Our Little Secret

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Our Little Secret Page 8

by Ashelyn Drake

  Tori steps into the room and stares at the doorknob. “You should have Dad fix that.”

  “Yeah, I will. Definitely.” Toby winks at me as Tori turns toward me.

  “You finished yet? I need you to proofread my English essay.”

  “Yeah.” I slide off the bed and gather my books, putting them away as if I wasn’t just kissing my best friend’s brother. Maybe I can get used to sneaking around. I smile at Toby as I follow Tori out of the room. “Thanks again for helping me.”

  “Any time.” He tickles my side, and I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from giggling.

  “How can you study on his bed?” Tori asks as we walk into her room.

  I throw my bag down. “Why not? He only has one chair in his room.”

  “Maybe you should study in the living room.”

  “Nah. We’re fine. I’d be too distracted with your parents coming home and stuff.”

  “Whatever. If you can stand it, then more power to you.” She hands me her essay, but before I can start reading it, she says, “I have a mission for you anyway.”

  “A mission?” What’s she up to now?

  “Yeah. Since you’re in Toby’s room every night studying, you’re the perfect person to figure out who his mystery girl is.”

  My throat tightens. “You’ve got to be kidding. He’s not going to tell me who he’s dating.”

  “Sure he will. You’ll think of some way to get it out of him.”

  Except somehow I think she’ll object to me making out with him. Especially when it’s to get my own name out of him.

  Chapter Eleven

  My cell vibrates on my nightstand.

  Toby: You asleep?

  I smile, thinking about my evening with Toby.

  Becca: No, I’m still up.

  Toby: How was the rest of your night?

  Becca: Fine. Except your sister has a mission for me.

  Toby: Hang on. I’m going to call you.

  Probably better. This is too much to discuss in a text. I answer on the second ring, so I don’t seem too eager. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” The sound of his deep voice brings butterflies to my stomach. “So what does she want you to do?”

  “Find out who you’re dating.”

  He laughs. “Well, that won’t be too difficult.”

  “It’s not funny. What am I supposed to tell her?”

  “That you couldn’t stay away from me any longer. It’s completely understandable.”

  I can picture the smirk on his face. “Keep it up and I’ll tell her you and Ryder are secret lovers.”


  “Seriously, what should I tell her?”

  “Tell her you’re not a spy. You don’t feel right snooping around in my private life, and it’s none of her business anyway.”

  “Sometimes I think you two aren’t really related. Any chance one of you was switched at birth?”

  “Tori keeps trying to prove it, but so far no luck.”

  I yawn and look at the clock. Eleven-thirty.

  “Go to bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Without Meredith attached to your arm? I might not recognize you.”

  “Ha-ha. Goodnight, Becca.”

  “Night.” I know he’s right. I should tell Tori it’s none of her business who Toby is dating. But considering it’s me, that isn’t exactly true. Tori or Toby? How do I choose between them? There has to be a way to keep them both. I fall asleep, wondering if I’ll ever get this sorted out.


  “Check it out. My brother is actually walking down the hall without an entourage.”

  “Leave him alone.” I put my books in my locker and grab my Spanish notebook. I totally forgot to study for our quiz today.

  “I will as soon as you find out who he’s dating.” She pauses, and a smile spreads across her face. “Unless it’s someone totally gross and I can torture him about it.”

  “Why?” I slam my locker shut. “Why do you have to pick on him?”

  “What happened to Suzie Sunshine? I actually prefer her to”—she gestures the length of my body—“whatever this is.”

  “Nothing happened. I’m just tired of you two fighting. I’m at your house all the time. I grew up with you guys. It’s annoying to constantly be in the middle of you two.”

  “Why would you be in the middle? You’re my best friend. Not his. We have different friends for a reason.”

  “What about Friday night? We all hung out together.”

  “That was different. Toby was actually being decent and hooking me up with Ryder. He probably wants something. You just watch.”

  “Whatever.” I steal her line and adjust my shoulder bag. “You ready to go to class?”

  “No, but I guess we have to.”

  Toby walks by us, but before I can say hi or even hope he’ll stop to talk, two girls step between us and flank him on both sides.

  “Look at that. It’s like the girls have radar or something.”

  “I’m starting to see what you mean.” I better figure this out soon because I can’t keep watching other girls hang all over him.

  “It’s about time.” She loops her arm through mine, and we walk to class.

  I barely pass my Spanish quiz. Senora Gomez gives me a sympathetic look. I normally do really well in her class, and apparently she heard I was sick this past weekend. She even tells me I can take a make-up exam if I’d like. I don’t want to use my fake sickness to better my grade, but I can’t exactly admit to faking either, so I agree to come in early on Thursday and retake the quiz.

  By lunch I feel really guilty, but that’s quickly replaced with feelings of jealousy. Toby is sitting with Ryder and Jeff and a slew of girls.

  “Why are you squeezing your sandwich to death?” Tori asks, pointing to the peanut butter oozing through my fingers.

  “Oh.” I put it down and wipe my hands on a napkin.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Didn’t do so well on my Spanish quiz. I guess I’m just stressed.” I crumble the napkin and stand up. “I should go wash this off.”

  “Just don’t go beating up the paper towel dispenser. It didn’t do anything to you.”

  “Funny.” I roll my eyes and head to the bathroom across the hall. I stare at my reflection, not sure why Toby wants to be with me anyway. Everything about me screams average—my height, my brown hair, my brown eyes, my build. A lot of those girls at his table are prettier than me, and I don’t get the grades he does.

  I throw my paper towel in the garbage and walk out of the bathroom.

  “Hey,” someone whispers from the hallway on my left.

  I turn and see Toby poking his head around the corner. He waves me on. I check to make sure no one is looking and duck down the hall. “What are you doing?”

  He pulls me into an empty classroom and shuts the door. “This.” He presses his lips to mine, his arms wrapping around my waist.

  I can’t think. My mind is mush. My hands press against his chest as he holds me tighter. He pulls his head back just enough to look at me.

  “Sorry. I’ve been dying to do that since I saw you this morning.”

  “Before or after those girls swept you down the hall?”

  He cocks his head. “Are you jealous?”

  Damn it. “No.”

  He smiles. “Yes, you are. Becca, you know I’m into you. I don’t care about those girls. Besides, as soon as baseball starts, they’ll all be swarming Marcus Teeman.”

  I know he’s right. All those girls care about is who’s the hottest guy at the moment. They’ll drop Toby in a heartbeat once Marcus is in uniform. “I was only busting on you. I’m fine.”


  He really needs to stop saying that. “I should go or Tori’s going to come looking for me. I strangled my peanut butter sandwich, and she was afraid I might vandalize the girls’ bathroom too.”

  “Pent up aggression, Daniels?”

  “A little.” I smile and kiss
him quickly before skirting out of his arms. “See you later?”

  “I am your tutor, aren’t I?” He smiles. “Got to keep up appearances.”

  I wave and walk out of the classroom before I can’t convince myself to leave. I peek around the corner to make sure no one is coming. Then I practically run down the hall. The door to the girls’ bathroom opens, and Tori steps out.

  “Hey,” she says.

  I turn and look at her, trying to cover up how much I’m shaking.

  “Where did you go?”

  “Um, I forgot I left something in Spanish this morning. I went back to the classroom to get it.”

  “Why’d you go that way? It’s like twice as long.”

  “I saw the security cop, and I didn’t have a pass.”

  “You didn’t see Toby, did you? I saw him leave the cafeteria.”

  What, is she stalking him? “Why are you keeping such close tabs on him?” We walk back into the cafeteria just as the bell rings.

  “I have to find out who he’s dating. Obviously, it’s someone he doesn’t want anyone to know about.”

  Is that true? Is this about more than just not wanting Tori to find out about me? I force a laugh. “So what, you think he snuck out of lunch to meet a girl? Used an empty classroom to make out in?” It’s the closest I can come to telling her the truth, and part of my sick mind actually feels better about the poor excuse for a confession.

  “I guess it was a stupid idea. He probably just went to the bathroom.”

  I nod and turn toward my locker. “Yeah, probably.”

  “See you later.”

  “See ya.” I open my locker and grab my trig book. Today is the test on unit seven. I’m not really worried. Toby’s been a great tutor. I’m bound to pull off at least a B, and that should get Mr. Rollar off my back for a while.

  As I shut my locker and turn toward class, Toby nods and winks from his own locker. This is probably stupid, but I walk over to him. He looks around, most likely trying to find Tori.

  “She already went to class.”

  “What’s up?” He shuts his locker and leans against it.

  “She’s watching you like a hawk. She saw you leave the cafeteria. So make sure you mention a stomachache or something later.”

  “A stomachache?”

  “Yeah. At first she thought you left to meet your mystery girl. Then she decided you were just in the bathroom. I figured it was best to agree with the bathroom thing.”

  He laughs. “Got it. Hey, I have to run. See you tonight.”

  That’s it? I watch him walk away. What if Tori never opens up to the idea of Toby and me hanging out? What if we have to continue not to be friends unless we’re alone? Will this ever be enough? Sneaking around and not being able to even hold his hand in school? This isn’t at all how I pictured getting together with him.

  The late bell rings, and I run into trig. Mr. Rollar gives me the evil eye and points to the clock above the door. “You’re late, Miss Daniels.”

  “I’m sorry. Locker trouble.”

  “Perhaps next time, you shouldn’t detour at Mr. Michaels’s locker.” He gives me a knowing look, and I sink into my seat.

  Why did I go talk to Toby? It was so dumb of me. Mr. Rollar saw us and announced it to the class. I need to fix this before the rumors start. Especially since this may be the first time in Lansfield High history that the rumors are actually true.

  “Um, I had a question about unit seven. I had to ask him before the test.”

  Mr. Rollar nods. “Well, then I hope you got your answer because I have to mark you late.”

  I didn’t get any answers, but I nod and take out a pencil. Mr. Rollar passes out the test papers and I dive in. I can figure out most of the problems, but a few give me a hard time. I try picturing Toby tutoring me, but that’s no help. I can’t get past his gorgeous blue eyes and full lips.

  “Having trouble, Miss Daniels?” Mr. Rollar asks, stopping at my desk. He has this annoying habit of walking around the room while we take tests. For some reason he doesn’t get how distracting it is.

  “Um, I’m trying to remember how to solve this problem here. I know I can’t use the same formula as this one.” I point to the previous problem.

  “There are a few other problems like this one later in the test. Perhaps one of them will jog your memory.” He keeps walking. Considering the problems he’s referring to are the other ones I left blank, that’s no help at all.

  There’s a knock on the door, and Toby walks in. I keep my head down, pretending to focus on my paper, but my eyes lift to his. His mouth curves up slightly.

  “Mr. Michaels, what can I do for you?” Mr. Rollar asks.

  “I have a pass for Becca Daniels. She’s needed in the guidance office.” He hands a slip to Mr. Rollar.

  “Well, she’s in the middle of a test right now. I can send her when she’s finished.”

  I know the pass is fake. It has to be. I already had my guidance meeting this semester, and there’s no other reason why I’d be called down there. So, do I finish my test or go for a secret meeting with Toby?

  I raise my hand. “Mr. Rollar, I’m finished.”

  “Very well.” He motions me forward, and I gather my bag and test paper. He glances at the blank problems and shakes his head. “Disappointing, Miss Daniels.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. My mind sort of blanked on those problems.”

  “Perhaps you need more tutoring sessions.” Mr. Rollar looks at Toby.

  Toby keeps his expression blank. “If you think that’s what she needs, I can work it into my schedule.”

  “Thanks,” I say and take the slip from Mr. Rollar. I walk out of the classroom with Toby behind me. Neither of us says a word until we’re alone in the hallway. “What’s this about?”

  “I wanted to ask you something.”

  “And you couldn’t wait until later or text me during class?”

  He looks down the hallway in both directions. We’re all alone. He steps forward and pins me against the locker. “This is more fun, don’t you think? We could get caught at any second.”

  My heart pounds, which I’m sure he feels since his chest is pressed against mine. Damn, he makes me feel so out of control—in a good way. “Speaking of getting caught, Rollar saw me at your locker. I had to tell him I was checking on something I didn’t understand about unit seven.”

  “And then you go and miss a bunch of questions on the test? Not very convincing.”

  “I know.”

  He leans forward and brushes his lips against mine. The kiss is quick, but it sends my heart into a tizzy. This is reckless, stupid. But I don’t care. “Got to go.”

  “Wait. What did you want to ask me?”

  “Ever jump out of a plane?”

  “You mean skydiving?”

  He nods. “I’m going this weekend. You should come. It’s a total rush.” He leans toward me again, but this time he kisses my neck. Shivers run through me. “Kind of like sneaking around with you,” he whispers. He pauses long enough to smile at me before taking off down the hall.

  A rush. He’s right. I’ve never felt so alive.

  Chapter Twelve

  “What do you mean you have to double your tutoring time?” Tori drops her bag on the center island and opens the fridge.

  “I didn’t do so great on my trig test today. I totally blanked.”

  She hands me a bottle of water. “Maybe you need a better tutor. Toby’s smart, but he obviously isn’t a good teacher.”

  “No, he is. I just suck at math.”

  “So does this mean you’ll be spending all your time with him instead of hanging out with me?”

  “Yes, it does, little sis.” Toby walks into the kitchen, cell phone in hand.

  Tori glares at him. “I’m four minutes younger than you.”

  “Like I said, little sis.” He ruffles her hair, which gets him smacked in the chest four times.

  “There, one for every minute older than me.” She
pats her hair back into place and grimaces at him.

  “Don’t be so mean. I have good news for you.”

  She crosses her arms. “I doubt that.”

  “Hear him out,” I say, playing mediator as usual.

  “Fine. What’s the good news?”

  “Well, apparently you’re not a total spaz because Ryder said he wants to hang out with you again.”

  Her arms fall to her sides, and her mouth hangs open.

  “Tori, are you okay?” I ask, looking back and forth between her and Toby.

  “Give her a minute, and you may want to cover your ears,” Toby says.

  “What? Why?”

  Before he can answer, Tori lets out a shriek. I cover my ears, but it’s too late. I won’t be surprised if I fail my next hearing test.

  “You better not be kidding me. I’ll kill you if you are. Then I’ll hunt down your secret girlfriend and kill her, too.”

  “My secret girlfriend?” He narrows his eyes at her.

  Tori looks at me and shrugs. “Might as well get this out in the open.”

  Get what out in the open? Toby and I exchange worried looks.

  “I know you’re seeing someone. You came home with rainbow sprinkles on you. You hate them. And you’ve been all goofy and happy. It’s annoying, and it can only mean you’re hooking up with someone new. Someone better than Meredith—not that it’s hard to find someone better than her.”

  Toby laughs. “You think that just because I told Meredith I’m not into her, I must be hooking up with someone else?”

  “That’s what I said. Becca thinks so too.” She picks up her water bottle and points it at me.

  “Oh, you do?” Toby’s almost too good at lying. Even I’m convinced he thinks we’re full of shit.

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, for both of your information—not that it’s any of your business—the guy at the ice cream place screwed up my order. I was in a good mood, so I didn’t send it back. And what do you know? Rainbow sprinkles really are better than chocolate.”


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