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Under Her Skin

Page 6

by Aria Cole


  Sienna - two months later

  “Oh God, oh God, yes. Yes, yes, yes!” A crescendo of screams was the first thing I heard when River and I entered the tattoo shop Monday morning.

  “What the fuck?” River’s eyes hardened.

  “Jericho, oh my God, it’s so big.”

  “Holy shit, it’s Jericho and Dev.” I gasped, eyes wide on River.

  “Jesus Christ, probably thought we wouldn't be in for another hour. Told you I didn’t want to go in early,” he grumbled.

  “Yeah, baby, fuck me just like that,” Jericho’s thick voice rambled.

  “This is fucking disgusting.” River pounded on the door to the piercing room.

  The sound of bodies scrambling around hit my ears. “How long has that been going on?”

  River shrugged. “They hooked up a few years ago, but I thought that shit was over!” he called, loud enough for them to hear.

  “Fuck, you don’t have to yell.” Jericho swung the door open, Dev’s hand locked in his.

  “You don’t have to be so fucking loud. This is a public establishment.”

  “Dude, you should have felt what she was doing with her tongue. You couldn't keep that shit quiet either.”

  “Sorry, guys.” Dev winked at me then buzzed by the group of us. Today’s crop top showed off all the tattoos that covered her body. I loved her rebellious personality, I even looked up to her, I just hoped that wasn’t what River and I had sounded like when we’d hooked up in there.

  “So you gonna show her the tattoo or what?” Dev popped a baby carrot into her mouth, crunching as she waited for River.

  “You got a new tattoo?” I asked. “When?”

  “Dev gave it to me last night. I was waiting to show you, but guess that cat’s out of the bag.” He glared at Dev.

  “Okay, so let me see it.”

  River pulled his shirt over his shoulders, revealing a fresh tattoo across his left pectoral, covered in ointment and a clear bandage. “Pretty. What is it?”

  “Take a closer look.”

  I stepped closer, eyes narrowing as the fresh ink came into focus. A broken heart just like mine, the chasm down the center replicating the jagged edges of my own scar. The same skeleton faded into the background of the heart, the same few stitches trying to hold the two fractured pieces together. Except his had more. His had barbed wire biting into the sides of the heart, wrapping around it tightly at least six times. The heart was being held together by more than just the stitches.

  “That’s my tattoo.” I breathed, the shock of it, the emotion flooding my veins.

  “With my arms holding you together. Healing you. I'll never let you break again, Sienna. I know I’m a little rough around the edges. You deserve someone so much better than me, but somewhere along the line, you made me realize that doesn’t matter. We fix each other. I’m better with you than when I’m without you, and I never want to be without you again.”

  He dropped to one knee, pulling a small velvet box from his pocket.

  “Marry me, Sienna. Take my name, be my wife, let me take care of you for the next hundred years. Just you and me.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest, my hand shaking as he caught it by the wrist and slowly slid the ring onto my left ring finger.

  “Mrs. Madden?”

  A grin split my cheeks. A grin so bright I thought it could light up the entire city on a dark night. “Yes, oh my God, yes. Yes, Yes!”

  He pulled me into his arms, crushing me to his body as Jericho and Dev screamed and clapped behind us.

  “I want to haul you off to the courthouse right now and make you repeat those words again.”

  “I would let you.”

  “Mmm, don’t tempt me. Then I can steal you away on a honeymoon, just the two of us.”

  “That sounds amazing,” I breathed, nestling into his neck. “But I’ve got a secret.”

  River’s lips kissed up my neck before landing at my mouth, nibbling and licking away the small bite. “And what’s that, doll face?”

  “It won’t be just the two of us.”

  His eyes widened before he loosened his grip on my body and set me on my feet. “What?”

  “It won’t be just the two of us anymore, River.” I locked my hand with his. “Dev took me to the doctor yesterday during lunch. We made a baby.”

  “Jesus, Sienna.” He scooped me into his arms again, spinning me in circles right in the middle of his shop. Right where we’d first met. Right where he’d first tattooed me. Right where we’d first fallen.

  “I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby.”

  “Me either.” I swiped at a happy tear.

  River’s fingers threaded with mine before he turned his eyes away from me and to Dev. “And I can’t believe you fucking knew before me and didn’t say anything. You tattooed me for two hours yesterday without a word. I should fire your ass for that disloyalty.”

  Dev only laughed. “I’ve got loyalty to my girl first. Hoes before bros, Madden.”

  “Wait, does that mean you knew he was going to do this? Ask me to marry him. And you didn’t tell me when we went to the doctor yesterday?” I accused.

  Dev’s grin only deepened, and she winked. “I love a good surprise.”

  River rolled his eyes before I broke up into laughter. “Well, thanks for having my back…I think.”

  Dev laughed. “No problem, we nasty gals have to stick together. I’m here for you always.”

  “Not if I fire you, you aren’t,” River warned.

  I smacked him on the shoulder, the glint of the new ring catching my eye as I did it. Oh my God, I was engaged to marry River. The whole thing felt like a dream.

  “Now why don’t you guys take the next hour off? I want to celebrate with my girl.”

  “Stop!” I smacked him again, before he caught my wrist and pulled me to him for another kiss. “Have to say,” I breathed against his lips. “I thought your surprise would be a clit piercing. I did not expect this kind of ring.”

  “Oh, we can do that too. I aim to please, Mrs. Madden.”

  “That name’s a little premature, don’t you think?”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it.” He winked then hauled me down the hallway and directly into the piercing room. “Pants off, doll face.”

  “What? Now?” I laughed.

  My laughter stopped when I saw him pull the piercing gun from the drawer.

  “Naked, now.”

  My eyes widened, but I obeyed, stripping instantly and crawling onto the piercing table.

  “Naked except for my ring on your finger. I like that.” He crooked a grin at me before cleaning the area around my clit. A moment later, the gun was in place, the cold metal biting into the sensitive flesh.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t propose then brand me with your initials, you Neanderthal.”

  His chuckle filled the room. “Next time.” The rough pad of his thumb on my clit sent fireworks through me. “Ready for me, gorgeous?”

  “So ready.”


  River - two years later

  “Jericho! What the fuck, man? There are kids around!”

  “You cuss like a goddamn sailor. Sex is biological. I’m just giving my nephews a biology lesson.”

  “That’s the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard.”

  Jericho only shrugged, winking once at Dev as she settled herself at her station.

  I’d caught them fucking again when I walked in this morning. This time, with the boys toddling in behind me. Thank God they hadn't seen anything. They wouldn’t know what the hell it was anyway, but still, virgin eyes and all that.

  “Where’s Sienna? She feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, morning sickness is taking her for a ride this time.”

  “Man, you would have thought after having twins this one would be easier.”

  “She’s fine. We were up late last night getting the nursery ready anyway. Had
me painting pink on the walls.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, you need any help with these guys, Dev and I are happy to take them for the weekend. Give you some time before number three arrives.”

  “Oh, we’ve had plenty of time, no need to worry about that. Just wait till you knock Dev up, she’ll be even hornier than she is now. Sienna can’t get enough.”

  “Well, no shit, huh?” Jericho glanced at Dev. “Let’s take the day off, and go have some unprotected sex, woman!”

  “Fuck you,” Dev called back, not even looking up from the sketch she was working on.

  “God, I love that woman.”

  “I can tell.” I nodded, picking up one of the boys. “Better put a ring on it before she gets away. Girls like her don’t put up with men like us for long. Right, Carson?” I shook my son’s pudgy little hand, and he erupted into giggles.

  “Got a beautiful family, man. Some days I wish I had it.”

  “You could. Just gotta work for it.” I winked at Jericho.

  Just then, Sienna walked through the back door of the shop, the sunlight coming with her. I swear she took that shit wherever she went. My girl walked into a room, and the place lit up.

  It’d only taken me two minutes to see that about her—and only two months to marry her.

  Sienna hadn’t been kidding when she’d said she’d let me haul her off to the courthouse and make her my wife.

  We’d done it the very next weekend.

  I didn’t want her having my baby without both of them having my name. Call it the caveman in me, but this family was mine and I wanted them taken care of in every way.

  “How ya feelin’, mama?” Dev wrapped my wife in a hug.

  “Better. River left Carson’s and Dawson’s blankets at home. They throw a conniption without them, and I was feeling better so I thought I’d come in.”

  “You look beautiful.” Dev smiled.

  “You always look beautiful.” I enveloped my wife in a hug, pulling her against me. Dawson babbled at his mother’s feet, plopping on his butt and wrapping up in his blanket like he wanted to take a nap right here on the floor.

  “You ready for this little girl to come?” Dev asked.

  Sienna looked down at her rapidly growing belly, a smile only a mother could give spreading her cheeks.

  “I think River’s readier than I am. I love being pregnant. Growing a little human with his DNA means I instantly have one up on him. He’s lucky he keeps the house stocked with ice cream, or we’d be in real trouble.”

  “Swear, the minute my man laid eyes on you, I knew you had him.” Jericho chimed in. “Lucky you found each other.”

  “It wasn’t luck, man. It was fate. Sienna’s and my paths crossed a long time ago, we just didn’t know it. It was only a matter of time before we found each other again.” I tightened my grip on Sienna’s hand in mine. “Love you.”

  “Love you more, Daddy.”

  “Doubt that, doll face. It’s not even possible.”

  He pulled me into his strong, inked arms, wrapping me in a bear hug, just like I loved.

  Everything about River filled me up, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. His love, his life, his strength, and his patience, he was my better half, and somehow, I was his.

  We were better together than apart, no doubt about that. And there wasn’t a day that went by when I didn’t thank the powers that be for putting us together, no matter how much pain we had to face to get here. It was worth it. He was worth it. We were worth it.


  Thank you for reading! xo Aria




  Blaise Michaels has never met a fire he couldn't tame—or a woman who could cause a five-alarm blaze in his heart. But the night he meets Brianna Foster is a night that will leave permanent marks on them both.

  Brianna Foster wasn't looking for love—in fact, all she was looking for was her grumpy old cat before the building dissolved into ash around them. But when tall, dark, and heroic bursts through her apartment door to save her—and her kitty—from the flames, she never dreams he would light a fire that could incinerate her soul.

  Warning: Blaise is a big, growly, alpha male with a hero complex. Saving Brianna isn't enough for him. He wants more than just in her bed. He wants her tied to him for life.



  “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty,” I cooed, tossing another treat his way.

  A low grumble vibrated from somewhere by the bed.

  “Don’t be a bad boy. Come to Mommy.” I tried my best to stay calm as fire alarms rang around my head. “Jinx…”

  I heard the bang of footsteps up the old stairwell.

  “Jinx! For God’s sake, come to Mommy!” I inched closer, the fire alarms wearing on my last fucking nerve. “Jinx, come here, boy. Please come here.”

  The old cat crouched farther under the bed.

  I could hear more footsteps pounding down the hallway now, doors banging, people running.

  There’d been a half a dozen false alarms in the last year I’d been living here, but this time, I’d heard the sirens outside. There were a lot of emergency vehicles currently parked in front of my small apartment complex, and something told me this wasn’t a false alarm.

  “Jinx, goddammit, get your grouchy little ass over here.” I lunged under the bed, the edge of the cheap metal frame cutting into my upper thigh. “Fuck!”

  I kept stretching, trying desperately to dig my fingers into his soft fur so I could haul him out of here with me.

  No way could I leave my sweet kitty in a building that was going up in flames.

  It was probably just Mrs. Avery on the third floor, blind as an old bat and cooking soup. The flames had crawled all the way up the wall and left a trail of soot the last time this had happened, and the super still hadn’t replaced her range hood. She complained about it to me every time I went upstairs for cookies and tea. I hated the tea, she put way more lemon in it than I liked, but I choked it down for her.

  I hoped she was safe. I hoped everyone, as motley a crew as they may be, was already out on the lawn. I’d grown attached to everyone here, and in a way, we’d banded together over the complete lack of upkeep on the part of our landlord.

  If it wasn’t peeling paint or heaved sidewalks, it was a leaking pipe or a burned-out air conditioner.

  I hated this fucking building.

  Part of me hoped it would go up in flames, but I knew it was the cheapest rent I could find in this city. Rents were climbing higher and higher every year, and I was barely making it as is. If I didn’t have an apartment to live in, where the hell would I go?

  “Jinx…” I tossed him another treat, begging him to inch just a little closer. “Please, boy?”

  A half a dozen loud bangs rattled the door of my apartment. Jinx chose that moment to swipe at my hand, slicing my finger ruthlessly and causing blood to pool between my fingers.

  “Fuck!” I recoiled, not bothering to check the gash on my thigh that was now throbbing, and launched down the short hallway to my front door.

  Just as I reached the kitchen, the door burst open and a firefighter, complete with breathing mask, barged in.

  A pair of intense dark eyes was all I could see of the stranger, his hand waving me to him rapidly.

  I shook my head, stubborn tenacity and adrenaline charging through my veins as I turned back down the hallway. I didn’t even give a shit that I was seriously undressed. I had to get Jinx.

  “Ma’am!” The firefighter pounded down the hall after me.

  I slid beneath the bed again, stretching to reach Jinx.

  “Ma’am, I’ve got to get you out of here.” His hand rested at my back. Gentler than I would have expected considering the layers of fireproof gear he wore.

  I shook my head, glancing over my shoulder to find he’d taken off his mask.

  And then the air was sucked straight out of my lungs.

  Warm, honeyed skin stretched across a dark, stubbled jaw. The angles of his face inviting, the dark slash of his eyebrows and empathy radiating from his eyes making me weak in the knees. His full lips parted with each breath, the reckless, unkempt dark hair…he was the walking embodiment of a firefighter’s calendar I’d seen a while back. Except this guy was better, features so chiseled I was pretty sure I would spontaneously combust if I stared at him for too long. Why did it feel like something was twisting down deep in my belly with just one look?

  Wait, what is going on again?

  Why is there a gorgeous, rugged fireman in my bedroom?



  “My cat,” I breathed, pointing under the bed, shaking the fireman-induced haze from my brain.

  “Your cat is under the bed?” His throaty voice curled my toes.

  I gulped. “I can’t leave him.”

  His eyes heated with understanding. “I’ll get him.”

  He stood, walking around the bed, his gait slow and confident. I would have killed to see what he was packing under that fireman’s getup, if the place wasn’t burning down around us, that is.

  “Wait—” I interjected. “He’s been a moody bastard. He might bite you.”

  A crooked smile that made my stomach turn somersaults cracked his lips. “I’ve encountered a lot of mean kitties. That’s why they give me the gloves.” He held up one gloved hand and winked.

  He winked.

  He fucking winked at me.

  I nodded, unable to form a syllable before tall, rugged, and dangerously sexy leaned beneath the bed and swiped up my ornery old cat in one hand. He cradled Jinx in the crook of his elbow, covering his eyes before coming around the bed for me.

  “Let’s go.” He held out a hand.

  My lips slid open, the way his eyes held mine leaving me completely transfixed. His dominant presence ate up the energy between us and made me a slave to his scrutiny. I couldn’t think straight, could hardly take a breath without feeling his gaze prickle my skin. I felt completely immobile. As cheesy as it might sound, I was a deer in the headlights, those headlights being his intense eyes. I could swear my heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, and at that moment, I was thankful for the fire and the search for Jinx because it hid my embarrassing reaction to this stranger.


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