Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II

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Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II Page 2

by Anthology

  His eyes raked down her body causing her nipples to tighten and pucker beneath her shirt. “I like tight spaces.”

  Warmth spread through her limbs and dampened her panties. After a year and a half without sex she had a tight place perfect for him. She lifted her drink to her lips, but the ice cubes clinked in the empty glass.

  “Let me buy you another,” he said. “My name is Alandro Blackwood.”

  “Kayla.” She jiggled her glass. “Mojito.”

  Alandro cocked an eyebrow. “Last name or the drink?”

  Kayla released a gentle laugh. “The drink.”

  “As exotic as the woman drinking it?”

  “Couldn’t tell you since I don’t know what’s in a Mojito.”

  “I’m curious too.” Nita reached her arm around Kayla and extended her hand to Alandro. “Nita Blass.”

  Alandro held her fingers and brought his lips to her knuckles. “A pleasure.”

  Kayla might’ve felt a pang of jealousy except that at the same time his lips grazed Nita’s knuckles, he placed his other hand on Kayla’s lower back. His long fingers slipped beneath the hem of her shirt, found her bare flesh and drew a small circle with the pads of his fingertips.

  Damn, his touch sent liquid adrenaline through her blood. She felt flushed yet chills broke along her arm and her heart pounded hard and fast. She tried to keep her anxiety veiled with a light laugh, only it sounded like a nervous chuckle.

  Alandro released Nita’s fingers and the hand exploring Kayla’s skin brushed her ass as it slid to her hip. She couldn’t help the wiggle that gave him better access. He signaled for the bartender.

  “The ladies would enjoy another Mojito,” Alandro said.

  Nita leaned into the counter. “I’d like to see you mix mine.”

  The bald bartender crossed his massive arms across his chest. “Share my secrets?” He gave Nita a wink and she sighed dreamily.

  Kayla doubted Dallas noticed. Who knew if it was his real name, but it was what the nametag read.

  “What do you think, Alandro?” Dallas asked. “Can we trust them?”

  “Yes, my friend.” His gaze rested on Kayla. “My instincts tell me the lovely lady would take my secrets to the grave.” Alandro tightened his grip on Kayla’s hip. “Beauty such as this is a rarity. I’m especially grateful to make your acquaintance, Kayla.” Her name floated off his tongue and seeped into her psyche.

  “You must be a regular.” Alandro and Dallas obviously knew each other well. “This is my first time here.” Kayla glanced from Alandro to Dallas.

  “Yeah, you could say we’ve known each other forever.” Dallas grinned. “A Mojito.” He took two tall, thin glasses from the shelf behind him. Then took a mortar and pestle from under the counter and crushed sprigs of mint with sugar and lemon juice. Next he drizzled the mixture into the glass and filled the glasses with ice. He turned around, grabbed a bottle of rum, tossed it into the air and caught it upside down over the ice. The amber liquid was topped off with club soda. Finally, he added a slice of lemon and another sprig of mint.

  “Do I meet with your approval?” He placed the drinks in front of Kayla and Nita.

  “Oh yes,” Nita said and then took a sip.

  Alandro handed the bartender a twenty-dollar bill.

  “Would you like to join us at our table?” Kayla turned around. “Oh.” Their table was no longer theirs. Another group occupied the space. “Never mind.” She turned a hesitant smile to Alandro.

  Insecurity niggled in her mind. His expression remained intense, but his smile never stretched past a slight uptilt to his lips. Was he interested? She lifted her gaze to his eyes. Tension gave way to butterflies in her stomach. Liquid heat spilled from his irises. Fierce desire coiled within her. Tightness started in her chest and traveled into her center. Her pussy clenched with the want of Alandro’s cock thrusting deep. Somehow she needed to find a way to touch more of him. It wasn’t enough to have his magical hand on her ass.

  As if her thoughts were whispered aloud, he leaned close. His lips touched the lobe of her ear. “Would you like to dance?”

  Kayla placed a hand on Nita’s shoulder. “You’ll be okay?”

  Dallas had moved to the far end of the polished wood counter. “Oh yeah, and our obligation to each other for the night is over. I’m going to enjoy my drink and lust after the beautiful bartender.”

  “What about Steve?”

  Nita laughed. “I’m lusting. I need something to imagine during sex with Steve.”

  Kayla leaned in and kissed Nita’s cheek. “Thank you.” She spoke quietly so Alandro wouldn’t overhear. “Somehow, I don’t think I’ll have to imagine passion tonight.”

  “Be careful. Call me tomorrow.”

  Kayla’s breath caught in her chest when she turned to Alandro. Now standing at his full height, she realized just how overwhelming his physique was. Next to him, she felt petite. Sliding her hand into his, their fingers laced.

  Alandro led her onto the dance floor. The heavy thump and steady rhythm of the music kept pace with the beat of her heart. It also created an insistent beat in the deepest recesses of her pussy.

  People meshed together on the dance floor. Alandro bent his knees and pulled her close, aligning their bodies intimately. Every soft curve fit perfectly to his hard, sculpted contours. Pelvis to pelvis, his cock nestled against her swollen labia.

  As they swayed to the music, Kayla took a moment to study his regal features. Straight nose, high forehead and his lips, a deep shade of red, appeared firm yet soft. He caught her staring, but he didn’t fully smile.

  Kayla sucked in a breath. She could’ve sworn his pupils blazed crimson, but the color disappeared so quickly. The dim lighting must have created the illusion because his eyes were once again pitch-black depths of drowning decadence.

  Dropping her gaze, she stared at the smooth skin of his bare chest at the unbuttoned neck of his black silk shirt. His skin, the color of rich molasses, made her want to splay her fingers again the smooth and flawless surface. He carried Native American blood and she wondered what ancient magic he weaved around her.

  “So tell me about yourself, Kayla. Why are you here tonight?”

  The sound of his voice, deep and seductive, vibrated from his body into hers and pulled her from her musings. He rained a few light kisses against her temple.

  “Didn’t you know? I came looking for you.”

  He touched her pendant. “It’s lovely. Where did you get it?”

  She looked down at his long, thick fingers. “My grandmother.” He lifted her pendant and ran his thumb over the bloodstone in the center. The color flared from deep green to red. Kayla sucked in a breath. “It’s never done that before.”

  “Maybe it means I’m special.” She glanced up and he winked at her, letting the pendant drop back down between her breasts.

  “Oh.” The stone seared her skin. She pressed it against her chest, absorbing the heat. He’d only held it for a moment. “It’s hot.”

  “So are you.” He ran his fingers over her flesh, pausing as if to savor the texture. Then he pulled her close and began to dance again.

  Moist and hot breath caressed the exposed flesh of her neck and jaw. He rubbed his lips against the sensitive skin near her ear. The hardness of his teeth behind his partially open lips pressed against her.

  She tilted her head to give him access to her neck. His lips grazed the tender flesh. Goosebumps broke along her arms and down her spine.

  “You taste as good as you smell.” His tongue stroked her pulse point. The veins in her neck swelled with blood. Intoxicating numbness muddled her thoughts.

  The music quieted, drowned out by the echo of her beating heart filling her head.

  “What’s your full name?”

  “Kayla March,” she said breathless.

  His chest expanded with a deep breath as if he was drinking in her scent. Then his shoulders relaxed. “It’s my pleasure to meet you.” His lips brushed against her nec
k in fluttering butterfly kisses.

  “Mmmm. Yes, pleasure.” His kisses were divine.

  His hands cupped her rear and lifted her more firmly against his shaft. “So Ms. March, do you come like a lion?” He pulled back meeting her eyes. “Or like a lamb?”

  They stopped swaying.

  “Take me home and find out.” Because she, too, would like to know.

  Alandro’s gaze raked her figure. Then he took her hand and wove a trail out of the throng of dancers, pulling Kayla along with him. Nita still sat at the bar chatting with Dallas.


  Alandro stopped and Kayla raised her arm over the heads of the crowd and gave Nita a quick finger wave goodbye.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Kayla nodded.

  Alandro escorted her out of the club.

  Without the moon, the cloudless night sky was darker than she’d ever seen it before. Stars sparkled like diamonds. The parking lot was eerily quiet. Plenty of cars, but no bar patrons hung about smoking as they had when she arrived.

  “I have my car.”

  Alandro linked her hand around his elbow. “Driving won’t be necessary.”

  Kayla tried to focus. At his touch, suddenly, her eyelids grew heavy.

  “Just relax. You’re safe with me.”

  Shrouded in darkness, she couldn’t distinguish his features. Her eyes drooped. Forcing them open, she once again saw the crimson glow reflected in Alandro’s eyes, deep red like the color of the bloodstone in her pendant when he touched its center. She focused intently, scrunching her eyes. Her knees no longer supported her weight. She slipped, but didn’t stumble because Alandro was there to lift her into his arms. Soft hair caressed her fingers when she reached around his neck with her arms. Blackness blurred her peripheral vision. She blinked. Unable to keep her head from lolling, she leaned against his chest.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He smiled. Pointed white teeth briefly glinted.

  Before she could scream, black descended.

  Chapter Three

  Feathery kisses touched her closed eyes. Silken hairs brushed against her cheeks. Kayla slowly awakened. Alandro was sitting beside her. He leaned over her, supported by his arms and gently kissed her lips.

  She lay on a bed draped with black silk sheets. Their coolness on her ass alerted her to the fact her miniskirt had ridden up to her waist, leaving her exposed in only her thong panties.

  “Where am I?”

  “Sleeping Beauty awakes.” His eyes were slow in meeting hers. They tracked along her smooth bare thighs, lingered on the scrap of fabric covering her pussy and roamed over her chest. Finally their gazes locked. Desire simmered in the heated depths. She was sure he saw the same in her pale, golden eyes.

  “Are you Prince Charming?”

  “Not Prince Charming. But some have referred to me as a Prince of Darkness.”

  She blinked, taking in her surroundings. The room was sparely decorated in muted earthen tones. Besides the bed, there was a chaise lounge and large armoire made from a dark mahogany.

  A warm glow illuminated the room, only she couldn’t identify the source. There were no glaring overhead fixtures or table lamps. The room simply radiated its own pale light. Deep shadows around the perimeter kept her from knowing the exact size of the large room.

  “This is my home,” Alandro said. “My sleeping chamber to be precise.”

  No shit! How in the hell had she gotten here? The last thing she remembered was feeling a bit dizzy in the parking lot. “Did I pass out?”

  “Yes.” Mirth sparkled in his eyes. “And technically no. I assisted your slumber. Travel is much faster my way.” His lips parted with a smile.

  Kayla sat up and sucked in sharply. There was no mistaking his right and left upper cuspids. Pointed, clearly fangs, yet the teeth weren’t long. A vampire? His skin was too dark for him to be an undead. Vampires wore black capes and spoke with European accents. Alandro exuded a blend of gentlemanly charm and raw, native sexuality.

  “Don’t be afraid.” Alandro fingered the hem of her blouse, then lifted it over her head. Her breath fluttered as he grazed the swell of her breast with his thumb. He sipped her lips. Once, twice, and then lingering longer. He pulled her close, kissed her deep and unhooked her bra. “We’re the same.” Slipped the straps from her shoulders, he bared her to the waist.

  “The same?” Then she noticed the ankh hanging around his neck. “My necklace.” Her hands flew to her neck where her pendant still hung against her flesh. “Where did you get yours?”

  He swallowed her words with another kiss. Kayla had to admit, she could overlook the fangs for the sheer deliciousness. His tongue touched her lips and she was powerless to stop her mouth from opening for him. The same way she was unable to stop from reclining and spreading her thighs to welcome his heavy masculine weight.

  Alandro accepted both invitations. He stretched out, lying between her legs. His tongue plunged, explored, plundered. Wetness soaked the string of her panties. His barely confined erection rubbed against her swollen folds. Of their own volition, her hands reached to the front of his jeans and lowered the zipper.

  Hot and heavy, his cock sprang free. Her fingers barely circled the turgid girth as she stroked the velvet softness stretched over solid strength. A bead of moisture on the tip moistened her thumb. She pressed against the slit.

  Alandro groaned. His head arched and his lips pulled back in a snarl. The points of his cuspids lengthened.

  “Holy shit!” Impossible. Vampires didn’t really exist. Did they? She pinched her arm and it hurt. “Oh my God.” She wasn’t dreaming and this wasn’t a nightmare. No, this couldn’t be a nightmare. She felt too good…too alive. Her body heated with his touch, wanting more. From the moment he’d walked into the bar, she’d been sexually aware of this man. Only he wasn’t a man.

  “You are a vampire.” Why did the truth of that make her blood pump harder? Faster. She needed him inside her and wanted to offer herself as a sacrifice. She ached to have his fangs puncture her flesh and slide into her blood supply. “Alandro, what’s happening to me?” She stretched her neck and opened her thighs.

  “Not now, love.” A devious grin stretched his mouth then he kissed her breast. “This isn’t the moment to explain.” His cock nudged at her panties. “Do you trust me?”

  With sureness she didn’t understand, she did trust him. “Yes,” she said on a wisp of breath.

  In one swift movement, he had his hand between them and ripped the panties from her body. Jeans chaffed against her inner thigh. His fingers trembled on her skin. Cupping her mound, he traced her dewy lips and then slid a finger between the hot folds. “You’re so beautiful. God, I still can’t believe you’re here…in my arms.”

  “I’m here.” Kayla arched her back as his finger dipped into her honey. Liquid warmth flowed, her inner walls tightened. He slipped in a second finger and flicked against her G-spot.

  “You aren’t a virgin.”

  Her eyes snapped open wide. “I’m twenty-seven years old.” She lifted an eyebrow. “And divorced. Oh God!” She bucked against his hand. Pressure built in her center. An internal quickening caused a euphoric clouding. She teetered on the precipice of a magical occurrence. She mentally reached for the elusive orgasm. Her body tightened. “It won’t happen.” A tear slipped from her eye. Her orgasm wouldn’t crest. “It’s hopeless.” Her chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. “I’m sorry, Alandro.” She reached for his cheek. “It isn’t you. I’ve never been able to have one.”

  Alandro chuckled. “Sweet Kayla, I’m the only one who can make you come.”

  “Cocky, aren’t you?” They both glanced at his raging erection.

  “I’m sure in the knowledge that you were born for my pleasure.”

  “God, I hope you’re right.” She lifted her hips and shimmied her skirt down her legs. “But how do you know?”


  “Ohh.” She would’ve said m
ore, but Alandro stripped off his jeans. Buttons popped when he ripped his shirt open.

  Dark, flat nipples centered on smooth, sculpted pectorals. She couldn’t resist reaching out and running the pad of her index finger over a pebbled tip. Trailing lower, she explored each groove of his corded stomach. Finally she reached the thick thatch of dark hair surrounding the base of his shaft. His cock loomed large and powerful. Heavy balls hung below. She tested their weight in her palm, rolling the smooth globes within the wrinkled pouch. Musky yet sweet, she could almost taste his essence just from the heady, heightened aroma of his arousal.

  Kayla slid higher on the bed. Alandro knelt between her thighs. “Everything will become clear once we’re joined,” he whispered to her in his native tongue.

  “You have such pretty words.” Although she didn’t understand what he’d said.

  He braced his body above hers and with his hand around the shaft he fit the head of his cock to her opening. Alandro let out a long feral growl and pressed inside her in one fluid motion.

  Stars erupted behind her closed lids. Changes happened in her breathing, not just because of the passion of Alandro, but deeper, heavier breaths drew his essence into her soul. Her skin blazed where his fingers stroked her breast. Alandro rolled her nipple under his thumb while he squeezed the milky smooth globe. The tingle shot straight into her pussy where she surrounded Alandro in a tight silken sheath.

  He filled her, pulled from her body, only to fill her again. Each magical movement added to the smoldering flames of desire licking her blood to life, flowing fast and hot through her veins. She actually wanted Alandro’s bite. As if her very existence depended upon it, she wanted to feed his hunger.

  Her heartbeat echoed in her ears, the pounding rhythm matched that of his cock. Warm wetness coated his shaft. Anticipation built because the pressure burgeoned again. She didn’t want to fight the flowing motion of their joining. She wrapped her legs around his back and tilted her pelvis, giving him deeper penetration.

  “It’s happening.” Quick little pants kept her from being able to suck in a deep breath. Almost there, she had the momentum. Another stroke. He slammed into her channel. A million tiny electrical pulses shocked her body. She careened into her orgasm.


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