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The Stoic tod-3

Page 31

by Theodore Dreiser

  During this time Cowperwood lived principally in the agreeable thought of returning, at the end of the day, to Pryor’s Cove and Berenice. For the first time in years he was enjoying the simplicities of a genuine home, a place which, because of the spirit with which Berenice infused it, caused anything and everything from a game of checkers to a short walk along the Thames to seem rich in color and feeling and make him wish that it would go on forever. Even growing old would not be such an ordeal if it could be passed under such circumstances.

  Yet one afternoon, about five months after his return to business, as he sat in his office preparing a note for Aileen, he was suddenly seized with the sharpest pain of any thus far experienced in connection with his illness. It was not unlike a sharp knife being pushed and turned in the region of his left kidney, and from there it seemed to leap to his heart. When he attempted to get up from his chair, he was unable to do so. In fact, as at Tregasal, his breath seemed to fail him, and he could not move. But in a few moments the pain lessened and he was able to reach over to a push button to summon Jamieson. As he was about to press the button, however, he drew back his hand and decided that perhaps this was simply one of those acute pains he had been warned to expect, and which he had been assured would not be fatal. And so he sat for a few moments, extremely reduced by the plain evidence that he was not cured, and fearing this might be the way it would eventually end. And what was worse, he had no one to confide in. For word as to this would bring back his public situation exactly where it had been before. And Berenice! Stane! Aileen! The newspapers! And more and more days in bed!

  One thing he thought he should do was to return to New York. For there he would be close to Dr. James, and also he could see Aileen again and go over the problems that were troubling her. If he were going to die, there were things that should be put in order. As for Berenice, he could explain to her his need without telling her all in regard to this latest attack, and have her also return to New York.

  After arriving at this decision he very cautiously rose from his chair, and a few hours later was able to return to Pryor’s Cove, pretending that there was nothing wrong in any way. However, after dinner, Berenice, who was in a particularly pleasant frame of mind, asked him if everything was going all right.

  “Well, no, not exactly,” he replied. “I had a letter from Aileen complaining about conditions in New York: the work on the house, and that sort of thing. She thinks there isn’t sufficient room being left for the pictures I’ve added to the collection. And some of the dealers who have looked in on the alterations seem to agree with her, regardless of Pyne’s opinion. I’m beginning to feel that I should go over, not only for that reason, but also to look after some of the follow-ups in connection with the loans that were made to me when I was there last.”

  “Are you sure you are strong enough to undertake the trip?” asked Berenice, a look of anxiety in her eyes.

  “Quite,” replied Cowperwood. “As a matter of fact, I am feeling better than I have been for months. And I cannot go too long without contact with New York.”

  “What about me?” she inquired, in a troubled tone.

  “Why, you will go with me, and, for convenience sake, you can stay at the Waldorf when you get there, incognito, of course,”—a reply that modified the look of distress in her face.

  “But on different boats, as usual?”

  “Unfortunately, that would be the best way, hard as it is for me to even think of it. You know so well, dear, the danger of publicity.”

  “Yes, I know. I understand how you feel about it. If you have to go, you must, and I’ll be right behind you on the next boat. When do we go?”

  “Jamieson tells me the next boat sails Wednesday. Can you get ready by then?”

  “I could be ready tomorrow if it were necessary,” replied Berenice.

  “Darling! You are always so willing, so helpful—I don’t know what my life would be without you . . .”

  As he said this Berenice walked toward him and put her arms around him, whispering: “I love you, Frank. So why shouldn’t I do everything I can to help you . . .”

  Chapter 66

  Once on the boat, Cowperwood felt alone, spiritually alone, at last admitting to himself that neither he nor any man knew anything about life or it’s Creator. He now felt that for some reason he was facing a change which involved all this great and beautiful mystery as it related itself to him.

  He had cabled Dr. James to meet him at the dock, and this immediately brought the following reply: “Welcome to New York. I will be there to meet you. Yours, Monte Carlo Jeff.” A message which provided Cowperwood with a laugh and a peaceful night. Only, before he turned to rest, he took paper and ink and penned the following message to Berenice, who was traveling under the name of Kathryn Trent on the S. S. King Haakan: “We are only a day apart but to me it is worse than a dozen years. Good night, beautiful spirit, your mere vicinity comforts me and brings me rest.”

  On Sunday morning Cowperwood awoke feeling less vigorous and less physically secure than he had the night before. And by the time his valet had helped him dress, he felt greatly reduced in strength; in fact, he returned to bed to rest for the entire day. At first, his entourage, which consisted of Jamieson; Mr. Hartley, Jamieson’s assistant; Frederickson, the valet, was not alarmed, as it was thought he was merely relaxing. But toward late afternoon he asked Jamieson to call the ship’s physician, for he was feeling quite ill. Dr. Camden, after an examination, decided that he was a very sick man, with a temperature of 105°, and advised that his personal physician be notified to meet the boat in the morning and have an ambulance there.

  On hearing this news Jamieson took it upon himself to wire Aileen that her husband was very ill, that it was necessary to remove him from the boat in an ambulance, and what did she have to suggest in regard to further arrangements. Whereupon Aileen answered at once, saying that owing to the fact that Mr. Cowperwood’s residence was being altered to house an additional art gallery, there was an undue amount of noise and confusion; she therefore thought it wiser for him to go to the Waldorf-Astoria, where arrangements could be made for his proper care, and where he would be decidedly more comfortable.

  After Dr. Camden had eased his patient by a shot of morphine, Jamieson communicated the contents of Aileen’s message to Cowperwood.

  “Yes, that would be much better,” he said weakly. “Make the arrangements.”

  But this disruption of all his plans, and such thoughts as he was now able to indulge in, caused him to feel very weary. His house! His art gallery! His planned hospital! The idea of having to return to London and his underground affairs! Suddenly he found himself desiring not to think of anything or anyone, other than Berenice.

  And so he remained until morning, when the boat was nearing New York and in process of being docked, and the hustle and bustle and movement all about him caused him to awaken to the fact that they were arriving.

  At this point, Dr. James, having chartered a pilot boat, boarded the S. S. Empress while it was still in the lower harbor, and after he had consulted Dr. Camden and Jamieson about such plans as had been made, walked into Cowperwood’s room.

  “Now, Frank, this is Jeff,” he announced, “and I want to know exactly how you’re feeling. This is something that will pass, I believe, as soon as I can administer the right sort of medicine. But I want you not to worry about anything. Just leave it to me, your old Monte Carlo pal.”

  “I knew when you came, Jeff,” said Cowperwood, weakly, “everything would be all right,” and he squeezed the doctor’s hand affectionately.

  “We’ve made arrangements to move you to the Waldorf in an ambulance,” continued James. “You won’t mind that, will you? It’s really better that way, much easier on you, you know.”

  “No,” replied Cowperwood, “I have no objection. But I wish you could arrange so that I wouldn’t be annoyed by the newspapermen, at least until I am settled at the hotel. I’m not sure that Jamieson will know how to h
andle them.”

  “Just leave it to me, Frank. I’ll take care of it. The important thing for you to do is to rest and say nothing at all, until I talk to you later. And now I’ll have to be going to take charge.”

  Just then Jamieson entered the room.

  “Come on, Jamieson,” said Dr. James, “the first thing we have to do is see the captain.” Whereupon they left the room together.

  Three-quarters of an hour later an ambulance that had been waiting in the street below was allowed to back up to Exit 4, which was as vacant as though there were no passengers still waiting to leave the ship. At the direction of Jamieson, two carriers bearing a canvas stretcher proceeded to Cowperwood’s suite, and he was carried to the waiting ambulance. The doors were closed, the driver sounded his gong, and drove away, while an astonished group of reporters standing a short distance away exclaimed, one to another:

  “What do you know about that? We’ve been double-crossed this time! Who was that?”

  Frustrated in their attempt to learn who had been so ill that it was necessary to remove him, or her, in an ambulance, it was not long before one of them, boasting a friendship with one of the nurses on the vessel, returned with the information that it was none other than Frank Algernon Cowperwood, the celebrated financier. However, as to what the nature of his illness was, or where he had been taken, these were items that had to be traced down. But when one reporter suggested getting in touch with Mrs. Cowperwood, several of those present immediately hurried to the nearest telephone to inquire from Aileen if her husband had been taken off the S. S. Empress in an ambulance, and if so, where was he? It was true, she replied; he was ill, but it was also true that he would have been transferred to the Cowperwood mansion if it were not for the fact that the entire building was in process of alteration in order to make room for an additional art and statuary collection which later was to become the property of the city of New York. Meanwhile, it was also Mr. Cowperwood’s wish that he be transferred to the Waldorf-Astoria, where he could have such quiet and attention as at present he could not obtain in his own home.

  Accordingly, by one o’clock of this same day, the news of Cowperwood’s arrival and illness and present whereabouts was in every afternoon paper in the city, although, due to the precaution of Dr. James, no visitors were allowed without a written consent from the doctor himself, and three nurses were placed in charge.

  However, Cowperwood, realizing the possibility of Berenice receiving alarming news concerning his illness, requested Dr. James to send the following telegram to her still on board ship: “Report of my illness greatly exaggerated. Do everything exactly as planned. Dr. James in charge. Will tell you what to do. Affectionately, Frank.”

  In spite of the fact that this telegram brought such distressing news, Berenice was somehow consoled by the fact that he was able to wire her so reassuringly. And yet she was haunted by uncertainty as to the nature of this illness. At any rate, whatever the result, her place, as she felt, was beside him.

  Yet walking through the main salon of the vessel later in the afternoon, she was startled by the news poster tacked on the news board: “Frank Cowperwood, celebrated American financier and London traction magnate, stricken on board S. S. Empress, and removed on arrival in New York to Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.”

  Stunned and grieved by these cold words in black and white, she was still relieved to learn that he was to be at the hotel instead of his home. She had a suite reserved there, so at least she would be near him. Nonetheless, there was the possibility of encountering Aileen, and this would be painful, not only for her but for Cowperwood. And yet he had asked her to come to the hotel, as originally planned, so he must have some procedure worked out. However, this new vulnerable social arrangement was such an extreme contrast to her protected seclusion at Pryor’s Cove that she now wondered if she had the necessary courage or stamina to go through with it. But even in the face of these difficulties and dangers she felt that she must be near him, regardless of consequences. For he needed her, and she must answer that need.

  Once so decided, the following morning, as soon as the vessel docked and she had declared her luggage, she went to the hotel, where she calmly registered under the name of Kathryn Trent. But once within the privacy of her own suite, she was faced with the numerous angles of her situation. What to do? For, as she knew, Aileen might already be with him. But while she was meditating on the problem, a call came from Dr. James, telling her that Cowperwood would like to see her, and that his suite was number 1020. She thanked him very cordially and said she would go to him at once. Dr. James added that although Cowperwood was in no immediate danger, rest and quiet being his principal needs at present, he had ordered that no one be allowed to see him for a few days, with the exception of herself.

  Upon arriving at his suite, she was ushered directly into his presence, where she found him lying propped up on pillows, looking pale and not a little distrait, but brightening as she neared him. She bent over and kissed him.

  “Darling! I’m so sorry. I was afraid that this trip might be too much for you. And I was not with you! But Dr. James assures me that it isn’t serious. You know you recovered from your first attack, and I’m sure, with care, you’ll recover from this one. But, oh, if only I could be with you all of the time. I think I could nurse you back to health!”

  “But Bevy, darling,” observed Cowperwood, “just to look at you makes me feel better. And this matter of your seeing me shall be arranged. Of course, there’s a lot of publicity now, and the less you are involved, the better I would feel. But I have explained the whole matter to Jeff, and he understands and sympathizes. And, better than that, he will keep in touch with you as to times and opportunities for seeing me. There’s just one person, you know, that you will have to do your best to avoid. But if you will keep in touch with Dr. James from day to day, I think we can manage until I’m out of this. As a matter of fact, I am sure of it.”

  “Darling, you are so brave, and you know that I am delighted to be here in any capacity. I’ll be as cautious and circumspect as possible. Meanwhile, I’ll be loving you and praying for you constantly.” She bent over and kissed him again.

  Chapter 67

  The sudden illness and collapse of Cowperwood, flashed first by the local New York papers to their readers, was nothing less than an international sensation. For it affected and included the interests and investments of thousands of persons, to say nothing of their banks and bankers. As a matter of fact, the day after he was stricken, reporters from the principal newspapers of England and France, and Europe in general, through the United and Associated press services, interviewed not only Jamieson and Dr. James but also called upon distinguished financiers in the United States for comments as to what the effect of his death might be.

  Indeed, so numerous were the apprehensive comments and misgivings on the part of some investors that most of the remaining managers of the London underground were compelled to express themselves as to the actual import of Cowperwood’s illness. For one, Mr. Leeks, acting chairman of the District Railway at the time, and who was said to have been very close to Cowperwood, was quoted as saying that “the necessary arrangements for every possible contingency arising from the possible indisposition of Mr. Cowperwood at any time had long before been made. “Complete harmony,” added Mr. Leeks, “exists in the entire Underground directorate. As to the future policy of this great system, I wish to say that there is not a trace of confusion or disorder.”

  Again, one William Edmunds, director of the Railway Equipment & Construction Company of London, stated: Everything is in perfect working order. The organization is so good that Mr. Cowperwood’s illness or temporary absence can make no difference.”

  Lord Stane made the following comment: “The Underground is in splendid condition, and its affairs have been so administered from the start, by Mr. Cowperwood himself, that his unavoidable absence cannot bring about any serious injury to the system. Mr. Cowperwood is too great an organizer to
found any vast enterprise on the indispensability of any one man. Naturally, we are all hoping for his speedy recovery and return, for his is a welcome presence here.”

  While Dr. James had attempted to keep this publicity away from Cowperwood, there were a few people he could not very well restrain and had to admit. One was Cowperwood’s daughter, Anna, and his son, Frank, Jr., neither of whom he had seen for a number of years. From his conversation with them he was able to sense the reaction of the public to his illness, and it was not unflattering, to say the least.

  Following these came Aileen, who was extremely disturbed by his physical state, for at this time he looked and felt very weak. Dr. James insisted that she wait for a later time to discuss any-pressing problems, and she readily accepted his suggestion and considerately made her first visit a very short one.

  After Aileen departed, Cowperwood was mentally constrained to meditate on the various social and financial angles which his sudden illness had brought into being as problems which he must solve if he could. One of these concerned the choice of someone to take on his duties temporarily in the face of his present unavoidable absence. Naturally, he first thought of Lord Stane, but considering his numerous and pressing interests, decided that Stane would not be the man. But there was one Horace Albertson, president of the St. Louis Electric Traction System, who, as he knew from previous financial relations, was one of the ablest railroad men in America. Albertson, he felt, should prove entirely satisfactory in such a crisis as this. And immediately following this thought he instructed Jamieson to see Mr. Albertson in St. Louis and present to him the entire problem, his reward to be whatever sum he felt he deserved.

  However, Mr. Albertson declined the offer, saying that he was highly honored, but his own labors were constantly increasing in volume and he could not consider retiring from the American field. This was a disappointment to Cowperwood, but one that he could understand and justify. Although it did, for a time, cause him a degree of worry, he was relieved by a cable from Stane and the directors of the London Underground stating that they had that day appointed Sir Humphrey Babbs, well-known to Cowperwood, to take his place temporarily at the head of the system. Aside from this cable, came several others from his London associates, including Elverson Johnson, emphasizing their unhappiness over his illness and their deep desire for his speedy recovery and return to London.


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