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Finding Sanctuary

Page 14

by Morticia Knight

  Francesco was brought back to awareness as Theo placed a warm hand on his lower back. He didn’t realize how much he’d been wiggling until he’d stopped at Theo’s touch. Huh. He glanced in the direction of the boys who had been watching him while he’d watched them and narrowed his eyes in satisfaction. Even though Theo had probably only touched him the way he had to get him to still, it didn’t hurt that they’d seen Theo giving him caresses.

  This being still thing is even worse than I’d thought it would be. Francesco had never deluded himself into believing such a thing would be easy—he knew how much energy he had—but he’d hoped that if he concentrated real hard at the club, he would’ve been doing better by now.. His assumption had been that being in the strange space and wanting to please Theo so much would be enough to get him to behave. He’d been wrong. I’ll just have to try harder.

  Soon, he’d begun to squirm around for a different reason. He’d have to find out where the facilities were, but he didn’t want to interrupt Theo while he was talking with Master Saul. Theo spoke against his ear.

  “Is there something more than nerves or impatience that’s plaguing you, love?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you.” Francesco grimaced. “But I really have to pee.”

  Theo patted his back. “That’s not bothering me at all—whenever you need something important, you must always come to me. Would you like me to take you to the restroom?”

  Francesco chewed his lip. Theo was being good about keeping his promise not to leave him alone, but at the same time, he’d be back to feeling like a big baby if Theo had to go with him.

  “How far is it?”

  “When you exit the ballroom, it’s to your left on the other side of the staircase. First door.”

  If it was the first door, that wasn’t too bad. “No one will bother me because they all saw me come in with you, right?”

  “True. But at the same time, other members might arrive who haven’t seen you yet and I didn’t bring you a collar to wear.” Theo wrinkled his brow. “I should go with you.”

  Theo and Master Saul had just been in the middle of an intense conversation—not that he’d been paying any attention to what it was about—but he felt bad about interrupting.

  “I won’t dilly-dally, I swear.”

  Theo regarded him with a still-furrowed brow as if he were considering things from all sides. “All right. But only if you’re sure you don’t want me to accompany you, because I wouldn’t mind doing it at all so that I don’t break my promise.”

  Francesco smiled. “That’s because you’re the best Sir ever.”

  Theo bent down to give him a kiss on his forehead, which was even better than the touching had been. The boys who had been watching them would know that it wasn’t acceptable to go anywhere near Theo. Theo squeezed his shoulder.

  “Come right back, love. I know how curious you are, but I don’t want you wandering off. I’ll give you a tour later if you’d like.”

  “That sounds swell, but I just gotta pee right now.”

  He must have spoken louder than he’d thought, because Master Saul let out a snort that sounded like a laugh. Theo laughed lightly as well.

  “All right then. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  Francesco held his head high as he breezed past the submissives who still lounged together. He had every right to be there too. Both Theo and Master Saul had said he was delightful and Theo had even called him spectacular.

  He easily found the bathroom and after he’d done his business, he couldn’t stop himself from running his hands over and over the gold lion’s-head spigots. He didn’t know if they were real gold, but they again reminded him of what it would be like inside a genuine palace. The paper on the walls was gold also, covered with a fancy design made of black fuzzy stuff. He ran his fingers over that too.

  He jumped as someone knocked on the door. Oh no. Had Theo come looking for him? He must’ve taken too long because he’d gotten so distracted.

  “Sorry, Sir. I’ll be right out!”

  Francesco quickly washed then dried his hands before swinging the door wide. He gasped at the sight of one of the young men who had been watching him with Theo. Maybe he wasn’t such a bad fella. After all, he’d wanted to have a chance to meet the submissives when he wouldn’t be interrupting Theo and Master Saul. So, the young man was probably just curious too—Francesco understood about that.

  “Hi, I’m Francesco, Theo’s pet. What’s your name?”

  The submissive standing before him was a little bit taller, but not by much. He also had a similar build, in that he was thin. However, Francesco was surprised at the sneer the boy was directing at him.

  “You? Theo’s pet? How silly. I don’t believe that for a moment since I know him so well.” He stroked his greased hair on either side as if straightening it. “And anyway, you don’t come to Hampton the very first time and get claimed.” The man sniffed. “He probably only wanted to try out the new meat since I’m always his first choice when he plays. Then again, most of the Masters choose me first.”

  “Then how come you’re all by yourself?” Francesco let out a huff. “You’re nothing but a big fibber and Master Theo is waiting for me.”

  Francesco tried to push past the mean submissive, but he blocked his way.

  “You need to leave. No one wants you here.”

  Francesco barked out a sharp laugh. “You’re not very smart, are you? Didn’t you see Master Theo holding my hand and touching me? You don’t know nothing about how much he wants me, and he wants me a whole bunch.” Francesco stuck out his tongue at the man to emphasize his point.

  The man reared back his head, scowling. “What sort of miscreant are you?”

  “The kind that thinks you’re a mean bully who doesn’t know how to behave, which is why no good Master wants you. Now get out of my way!”

  The submissive grabbed his upper arm and Francesco was right about to give his jewels a good dose of kicking when Theo appeared.

  “Irwin! What in heaven’s name do you think you’re doing? Let go of my boy immediately!”

  Francesco yanked his arm away. “Yeah Irwin, you boob. Let go of his boy immediately!”

  Irwin made a low growling sound, then stomped off. Francesco turned to Theo, who had covered his mouth with one hand. He thought it might be to cover a smile or something because his eyes seemed like they were laughing. Theo dropped his hand to his side.

  “Well, now. I hope he didn’t upset you too much? I don’t know what he said to you, but rest assured, I have no interest in him.”

  “He’s a liar, I can tell. I learned all about that on the streets cuz people like to lie a lot. I suppose I lied too, like with the dime thing, but I didn’t do it to make people feel bad and I don’t do it no more because I love you too much. But it’s a good thing you got here when you did because I was about to give it to him, and how, because he grabbed me and no one is allowed to grab me except for you and I didn’t want to make a scene and embarrass you, but I…I…” He couldn’t catch his breath.

  Theo drew him into his arms, his warm embrace a comfort that helped to calm his racing heart. Theo gently rocked him as he kissed his head over and over, murmuring soft words that reassured him everything was okay. After several minutes Theo loosened his hold, but didn’t release him. He gazed down at him and encouraged his chin up. Francesco thought Theo had been crying because his eyes seemed a little wet, which made him even madder at Irwin. How dare he upset Theo, who was the best man ever?

  “I can see he did upset you, and I apologize for not insisting that I accompany you to the restroom. I underestimated just how sneaky and unscrupulous he is.” Theo rubbed his thumb across Francesco’s bottom lip. “And I don’t expect you to have such strong feelings for me yet, so please don’t think I’ll hold you to it. There’s no rush and as I said before, no obligation.”

  Francesco frowned. He had followed the stuff Theo had said about Irwin easy enough—even if there ha
d been one word that he didn’t exactly know—but he’d caught the drift of it. But why was Theo talking about the feelings he had for him?

  “Hold me to what? I don’t understand.”

  “Because you declared your love for me.” Theo brushed some of his curls back. “It gave me such joy to hear it, but I don’t want you to think you have to—”

  Francesco dropped his jaw open. “You’re right! I did say that. That’s not what I wanted to do at all.”

  Theo nodded, his expression radiating a certain sadness. “Of course you didn’t. I don’t expect you to love me.”

  “What? No! You misunderstood.” Francesco huffed out frustration at his own inability to communicate the way he wished he could. “I wanted to do it at a special time, that’s what I meant. I didn’t want to blurt it like I blurt everything! I know you don’t love me yet because you’re very careful about everything and wait until you’re extra sure, so I was waiting until you’d decided it was okay. Then I was going to tell you.” Francesco sighed. “I can’t believe I futzed up something so important because of my danged blurting. Could you please make me stop doing that, Sir? Please?”

  “Oh, Francesco.”

  Theo wrapped him up in his arms again as he descended on his mouth, taking it in a heated kiss. Francesco forgot all about his blurting and how disappointed he was that he’d ruined what he’d hoped would be a precious moment between them, and lost himself in the demands of Theo’s embrace. He answered back with his own desperate kisses, delving deeper each time in an effort to prove to Theo that his declaration had been true. Francesco clutched at Theo’s jacket, unable to stop himself from grinding against his Sir. Will he let me call him Master now?

  Theo broke their connection but remained close, their frantic breaths mingling. “I’ve held back from telling you my feelings, not because I wasn’t sure, but because I am careful, the way you said. I’ve been afraid that if you didn’t love me, that it would be unfair for me to put that sort of pressure on you since I fell so hard and so fast.”

  “It’s okay, I was sorta doing the same thing too because of the hard and fast part. I guess we didn’t want to make each other feel bad, huh?”

  “So sweet.” Theo caressed his face and petted back more of his curls. “No, we didn’t. That’s a wonderful sign, though, isn’t it?”

  “I think it is. Are you mad because I blurted out such an important thing?”

  “No, love. Never mad at you, I promise.”

  “Maybe frustrated?”

  Theo laughed, the sound happy and relieved at the same time. “Maybe. But that will never impact my love for you. That will always remain strong.”

  “That’s good. I feel the same way about that too. Are we still going to watch the show?”

  “Yes. As much as I’d like to be alone with you this very second, it would be impolite not to after I requested this one specifically for us. And, truthfully, it would still be wise for you to see what happens between a Dominant and submissive before we give anything a try.”

  As if on cue, the lights from the ballroom dimmed even more and the drone of conversation dwindled down.

  “They’re starting, love. Let’s go so that you don’t miss a thing.”

  “Okay, but can I say one more thing first?”

  “Yes, you may.”

  “I love you, Sir.” Francesco grinned. “I just wanted to do it proper.”

  Theo framed his face with both hands and gazed at him intently. “I love you too, Francesco.” He placed a light kiss on his lips. “More than you know.”

  Francesco’s face hurt from all his smiling. But it was okay. Theo loved him and his life would never be the same—it would only get better.

  Chapter Nine

  Theo held Francesco in his lap as they watched Saul’s demonstration. In reality, Francesco watched the show and squirmed in his arms while Theo tried to pay attention. Instead of behaving like a Master in control, all he could do was daydream about Francesco. The first day they’d met, the following time when he’d rescued him from the hoodlums, then when he’d brought him home, the first time they’d made love… He might have fallen hard and fast, but nothing had ever felt more real. And I’ve never been so alive.

  It was odd how wrong he’d been regarding the type of man he’d thought would be perfect for him. He’d imagined a reserved, quiet boy who would serenely serve him then submit to his strict and carnal demands in bed. After meeting Francesco, the idea of keeping such a man in his life forever struck him as incredibly dull.

  “Sir?” Francesco whispered into his ear, his breath hot against the shell because he’d cupped his hand. “I need to come real bad, even more than last night. Did Master Saul say how long he was gonna be whipping this fella? My jewels hurt.”

  Francesco’s voice snapped him back to the present. “I’m sure he won’t be much longer, pet.”

  Theo let out a pleased sigh at the realization that the display of sadomasochism had aroused Francesco. He’d meant what he said about it not being necessary to do the things that Theo craved, that they could find other ways to express their physical love that would satisfy the both, But he couldn’t deny that things were progressing nicely, and that he looked forward to giving Francesco a delicious taste of pain.

  Theo slipped a hand underneath the elastic of Francesco’s boxers. He smiled to himself at the little gasp Francesco made as he fisted his cock. He also discovered just how aroused his boy really was. Not only was he fully erect, he was leaking plenty of early spend. It wouldn’t take much to push him over, but he thought a nice dose of denial would be good for him.

  “Remember, pet,” Theo whispered. “You’re not allowed to come until I say so. This is my cock, so I can do what I please with it.”

  Francesco bucked into his hand. “Oh my.” His words had come out a bit louder than was appropriate and a few audience members whipped their heads around. A couple of them smiled as it became obvious what was going on.

  Theo went back to tormenting his boy, although in truth, he was doing the same to himself. The more Francesco rubbed against his own erection with his pert behind, the more Theo wondered how long he’d be able to hold out.

  The lusty cries of the submissive Saul had bound to a wooden post rang out, his struggles against the ropes that imprisoned his wrists ones of ecstasy rather than agony. With each slap of the flogger against his reddened flesh, Theo pictured Francesco in the throes of a drunken reverie, a result of the pain Theo was inflicting upon him. His skill wasn’t as effortless as Saul’s, but he’d become a favorite of the boys he’d once sought for his enjoyment, Irwin notwithstanding. Saul had been the one to train him in the use of various whips after he’d first moved to Los Angeles. He was his mentor and a true Master in every sense of the word.

  “Come, boy.”

  Saul’s simple command was all that was needed for the submissive on stage to let loose with a roar. Francesco dug his fingers into Theo’s arms and his legs shook from what Theo was sure was a real struggle to obey. I imagine he’ll leave marks of his own in my flesh. He’d likely have a better chance of keeping Francesco’s focus if he let him climax before they went any further. They’d have plenty of time in a private room and Francesco was young and virile.

  “You may come as well, pet.”

  He’d barely gotten the words out when Francesco erupted over his hand, his back arching as he let out a strangled sound. The applause from the audience covered it for the most part, but it didn’t matter. The members were accustomed to pleasure being taken whenever the mood struck. The rooms were there for those who truly wished to have privacy or to avail themselves of the implements and furnishings that the open area didn’t provide.

  “Sir, I’m a mess.”

  Theo chuckled as he kissed Francesco’s neck. He removed his hand from Francesco’s underwear and wiped it off with a handkerchief he kept in his trouser pocket.

  “Don’t fret. I requested a room with an en suite bath. We’ll get you cl
eaned up after we’re done for the night.”

  “That’s a relief. I don’t want to get the new things you bought for me dirty. I want them to stay perfect for as long as possible.”

  Theo encouraged Francesco off his lap then rose from the chair as the lights were turned up again. “And I know you’ll do your best to care for them, but they’ll undoubtedly have to be laundered or spot-cleaned at some point.”

  “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Francesco glanced down at himself then back up at Theo. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” He moved closer to Theo. “No one is acting like they care.”

  “My love, do you suppose that between the display we just enjoyed and the nature of this club, anyone would?”

  “Gee, I guess not. I don’t want to be pushy, but do you think we can go to the room now? Are you gonna use that same whip with all the tails on me? Cuz if you want to, I wouldn’t mind.”

  Theo curled a hand around Francesco’s nape and began to guide him out of the ballroom. “Normally, I would reprimand you for being pushy—as you put it—but I’ll confess to being somewhat anxious to get there myself.”

  They made their way to one of the larger suites at the end of the hall that he used the most often. In his opinion, it had the nicest selection of implements and he preferred the layout with a large four poster bed on one side and a lounging area on the other with several fluffy throw pillows that could be utilized on the floor if desired.

  “Here we are, love.” Theo opened the door and gestured for Francesco to go ahead. Once he’d followed him in then shut and locked it, he crossed his arms while he watched Francesco explore everything, his eyes wide and lips parted. So sensual, so alive. “Would you like to see the assortment of toys there are for us to choose from?”

  Francesco stopped running around and touching everything to gape at Theo. “Toys?”


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