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Rogue Wolf

Page 19

by Amber Ella Monroe

  “You’re observant, brave, and attentive. You put other people’s needs before your own, don’t you?”

  “Maybe, but that also sounds a lot like someone else I’ve just met.”

  He winked.

  Autumn smiled, only wishing she were as brave as him.

  “You’ve given up a lot to make sure that your sister could attend school,” he said. “You two must have a very good relationship.”

  “We do now, but it wasn’t always like that. My sister and I used to fight all the time. Innocent sibling rivalry. Fights about what we wanted to watch on television or where we wanted to go for a family vacation. That sort of stuff. She was a mama’s girl and I was daddy’s angel. That worked for us for a while. When mom died in the car crash, Hope went into deep depression and distanced herself. Flunked a year of school. Got involved with drugs. On top of that, our family’s personal and business debt were mounting. It wasn’t a very good time for our family. Sadly, the thing that brought me and my sister back together was Dad’s death. She’s all I’ve got. If we have any distant relatives anywhere, we’ve lost contact with them.”

  “So with all that you went through, that just means you understand each other better now. Right?”

  “That’s a good way of looking at it.”

  “And you’re young enough, smart enough, and determined enough to work on a family of your own now,” he offered.

  Her gaze fluttered downward. “I hope so. I’m not exactly free and clear yet. This whole thing with Simon is threatening to ruin my life. My dad valued Pack life and the idea of family, even if we weren’t blood-related, but I don’t think this is what he meant. He would never have given me away to Simon if he knew what he’d grow up to represent.”

  Garrett placed an arm on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Consider Simon out of the picture. I’m not going to let him get to you again or ruin your life. You have my word.”


  Autumn and Garrett managed to eat dinner sometime around ten p.m., but then again, she had woken up late and he’d been tied up with phone calls most of the evening. After they ate the meal of grilled T-bone steak, homemade mashed potatoes, and carrots cooked by Garrett, they sat in front of the television with dessert—an apple cobbler that she’d whipped up at the last minute. He seemed to enjoy the cobbler more than anything else, helping himself to more than seconds. He ate until there was nothing left on their plates or in the pots. Leftovers were non-existent. She believed him now about his grocery bills being abnormally high. After all, he was eating to sustain himself and his wolf.

  The teakettle on the stove whistled loudly, cutting off Autumn’s thoughts. She shut off the burner and poured some of the steaming water in a mug over a tea bag. While the tea brewed, she turned her attention back to the dishes in the sink, eager to keep busy doing something instead of sitting around waiting for what remained of her world to crumble to the ground. After the lawyer’s driver was killed, they’d promptly been notified that it’d be another couple days before he was seeing clients again. In the meantime, Autumn would look over the legal documents that she took from the safe to see if she had much of a case against Simon where the restaurant and the old contract was concerned.

  She had called Hope prior to dinner like she promised. However, she left out the parts about the wolf fight, the car accident, and Simon biting her. Another scare was the last thing her sister needed right now.

  Autumn parted the curtains to look out of the small kitchen window above the sink. Garrett and the two men who’d knocked at the door ten minutes ago had moved their conversation from the front porch to the middle of the yard. Just like he’d said, he wasn’t going to leave her unattended tonight, but he’d told her off the bat that he had to leave soon to go finish the job he started.

  She swallowed down the lump of dread rising in her throat and let the curtains go. She had to keep reminding herself that this was part of what Garrett did for a living, and she understood more than ever why he wouldn’t want to bring anyone else into it. It just so happened that she and Simon—the man he was hunting down—were inextricably tied together. He couldn’t, and probably wouldn’t, chase Simon forever. And more than likely, he’d return to life on the road after the job ended. Even with this knowledge, even if she tried, she didn’t know if she’d be able to leave Garrett without the promise of ever seeing him again. Maybe it was time she stopped worrying so much about what would happen in the future and accepted what she had in that moment. With Garrett, she felt like she could express herself and how she felt because he listened. She didn’t have to pretend that the weight she carried on her shoulders with trying to get the tavern back from a senseless jerk wasn’t that much of a burden to bear. But she didn’t have to go it alone. That wasn’t working anymore. It was okay to seek help, even with her limited resources.

  The front door of the home creaked opened and then slammed shut. She heard Garrett take off his boots and drop them with a thud near the door.

  He returned to the galley kitchen and set a large brown paper bag on the counter. “We have more groceries. Fresh fruit, meat, dairy, coffee. Tommy brought it over from the local market. I think I requested everything you like, but if you need anything else, just write it down and I’ll get it.”

  “Thanks. You have really nice friends.”

  “In Aspen Valley Wolf Pack, mostly everyone treats each other like family. We learned a long time ago that it’s the only way to survive out here as a shifter,” he said.

  “I wish those values were present in other wolf packs,” she said. “Even though I’m not a shifter, I saw how Pack’s divisiveness caused so many issues for them.”

  Garrett began transferring items from the grocery bag to the refrigerator and pantry. “It’s all about respecting each other. Although, there are always a few bad seeds in any given Pack. And then sometimes, bad things happen to good people. Things that test our loyalty to each other and makes us question our purpose, but we just work through the kinks as much as we can.”


  “Things will get better for your city in general, and for you, and for the wolves who live there. This is just a setback. Melisandra…isn’t that the name of your step-mom?”

  She nodded.

  “She’ll be able to return to her Pack if she wants to when all this is over with.”

  “You say that like you’re certain of it.”

  “I say it because I believe it,” he said. “I’m also the wolf that’s going to help set things straight in Cross City before I move on to my next job.”

  She frowned. “Next job?”

  “Well, yeah…I don’t know what yet but I have a couple options in front of me,” he replied, stacking up some cans in the pantry. “One’s permanent, and I’ve really been thinking about that one. And the other is…well, let’s just say not like my usual missions.”

  “I see.” She moved over to the other side of the counter and swirled the tea bag around in the hot water. “You must be ready to move on…”

  “Speaking of jobs and moving on, did you get a good look at the two men who brought the groceries?” he asked.

  “I did.”

  “Good. Don’t be alarmed if you see them again. When I’m gone tomorrow, they’ll be checking in on you and my property to make sure things are okay.”

  “Are they wolf shifters?” she asked.

  “Yes, but they won’t bother you. They’ll be here as an extra precaution, but our borders are secured. No wolf outside our Pack will get past them.”

  “I trust you.” After a moment of hesitation, Autumn asked, “You’ll come back tomorrow night, won’t you?” Or will you leave for your next job without a goodbye?

  He stopped what he was doing and gave her his full attention. “Of course I will.”

  “I was just thinking about what you said.”

  “And that is…?”

  “About your life. On the road. Never being able to settle down because you�
�re out chasing the lead on the next assignment,” she said. “I can see how that would worry the people who care about you back at home.”

  “Autumn, I…” he breathed.

  “I’m not trying to make you feel any worse about what you have to do or where you have to be. I guess I’m just trying to tell you that I understand and that I’ll be here when you return. But if you don’t return and I never see you again, I’ll understand that too.”

  He closed the distance between them. “You think I won’t come back to you?”

  She nodded. “I can tell that you love what you do and you’re used to it. It’s kind of like my friends advising me to let go of the tavern since it’s causing me so much stress, but I won’t listen. People often stick with what they know. Even shifters like you. Right?”

  He slid his fingers under her chin and lifted it gently. His eyes were filled with admiration.

  “What did I do to deserve to meet a woman as lovely and understanding as you?” he asked.

  “What did I do to deserve being caught red-handed emptying a safe at the tavern?”

  He grinned. “You’re going to make some man very happy, you know that?”

  She sighed. “Garrett, I’ve lived almost my whole life regretting things I’ve done or haven’t done with the people I want to do them with. I’m tired of pretending like I don’t want you. Before this is over, I want to know what it feels like to really be with you. Without all of this…chaos.”

  “I want you too, Autumn, but I don’t want to ruin you. I don’t want to bring any more chaos in your life. My job—even the ones I may take within my Pack—will bring all kinds of chaos.”

  “You’re worrying too much, Garrett Justice. Just kiss me.”

  He closed the couple inches of space between them and sealed his lips over hers. She exhaled on a long sigh, expelling all her fears from her body. For the first time in a very long time, she felt free. In this moment, she temporarily escaped the burdens that had been holding her back, preventing her from living.

  Garrett molded his lips to hers with a sense of urgency and control. More control than he’d had the very first time he’d kissed her. He wasn’t just kissing her, he was exploring every inch of her lips and the warm cavern of her mouth. Pleasure rose up and spread throughout every vein in her body. He gripped the back of her neck, tilted her face upward and delved deeper. With no intentions of keeping her hands to herself, she pulled his shirt from his waistband to touch his bare skin. Her hands roamed over his strong, tight abs and across the hard planes of his chest.

  He grabbed her thigh, sliding his hand upward until it rested at her waist. She wanted to be next to him, skin to skin, so she ignored her inner fears and parted from his kiss momentarily to lift the big oversized shirt over her head.

  Garrett’s gaze swept over her like a gentle, evening wind. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, reaching out to trace her collarbone and the curvature of her throat with his thumb.

  An inferno raged between them as he continued his perusal of her. He moved his palm over the top of her breasts, downward against her belly, pausing momentarily to grip her hips with both of his hands. He teased her, sliding his fingers right below the waistband. A million butterflies activated in her stomach.

  She moaned and pushed against him.

  He groaned. “Do you know what will happen when I take this sweet pussy of yours?”

  “You told me about the imprinting, remember?”

  He leaned forward, brushing the tip of his nose against her ear. His lips brushed gently against her neck.

  “I can handle it. I’m ready,” she assured him.

  “Are you?”

  He worked against the clasp of her bra, breaking it free. The garment fell to the ground, exposing her breasts and hardened nipples. She was more than ready for him this time. Her needy sex screamed for release.

  “Touch me, Autumn, so that I know you want me and that you want this,” he instructed.

  She lifted the ends of his shirt once again and he waited patiently as she unbuttoned it and pushed it down his shoulders. He was a sex god walking on Earth. Pure perfection. Her fingertips traced the crevices and hard lines of the muscles on his chest until she reached the trail of dark brown hair that disappeared down into his pants. Garrett breathed hot and heavy as she followed the trail. She undid his belt buckle and unwrapped him like a package. She pushed his pants down his hip and he assisted her by pulling them all the way down and then stepping out of them.

  His shaft stood at full attention. Long, hard, and throbbing at the tip.

  Her lips parted and her breath came out in a rush. She bit her lip, her eyes eating up the beauty of him, but at the same time, she prayed that he wasn’t going to rip her in two. She hadn’t seen a cock so big and hard in…


  The moment she gripped him and wrapped her fingers around the thickness, his inner beast growled. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. Her sex throbbed and she squeezed her legs together for relief, but to no avail. He throbbed against her palm, especially when she closed her fingers around the head.

  He threw his head back and groaned. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop.”

  “Are you?” She pumped up and down, gripping his big meaty flesh in her smaller hands.

  He moaned.

  She lowered herself to the kitchen floor, placing her knees on the floor on either side of his feet. Sure enough, when she became mouth level with his cock, she saw the evidence of his pre-cum dripping from the slit. She examined him like a work of art, studying the dark, green veins running up and down the length of him. His testicles were almost beet red, the skin was delicate, but when she palmed him, she found that he was heavy with his seed.

  “Christ,” he exclaimed between clenched teeth.

  “My name’s Autumn,” she teased, tracing the heart-shaped head of his cock with a fingertip.

  “And Lord knows I’ll never forget that,” he breathed.

  She took him into her mouth. He tasted of almonds and vanilla and an underlying hint of salt all rolled into one. She licked up the drops of semen that had already escaped. His cock hardened and lengthened even more as she teased him. She was having so much fun making him squirm that she forgot about her own needs.

  At some point, he’d pulled off the rubber band holding her thick curly mane together. His fingers were buried within her hair, digging deep against her scalp.

  She lifted her gaze to witness the pleasure rolling across his face. His eyes were riddled with the evidence of his desire. His pupils had contracted. The shape of his eyes had changed entirely. She’d seen him this way before. The way the wolf had looked at her out in the field when it was fighting off her attacker. The gaze was calm and steely. And possessive. She ran her tongue up along the underside of his cock all the way to the top.

  “Enough,” he growled and then lifted her up to her feet.

  He placed her in the center of his kitchen table, pulled her legs up onto his shoulder, held her panties to the side, and pressed his lips to her sex. His mouth was hot and hungry against her pussy, testing her limits and exploring every inch of her. He alternated between gentle tugs of her swollen labia to firm laps against her clit. She propped herself up on her elbows, taking in the carnal sight before her. He moaned into her sex and the vibrations sent tremors through her loins and straight up her spine. She arched her back and he offered his full tongue, plunging in and out of her. An orgasm rushed through her without warning. The mind-blowing sensations were so intense that her vision shorted out. He licked gently at her tender clit until she came down from her orgasm. Then the warmth of his chest pressed to the back of her thighs subsided when he parted from her.

  He was going to leave her like this again! He couldn’t…

  Her eyes flew open. Garrett’s lustful brown gaze stared back at her.

  “Don’t stop now,” she said.

  “Don’t worry.” He grinned. “I was just admiring your b

  He gripped her about the thighs and lifted her up. Before she knew it, she was halfway across the kitchen with her back against the pantry door. He held her there with his firm, strong grip and kissed her firmly. He shoved his hand between them, moving his fingers to the apex of her thighs, and shoved her panties aside once again.

  She parted her legs on instinct just as he ran his fingers along her slit, parting her lips, and exposing more of her opening.

  “You’re already wet for me,” he growled, huskily.

  He was right. Her pussy was soaking and her clit was throbbing. All he had to do was touch her there one time and she’d fall apart.

  He dropped his head in the space between her neck and shoulder and waited, his cock hard and heavy against her thigh.

  “Take me,” she demanded.

  With a strength that surprised her, he hooked his thumb into the waistband of her panties, ripped it into two, and rid her of it.

  She gasped, feeling doubly exposed and open to him.

  He entered her, surging upward in one bold drive.

  Her scream and everything else she’d been holding inside pushed out of her. He impaled her, yet this moment brought so much relief to her. Pain and pleasure mixed together creating a sensation so electrifying that it left her in a daze. He pumped into her with ease and just the right amount of force. To keep her cries of surprise and pleasure at bay with each stroke he made up into her, she buried her face against his shoulders. Before long, she found her nails digging into the flesh on his back. He fucked her against the pantry door until she could no longer contain herself. She came hard and long, trembling helplessly in his arms.

  He was still inside her when he gathered her up again and walked from the kitchen to his bedroom with her still wrapped around him.

  He managed to keep his rock hard cock throbbing inside of her.

  He lay her on the bed and then spread out atop of her. In this position, they were face to face and she saw him as if she were seeing him for the first time. Maybe she just felt that way because this was the first time she’d seen him in a new light. His face twisted into a grimace of desire and hunger. Desire for her. Hunger for her. No man had ever looked at her this way.


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