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Surrounded [Running to Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 5

by Allyson Young

  “So, what are we going to do this afternoon?”

  Ash tossed her a smile and put the last of the cheap dinnerware away. Alistair wiped his hands and draped the towel over the door of the lower cabinet. Jackie managed not to wince and nearly sat on her hands to control the urge to hang it up properly. There were lots of things to work around and now probably wasn’t the time to start nagging him.

  “We thought we’d talk about a few things, Jackie. Ash and I have some thoughts…”

  Jackie quit listening. They’d been talking? Discussing her? Making plans? They had better be of a sexual nature because that’s where Alistair’s Dom stuff was going to be contained. Her happy mood switched to bitch mode in her usual mercurial style, fueled by that concern that ’Stair was being presumptuous, and she saw Ash cover a smile. Damn it.

  “Jackie! We waited for you to wake up so that we could have this discussion. I’m going to be paddling your ass every day if you don’t grow up.” His voice had that tone again, that authoritative note, and her pussy clenched involuntarily.

  She bit her rude response back and swallowed her defensiveness. Ashley warned her that all of this was going to take some adjusting to, and that sex couldn’t be allowed to cloud every issue. And Alistair was still reading her mind. “Okay.”

  He instantly rewarded her with a smile and came to sit beside her. The sun came out again in her head, and it occurred to Jackie that Alistair was known as grumpy and forbidding by the Club members, although the best man to have one’s back. She was determined to give him more to smile about than not, and resolved to quit acting like a spoiled adolescent.

  In the end, they agreed to live at her and Ash’s place until they could find a bigger house that suited them. Jackie could barely contain her excitement at the thought of making a home with Ashley and Alistair but did so because she sensed Alistair’s struggle with such an enormous change in his life. He had held her on his lap the whole time they talked things out, as if he couldn’t bear not to be touching her. Ash just looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. They talked about their expectations and their anticipations, and there were times when Jackie wondered if they could possibly have missed anything. Alistair insisted on good communication and seemed satisfied with the plan, but Jackie knew the proof would be in the pudding. She loved him and Ash both with all her heart, and knew how they felt about her. Surely it would be enough to see them through.

  She had felt the evidence of his arousal under her much of the time she cuddled on his lap. She looked at Ash occasionally because Alistair was definitely monopolizing her, but Ashley seemed overtly quite content to let ’Stair get his fill. Ashley was like that. She was cool and efficient and often put people off with her no-nonsense attitude, but Jackie knew the real woman behind that outward persona. Ashley was capable of great emotion and had no trouble expressing it, albeit in private, and it took awhile. She also read people accurately and almost instantly, being insightful and sensitive. It probably came from growing up in a religious family where any deviation from the norm was seen as just that, deviant, so one tended to be very careful. Jackie’s family was pretty religious, too, but they loved their kids in a different way, not that she wanted to think about what her family would say about her being in a ménage, not yet.

  Ashley had the scars to prove her father’s intolerance, and she never spoke about her mother, that unprotective bitch. It was a miracle that Ash had risen above all of that and still had such a capacity for love and affection. Such a resilient woman. Jackie’s heart ached for Ashley and thought she had become a cop to protect herself, but primarily to help others, to protect the vulnerable. Ash wore her authority casually, just like ’Stair, and never abused it. Ash was watching her now, also probably reading her mind, and Jackie blessed the day she’d taken the job as dispatcher at the police station instead of becoming the teacher she had trained to be. Ashley had laid eyes on her, and it was the proverbial love at first sight.

  “I pulled a short shift to cover for somebody this afternoon, ’Stair, so I need to get going shortly. Can you entertain our girl?”

  Jackie shivered when his hold on her tightened. She marveled at Ashley’s trust in her and felt humbled by it. She also felt a tiny flicker of anxiety and tried to identify it, but it slipped away before she could get close.

  “I can definitely entertain her, Ash. I’ll save her ass though because you’ll want to be there for that.”

  Jackie’s pussy drenched. They were talking about her again as if she wasn’t there, and it made her freaking hot. Ashley knew it, too. She came to press a kiss on her lips and slipped her hand up Jackie’s thigh and between her legs, then slid two fingers up inside of her. Jackie gasped, and Ash pulled them out then licked her essence off, slowly and lasciviously, staring into Jackie’s eyes with intent.

  “I’ll look forward to it. I’ll just go get my clothes and clean up in the member room. See you at the house later?”

  Jackie nodded, even though the question wasn’t directed at her and felt Alistair nod over her head, his chin coming to rest on her hair. “We’ll come over as soon as I close for the night. Probably around midnight. There’s nothing booked that I remember, but a few folks will likely come in for drinks and to hang out. I’m going to have to hire someone to oversee things from time to time because I intend on showing off our little subbie. We’ll work it out.”

  Ash leaned in for another kiss, and Jackie tasted herself on her lips. She opened for her and closed her eyes tightly to better enjoy the moment. “Love you, sweetie. Later.”

  The door closed behind Ashley, and for a moment there was complete and utter silence except for the beating of her heart sounding in her temples. She had the absurd expectation that ’Stair would growl, “Alone at last, me pretty,” but of course he didn’t. It was ridiculous to think that he would wish Ashley gone, although there would probably be alone times with both of her lovers. They hadn’t talked about that. At least, they hadn’t included her in any such conversation! Part of her rebelled while another part trembled in anticipation of what they’d plan for her. There had also been something in Ash’s expression that troubled Jackie, pricked at her intuition.

  “Lose the shirt.”

  Okay, back to the present. She got off his lap and stood before him. She slowly worked at the buttons, fumbling with the reversed fastenings deliberately, easing each little round piece of plastic out of its designated hole. Alistair watched her movements intently through hooded eyes, the crotch of his boxers bulging, the fabric wet with the evidence of his lust. She poked her bottom lip out, just a fraction, and from behind the veil of her lashes saw his cock twitch under the cover of the fabric draping it. It gave her such a heady sense of power to know how she affected him. It took an eternity to make her way down to the hem, and her arousal grew higher right along with the anticipation. She could only guess at what it cost Alistair, although his features were taut with control and unreadable.

  She let one shoulder drop and the material slipped off and down her arm, baring a breast. Her nipples, already pointing, tightened even more, and her eyes drifted shut at the thought of what Alistair was seeing.

  “Eyes on me!”

  Jackie very nearly came at the power in his voice, caught up as she was in the fantasy of him falling on her and fucking her across the crappy carpet. Her juices flowed, and she involuntarily clenched her thighs together, her eyes popping open to lock with his. The shirt floated off to pool around her ankles, and the very air around them thickened with sexual tension. Alistair pointed to the floor between his feet, and she dropped to her knees, never breaking eye contact. From her peripheral vision, she saw him release his cock and pump his hand over it before reaching to touch her cheek.

  “Suck me. And don’t tease, Jackie, or else. Keep your hands on your thighs at all times.”

  God, another fantasy come true, being forced to service the big, bad Dom once again. She lowered her mouth over him and sucked the cockhead inside, whis
pering her tongue over the more sensitive underside, right at the V. It all came back to her, the way he liked getting head. ’Stair made a strangled sound, and she managed not to smile. She wanted to please him, wanted to blow his socks off, had he been wearing any, and that abstract thought had her swallowing a giggle. He wound his fingers through her hair and pulled, and she immediately focused. She sucked him deep, as deep as she could with him holding her head so steady, her cheeks hollowing with the effort, and used her tongue with every other pull. He was back in charge and she was servicing him, and she would do well to remember it. Alistair would never hurt her, at least nothing more than she wanted and deserved, but he was in control in their sexual life.

  Her jaw began to ache, and she wondered how much longer she could do this. If he let her take him deeper, if she could just swallow again, or even giggle because she suspected he had nearly lost control when she’d done it before. As if he divined her thoughts, but more likely recognized her discomfort, Alistair released her, and she began to bob her head up and down on his shaft, feeling him at the back of her throat. She could taste him now, salty and musky, and she gripped her thighs hard to keep from touching him. She wanted to hold him to her and put her arms around him when he came. He burst against the roof of her mouth and then shoved hard to nearly gag her, ropes of hot cum flooding her throat. She drank him down and cast caution to the winds, reaching up to clasp his hips. And he allowed it.

  When she could breathe evenly again and relax her jaw, she turned her head to rest it on his thigh, gently holding his spent shaft between her lips. He stroked her hair, and she felt his total relaxation. They stayed like that for a long time, not speaking, just being, until he pulled away and reached down to encourage her back up onto his lap.

  “I never thought to feel your mouth on me again, Jackie.” His quiet statement unnerved her, and her guilt awoke once more. She chose not to respond, but cuddled in closer and listened to the solid thump of his heart against her temple. Her own pulse seemed to synchronize with the beat. And then he set her away from him and stood.

  “Time to open up. I’ll get your things from last night, and we can sit with the other members for a while.”

  She stared at him. For some reason she thought they would spend more time in bed, and she had hoped for another spectacular orgasm. She pouted for real.

  “That doesn’t work with me, darlin’. Nothing for you. Don’t think I didn’t know what you were up to a few minutes ago. Now, get cleaned up, and I’ll bring you your clothes. Or you can wear my shirt. I’m sure the other folks wouldn’t mind.”

  She felt her temper flare and swallowed it back, throwing a smile his way instead of her empty coffee cup. She bent from the waist to pick up the abandoned shirt and made sure he got a good look at her ass before she stomped off to the bathroom.

  “And, Jackie? Leave the plug in. I’ll take it out at your place.”

  Her feet faltered at his words. He couldn’t mean for her to spend the rest of the afternoon and evening with that thing up her ass! Not sitting out in the lounge area with people! She turned and opened her mouth to sass him and refuse, only to see him standing in the middle of the room, tucked away again in his boxers, his lean torso belying his strength. His face gave nothing away, but she could swear his eyes glowed. Cat’s eyes. It made her hot, and she decided to pick her battles. If she was too uncomfortable, then it could always come out in awhile, and she thought she’d take care of herself in the bathroom.

  “You don’t get to come by your hand, either.”

  Shit. She smiled again, as demurely as possible. “Of course. Master.” And then hustled into the bathroom and shut and locked the door.

  Chapter Six

  He managed not to laugh until he let himself out into the hallway. All the rooms were soundproofed, although most of them were monitored, and he didn’t want Jackie to hear him. He should have dragged her ass to the couch and smacked it red for her cheeky insubordination, but he simply didn’t need all of that lifestyle anymore all the time. He needed her love, he needed her trust, and he needed her respect. He figured he had the former and the latter, and that she mostly trusted him. She likely didn’t yet fully trust herself or what they were embarking on. He still had some thinking to do on the subject, not quite so sure of himself anymore. If that made him vanilla, so be it. And what he had planned for later wouldn’t really be counted as vanilla. Besides, he felt lighter and younger than he’d felt yesterday, and she would be thinking that she’d pulled one over on him. Master. There was no room in this relationship for one Master. He was happy to be her Sir, but wasn’t above a little mindfuck.

  He heard voices emanating from the room that had been utilized last night and put faces to them. Monica and Robert. They were on the cleaning roster for the week. He peered around the door, and yanked his head back. There wasn’t a lot of cleaning going on. There weren’t a lot of switches in the Club either, and Monica and Robert were the only married couple in that category. Alistair didn’t want to intrude, although he liked to observe, but he certainly didn’t want to be found wandering the halls in his boxers. He still ran the Club, and he still had his standards, although the loincloth-style towel last night probably had some tongues wagging. His smile returned as he tiptoed past the open door and successfully gained the member room. He’d finally identified the feeling. He was happy.

  Ashley had picked his clothes up and laid them on the bed. He pulled his leathers on and thrust his arms through the sleeves of his shirt, although he’d evidently torn the buttons off in his hurry to yank it off last night. He found a couple of them but gave the rest up as a bad job. He gathered up Jackie’s little pile of clothes and scooped up her shoes and made his way back to her. He hadn’t missed her disappointment when he’d sent her to clean up after she’d serviced him so beautifully. Her unsatisfied arousal would make tonight all the sweeter. He froze in his tracks for a moment. He’d told her not to get herself off, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t. Well, he would just have to go and check on her, and if she’d disobeyed him, then he’d deal with it. Alistair strode back to his quarters with a determined gait, eyes front, ignoring the open door of the room where Monica and Robert weren’t cleaning.

  He let himself into his place quietly. The door to the bathroom was still shut, and he walked over to it soundlessly to listen at it. He could hear water running and Jackie singing. She had always been an exuberant singer ever since he could remember, and fond memories colored right over the intervening years. He rapped softly, the water and the melody shut off simultaneously and then she opened the door. She held his toothbrush in one hand, the paste in the other, and he managed not to wince. They would share pretty much everything else, so he shouldn’t have a problem with her using his toothbrush, but it was a sticking point with him. He plucked it out of her fingers and walked in past her to pull open a drawer in the vanity, setting down her clothing as he did so.

  “New toothbrush, floss, and women stuff in here, Jackie.”

  “Women stuff?” Her tone had him looking. Her face was tight, and her lips set in a thin line. His heart lurched with glee at her jealous reaction, and he yanked her against him and kissed her lips soft again.

  “I picked it up for you, darlin’, you and Ash.”

  She relaxed against him, and he was again aware of how her lush, petite form fit so well in his arms. “Oh, well, okay. Thanks.” Her sheepish response had him kissing her again, and he stroked her ass with one hand, briefly pressing against the plug.

  “Did you masturbate, Jackie?” She stiffened again, and he toyed with the base of the toy.

  “No. I wanted to, but you said not to, so I didn’t.”

  “Good girl. Now get dressed and we’ll get things organized out front.”

  * * * *

  She felt abandoned when ’Stair released her and left the bathroom, yet thrilled that she had pleased him. She stared after him and wanted to run to him and ask her to hold her in his arms again. How could he
be so impervious? She was naked and had a plug in her ass, and she hadn’t touched herself, not even when she’d cleaned up and the impulse had been so strong just to spend a little time with the washcloth on her hot button. She hadn’t had enough of him, and this waiting was making her crazy. He was messing with her, and the mischievous imp inside hinted at all manner of things she might do to mess right back, except her bottom was still damn tender from his punishment last night.

  Alistair was acting less the Dom than she remembered even during that insane time together when she was nineteen. Well, he hadn’t done any hard-core things, not like what she’d read about. He hadn’t been sadistic, hadn’t hurt her, although she’d been restrained and taught more about her anatomy than she probably would have learned in a lifetime. Until she and Ashley had met, orgasms didn’t compare to those she experienced with ’Stair, and she had thrown herself into lots of flings between him and Ash. And she liked being restrained, the choice taken away. Liked the erotic pain, too. But he had never pushed her too far, and he respected her boundaries. That might have changed if she had waited for him like she promised, probably not being pushed too far, but he likely would have pushed her boundaries. There was a broken boundary reposing in her bottom hole when she thought about it. She sighed. She loved him and trusted him with her sexuality. She accepted that there were some things he couldn’t or wouldn’t change for her, but she didn’t want him to. She wanted Alistair the way he was, although they were bound to butt heads from time to time. Makeup sex was great, so she could deal.


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