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Finding Sanctuary

Page 10

by Morticia Knight

  “Forgive me, sir. But we haven’t had anything that mild since the last new member social. But perhaps Master Saul could arrange something special for you?”

  “Perhaps. Thank you, Javier, that’s an excellent idea. Is he available there now, by any chance?”

  “He is. I can knock on the door of his study and tell him you’re on the line, if you’d like?”

  “I would.”

  Within a few minutes, Saul had picked up the receiver, and after Javier had verified they were connected, he hung up the phone from wherever he’d been in the mansion.

  “What can I do for you this evening, my good friend? I take it you won’t be stopping by?”

  “Not tonight, no. However, I’m interested in bringing over my new boy soon and introducing him to the concept of sadomasochism. I thought a visual experience would help him to understand everything better than if I were just to tell him. At the same time, without any knowledge of these types of perversions, I’m concerned that a more extreme demonstration would only serve to frighten him away.”

  “Well, old sport, it might do that regardless. May I ask if this is the young man you were telling me about during your last visit?”

  Theo chuckled. “It is. And before you ask, he’s nineteen.”

  “Ah! Wonderful, then. I imagine that was a relief for you?”

  “A huge relief. Actually…”

  Theo wasn’t sure how his friend would react to him moving Francesco in with him so quickly, but at the same time, it wouldn’t matter. He had believed it was the right thing to do then, and his resolve to keep Francesco had only grown stronger. And anyway, hadn’t Saul been the one telling him how impulsive the chance he’d taken on Javier had been?

  “As it turns out, his desire to please and make me proud of him is a natural part of his personality. He’s readily agreed to be my submissive, but we haven’t engaged in any sexual activity yet—even though he seems quite anxious for it. I need to find out if he has a bit of the masochist in him.”

  “Hmm. I would say that’s wise before you become too attached.”

  Too late for that. “Would it be possible for you to arrange a demonstration of a milder nature than the one coming up this weekend?”

  Saul snorted a laugh. “Probably for the best to avoid that one for now. But I’d be happy to assist. What did you have in mind?”

  “Some light bondage, perhaps some paddling or the cat o’ nine tails? I know you’re proficient with the bullwhip and single-tail, but I think that might be a bit much for right now as well.”

  “That sounds fine. I’ve worked with young Charlie before, and he’s a good subject. He has a smaller stature, and can handle a strong beating, so your new boy would see that even a man of a slight build isn’t afraid.”

  “That would be perfect. Francesco has a smaller build too. Not to be pushy, but when do you think that could be arranged?”

  “Is next week all right, or is that too soon?”

  Theo licked his lips as his cock swelled. Not soon enough. “Not at all. I don’t want to keep either of us waiting.”

  Saul let out an easy chuckle. “Quite understandable. I take it he’s living with you at your home? I don’t mean to pry, but you had shared with me that he was on the streets.”

  “I’m not a fool, Saul. I know I’ve done the right thing.”

  “Not judging you, old sport. Not in the slightest. Rather that I’m thrilled that an analytical law man such as yourself was able to utilize his instincts after all.”

  Theo gave a light laugh. “That’s amusing, Saul. But you won’t mind if I don’t confess how right you were just yet? I’m still nursing my wounded pride.”

  “Oh, no. Wouldn’t dream of it. Nine o’clock, let’s say Monday night then?”

  “We’ll arrive at eight so he can have the chance to acclimate to his surroundings. He’ll be excited by everything and everyone and filled with a myriad of questions.”

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Theo?”

  Theo imagined the brightness in his tone had spoken for itself. “More than I thought possible.”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long while, old sport. I look forward to meeting him.”

  “Thank you again, Saul.”

  After Theo hung up the phone, he ran his fingers through his hair, his mind racing with different scenarios that might occur when he brought Francesco to Hampton Road. He didn’t think he’d scare him away for good, but how could he be sure what he’d do? Or worse, think? Would he come to believe that Theo was as bad as the other people who had hurt him in his life had been? Would he lose Francesco’s trust?

  Yet, I have to know. It’s not fair to him for us to continue if he would truly hate being with a sadistic man.

  Theo glanced at the mantle clock. Francesco had been in the library by himself for almost an hour. It was the longest they hadn’t been in each other’s waking presence since Francesco had arrived. He was curious how well he was doing on his own. Not that Francesco was unfamiliar with being alone—and neither was he, for that matter—but he hadn’t seemed very pleased when Theo had told him he must stay in the library and not leave it until Theo came and fetched him. Despite his willingness to please, Francesco had also been under his own command for many years, with no one else to rely on or help him.

  Theo pushed up from his chair and made his way to the library. When he got there, he peered around the threshold and spotted Francesco kneeling on the window seat. He’d pulled one side of the drapes to the side and was gazing outside.

  “Francesco? How are you getting along?”

  Francesco gasped and whipped his body around. “Oh, I didn’t hear you!”

  He launched himself off the bench seat then rushed over. When he was within inches of Theo, he abruptly stopped. He pressed his lips together and shuffled on his feet, his fingers wiggling. Theo remained still and waited for Francesco to tell him what was going through his mind.

  Finally, he lifted his eyes. “Sir?”

  “What is it, pet?”

  “Am I allowed to hug you? I want to, but I don’t know if it’s okay or not because you said you’d be giving me instructions but you didn’t say anything about touching. Oh, and I don’t want to leave and be outside, but I heard people yelling and I got curious about what was going on. That’s why I was at the window.” Francesco slapped both hands over his mouth. He dropped them to his side again. “Sorry, I was blurting. And the question wasn’t rhetorical.” Francesco broke into a wide grin, undoubtedly pleased with himself.

  “That was wonderful what you just did. You knew you were blurting and made yourself stop.” Theo caressed his cheek and again Francesco rubbed against his palm. “And I can see you’ve been working on that list I gave you. Nicely done, I’m very impressed.”

  “You’re impressed? Oh wait, I want the other question answered first, please.”

  “Very nicely done. Yes, you may hug me, and when we’re all alone, you can touch me whenever you like unless I tell you otherwise. I’ll also give you specific rules for how you’re to behave at the club.”

  “Thank you!”

  Francesco wrapped his arms around Theo’s waist and tugged them together, his face resting against Theo’s chest. Theo embraced him back, and he wondered how much sleep he was likely to get that night, either. His hard, throbbing dick was pressed flush against Francesco’s belly, the outline of his thick length obvious through the thin fabric of his woolen trousers. Francesco circled his hips, rubbing his own erection against Theo’s thigh. Experiencing the evidence of Francesco’s arousal was comforting, but he needed to slow them down. They still had the night at the club to get through. But he didn’t want to hurt his feelings either.

  “Mmm. You are a tempting morsel, my pet. But I need to sit and talk with you for a bit.”

  Francesco gave a moan of protest. He peered up at him. “You sure like to talk a lot.”

  Theo chuckled. “Yes, it seems I do. But the majority of it righ
t now is to help us build a strong relationship together, and to make sure we’re openly communicating.”

  “That’s swell. But I don’t mind if you wanna talk about other things too—I love being with you even if all we’re doing is discussing stuff. And I even waited in here the way you said, no matter how bored I got.”

  Theo stepped out of Francesco’s hold, but he wrapped an arm around his shoulders as he guided him to the large, overstuffed chair he preferred using when he read. As soon as he’d sat down, he pulled Francesco onto his lap. He wanted to encourage Francesco’s affection, telegraph to him that he enjoyed being physically close—but with the hope that he could keep things from becoming too sexual.

  Francesco grinned then lay his head on Theo’s shoulder. “I wish we could sit together like this all the time.”

  Theo tightened his hold around him. “When we’re alone like this, we can. And sometimes at the club too.”

  “That’s the place you go to that would make people call you a deviant if they knew about it, right? And not just because you only like sex with fellas.”

  “That’s correct. So you learned that word also?”

  “I learned all of them. That’s why I’m bored.”

  “Perversions, Dominant, submissive, sadist, masochist…all of them?”

  “Yup. I can tell you all about them, if you want. You know, like a school test. I can spell them too. You didn’t say to do that, but it made sense. Plus, I learned them all right away, and even though your books have fancy covers on them, they don’t look very interesting to read. And who knew how long you were going to leave me in here, but I wouldn’t break your rule for anything because I want to please you—unless there was a fire or I had to pee or something—but I’m sure you’re a fair man, so I would’ve just come to you and explained. Does that sound like a swell idea?”


  Theo tried to absorb everything Francesco had gone on about. What it did indicate to him more than anything was that Francesco might even be smarter than he’d assumed. He can understand and spell them all? In less than an hour? He hadn’t exactly been poring over the dictionary when he’d walked in on him, either.

  “I do think that’s a prudent idea. And, uh, you don’t have to spell them, unless you’d like to.”

  “Okay. Can I do it later, though? I want to sit with you instead right now.”

  “I would rather you sit with me as well.”

  “Good.” Francesco tightened his hold around Theo’s neck. “That club of yours seems very interesting if those words are anything like it.” Francesco lifted his head and leaned back a little to catch his gaze. “And you’re the fella who hurts the masochist. Would I be that person? Or do you have someone else who does that for you?” Francesco lowered his eyes. “I know you just met me and all, and you have your club with all your friends already, but do you think maybe I could try to be that person for you?” He glanced up. “I know that was a lot of questions without waiting, but I’m a little upset so I need to know everything all at once.”

  Oh dear. “I’ve been worried that I might upset you because of the club, Francesco. I’m sorry. But I don’t want you to feel bad, so let’s see if we can fix it together, all right?”

  Francesco broke into a wide smile. “All right. Thank you, Sir.”

  Theo gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Now how could I possibly want anyone else but you, when you’re such a good pet?”

  “Really? You really mean it?” Francesco had gone back to wiggling, but Theo was certain he didn’t even realize it.


  “Most definitely. But are you also upset by the fact that I’m a sadist? That I want to do those things to you?”

  Francesco scrunched his forehead the way he always did as he pondered, and Theo nervously waited for his answer.

  “I think I’m mostly upset because masochists and sadists get sexual satisfaction from doing those deviant and perverse acts, and I don’t want anyone except me getting sexual satisfaction with you or the other way around.”

  “I see.” He really had been studying. “I’m glad to hear that, because I feel the same way. And I don’t expect you to know whether you’ll enjoy doing that with me since you don’t know what it’s like, so I made arrangements for us to go to the club next week so we can watch a demonstration together. See how you feel about it. How does that sound?”

  “That’s a grand idea that sounds really…” He frowned for a moment. “Grand.” Francesco hugged his neck again before continuing. “I’ll behave well, too. Whatever instructions you give me, I’ll follow them so you ain’t embarrassed by me.”

  “I won’t be embarrassed by you no matter what. All I ask is that you try your best.”

  “You’re the swellest man I’ve ever known.”

  Theo couldn’t help but smirk. “I hope you still believe that after our club visit. But I need to clarify a few other things as well, so you won’t get upset about them either. Even if you don’t care for what you see next week, either at the demonstration or with other couples, that doesn’t mean I won’t want you anymore or that we can’t be together. There are many different things we can try. I also enjoy tying men up, holding them down, controlling their pleasure when I have sex—it can be whatever works the best between us. It’s no one else’s business what we indulge in.” Francesco’s face had reddened, his lips parting. Theo frowned. “Are you all right?”


  “What is?”

  “I think I need to come.”

  Theo bit his bottom lip hard enough to keep from laughing. “Would you like some privacy?”

  “No. Don’t you want to come too?”

  Theo let out a chuckle. “Quite often, yes. Can you tell me what suddenly brought this on?”

  Francesco spoke next to his ear as if they were in a crowded room. “The holding down part. I got a picture in my head, and I don’t know why, but it made me want to spend.”

  The more Francesco talked about coming while squirming on his lap, the more it seemed as if they should. Saul did say I over-analyze everything.

  “Would you like to come to bed with me?”

  Francesco’s breathing had increased and his fingers that seemed to be in constant motion no matter what were clutched in Theo’s hair. He nodded. “Does…does that mean funny business?”

  Theo brushed his lips against Francesco’s, barely enough for them to touch but enough to breathe the same air. “Let’s speak plainly. Did you mean am I going to fuck you?”

  “It, uh… Yeah. That’s what I meant.”

  “You told me you didn’t want to, and I will honor that.”

  “But…” Francesco shuddered—however, Theo didn’t think he was cold. “Everything is different now. Did you want me that way?”

  Theo caressed Francesco’s body through the new dress shirt he wore, the fine linen smooth against his palm. He needed skin. “Have you ever been penetrated before?”

  Francesco shook his head, the action jerky. “One of the boys, when I was first on the streets, he told me not to let anyone, that I could get injured.”

  Thank God. “He was smart and I’m glad you listened to him. In answer to your question, I desire you that way, very much. But I won’t take you tonight, it’s too soon. When I do, you’ll be ready for me, begging for it because I will have shown you how good it can be.” Theo pressed his lips to Francesco’s, but drew away without going any further. “Still, there are many other things we can do until then.”

  “Right now? Please?”

  “Yes, love. Right now.”

  Theo rose, bringing Francesco with him in one fluid movement. Francesco held on by wrapping his legs around his middle and hanging on to his shoulders. He was the lightest man Theo had ever carried, and still would be even after he’d reached his proper weight. It wasn’t only because Francesco was such a small man, but because he was never letting Francesco go. There would never be anyone else.

ancesco kissed his neck and the side of his face as Theo brought them upstairs to the bedroom. He badly wanted to taste Francesco’s mouth, wanted to explore it thoroughly with his tongue, but he wanted to wait until they were lying together on the bed. Maybe his need for control was too strong, but he didn’t care. He would express his love to Francesco however he chose.

  As soon as he passed the threshold of the room, he surged forward, allowing them both to fall onto the mattress while making sure he didn’t crush Francesco. Already Francesco was twisting around and undoing his own buttons.

  “Be still, pet. I’ll do it.” He nipped at Francesco’s earlobe, eliciting a delightful whimper from him. “I’m in charge, remember?”

  “Holding me down?” Francesco’s eyes were so wide that he appeared dazed.

  “As soon as I have you naked, the way I desire.”

  “O-okay. For you.”

  Theo let go of Francesco and rose, a questioning expression radiating back at him. “Don’t move.”

  Francesco frantically shook his head. “I promise.”

  Theo hadn’t turned on a lamp, but he wanted the light that was streaming in from the hallway, wanted to see everything he did to Francesco. However, the room was still illuminated enough that prying eyes might see. Theo undid his own shirt as he padded to the window, his silk-lined carpet slippers the only thing he wore on his feet. He’d noted that the matching pair he’d purchased for Francesco had been kicked off at some point while he’d been in the library.

  After he’d undone the drapery ties, he yanked them shut, making certain that the thick fabric overlapped the way he always did when he brought a man into his bedroom. Theo turned, observing how Francesco was gripping the duvet, almost as if he was keeping himself still. His pet wanted so much to please him.

  Theo discarded his shirt, tossing it aside, then he unbuttoned his tank before shrugging it off his shoulders and allowing it to fall to the floor. He paused when he reached the bed, opening the nightstand drawer to remove the jar of lubrication. He gazed down at Francesco’s prone body, sprawled across the covers just the way he’d left him. His cockhead pressed uncomfortably against his slacks and his own need to spend had taken on an urgency. He idly wondered how many times he could make the young, wanton Francesco come over the course of the evening.


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