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Surrounded [Running to Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 13

by Allyson Young

  He used a velvet soft flogger, starting at her shoulders and working his way down her back, over her buttocks and across each thigh. The initial sensation had startled her, but robbed of her sight as she was, Jackie could only hear and feel, and the feeling eclipsed everything else. Her skin had tingled and seemed to electrify somehow until she was moaning with the intensity of it. When gentle fingers began to work her nipples and then Ashley’s soft mouth closed over one and then the other, Jackie nearly keened her pleasure. Alistair had stepped into her then, from behind, his hard cock pressing against her hot ass. He lifted her, grasping her buttocks, and lowered her onto him, thrusting deep inside of her. He felt huge and the sensation of his leathers against her heated buttocks and his chest against her back was incredible.

  Ashley then feathered her fingers down her belly, pausing to stroke the bulge there, and then over her now exposed clit, never ceasing her torment of Jackie’s breasts, and she began to climb the orgasmic mountain. One of Alistair’s hands left her hip, leaving her skewered and balanced on his shaft. She heard Ashley’s gasp and then the unmistakable sound of her climaxing. Jackie marveled at the symbolism of things for a split second just as she, too, went over in screaming ecstasy, followed by the heat of Alistair’s cum scorching her channel. He shuddered against her and held her tightly, his head dropping to her shoulder. Ashley pressed close to complete the circle and kissed the other side of her neck. Someone released her hands and Jackie wrapped one arm around her girl and stroked her other hand down ’Stair’s hip.

  They kind of shuffled in a poorly orchestrated dance to the low bed in the corner and sank down on it in a pile. Ashley carefully pulled away the blindfold and stared into her eyes. Jackie’s heart spilled over at the emotions they shared and then winced as Alistair pulled his heat and comfort away. He immediately returned and handed Ash a long, narrow jeweler’s box. Jackie shifted to lie on her back between them and watched as they locked eyes and silently communicated. She realized the three of them were now alone in the room, the other members having left them their privacy.

  “You didn’t get to pick this, Jackie. This was ours to choose.” Ashley’s quiet comment had her looking. Alistair laughed.

  “You may be an expert in dressing us, designing our wedding bands and turning our surroundings into something we’d only dreamed of, darlin’, but we did a really good job with this.”

  Jackie watched as Ash opened the box and lifted out a fine, platinum chain hung with three delicate hearts, all of them the exact same shape and size. Tears welled and slipped over her cheeks and dripped off her chin. Alistair jerked in reaction, then settled when Ash lifted a negligent hand.

  “Hormones, buddy, remember? Our Jackie is touched by our gesture and thoughtfulness. And well she should be, after our countless trips to jewelry stores and considering all the discussions we had, agonizing over this choice!”

  “He made you come,” Jackie slyly asserted as she tried to manage her overwrought emotions.

  “Well you certainly weren’t in any shape to do so!” Ashley’s dull flush belied her indignant words and Jackie’s heart melted.

  “My pleasure.” Alistair’s dry comment had them all laughing, and Jackie’s thoughts leapt ahead to the time when he’d be called upon to do a little more, seeing as Ash wanted a baby, too. She carefully hid the smile that vision evoked.

  Ash lifted the chain collar up to Jackie’s neck and Alistair carefully locked it into place, muttering about getting old and probably needing glasses in the near future. It was a perfect counterpoint to the intensity of the event and she loved him for it.

  Her partners admired her collar, and for a moment Jackie wondered if they’d shake on it or high-five one another, but Ash pressed a tender kiss on her and then Alistair followed suit. They cuddled together and Jackie let herself drift off.


  Jackie carried little David into Rowan and Jace’s house. Rowan had just found out she was pregnant and was excited to take care of her godchild for the next few days, claiming that she could use the practice. Alistair came in with all of David’s worldly belongings, or so he had complained after the fourth trip back to the truck. Beau was already inside, being quietly effusive with Rowan while keeping his eye on David. The dog could have looked after David all on his own had he been able to cook, and Rowan had been okay with keeping him as well.

  “How’s Ashley?” Rowan offered David a cookie and a sippy cup, although at nearly eighteen months he was getting close to managing a real glass.

  “She’s pretty much done with being pregnant,” Jackie laughed. “We take her in for the C-section tomorrow, and she’s already counting the minutes. I had such an easy time of it, and my tough girl is supremely pissed at the unfairness of it all.”

  “Easy time?” Alistair dropped a kiss on the nape of her neck, and Jackie shivered.

  “Well, I wasn’t really sick, and the labor and delivery was quick.”

  “She made us both nuts for the first three months with her mood swings and cravings,” Alistair told Rowan with a wink. “And she threatened my manhood in the delivery suite, not to mention the cracks while she was in labor.”

  Rowan blanched a little, and Jackie hurried to reassure her. “I hardly remember it, Rowan, and women say things during those times to the men who caused it.” She bent a look on Alistair, who shrugged and went to crouch beside his son. David was investigating a box on the floor that looked suspiciously like a brand-new toy. Rowan and Jace spoiled their godchild terribly.

  Rowan offered them coffee, but Jackie declined for them both. Ashley would be watching the clock, having declined to accompany them, claiming that whales didn’t travel well in pickup trucks. In truth, Ashley looked like she was having triplets, although the ultrasound confirmed just one baby. Another boy. Ash wasn’t built for babies apparently, and this would be her one and only. She was ecstatic to have the opportunity, even if she hid it behind grumping and complaining. Riding a desk at the police station had tried her patience, too, but now she’d be home on maternity leave and she and Jackie could be moms together.

  Jackie remembered the process they’d utilized to get Ashley knocked up. She’d read a book years ago that talked about a society where some women were sterile so they had used surrogates. The way it had been done was quite nice, even if the man had fallen in love with the surrogate. In any event, they had tracked Ashley’s ovulating times, and then she and Ash had loved one another, totally arousing Alistair. He then had made love to Ashley while she held Ash’s hands and pressed kisses on both of them. It had been really sweet and very poignant and totally without jealousy. Ashley had cried each time, which upset ’Stair, although he came to accept that it was a result of her being emotionally overwhelmed that he would do it for her. Jackie suspected it was hardly a real chore, but kept her own council. Their ménage worked. There simply was no jealousy, although sometimes Ash and ’Stair faced off over different issues but never over her. Jackie fought with both of them, but it was over quickly and easily resolved. David had a terrific dad and a doting extra mom as well as his own personal doggie protector. And Jackie knew she was pregnant again. She wasn’t telling anyone until after Ashley was safely delivered and established in mothering. She and Rowan would probably have their babies within weeks of one another, and that would be cool, too.

  “Ready to go, daydreamer?”

  She shook off her thoughts and smiled at ’Stair. “I am.” David was too engrossed in his new dump truck to really pay much attention to either of them as they kissed him good-bye. He knew his godmother and godfather, and despite the fact that he was at the stage where children didn’t separate well from their parents, Jackie figured he’d be okay for a few days. If not, Jace would bring him home. He wouldn’t let Rowan behind the wheel of a car since he’d found out she was pregnant. Rowan waved to them from the door as they pulled away. Alistair drove in silence for a few minutes.

  “So, when are you due?”

damn it, ’Stair! Can’t you let me have the opportunity to surprise you?”

  “Sorry, darlin’. But your boobs are bigger, and your nipples are even more sensitive, not to mention how cranky you get. And you sleep like the dead. I put my cock inside you last night, and I don’t think you even stirred.”

  Jackie wanted to smack him and then heard the teasing undertone in his voice. Her Dom had become such a well-rounded guy. He teased, he laughed, he quit obsessing, well, over some things, and just generally loved life. Like her. “I’m probably four to five weeks along, if that. Does Ash know?”

  “I don’t think so. She’s kind of insane right now, and I don’t think she’s really as aware of what’s going on around her. She’s sort of pulled into herself this past while, and I know that’s what you did. I’ll be honest. I know that C-sections aren’t the preferred method of delivering babies, but the idea of being with Ash in labor and delivery scared the shit out of me.”

  Jackie laughed out loud just at the idea of it. It would indeed have been an experience. “Are you okay with the idea of another baby so soon, ’Stair?”

  “Absolutely. And if this one’s not a girl, we’ll keep trying.”

  “No. We live in a five-bedroom house, and I want one for guests. Three children are plenty. You need to get snipped.”

  Silence reigned for the next several miles, and Jackie wondered if she’d pushed too hard. She didn’t look at her husband, just kept her eyes straight ahead, and waited.

  “Whipped. Okay, after you have the baby. But you’re going to make it up to me in advance for the next five nights while Ashley is in the hospital with our other son. I’m not waiting for her to recover and develop an interest in sex again.”

  Jackie smothered more laughter. Such a hardship. Her pussy throbbed at the thought of what Alistair would do to her, and her imagination ran rampant. They might even go to the Club. And then she’d go to visit Ash and the baby the next day and tell her all about it. It would pique Ash’s interest during her recovery and have her plotting and planning her role upon her return home. Ashley had become a voyeur, big time, and liked to try all manner of new things.

  She wracked her brain for an answer that would push all his buttons. “Yes, Master.”

  “It’s on, sub.”

  She saw him from the corner of her eye, working hard at hiding a smirk, and managed to keep her own face straight. He competently wove through traffic, just as he’d done on the way home that first night to where Ashley awaited. By late tomorrow morning, there would be a new addition to their family and more love in all of their hearts.




  Allyson Young lives in cottage country in Manitoba, Canada, with her husband of many years and numerous pets. She worked in the human services all across Canada and has seen the best and worst of what people bring to the table. Allyson has written for years, mostly short stories and poetry, published in small newspapers and the like, although her work appeared in her high school yearbooks, too! After reading an erotic romance, quite by accident, she decided to try her hand at penning erotica.

  Allyson will write until whatever she has inside her is satisfied—when all the heroes man up and all the heroines get what they deserve. Love isn’t always sweet, and Allyson favours the dark side of romance.

  For all titles by Allyson Young, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  About the Author




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