind, the mirrored pond sitting at its side; a picturesque scene I had found myself in so long ago that had saved my life.

  It was back, and more beautiful than ever. It was like it had never even been destroyed.

  “How?” I breathed through a tightened throat that wouldn’t allow me to use my voice. Zaylie was going to kill me for completely ruining my makeup. I knew this was an ugly cry, but I didn’t even care. I finally pulled away, wiping my nose with the laced handkerchief she gave to me for my ‘something borrowed.’

  “Your fiancé, soon-to-be-husband,” he answered through a raw voice of his own. “Here. This is your ‘something old.’”

  He lifted up between us an old friend I had believed to be lost to me forever, and a whole new wave of tears broke from me like a released dam.

  It was Teddy.

  I hugged him to my chest and sobbed into his soft fur,
then squished him between Rydan and myself as I lay against my two best friends. “I…I can’t even.”

  It was too much. I couldn’t get another word out. I was so overcome by surprise, joy, love, and gratitude, that I had no way of asking how this was possible. Teddy? My long-lost Teddy? I squeezed him so hard I almost broke my own bones. He meant everything to me. Everything that I had lost that day. My last piece of Elizabeth had finally come home. The last wound on my heart had finally healed.

  Rydan dried my tears and made sure I looked presentable before looping my arm through his. “Come on. Your family wants to see you.”

  My family? The words echoed through my head.

  He brought me only a few steps further, until we reached my father and grandparents. I gasped, not understanding. I hadn’t even noticed them before this moment. I pulled each of them close instantly, a giant lump in my throat. I wanted to ask how this could be happening, but I still couldn’t even open my mouth.

  When my grandmother released me, she caressed my cheek, and then showed me something laying over her hand. “This was your mother’s.”

  My eyes snapped to hers before dropping back to the item she held. It was a silver dagger with blue gems in the hilt where dazzling, intricate designs swirled and continued along the blade. It was…stunning. “Wow,” I breathed.

  “It was made with our most precious elda magic, therefore, it shines blue during moments you may need it most. Let it be your light should you again find yourself in dark places,” she said. I nodded, speechless. She chuckled. “And it can be your ‘something blue,’ no?”

  I nodded my head again and discreetly lifted my dress, sliding it behind the strap of my garter belt. Hey, I was a freaking elf. It never hurt to be armed at all times. I smiled at the thought and hugged both of my grandparents once more. “Thank you so much. I love it.”


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