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Baby It's You (Seven Brides Seven Brothers Book 6)

Page 15

by Calhoune, Belle


  Oh no! She was starting to hear his voice. It was official! She’d gone round the bend.

  She put her head down on her desk and let out a moan.

  “Kaitlyn.” A rustling sound had her turning toward her office door where Wyatt was standing. She sucked in a deep breath. He was wearing a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a thick, oatmeal colored sweater.

  “Wyatt! What are you doing here?” Her foolish heart was thumping wildly. Why was she such a sucker for Wyatt Donahue?

  “I came to find you. I needed to find you,” he said in a ragged voice.

  “I’m at work. My lunch break ended. I can’t talk right now,” she said briskly.

  “Kaitlyn, please. Just give me five minutes,” he pleaded.

  “Why? Is something wrong?” He looked so panicky, so out of sorts. She prayed nothing had happened to Maggie.

  “Yes. Something is very wrong. I made the biggest mistake of my life the other night, Kaitlyn. And nothing in my life is going to be right until I fix it.”


  Wyatt reached out to take Kaitlyn’s hand. His stomach sank as she jerked away from him. Her features were tight, her body language radiating displeasure. He’d never seen her like this and it scared him. Had he lost the chance to make amends? She seemed so closed off to him.

  “I thought you wanted to focus on getting well without any distractions. You said—”

  He placed a finger on her lips. “I’ve said a lot of foolish things. It’s not about that anymore.”

  Kaitlyn frowned. “Since when?” She folded her arms across her chest. Her foot was tapping a wild rhythm. Judging by her demeanor he needed to throw it all out there and go for broke. This wasn’t a time to hold anything back.

  “Oh baby, do you really not know? Since I fell completely, utterly in love with you, Kaitlyn O’Malley. Until it sunk into this thick skull of mine that you are my destiny. Baseball will always be in my heart, but you’re part of my soul. I’ve learned to live without being at the center of the baseball world, but I’m never going to get used to not having you in my life. I love you, baby. To the moon and back.”

  “Wyatt,” she whispered, raw emotion clogging her throat. “Don’t say something you don’t mean. Because you’ve already broken my heart twice in this lifetime. I don’t think I could stand it another time.”

  “I’m so sorry for hurting you. In my own messed up way I was trying to spare you from hurt. I was really twisted up inside about not being cleared to go back to the team. It felt like my identity was being stripped away from me. I was fumbling around in the dark without a compass.” He let out a brittle laugh. “It didn’t take me long to find out that you’re my true North. You’re the one person who centers me.

  “Baby, it’s you. You’re the one God wanted me to walk through life with as my partner. I think He tried to nudge me in your direction all those years ago, but all I could see back then was my own future as a baseball star.” He bent down and rained kisses on her forehead and cheeks. “I wasn’t mature enough or wise enough to know it back then, but this time around my heart is leading me straight to you. And even if it never works out with baseball, you’re more than enough. And so am I.”

  He brought her hands up to his mouth and kissed them reverently. “I love you, Wyatt. I love the man you’ve become, the one who isn’t afraid to do the hard work and put his fears to rest.” She cupped his cheek in her hand. “I know you’ve been to hell and back in your past. I know there’s a part of you that has scars because of it. But I’ll never abuse your love. All I ever want to do is honor what we feel for one another.”

  “If I know one thing for certain, I know that my heart is safe with you. And I haven’t given up on going back to the Bay State Bombers.”

  Kaitlyn gasped. “W-What? When did you decide?”

  “I just decided after talking to Pops this afternoon. I want to leave on my own terms. I don’t want to leave broken by an injury. I don’t want to leave this thing I love without giving it my all. And a beautiful, wise woman once told me that I didn’t have to be perfect. I just had to be in there fighting the fight, doing my best.”

  “Oh, Wyatt,” Kaitlyn whispered, her throat clogged by emotion. “I didn’t think you heard me.”

  Wyatt moved a step closer toward her, easily swallowing up the distance that stood between them. He reached out and cupped her face between his two palms. “Baby, I’ve always heard you. I’m a stubborn man who digs his heels in the sand and sometimes won’t budge an inch. But you’ve shown me so much about myself in these past few weeks. And you stood by me when I was ornery and stubborn and scared.”

  Her blue eyes went wide. “You were scared? Of what?”

  “I’ve always been afraid…of being left. Of investing my heart in someone who’ll abandon me. The way my birth parents did.” He shook his head ruefully. “All this time I’ve been running from the possibility of falling in love with someone because I didn’t want to get hurt. And then you came crashing into my life and gave me no choice but to love you.”

  Wyatt’s words washed over Kaitlyn like a wonderful summer shower. Hearing Wyatt profess his love to her were the sweetest words she’d ever heard. She’d loved him ever since she was sixteen years old, but in her heart of hearts she’d never truly believed those feelings would be reciprocated. Somehow she’d never believed she’d been good enough for the superstar athlete who was the hero of Breeze Point, Cape Cod. Reconnecting with Wyatt had shown her that he wasn’t the perfect man she had always believed him to be. He was flawed. Human. And she loved him all the more for it.

  “You love me?” she asked, feeling a bit light headed as the enormity of those three little words sunk in.

  He reached out and brushed her hair out of her face. He trailed his finger over her lips, tracing the outline of them. “I love you with everything I have inside me to give. And I’m going to keep on loving you, my sweet Kaitlyn.”

  “Oh, Wyatt. I thought I’d lost you.” Tears sprung to her eyes. The past few days had been filled with such loneliness and a deep sense of loss. Although she wasn’t one to wear her heart on her sleeve, the pain had been acute. And pride had forced her to keep those feelings buried deep inside her where no one could see them.

  Wyatt stared into her eyes. What she saw reflecting back at her gave her goosebumps. “Sometimes we have to fall before we can rise up.”

  “You’re here. You rose up,” she said with a giddy laugh.

  “I’m here. For you. Because I never want you to doubt what I feel for you. I think you were imprinted on my heart all those years ago, but it wasn’t our time. I needed to grow and mature. I needed to learn to live my faith with each and every day.”

  “Oh baby, you’ve made me so happy,” Kaitlyn said, stroking Wyatt’s cheek. “We can take this walk together and grow in our faith each and every day.”

  “Yes, baby. I promise you we will,” Wyatt said right before he placed his lips on hers in a spirited celebration of a love that would last a lifetime.


  It was the first day of spring, despite the bitter wind reminiscent of winter’s harsh chill. Kaitlyn felt thankful that she’d worn a pair of spandex underneath her sweatpants. Her Bay State Bombers sweatshirt was keeping her warm underneath her windbreaker. The entire Donahue family had gathered in Breeze Point Park for their first annual baseball tournament. It had been the brain child of AJ and Seth, Tess’ eighteen year old brother. They’d come up with the idea to split the Donahue family and friends into two teams and have a high-stakes game. The winning team won bragging rights and a barbecue dinner with all the trimmings.

  Just to make things interesting, Wyatt had placed her on the opposing team. It didn’t really matter to her what team she played for. Kaitlyn just wanted a chance to see the love of her life in action. Baseball made Wyatt shimmer like the rays of the sun.

  He didn’t disappoint her. Not by a long shot. He looked in fine form as he ran the bas
es, played the shortstop position and served as a coach for AJ. Despite Wyatt’s prowess at baseball, Kaitlyn’s team rallied and kept things neck and neck for most of the game.

  Wyatt was at up at bat in the final inning. Her team, with Blue as captain, was up by two runs. It was anyone’s game.

  “You’re no batter!” Kaitlyn called out from her position at first base.

  Wyatt paused and looked over at her. “Are you seriously heckling me?”

  “Stop whining, Donahue, and hit the ball,” she cracked.

  Wyatt rolled his eyes and once again assumed the position, placing the bat against his shoulder, his eyes trained on the pitcher. Blue was at the pitcher’s mound. He’d played baseball in high school as well, so he knew his way around a curve ball. He was getting a kick out of showcasing his skills.

  As Blue released the ball and it flew past Wyatt he swung and connected with the ball. A loud cracking sound rang out. Kaitlyn felt a deep sense of pride as she watched the ball soar over their heads and sail over the fence. Wyatt had hit it out the park. He threw his bat down and tipped his hat to AJ on the sidelines.

  “Go, Uncle Wyatt go,” AJ screamed. His expression spoke of hero worship.

  As he rounded first base Kaitlyn shook her head. “You just couldn’t resist hitting a homer, could you?”

  “Hey, I promised AJ I’d hit a home run in his honor. Never let anyone say I don’t keep my promises.” He paused for a moment and planted a kiss on her lips. With a wild grin, he took off like a flash, displaying all of his athleticism as he ran toward second base.

  “Hey!” Tess cried out from second base. “That has to be all kinds of illegal. No fraternizing with the first baseman.”

  “But it’s so romantic,” Gabrielle said with a sigh.

  Remy swooped in behind her and grabbed her by the waist. “I’ll show you romance, chere,” he drawled as he dipped her back against his chest and kissed her tenderly.

  As soon as Wyatt touched home plate, pandemonium broke loose on his team. “Wyatt. Wyatt,” they chanted as they surrounded him.

  “We won!” AJ screamed, jumping up and down with excitement. Rose high-fived her son and let out a whoop of celebration. Brandon picked up his wife and swung her around.

  “It’s official. We have a winner,” Alec shouted. He’d been playing the role of umpire and watching every play carefully. Maggie walked toward Alec and grabbed his hand.

  Kaitlyn made her way over to Wyatt, anxious to see how his leg was holding up. He’d looked a little bit wobbly as he headed into home plate.

  She tugged him by the arm and pulled him toward her. “You looked great out there, champ. How’s the leg?”

  Wyatt made a face. “It felt great until the last inning. Then it started to feel a little achy. But I’m not complaining.” His smile was contagious. “I almost felt like my old self again. I’m not there yet, but I’m getting there.”

  Kaitlyn stood on her tippy toes and pressed a kiss against his lips. “I’m so proud of you, Wyatt. For hanging in there and keeping the faith.”

  He traced the outline of her lips. “I have you to thank for that. You’ve always been my champion.”

  “And I always will,” she whispered.

  “Hey, there’s something you need to see,” Wyatt said, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “What’s up, Donahue? You’re acting like a Secret Agent,” Kaitlyn teased.

  “AJ wants to show us something. I don’t want to disappoint him.”

  “You’re the best,” Kaitlyn whispered, standing on her tippy toes to reach up and plant another kiss on Wyatt’s lips. Kissing Wyatt was one of her favorite past times. She liked to think she was making up for all the lost years between them. After all, she’d been loving this man since she was a teenager.

  When they made their way toward AJ she noticed everyone was grouped together facing her and Wyatt. Sarah was there holding little Faith in her arms. And her parents were standing there too.

  Wait a minute! What were her parents doing here? They were supposed to be at a friend’s retirement party.

  She turned toward Wyatt, fully prepared to ask him what was going on. Was this some sort of Donahue prank?

  “All eyes on the little guy,” Wyatt ordered, jutting his chin in AJ’s direction. When Kaitlyn looked over at AJ he was grinning at her with a sweet, lop-sided smile that tugged at her heart. The entire group was lined up around him. Everyone was staring straight at her.

  AJ flipped the poster board over. The words jumped out at her in bold black letters. KAITLYN. WILL YOU MARRY ME? WYATT

  She raised her hand to her throat as the weight of the moment threatened to crush her. A little squeak slipped past her lips.

  “I have found the one whom my soul loves.” Wyatt’s voice washed over her like soothing rain.

  Tears blinded her for a moment. The verse from Song of Solomon was one of her favorites. How had Wyatt known the perfect words to say in this life changing moment? How was it so easy for him to see the things she kept tucked away inside her soul?

  He grabbed her hands and pulled her toward him so they were facing each other.

  “A few months ago I thought baseball was the center of my world. Then you came crashing into my life with no warning. You showed me that the real meaning of my life lies in the simplest of moments. A touch from my mother’s hand. A quiet evening in the Donahue backyard. Being able to dance cheek to cheek with you to your favorite song. Those are the moments that I want to define me. Those are the moments I want to keep creating for the rest of our lives. For almost a year I’ve been asking myself who am I without baseball. And the real question is, who am I without you?”

  “So…will you, Kaitlyn Anne O’Malley, marry me?” Wyatt dropped to his knees on the dusty, rain-soaked, muddy ground. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a white, square shaped box. With trembling fingers he popped the box open to reveal a stunning, pear-shaped diamond.

  He looked up at her with an abundance of love shimmering in his eyes.

  “Of course I’ll marry you,” she squealed, reaching down and giving Wyatt an enthusiastic hug.

  Everyone in their cheering section began clapping and hooting and hollering. Wyatt rose to a standing position and reached for Kaitlyn’s hand. With a sense of purpose and an abundance of tenderness, Wyatt placed the ring on his fiancée’s wedding finger. Kaitlyn wiggled her finger and let out a contented sigh.

  “Happily ever after, baby,” Wyatt said as a huge smile crept over his face.

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” Kaitlyn whispered, right before they were swarmed by their collective families and surrounded by a sea of love.

  “When A Man Loves A Woman”

  Mac Donahue liked peace and quiet. Conversely, he hated mayhem and madness. And he avoided it like the plague. That tended to be somewhat of a problem when you were one of seven brothers. It tended to be awkward when you were part of the large, bustling Donahue clan. There was so much noise and laughter and interaction. There was always a buzz of activity. He was the only one who ever seemed to want peace and quiet. They actually enjoyed their pandemonium. They seemed to thrive on it. He’d managed to deal with it over the years because he loved his family more than life itself. Without them, he wouldn’t be alive today. If it came down to it, he would take a bullet for each and every one of them.

  Some days his desire to go inward was stronger than others. Today was that sort of day.

  He let out a relieved sigh as he let himself in through the screened in porch door that led from outside to his parents’ kitchen. Phew. A moment of quiet amidst the storm. Escaping from the backyard party had required more finesse than he’d ever imagined. Brandon’s son, AJ, had been trailing after him all afternoon, and although he was an amazing kid, Mac wanted to be alone. So he could think straight. So he could figure out how he was going to proceed with tracking down Mrs. Worther, the guardian angel who had placed all the Donahue boys with their parents.

  The creak
of the porch door opening caused him to heave a different kind of sigh. A quick glance confirmed that his older brother, Blue, had entered the kitchen with his newborn baby, Faith. Mac couldn’t even be annoyed. Not really. Baby Faith was just about the most adorable thing he’d ever seen in his life. She fascinated him with her daintiness and innocence.

  “So, Mac, I wanted to talk to you about something.” Blue was cradling Faith against his chest. She was making little mewling sounds that were increasing in intensity. They were not happy noises.

  Mac narrowed his gaze at his older brother. Blue was getting to be a bit predictable. He’d been trying to set him up on dates for the last few months. He’d gone on a few and they’d all been duds. A few minutes ago he’d seen Blue and Sarah in the backyard with their heads together. No doubt they had been plotting and planning his romantic future.

  Did they really think he minded being the only single Donahue brother? The thought made him want to laugh out loud. He was way more comfortable with himself than he could ever be joined at the hip with a girlfriend.

  Blue began wildly bouncing Faith in his arms.

  “You’re doing it wrong. Give her to me,” Mac ordered.

  “I got it,” Blue said stubbornly.

  “Watch and learn,” Mac said as he gently scooped up Faith into his arms and began to rock from side to side. She immediately quieted down. Blue shook his head in disbelief.

  “So, no pressure, but there’s someone we want you to take out.” Blue’s tone was casual. His hands were jammed in his front pockets.

  “I don’t want to be set up.”

  “Hey, I hear you. Blind dates are awkward. But Sarah and I were thinking that you might change your mind if it’s actually someone you know.”

  Mac raised an eyebrow at his brother. “Who is she?”

  “Delilah. Sarah’s sister.”

  “No,” Mac said in a curt voice.

  “Why not? She’s beautiful. Smart. Sweet.”


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