Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II

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Ellora's Cavemen: Jewels of the Nile II Page 3

by Anthology

  “Oh yes!” Waves of pleasure rippled her internal walls as she milked his cock. Her thighs trembled as they squeezed his hips. Euphoric haze overwhelmed. Her voice caught in her throat. She could only whimper as she clung to Alandro’s broad shoulders. Muscle spasms locked her body to his. Orgasmic bliss clouded her vision.

  A roar exploded from Alandro. His eyes blazed crimson, blood red. His cock slid in and out, faster, harder. Long and strong, his fingers dug into her hips as he anchored her for his sexual onslaught. His mouth opened and Kayla watched his pointed fangs lengthen into talon-like daggers.

  Another orgasm stole her breath. Blood in her veins boiled and burned beneath her skin. Saliva moistened her mouth, yet her lips were becoming dry from heavy panting. She touched her tongue to her upper lip, grazing her teeth. “Ah.” A sting on the flat of her tongue opened into a cut. Blood coated her teeth as she felt for the sharp source. Fangs protruded from her gums. She had undergone a metamorphosis.

  “But you haven’t bitten me.”

  Alandro braced his weight with his arms. Kayla trailed fingers gently to his lower back and ran her palms over the curve of his smooth ass.

  “No, because you’re vampire.” He continued the rhythmic pounding into her heated cunt. “We’re a blood match.”

  Kayla couldn’t argue the point when her body moved closer to another release. And she had fangs!

  “Alandro,” she whispered. It was a plea to satisfy an unknown craving. Tremors moved along her nerves. Her body wanted to fly apart. Beads of perspiration followed her hairline and a sheen of sweat glistened on her skin. “Something is wrong with me.” Fear began to overpower her desires. Her own body became unfamiliar to her. Pains ripped through her abdomen. Thirst she couldn’t quench and a hunger she didn’t want to understand had her fighting the truth of what she wanted, blood.

  “We must complete the bonding.”

  She lifted her chin, granting a better angle of her neck for her vampire lover. With perfect clarity she now understood she needed to feed Alandro.

  Threading her fingers into his long curtain of hair, she brought his mouth to her neck. His warm moist breath anesthetized her skin. His fangs sank slowly. Hot rivers of blood flowed from her body. Alandro greedily sucked, his fangs sinking deeper at the same time his pelvis thrust and stilled. His shaft remained buried full hilt.

  Feeding Alandro impaired her like a narcotic sedation. Kayla’s limbs dropped to the bed as her life force drained from her body. Numb from diminished circulation, she couldn’t move or push him away. He took too much. Blackness encroached. Kayla couldn’t move her mouth to speak. A silent scream echoed in her head. Don’t take all of me.

  Chapter Four

  Alandro had never tasted anything sweeter. Thick warm blood flowed into his mouth. He greedily drank. Kayla lay limp in his arms yet he couldn’t stop the feeding, perhaps because he’d become desperate. He needed her blood to bring his seed to life. Slow warmth began in his mouth and migrated out, consuming the whole of him. His cock, still encased in her smooth, wet wall, pulsed. Shifting her position, he thrust deeper.

  Kayla moaned in her delirium. Her walls milked his cock, heightening his pleasure and bringing him near to ejaculation. His hips pumped faster. The bloodstone in her pendant vibrated in tune with the one around his neck. The stones represented two halves becoming whole. Alandro’s and Kayla’s blood became one within his body.

  Fully satiated, his fangs slipped from her neck. Muscles in his stomach tightened. A quickening flashed through his mind and body. His pelvis rocked and her cunt surrounded him. He thrust within the smooth hot cavity. Harder, faster, in and out until hot rivers of cream erupted from his cock. Wet and slick, her walls sucked him deeper. He released a primal cry. For the first time in his existence, he felt the beat of his heart. The thump pounded in his head, a foreign sound confirming that Kayla had just given him life.


  A distant voice called to her.

  “You must wake enough to feed. Kayla.”

  The voice grew louder. Alandro called to her, but the words were muted. She tried to open her eyes, but she was too tired to lift her lids.

  Memories of what happened to her filled her mind. Saliva moistened her mouth. His coppery, sweet scent was near. She parted her lips and fangs lengthened to razor-sharp points.

  Alandro lifted Kayla, cradled her against his body and brought her mouth to his chest.

  A hiss escaped her lips. “No,” she whispered. She wanted his neck where she could sink her teeth the deepest.

  “You’ll scar me because you’re too weak to control the flow.”

  Her eyes parted to a narrow slit. Alandro took the pendant around his neck and using the daggered end, pierced the flesh of his chest. He sliced the bladed edge through his skin and created a small cut. Then he brought her mouth to the trickle of blood.

  Warm sweet elixir coated her mouth. Her tongue instinctively worked the flesh, quickening the flow. The stabbing pains in her quivering stomach marginally eased. Her heart rate increased.

  Like a key in a lock, feeding from Alandro revealed hidden secrets buried deep in her subconscious. The unquenchable hunger for his blood amplified sexual awareness in her soaked pussy. Opening her mouth wide, she sank her new piercing fangs deeper into his skin. Liquid energy surged through her system. Now that she could see, she looked up at Alandro’s face. His open-mouthed expression was one of rapture. His eyes rolled into his head. His jaw clenched but his red lips tilted into a subtle smile.

  Kayla bit harder and Alandro’s lips pulled back in a snarl. His large fangs glinted in the darkened room. She increased her suction and he moaned in bliss. His cock swelled, pressed between them.

  Suddenly his arms were on her shoulders. Alandro shoved her away. Rivulets of their blended blood trickled down his chest.

  Kayla growled her displeasure because her hunger hadn’t been satiated. Before she could fight for her feeding, Alandro easily lifted her by the waist and impaled her on his erect shaft.

  “Don’t let me bleed.” Alandro brought her mouth to his neck to finish. “You’ll scar me.”

  The vein along his throat bulged with blood. His pulse beat in her ears. Instinct governed her actions. Her mouth opened and hot breath from deep in her lungs washed over his skin. With careful precision, her fangs slid painlessly into his neck. It was crucial she didn’t let his blood meet the air. If he bled, he would scar. That they never leave a mark was imperative.

  Kayla didn’t yet understand why, but there was a mental link between her and Alandro. She couldn’t read his mind and didn’t believe he could read hers, but she understood his cryptic words. Almost as if they spoke a language only they understood. The message he relayed—that his identity had to be protected. And now hers too.

  Once she locked her jaw into place, she drank deeply.

  Alandro rolled his hips. Her vaginal walls gloved firmly to his rigid cock. His hands roamed, traced each of her ribs, then drifted around to her back and cupped her ass.

  A strange flavor floated across her tongue, a combination of tastes both bitter and sweet, the tang of earth and cloves. She’d had enough of Alandro’s blood and she needed to seal the wounds with the excretions mixing with her saliva. Opening wide, she made a seal with her lips against his skin. Her teeth slipped from his flesh and her tongue spread the salve on his wounds.

  “I was careful,” she whispered and then met his mouth in a kiss. Tongues touched, tasted. Alandro wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. In the tight embrace, with both their mouths and bodies joined, they completed the bonding. Moving together in harmony, Kayla’s body crested.

  “Alandro!” She held tight to his shoulders, her nails sinking into his flesh as his body bucked a final time and his seed saturated her womb.

  Alandro fell back against the pillow, taking Kayla with him. His arms held her close in an intimate cocoon of warmth and revelation. They were silent as their breathing returned to norma

  “How did you know?” she asked. “I didn’t know.”

  He fingered her vampire ankh. “Can you see the symbolism?” The daggered center, the fanglike arms and the bloodstone represented what they were. “When I first heard you were alive I wanted to tear the world apart looking for you.” He kissed her temple. “And then Vasco told me you were at After Dark. You don’t want to know what I thought then. The images weren’t pleasant.”


  “Because I assumed you knew who you were, that you’d discovered the truth about us…our vampire family. I thought by your going to After Dark that it meant you’d mated with another vampire.”

  She snuggled closer. “No worry there. You’re the first vampire I’ve met.”

  “For which I will be eternally grateful.”

  “I can assume eternally for us implies a very long time.”

  “Yes, you sacrifice your humanity, our bonding honored in perpetuity. We’ll be together forever.”

  After the intense orgasms, the physical and emotional bonding, and the potency of her passions, sharing her life…endless life with Alandro appealed to her. “But what does After Dark have to do with it?”

  “The club is one of our feeding grounds.”

  “Feeding as in drinking their blood? You hunt those unsuspecting people.”

  “Hunting implies their lives are in danger. That’s not the case. Feed, yes, but not kill.”

  “Nita! Is she in danger?” Kayla scrambled to get off the bed.

  Alandro held on to her. “Dallas wouldn’t hurt Nita.”

  “Dallas is a vampire? I need to warn her.”

  “You’d be too late. Nita will either willing go with him under the guise of sex, or he will take her the same way I brought you here. He’ll quiet her mind. She won’t even remember. And he’ll carry her on the wind.”

  “That doesn’t make it right,” she said with disgust.

  “No, but it’s a fact of our existence. One you’ll need to learn to accept.”

  Kayla buried her face in her hands. “It’s my fault. I made her go to the club with me.”

  Alandro tossed off the blanket, stood from the bed and paced across the floor. “Your friend could’ve fed hundreds of us before tonight. A host wouldn’t know unless the vampire is careless.” He met her eyes. “If she had ever been scarred, Nita wouldn’t have survived the night.”

  Kayla inhaled a sharp breath.

  Alandro shook his head. She didn’t understand. “When a host feeds a vampire, they don’t become one. It’s a lot more complicated than that.”

  Other species of vampires hunted and killed indiscriminately. His family valued life. They were breeders. Survival depended on discretion and sacrifice. Not all the males were able to produce live sperm. Only when both breeders, like he and Kayla, had the recessive gene could they produce offspring.

  Alandro studied Kayla. She stared back with a mixture of fear and curiosity. How would she feel about the fact she could only bear sons? With luck one would have the gene enabling procreation. But there were hindrances in the proliferation of his family, his species of vampire. Females were only born to changed females. They had to have been born wholly human.

  Rules that had been in place for centuries determined if a woman would be changed. Kayla’s mother had chosen to love Kayla’s father. The price had been her humanity. The gift had been a child. Soon after Kayla’s birth the determination was made that she matched Alandro.

  And then her parents had met with a vampire slayer.

  Alandro remembered the day he heard of their deaths. Hell, he’d relived the moment countless time and then cursed the slayer who stole his destiny. He pushed the bitter memories aside. Kayla was here now and alive…and his. But he didn’t know her, not yet, not like he would in the years and centuries to come. If he told her the truth about her parents, what limited information he had, would she be able to handle it? Would she believe him?

  “I promise, love, you’ll come to understand our way of life.” He slipped back to the bed and opened his arms to her.

  Her satin skin warmed the sheets. They lay facing each other. He stared into the drowning depths of her golden eyes. A guileless smile softened her mouth and eased the furrowed brows over her eyes. She expected him to explain their history. Only he didn’t have the whole story. For some reason the vampire leadership hadn’t been forthcoming with details of her disappearance.

  A strange and interesting fact considering one day Alandro would replace Vasco at the head of the council table.

  With a finger to his forehead she rubbed the worry from his face. “Explain it to me. How did you change me?”

  “Our family—”

  “We’re related?”

  He laughed. “Same family of vampires, not brother and sister. In fact I’ve been around about two hundred years longer than you have.”

  “So I’m bonded to a man of experience.” The hum in her throat relayed her approval.

  “You’d think so.” His cock thickened with thoughts of fucking her again. “But you’d be wrong. At least not like this.”

  “A woman likes to know she’s special.”

  He touched her face. “You’re more unique than you realize. And that,” he said decidedly. “I can tell you about.” He propped a pillow behind his back and pulled Kayla close. “We belong to a race of vampires where the males can breed. However, females born to us don’t feed until maturity.” He gave her a rapacious smile. “And she has to be fucked by a breeder.”

  “Ah. And will any breeder do?”

  “You would certainly have more options than I would.”

  “So you’ll need to stay on your best behavior.”

  He chuckled and pulled her on top of him. “In females, the vampire gene lies dormant until she physically bonds with a blood match.” The sheet only covered them to the waist. Her full soft breasts crushed against his chest. He grazed his thumb over the erect nipple. Kayla shivered and sucked in a deep breath. “We’re a match. After tonight your choice is made.”

  However irrational her brain might find the situation, her heart was already invested. She sought pleasure in his embrace. And it wasn’t just because he could make her come. The emotions and impulses ran much deeper. An elemental connection like she’d been born for him.

  Kayla reached her hand beneath the sheet and traced the length of his erection with her fingertips. “You’re telling me that I’m the only match for you?”


  Part of her recognized that. After all, she’d never been able to have an orgasm. Hell not even a high-powered vibrator had buzzed her into a trembling puddle of wetness. Yet, Alandro had her dripping cream with a caress of whispered words. “Thank you for finding me.” She stroked his cock with her hand and kissed his lips. “I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on this.”

  “All these years we thought you were dead…” Alandro paused for a moment. “Killed by the same slayer who murdered your parents.” Kayla stiffened and Alandro smoothed a hand over her hair.

  “My parents were murdered?” Kayla shrugged him off and sat up. “No, she said it was too difficult to talk about them, but she would have told me if they were murdered.” She glanced at Alandro over her shoulder. “She cried whenever I asked about my parents. They died tragically…but in a car crash.” Kayla put her hand to her head. She’d always believed it was an accident. But now that she actually thought about it, maybe she’d always just assumed it was a car crash. Maybe Grandma never said it was an automobile accident.


  “My grandmother. My parents’ deaths were hard on her. My mother was her only child. She wouldn’t tell me what happened. Only how it was a tragic accident.” Kayla released a shuddering breath and lay back down. “Grandma died during my third year of marriage.” Kayla rolled to her side and rested her head on Alandro’s corded abs. “She was amazing. My marriage to Tom made her happy…and me miserable.”

  Kayla’s he
art broke with her grandma’s passing. For years it had only been the two of them, until Tom came along. “We were close, more like friends.” Until she died and then Kayla had no family left. “So you’re wrong because she would’ve told me.”

  Alandro linked his fingers with hers. “I know more about your parents, but maybe we should let the past die with them.” He combed her bangs from her forehead with his fingertips.

  “No, Alandro, enough has been kept from me. I need to know everything. Look.” She opened her mouth, bared her teeth and then said, “I’m a vampire! Why was that kept from me? Who took me? Why didn’t the council go to my grandmother? They had to know where to find her. If my mother and father were vampires, wasn’t my grandmother one, too?”

  Alandro pressed his lips to Kayla’s temple. “I know that your father was pure, but your mother chose to be changed. She wanted to be with your father.”

  “Changed? You just said we breed.”

  He leaned up on his elbow. “There are complications within our DNA. Not many females are born. Simply put, if a human woman is brought into the family, it’s possible for her to have daughters.” He touched her cheek. “Like you. But you will only have sons. My mother was the daughter of a changed female. I am the only son to carry the gene to breed. So in order to make certain of our survival women have to be turned.” He stared into her eyes. “They have to choose to go through the process. It’s painful and dangerous. Your mother took an incredible chance. Most who decide to risk the change don’t survive. Your mother had to be drained…until she died and was brought back with the blood of a vampire. He then becomes her match. From my understanding, your grandmother never forgave your father for stealing her daughter into the night. That is why some—most—believe she was the slayer.”

  Kayla pushed away and shook her head. “I don’t believe you!”


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