Swearing to Love You

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Swearing to Love You Page 4

by ChaShiree M.

  I feel myself sliding back there and shake my head. No sense reliving things that cannot be fixed. I finish putting on my makeup and check myself out in the mirror. Not bad for a fight club member. As I go grab my dress from the closet, I can’t help but smirk, thinking about the loads of fun I am going to have tonight.

  The rehearsal dinner for our wedding is tonight and I am so excited. It feels like it took forever to get here. I mean I know he only proposed a month ago, but I swear it feels like a year. He told me last night after he got finished sending me to the stars and back, that I should thank my lucky stars he is patient. When I snorted at his use of the word patient, he pinched my ass and said, “It's true my diamond. The Jorgensen’s, they gave each of their brides two weeks or less to plan a wedding. Come to think of it, I believe the Crawford’s brothers did as well. So, yes. Patient.”

  I don’t know how those women did it. There is no way I would have been able to pull all this off in half the time. Especially since I am here alone without family. I wipe my eyes and fix my face. I will not think about my dad right now.

  “Hey baby. You ready to go?” Leif asks me as he wraps his arms around me. I just have to remember how lucky I am right now.

  “Yes. I’m ready handsome.” He really does look good. He is wearing a black Henley, with the top two buttons undone and a pair of gray business pants. The fact that he didn’t shave this morning is a huge turn on and if he isn’t careful, he might be getting laid in the women's bathroom of UTGARD.

  “Mmm…you smell good, baby. So, fucking beautiful. What would you say if I bent you over this sink and slid my cock inside you right fucking now?” Like minds it seems.

  “I would say please. I always need you.” Before I even answer him, his hands are under my dress. Not bothering with removing my panties, he pulls them to the side and slides his thick, long cock inside of me so slowly like we have forever. And I suppose we do. At the same time, his teeth latch onto my neck.

  “LEIF.” I scream his name as his teeth latch on to me and his cock pierces my pussy, making sure she knows who she belongs too.

  “That’s right baby. Move that pussy back against your man. Fuck! I wish we didn’t have to leave. I would throw you on the floor and drill this meat into you with your knees up to your ears.”

  My pussy clenches as my mind conjures the image.

  “You like that I see. Like the idea of me pinning you to the floor unable to move.”

  “Yes. Oh shit. Leif. I’m coming. I’m coming…” I look into the mirror as I scream those words to him and the picture that looks back at me is hot, obscene, messy and fucking beautiful. Both our faces twisted in ecstasy and lust.

  “Come Maddy. Squeeze the creation of life out of my cock. SHIT!!!! I love you so fucking much baby. Yesssssssssss!!!!”

  We come at the same time, screaming and holding onto each other for dear life. After we have calmed down, we get up and clean ourselves up, trying to look as presentable as possible, though neither one of us care if people can guess what we have been doing.

  When we make it to the dinner, everyone we love and care about claps for us as we enter. As much as I don't care what they think about the fact that we can’t keep our hands off each other, I still blush.

  “Thank you everyone for coming to help me and the love of my life celebrate this new adventure we are going to embark on. When I saw her, Maddy, my diamond, for the first time six months ago, I knew I had found who my heart had been waiting for. I am the luckiest bastard alive that she loves me back. And that tomorrow, in front of our family and friends, we get to promise to cherish that love, for the rest of our lives. I love you, Madalyn.”

  I should kick him for making me cry in front of all these people. But, my gosh, this man of mine. I lean up and wrap my arms around him and show him and everyone else, how much what he said means to me.

  I opted not to have a girl’s night. Everyone is either pregnant or nursing and I am underage and cannot drink. Besides, I don’t want to be away from him any longer than I have too. He agreed and he is not having a boy’s night either. We decided to stay in after dinner, watch movies and snuggle.

  Why fix what isn't broken?

  Chapter Eleven


  I stand nervously at the altar awaiting my bride. I have never been this nervous before, ever. I know she’ll be here though. She is just as fucking excited to be my wife as I am to be her husband. We decided against having any attendants. We aren’t doing anything in a traditional manner at all. I am getting married in my dress uniform form the sheriff's office. Bill Jorgensen is officiating. It just seems right, though neither of us are particularly religious. When Pachelbel’s “Canon in D Major” starts playing, I turn and get a first look at my future. Everyone stands and looks at her too. She’s gorgeous is a long, tight, white dress. The dress itself is somehow both intricate and unassuming. She seemingly floats to me. The smile on her face lights up her whole face. When she reaches me, I can’t help dipping her into a passionate kiss. Bill clears his throat.

  “I haven’t gotten that far yet,” he says chuckling which causes our guests to laugh as well.

  “Sorry,” I say. “Please begin.” Bill grins and does so.

  “Please be seated. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Leif Larson and Madalyn Stone. Love is a crazy thing. I think most of the residents of this town can agree with that. Ephesians chapter four verse two tells us “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. There is nothing greater than this. This feeling you have when you are together will sustain you for life.” Leif, do you take Madalyn to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?”

  “I do,” I say, squeezing Maddy’s hand.

  “Excellent. Madalyn, do you take Leif to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, until death parts you?”

  “I really, really, do,” she says excitedly. I chuckle.

  “Rings?” Bill asks. I pull her band out of my pocket and she pulls mine off of her thumb and we set them on the open page of his well-loved Bible.

  “Leif, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed,” I say sliding the ring on her delicate finger.

  “Maddy, repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  “By the power vested in me by the State of Minnesota and our Lord God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” I don’t have to be told twice. I lean into her and kiss her eagerly. Everyone claps. “Ladies and gentlemen, may I present for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Leif Larson.”

  Fuck yes. She is finally my wife. “You look beautiful,” I whisper in her ear as we walk down the aisle and out into the reception hall.

  The reception hall is decorated in purple and gold, Maddy’s favorite colors. We drink and dance the night away. I have never been this happy and nothing and no one can take her away from me.

  “Are you happy, wife,” I ask as we sway on the dance floor.

  “Beyond happy, husband.” She leans up, looking at me intensely. People clink their glasses, a lot.

  “What the fuck is that?” I ask confused.

  “They want us to kiss.”

  “Done.” I say, wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and kissing her like the world is ending. Fuck. Her lips are so soft. So, so, soft.

  After the reception, we get ready to head to the airport, for our red-eye flight. We are about to introduce Greece to the Larson’s. Three glorious weeks of beach, sand, and so much sex.

  Chapter Twelve


  Three Weeks later

  Ugg. The last day of my honeymoon and I am spending it making the toilet bowl my best friend. This sucks. Over the past three weeks we have seen it all. Though Greece has been our basic destination, we did leave for a few days
and go to Bulgaria during week one. And during week two we went to Italy. That was my personal favorite. I have always wanted to go there after seeing ‘Under The Tuscan Sun’. I mean, come on. Who didn’t love that damn movie? The view of Tuscany itself was enough for me. I must admit though that going to the vineyards and tasting all the wine and cheese was decadent. I even talked Leif into going on a day trip to Umbria to go shopping.

  The last week, we decided to just hang around here and soak up the nativity. It has been so amazing. Just being here with him, my husband, I never get used to saying that, has been the time of my life. Last night, we joined some of the locals for a wedding that was taking place and talk about fun. The Greeks sure know how to party.

  I didn't drink, because I was not so sure what everything was, but I did gorge on the Baklava and the Amygdalota cookies. Mouth-watering. But it looks like I am paying for it now.

  “Maddy, baby, I wish you would let me call a doctor. This has been going on for hours now. You have nothing left to vomit.”

  “Leif, I’m sorry. I hate that I am ruining our last night.”

  “My Diamond, you aren’t ruining anything. I am simply worried about you. At least let me call the hotel concierge. Please.”

  I love a man that can say please. Especially when he is mine.

  “Ok.” I stand up and brush my teeth. Don’t want to scare the poor person when they come to see me. I want to at least brush my hair, but I have no energy. He is back in less than five minutes with the cutest little woman I have ever seen.

  “Love. This is Mrs. Agda Komninos. She was a nurse. She offered to look at you.” My first instinct tells me she is harmless. She looks to be about 55-60 years old. About my height. Very pretty and her smile puts me at ease.

  “Hello.” I say. Not really feeling like saying much else. The less I speak, the less likely I will retch again.

  “Hello, dear.” She says in a thick Greek accent. “Your new husband says you had something that doesn’t agree with you. I don’t agree with him. Greece is one of the most agreeable places you will find. Tell me what you ate.”

  I run her down the list. “I had the Baklava, some cookies and some Keftethes with basmati rice.”

  “Ah. As I suspected. You ate everything my granddaughter prepared. Definitely not the food. Now, tell me, is it ok to talk in front of him?”

  “Leif? Absolutely. We have no secrets.”

  “Ah, to be young and in love again,” she says with a chuckle. If I wasn't feeling like they could read me my last rights, I would take offense to her insinuation that later we might have secrets. Not me and Leif. Our love, devotion, and complete honesty with one another is forever.

  “When was your last woman’s time?” I spend the first few seconds confused at what she is asking me until she winks at me. Then it hits me. And then, I start to freak out because I cannot remember. After about a minute, I recall that I haven’t had it since our first time. Holy shit! I can feel my eyebrows go up. I look at Leif and he looks about as proud as a matador.

  “It’s been almost two months.” How did I not realize that?

  “I suggest, you go home and see a doctor. Congratulations, Mom and Dad.” With that she leaves the room and Leif and I say nothing for I have no idea how long. He breaks the silence first.

  “I mean obviously we want to confirm it. But if it's true, how would you feel?”

  I don’t need to think about that answer. “So happy babe, to be having a piece of both of us inside me.”

  “Thank fuck. I didn’t want to be so fucking excited if you weren’t, but I wasn’t sure I could hide it. Thank you, baby.” he says wrapping his arms around me and putting me in his lap. I look into his beautiful blue eyes so filled with the same love I have for him and mesmerized, I ask him...

  “For what?” And he looks back at me, with so much adoration and answers simply.

  “Everything.” See why I love this man.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Two Weeks Later

  We’ve been home for two weeks. Maddy wasn’t able to get an appointment with her doctor until today. Not that it doesn't make sense with every pregnable-aged woman in a thirty-mile radius uses the same doctors. I am picking her up from work now and we're going to walk down to the office together. As soon as I walk into the construction office, I see my beauty.

  "I love the new desk. Looks much sturdier than the last one," I say chuckling. She jumps when she hears my voice.

  "You're early," she says jumping up and kissing me.

  "Thought we could walk over a few minutes early."

  "Let me get my purse, then I'm ready."

  "Alright, Diamond."

  A few minutes later we are walking down the street and of course we have to stop and talk to the million people that we know along the way. Good thing we left early because we were almost late. We get in the office, sign-in, and wait to be called back.

  When we are finally called back, we wait some more. These doctors, I believe there are three in this office, are completely overworked. In the exam room, Maddy is given a paper gown and the nurse leaves us. I help her into her gown and up onto the table, covering her with the blanket the nurse left behind. By the time we're done with that, the doctor comes in. I try not to lose my cool that it is a man who's probably my age.

  "Um, I'm waiting on Dr. Denise," Maddy says looking over at me.

  "I'm sorry. Dr. Addison is delivering a baby right now. I'm Dr. Oberman. I will be doing your initial exam though Denise will be your attending obstetrician. Any questions?" While I was worried, the way he says the word Denise lets me know but he is completely obsessed with her. It's not unlike how I sound when I talk about Maddy. I contain my grin but only just barely.

  "Should we reschedule?" Maddy asks.

  "I should point out that that we are booked solid for the next couple of weeks and you really need to start your prenatal vitamins."

  "It's fine, baby. I'm right here with you," I say assuring her by squeezing her hand.

  "If you are sure," she says, and I nod.

  "Excellent. Did Louise get some blood from you?" he asks, referring to the nurse who brought us back.

  "She did," she says, propping her feet up in the stirrups he opened. He pops some latex gloves on like a pro. Maybe I didn't think this through…

  I watch in abject horror as he pulls what looks like a cattle prod off of a cart and calmly puts a condom on it.

  "I'm sorry, but what the fuck is that," I ask.

  "It is the wand for an intravaginal ultrasound," he says nonchalantly.

  "Intravaginal? Like inside of her?" You'd never guess that I'm college educated man with how I sound right now.

  "Yes. The other machine is on the fritz." Without even looking at her under the blanket he does his thing. The next thing I know, there's a fast whooshing sound filling the room.

  "Is that what I think it is?" I ask.

  "Yep. That's your baby's heartbeat."

  "Holy shit," Maddy breathes.

  "We made that," I say my eyes getting watery. Maddy is full-blown sobbing. I lightly kiss her.

  I don't even notice that the doc is all done.

  "Alright. Growth is on par. Based on this your due date is roughly the 25th of January. I'm writing you two prescriptions. An anti-nausea medication and some prenatal vitamins. If you notice your nausea increases come in. Any questions?

  "Nope. I think we are all good," Maddy says.

  "Alright. Here are some pictures of your baby. Go ahead and get dressed. Stop by the front desk and get your prescriptions."

  "Thank you, Dr. Oberman." He leaves and I help her get dressed. We grab the prescriptions and I walk her back to the office.

  "I'm so happy," I tell her.

  "Me too. I love you," she says softly.

  "I love you too. I'll pick you up at six. Is that okay?"

  "Yep. I'm gonna want Missy's for dinner."

  "Sounds good," I say before kissing her. "See y
ou later, Diamond." I take off back to the office.

  "Hey Leif. You've got a visitor," Sarah says from the front desk.

  "Thanks, Sarah." In my office, I see none other than Dahny Jorgensen sitting across from my desk.

  "Hey Dahny," I say shaking his hand when he stands. I sit at my desk and returns to his seat.

  "Leif. Good to see you."

  "Where ya been man? Your brothers were about to send out a search party."

  "Those asshats knew where I was," he says chuckling, but he sobers up quickly. "That's actually why I'm here." He slides an official Berserker Security folder over to me.

  "What's this?" I ask opening the folder. I'm bombarded with photos of a girl and lots of information regarding her.

  "I need round the clock police protection on this subject," he says cracking a smile. An actual smile from the legendary Dahny Jorgensen. Subject my ass. This girl means something to him.

  "We got you covered. Tell me when and where."

  Chapter Fourteen


  Two weeks later

  I am just about done with the lasagna when Leif comes in the door. As usual, my body does a dance knowing its master is in the house. Yes. I said master. He controls my body like no other can possibly and I fucking love it. No. I crave it. His touch, his kiss, his cock. I giggle at the last part. I still feel quite girly when I have naughty thoughts without him.

  “And what are we giggling about, my diamond?” he asks wrapping his arms around my still flat stomach. Have I ever mentioned how much I love his nickname for me? ‘His diamond.’ He says it's because I am the greatest thing he will ever possess.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how much I love you. Every part of you.” I answer pushing back against his cock with my ass.

  “Mmm...you want to start something right now, baby. Be sure because once I get my cock in you, that lasagna is going to be toast.” It’s not like he’s waiting for my answer before his hands are under my shirt fondling my tits. My pussy immediately begins to pulse. The sensations sending a zing straight to the middle of me.


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