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The Only One (Sweetbriar Cove Book 3)

Page 10

by Melody Grace

  “Let me give you the tour,” Riley said, a proud note to his voice. He led Brooke down to the tiny cabin, where a galley kitchen sat snugly beside a built-in bench and small fold-out table. There was a door to a tiny bathroom, and then the main cabin bedroom, which contained a bed . . . and not much else.

  “Cozy,” Brooke said, looking around. And it was. Despite the compact size, the space was warm and inviting. “How do you fit everything?” she asked. She’d been half-expecting a bachelor pad—complete with bachelor levels of messiness and grime—but Riley’s bedroom was immaculate, with soft-looking grey sheets and a pile of pillows tempting her to lay back and . . .

  She dragged her gaze away from the bed and tried to shut that train of thought down in a hurry. “I can’t imagine cramming all my stuff in here.”

  “I keep it simple,” Riley replied, stowing things from the cooler in the small fridge. “No mess, no fuss, that’s how I like to live.”

  “And nobody outstaying their welcome,” she teased.

  He flashed a grin. “Ask nicely, and you can stay as long as you like.”

  The cabin was so small, she was standing dangerously close to him. Close enough to remember just how good his arms had felt around her. And as for his mouth . . .

  “You won’t say that when I’m vomiting all over you!” Brooke exclaimed loudly, before she realized what she’d just blurted.

  Vomit. Sexy.

  She stifled a groan. “I’ll be up on deck,” she said brightly, and scrambled up the stairs before she could see his reaction. Fun and relaxation were one thing, but if she wasn’t careful, these close quarters might go giving her ideas.

  Recklessly tempting ideas.

  But would that really be so bad?


  Riley watched Brooke bolt out of the cabin like she’d been burned, but he couldn’t blame her. The chemistry between them was getting dangerously hot, and that molten smile of hers was almost enough to make Riley forget that pledge about staying platonic.


  Still, as he went about casting off and steering them out of the harbor, he couldn’t stop from stealing glances at where Brooke stood on the bow of the boat, leaning out over the railing with her blonde hair tangling on the breeze.

  She looked like a natural. Like she belonged out there—or, better yet, downstairs in his bed, with that hair getting tangled up for a whole other reason . . .

  Riley gripped the steering wheel harder.

  That was a topic for another day. Or, another night, after the hot, wild dreams he’d been haunted by. The universe sure had a way of taunting him. No sooner did he blow off those hot college girls slipping him their numbers than he wound up dreaming about the one woman who was most definitely out of reach.

  Brooke turned and saw him watching her. “This is fun!” she called. “You were right, the water’s really calm.”

  “There’s a little cove, a couple of knots up the coast,” he called back. “We can drop anchor there, hang out a while.”

  “Sounds good to me!”

  When they were out of the harbor, Riley cut the engine, and set about hoisting the sails. Brooke approached, looking curious.

  “Here,” he told her, passing a rope. “Hold this.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Trimming the jib.”

  Brooke laughed. “What?”

  Riley grinned. “I know. All the sailing lingo takes some getting used to. Basically, it means we pull this sail tight, until we get a pocket of air. See?” The rope ran taut, and he fastened it in place. “Now that wind will keep us moving, as long as we stay on the right side of it.”

  “It seems like a lot of work.” Brooke looked up, shielding her eyes from the sun. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just motor along?”

  “Now, where’s the fun in that?” Riley protested. “I mean, feel how smoothly she’s running. The wind at our backs, the sun in the sky . . . What could beat this?”

  Brooke smiled at him, looking relaxed and carefree for the first time in, well, forever.

  “Nothing,” she said, and everything was right with the world.

  “Come here,” he beckoned. “You can take the wheel.”

  Brooke looked nervous. “I don’t want to steer us into anything.”

  “Don’t worry, there aren’t any icebergs out here. It’s easy.” He beckoned again, and Brooke came closer. “Just plant your feet,” he told her. “And take it in both hands.”

  Brooke quirked an eyebrow at him, and Riley snorted.

  “I didn’t say a word!” she protested, flushing.

  She moved in front of him, and carefully took hold of the old-fashioned ship’s wheel. She gripped the spokes. “Like this?”

  “Mmhmm.” Riley was momentarily distracted by the way her hair was dancing on the breeze, brushing softly against him. “You want to keep us heading north, north-east,” he said, standing behind her. He guided her hands on the wheel, turning it slightly. “Just keep parallel to the shoreline, with the wind to the port side. That’s left,” he translated.

  “Are you sure about those icebergs?” Brooke turned to smile up at him, and Riley felt like he was the one sailing straight for impact.

  He stepped back. “You want a beer?” he asked, saying the first thing that came into his mind.

  “It’s ten in the morning,” she said.

  “Exactly. Time for a beer.”

  Riley disappeared below deck, wondering what the hell had gotten into him. This was his patented move: the lazy day out on the water. Brooke certainly wasn’t the first woman he’d shown how to sail, and she definitely wouldn’t be the last. So why was he tripping over himself around her?

  Because she was hotter than the rest of them combined, and he already knew how explosive they would be, given half a chance . . .

  Dammit. Riley stifled a groan of frustration. This was what you got for late night calls that didn’t involve phone sex, and hours spent talking, just getting to know each other. She was getting under his skin, and worst of all?

  He liked it.

  WITH BROOKE’S HELP, Riley steered them up the coast, to the peaceful little cove that was sheltered from the main sea winds. He dropped anchor, and the two of them lay out on the bow of the boat, lounging in the sun as the water dipped and rolled.

  “God, this feels good,” Brooke sighed from under the brim of her massive sunhat. She turned her head and gave him a lazy smile. “Thank you. This is exactly what I needed.”

  “My pleasure,” Riley replied, and with her stretched beside him, it was. He was lucky he was wearing shades to hide his roving gaze, but damn, those cut-off shorts of hers weren’t hiding anything. “We’ll have you blowing off work to catch some rays in no time.”

  Brooke giggled. “I don’t know about that. But you’re right, I can’t remember the last time I took a whole day doing nothing. Or even a few hours. It feels so . . . indulgent.”

  “We’re just getting started, baby,” Riley teased. “Stick with me, and you’ll be taking afternoon naps and sleeping in until noon.”

  She laughed. “You live life on the edge, huh?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “I better watch out, or you’ll lead me astray.”

  Riley had to fight to keep from taking her up on that invitation. The things he would do with this woman . . .

  Brooke stretched her long legs and yawned. She tilted her hat back over her face and fell silent, her chest rising and falling steadily in that demure bikini top.

  Riley’s pulse drummed faster.

  He shut his eyes, trying to ignore the temptation right beside him, but it was no use. The sight of her gorgeous body was burned into his brain, and every shift and satisfied sigh just wound him tighter.


  He lifted his head. Brooke was looking at him with a bashful expression. “Would you mind . . . ?” She held out a bottle of sunscreen. “Sorry, my back . . .”

  “Oh. Sure.”

ley took the bottle and steeled himself. Brooke turned so her back was facing him and swept her hair aside. “I burn like crazy,” she said over her shoulder. “I never had to worry in Chicago, but here I have to slather it on with my moisturizer in the morning, otherwise I get so many freckles.”

  Riley squeezed a dollop of lotion, then gently smoothed it onto her shoulder.

  Brooke flinched.

  “Cold. Sorry.” Riley’s voice came out gruff.

  Pull it together, man.

  He spread another dollop on her other shoulder, exercising more self-control than he ever had in his life before. Her skin was soft and warm from the sun, and all he wanted to do was trail his fingertips over every inch of her, straying under that bikini top, and over her—

  “Thanks!” Brooke pulled away. “I should be good now.”

  Riley cleared his throat. “Great. OK.”

  He took a breath. She was rubbing lotion into the rest of her body now, her skin glistening in the sun . . .

  He stifled a groan. Whose bright idea was it to trap himself on a boat in the middle of the ocean with a woman who could drive him wild with a single look? If he spent one more second with her, he’d do something he’d live to regret—like kiss her until she forgot the meaning of the word “friendship.”

  There was only one way out of this.

  Riley got up, tore off his shirt, and cannonballed over the side of the boat.


  BROOKE SAW Riley hit the water, and let out the breath she’d been holding ever since she stepped onto the boat.

  Good God, that man was too sexy for her own good.

  She shivered, just remembering the feel of his hands, sliding over her back. His warm, sensual touch . . . The soft whisper of his breath on the back of her neck . . . She’d had to bite her lip to keep from moaning out loud at his touch, practically melting in a pool right there on the deck.

  If this was what he could do with an innocent sunscreen application, she didn’t want to think about what would happen with fewer clothes, and more hands, and maybe his mouth, too—

  Brooke caught herself, skin flushing. She was playing with fire, just thinking about it. She was the one who put the brakes on, remember? Which made the situation even more dangerous. Because something told her that despite Riley’s happy agreement that they would be friends, all it would take was one word from her to send that platonic business flying out the window.

  A word like yes, or more, or please.

  She watched him in the water below, splashing and swimming in the gentle waves. It looked good down there. Refreshing. She could certainly use some cooling off.

  And the half-naked man had nothing to do with it.

  Not at all.

  Brooke shimmied out of her shorts and stepped to the edge of the bow. It looked like a long way down, but she took a deep breath, sent a silent prayer, and leapt off the boat, arcing in a dive so she cut through the water with a ripple.

  The water hit, ice-cold, and she surfaced, gasping.

  “Nice moves!” Riley called, treading water nearby.

  “Thanks.” Brooke pushed wet hair from her eyes. She flipped onto her back, and floated, enjoying the gently-rolling waves. “I swam a little in college.”

  “Which, in Brooke-speak, that means you were at the pool by six every morning until you blew the competition away.” Riley’s voice was teasing, so Brooke didn’t even care that he was right.

  She laughed. “Five-thirty, actually, but yes.”

  “That sounds like a challenge.” He had a wicked twinkle in his eye, his biceps rippling with every stroke. “Race you to the buoy and back?”

  Brooke checked the distance. Not far. And racing Riley would definitely keep her from reaching for him.

  “Sure, I’m in.”

  “What do you say we make it interesting?” Riley added. “Loser pays a forfeit. I’ll even give you a head start,” he offered chivalrously.

  Brooke grinned. “Take all the time you need.”

  She took off, swimming for the buoy with strong, steady strokes. She heard Riley laugh behind her, and then he was splashing through the water nearby. Soon, her lungs were burning, and her arms ached, but Brooke kept driving forward, eyes on the prize. Maybe if she pushed herself hard enough, she could out-swim the desire coursing, hot in her system.

  But when she returned to the boat, exhausted and gasping for air, and she looked back at Riley cutting through the water like some kind of tanned god—muscles rippling, drenched by the waves—Brooke had to admit defeat.

  Exhausted or not, she still wanted him. Wanted those hands on her body, wanted that mouth wreaking its gorgeous havoc on hers. She’d been fighting it since the moment they met, but nothing was going to put out the heat between them.

  So why should she even try?

  “Damn, you’re fast.” Riley smiled, reaching the boat just a few seconds behind her. She climbed up the ladder onto the deck, and he followed, water running in rivulets over his toned chest and chiseled abs. “You were really killing it back there.”

  “Uh huh,” Brooke answered vaguely. Her heart was beating faster now—and she knew it had nothing to do with the swim. She could feel the anticipation crackle in her veins, even before she’d made up her mind.

  Her body knew. Her body always knew, half a heartbeat before her mind caught up.

  “Guess this means I have to pay a forfeit.” Riley grinned. “What’s your price?”

  She took a deep breath. “A kiss.”

  If Brooke had any lingering doubts, they disappeared the moment she saw Riley’s gaze darken with lust. Her stomach turned a slow flip, every nerve in her body sparking to life.

  Still, Riley paused, assessing her with that molten look. “You sure about that?”

  Brooke nodded slowly, her eyes never leaving his. She was sure now, sure that whatever was about to happen was exactly what she needed. “You’re the one who said, I should have some fun,” she said, trying to stay light.

  “I did, didn’t I?” Riley took a couple of steps closer. “So you’ve decided to follow my advice?”

  She nodded again.

  His gaze slipped over her body, and Brooke realized too late that she was practically naked in her wet bikini. She shivered under his gaze, but instead of shrinking away, she found herself standing taller, loving the desire written so clearly on his face.

  He wanted her.

  And God, she wanted him too.

  “So what makes you think I’m the man for the job?” Riley gave a smirk even as he moved closer still.

  “You seem qualified,” Brooke said, her heart racing. “And I’m sure your references would be excellent if I checked.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Riley gave an irresistible smile, coming to a stop in front of her.

  He reached out and slowly trailed a fingertip over her shoulder, and up to her jaw. The feeling was electric, and Brooke marveled how her body could respond to such a small touch. Riley’s eyes searched hers, dark and hot. “Last chance,” he murmured, his voice low. “Because once you say the word . . .”

  He didn’t finish, but he didn’t have to. Brooke felt like she was humming with desire, and she knew once they crossed this line again, there would be no going back.

  But she didn’t want to.

  She only wanted him.

  Brooke reached up and pressed her palm against his wet, naked chest. She smiled. “I’ll have my prize now,” she said softly, and that was all it took. Riley’s eyes flashed with lust, and then he pulled her to him, and kissed her so hard, Brooke forgot her own name.

  Oh my God . . .

  Riley’s lips roved over hers, demanding, easing her open and stroking his tongue deep into her mouth. Brooke shuddered at the intimacy, pressing closer, needing more. Riley answered with a low growl, reaching to tangle his hands in her hair, then slide them over her body. Caressing, exploring, molding her curves to his taut, chiseled muscles . . . Brooke clung on for dear life. She was dizzy with lust, a
nd she could feel him, hard against her, nothing but the damp fabric of their swimsuits masking the heat.

  Riley stroked lower, over the swell of her breast, and Brooke moaned into his mouth.

  He tore his mouth from hers, panting. “God, you’ve been driving me crazy.” Riley dropped a line of searing kisses down the curve of her neck. “You don’t even know what you do to me. But I’m going to show you, baby. Just you wait.”

  Brooke shuddered at his words. Her blood was already burning, and she didn’t think she’d been so turned on in her life before. “So show me,” she murmured playfully. She didn’t know what was happening to her, why she was suddenly so reckless and bold, but it felt too good to question why.

  He felt too good.

  She pulled his head up and kissed him again, feeling drunk on the taste of him, the salty tang from his lips. “Show me,” she whispered again, and Riley’s lips curved in a tempting smile.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  He lifted her suddenly, wrapping her legs around his waist and carrying her to the bow of the boat. He laid her down, right there on the deck where they’d been sunbathing just a few moments before.

  “Don’t hold back,” he murmured, his smile turning downright wicked as he leaned over her. “Nobody’s around to hear.”

  “Hear what—?” Brooke’s question was lost in a moan as he bent his head and nipped lightly at her breast, toying with her nipple through the damp fabric of her bikini top. She flushed, shocked by his boldness, but then his hands joined his mouth, pushing her swimsuit aside, and it was all she could do to just lie back and revel in the incredible sensations flooding through her body. He caressed her, teased her, made her writhe and moan; his hands skimming lower as his mouth brought her to stiff peaks of pleasure.

  What was this man doing to her? And please, could it never end?

  Brooke felt his fingertips graze over her bikini bottoms. She tensed with anticipation. Oh God. This was really happening, out here in the sunlight, with the waves rolling gently, and the boat shifting on the tide.


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