Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Page 7

by Ancelli

  They arrived at the police station and asked for Officer White, who explained to them the process of a lineup and what would happen next.

  “This way, ma’am,” White led her to a small room.

  Kay stopped. “I need my husband with me.”

  “Of course, ma’am. But no talking while your wife is in there.”

  They entered the room and six men came in to the room opposite. The police asked them to turn to the right, then the left, and finally to look forward.

  Kay gasped when she saw him. His green eyes looked straight at the glass. It looked like someone had beaten him up. All the memories from the attack came back full force. “That’s him right there, number four.” She pointed at the guy in the green T-shirt. Her grip on Jason got tighter.

  “Number four, step forward.”

  Jason wiped her tears away. “Baby, look at me. It’s finally over. He is going to pay for what he did to you.” He held her tight in his arms.

  The officer asked. “Are you sure, ma’am?”

  “What do you mean if she’s sure? Don’t you see her?” Jason asked angrily.

  “Sir, I have to ask these questions. Ma’am, are you sure?”

  “Yes, that’s him in the green shirt. Can I please leave this room? I can’t breathe,” she said, holding her chest.

  Jason didn’t wait for the police to answer. He took Kay’s hand and moved the two of them out of the room and sat her in the chair next to Officer White’s desk. “Are you okay? I’m going to get you some water.” He came back with a cup of water and gave it to her, as he bent down and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m okay, Jason. I just needed to get out of there.”

  Officer White followed them from the room. “Your attacker’s name is Bobby Tidd. He’d attacked two other women in the area and they all pointed him out in the line-up. He’s going away for a very long time.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Every year on Angel’s birthday and their anniversary they stayed home and enjoyed each other.

  Kay and Angel were in the kitchen getting breakfast ready. “Happy birthday, my Angel.” Jason said bending down and kissing her. He walked behind Kay and kissed her neck, then he handed her a single red rose. “Happy anniversary.”

  She turned around got on her tiptoe and kissed him. “Happy anniversary to you too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her stomach and started rubbing it. “I love you.”

  As a repeat offender, Kay’s attacker was locked up for ten years without parole and Tommy hadn’t called again.

  “Thank you for being mine.” He kissed her neck. “Angel, there is a big surprise for you waiting in your room.”

  “What is it, Daddy?” Angel said running to her room.

  Jason and Kay walked behind her into her room. She was smiling and jumping up and down, looking at her new dollhouse. “Thank you, Daddy and Mommy.” She gave them big hugs, then ran back to the dining room to eat breakfast. Jason and Kay sang “Happy Birthday” to Angel. They put a candle in the middle of her pancake, and she made a wish and blew it out.

  “My baby is now four, how does it feel to be four?” Kay said smiling at her.

  “I’m big now Mommy.” She said holding up her four fingers.

  “Yeah my baby is not a baby anymore, she’s a big girl.” Jason said rubbing his nose with hers.


  Later on that night, they tucked an exhausted Angel into bed to sleep. They turned the lights out and walked out of her bedroom.

  “Today has been so exhausting, but it was worth seeing the smile on our little girl’s face.” Kay sat down heavily on the couch.

  “Now it’s our turn to celebrate,” Jason said, kissing her forehead.

  “Yeah, that’s what happens when we have a wedding and a baby on the same day.” She giggled.

  They turned on the TV and started watching a movie. He placed his head on her lap and she brushed his hair with her fingers.

  “I love you.” They both said in unison.

  She bent her head and gently placed a kiss on his lips. That’s when she noticed Jason had fallen asleep on her lap. She made herself comfortable and fell asleep, too.

  An hour later, Jason woke up to their baby kicking his head. He leaned up and kissed Kay’s stomach. “I know baby, Mommy must be uncomfortable.”

  He got up and went to their room, turned on the light, came back to pick Kay up in his arms. He took her to their room and placed her under the covers.


  I must be dreaming. Jason opened his eyes and Kay was bent down, sucking his dick. She looked up at him and smiled, all the while stroking him with her hands.

  “Happy late anniversary.” She put his dick back in her mouth, moving her head up and down.

  He moaned deep in his throat. “Damn, baby, that feels so good.” He grabbed her hair and helped guide her. “I love you.” He groaned. “This is the best present a man can ask for.”

  She came up and kissed him. “I love you. Thank you for always being here for me.” She straddled him, grabbing his erect cock and placing it to her opening. She gasped when Jason pushed in. “Oh, baby, your dick feels so damn good.”

  “You’re pussy is all mines,” he said, staring at her.

  “Oh Jason, I will never get tired of your cock.” Moving up and down, she rotated her hips from side to side.

  He turned them over, being careful now that he was on top of her. He bent down and bit her bottom lip, putting his weight on his arms making sure he didn’t hurt the baby. He leaned up and put her legs around his waist and slowly thrust into her. His balls got tighter, but he wanted her to come before his release. He placed his index finger on her clit and gently rubbed her.

  “Oh God, I’m about to come.” She moaned out his name. “Jason.” She shook in ecstasy.

  The sound of his name on her tongue took him to the brink of ecstasy, as he gently grabbed her hair and plugged into her one more time then shattered into a million pieces. He slid out of her and lay next to her. “Happy anniversary to you, too.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two months later

  Kay sat in front of Jason, wrapped in his arms. She was so happy they’d escaped for the weekend, their long-past-due anniversary present.

  “You’ve been so stressed out with work. I wanted you to have some time for yourself and relax.” Jason whispered in her ear.

  “I am relaxed. I have no worries right now. Angel is safe with your parents and I’m in your arms.”

  The baby moved while Jason rubbed her stomach. “Wow, baby, calm down. You’re playing soccer in Mommy’s tummy.”

  Kay moved, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

  “That feel like it hurt?” he asked.

  “A little, but she or he is just letting us know they’re okay.” She forced a smile.

  “Only five more weeks, baby,” he said, caressing her.

  Kay turned in his arms. “Are you happy?”

  “Kay what kind of question is that? I’m very happy. You’ve giving me so much. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more.” He rubbed her nose.

  She kissed his lips. “I can’t imagine my life without you in it."

  “You will never have to, that’s a promise. Can you believe it? It’s been four years. We’ve been through a lot, but yet here we are, stronger than ever.”

  “Actually, it’s been nine years.” She smiled. “I’m so happy God put you in my life.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” When she got up, she bent down in pain, grabbing her stomach.

  “Kay, are you okay?” He rushed to her side

  “I’m okay. It’s just the Braxton-Hicks, remember.” She kissed his cheek and went to the bathroom. When she came out, she went straight to the balcony and looked up at the stars.

  Jason walked up behind her and kissed her neck. “Are you okay?”

  She smiled. “Yes.”

  “What are you lookin
g at?”

  “Counting my blessings. Look at all those stars…that’s how much we’re blessed and we don’t even know it.” She accepted his embrace.

  “After everything you’ve been through, your faith is still untouchable. That’s one of the things I love most about you.” He kissed her neck again.

  She leaned against him, loving the feel of his arms around her.

  He rubbed her stomach. “The baby finally calmed down.”

  “Yes, giving Mommy a break.” She was about to turn when she got a sharp pain in her belly.

  Jason held her up. “Kay”

  “I think something is wrong.” She grabbed her stomach.

  He put his arm around her.

  “I think I need to go to the hospital.” She cried in pain.

  “Okay, but we’re about an hour and a half away from the hospital. You think you’ll be fine or should I call 911?” he asked with concern on his face.

  “Drive me to the hospital. The contractions are far apart.”

  “You’ve been having contractions? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I thought they were the Braxton-Hicks.”

  He started to pick her up when her water broke. “Oh, God.”

  “My water just broke?” Another contraction hit, making her cry out in pain.

  “Not again.” Jason met her gaze and she knew they must both be thinking about the last time, when her water broke at home. “It’s too soon?”

  “I know.” She paused and yelled. “Jason…”

  “What, baby?”

  “I don’t think we’re going to make it to the hospital. I can feel the baby crowning.”

  “What?” Jason picked her up in his arms and headed to the bedroom. He gently put her on the bed. “Baby, I’m calling 911.” He grabbed the phone off the nightstand and dialed.

  The operator answered. “This is 911. What’s your emergency?”

  “My wife is in labor. She is only 35 weeks. We won’t make it to the hospital on time. Help me!”

  To Kay’s ears, he sounded frantic.

  Jason told her the address. “Baby, the ambulance is on its way. Can’t you wait?”

  “No, I can’t wait!” Kay yelled at him. “You think I can turn this on and off?”

  “Okay, Keisha,” he said in amusement.

  “I can’t believe you’re trying to be funny.” Kay gave him an angry stare, raising her eyebrows. “They won’t make it on time. The baby is coming now!” she screamed.

  “My wife says the baby is coming now. What do I do?” Jason asked the operator.

  Apparently, she gave him instructions on what to do. He started running, sterilizing items and boiling water.

  Kay cried out. “I can’t wait. I have to start pushing!”

  Jason lifted Kay’s sundress to her waist and stared into her eyes. “We can do this, remember when I told you we can do anything together?”

  She nodded.

  “I can see the baby’s hair! What do I do now?” he shouted.

  The operator was now on speaker. “Sir, put your hand in front of the baby’s head and let it gently come out. Once the head is out, ma’am, I’m going to need you to stop pushing. Sir, when the baby’s head is out I need you to clean its nose and mouth with the towel, since you don’t have a syringe.”

  He followed all the steps she told him. “I did it. What next?” he asked calmly, staring at Kay. “Baby, you’re doing great!” He smiled wide. “The baby has lots of hair.”

  She could see he was doing his best to remain calm for her. She nodded and another contraction hit.

  “Can she push?” he asked the operator.

  “Yes, help the baby by gently guiding the shoulders and hold him tight.”

  “I’ve got him. It’s a boy!” he yelled with a great big smile. “Kay, we have a son.”

  “Sir, now I need you to tie the umbilical cord really tight and cut the cord with the sterilized scissors. Then wrap him in the blanket. Keep him warm.”

  The baby started crying his lungs out.

  “You’re perfect,” he said with tears in his eyes. He suddenly got worried when Kay wasn’t talking. He remembered what happened when she gave birth to Angel, she’d almost died. He got up and rushed to her. Though she was tired, he could see she was all right. “Kay, we have a son. He’s the most beautiful baby boy I’ve ever seen, even with all that white stuff on him.”

  “Can I see him?” she asked with a smile on her face. He placed him in her arms. “Hi, baby.” With tears in her eyes, she cleaned him with the towel.

  He was the color of a vanilla latte, with curly, tight dark blond hair, pink, full lips and chunky cheeks. At that moment he resembled Jason.

  “Sir?” The operator asked.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I forgot you were still on the phone.”

  “Sir, we’re not done yet.”

  “What do you mean we’re not done yet? The baby’s out. She’s not having twins, is she?”

  The operator laughed. “Sir, I don’t think so. It’s time for the placenta to come out. It should come out by itself.”

  “Okay….” The placenta came out. He almost threw up. “This is nasty.”

  “You can put it in a trash bag if you want. The paramedics are almost there.”



  “What’s your name?” Jason asked.


  “Carolyn, thank you so much,” he said choking, on his emotions.

  “You’re welcome.” They disconnected.

  He walked over to Kay. “Are you okay baby?” he leaned over and kissed her forehead. He looked down and the baby was already nursing.

  “I’m more than okay. We did it, you and I.”

  “I love you.”

  “He looks like you,” she said, wiping the baby’s face.

  “He does, but that might change.” He looked so proudly at his new baby.

  “We have a son,” she said, beaming with love.

  “We do.” He bent down and kissed the baby’s cheek.

  She caressed the baby’s face with her fingertips. “Happy birthday, Jeremy.”

  A tear escaped his eye. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Daddy. Our son’s name is Jeremy, just like his angel.”

  He bent down again, kissed her lips, and whispered, to the sound of sirens heading toward them, “Thank you, doll eyes.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  At the hospital, Jason and Kay waited for the nurse to bring Baby Jeremy back. Even though the doctor insisted on checking him out, there was no doubt in Jason’s mind that their baby was healthy.

  “Baby, how are you feeling?” he asked Kay.

  “I’m sore and tired, but I can’t wait to see him again. He’s beautiful.” She smiled.

  “He is. He has your button nose, but I do have to admit it he looks like me.”

  “Yes, he does. He doesn’t even look like he’s half mine.”

  He walked up to her bed, leaned down and kissed her cheek. “He’s ours.”

  “Did you see his eyes? What color are they? Maybe he’ll have my eyes,” she said with a smirk.

  “He didn’t open his eyes. All he did was cry his lungs out.” He sat down in the chair next to her. “They’ll bring him in soon, and we’ll see. You should rest until he comes in. I promise I’ll wake you up when they bring him.” She nodded, closed her eyes, and drifted to sleep.

  Jason called his parents and told them the good news, they were all surprised, but very happy. He told them to wait until later to come and visit because Kay was resting and the baby still wasn’t back from his test, but he knew they would still show up. He talked to Angel and told her that her baby brother was here, and she’d be coming to see him really soon.

  There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Jason said.

  The nurse entered the room carrying Baby Jeremy. “Your son wants to see you.”

  Jason smiled from ear to ear and went over an
d gently took his son. “Is he okay?”

  “You have a healthy baby, weighing eight pounds, nine ounces and he’s twenty inches long.”

  “Eight pounds,” he said, smiling at Jeremy.

  “Yes, if he would’ve been full term, he might have been almost ten pounds. I’ll be back later to check on him and your wife.” The left the room.

  “Thank you,” he said, closing the door.

  He could finally relax and enjoy his son. He sat down in the chair next to Kay’s bed. “My son.” He kissed his cheeks and removed his baby cap. Jason started combing Jeremy’s hair with his fingers. At that moment, he opened his eyes. “Hi, Jeremy. It’s Daddy.” The baby’s eyes were the same color as his, baby blue. He smiled. “Just like me.” He got up and walked over to Kay. “Kay, I have someone here to see you.”

  She turned, opened her eyes, and smiled. “Hello.” She leaned up and he handed her the baby.

  “Hi, Jeremy. I see you got daddy’s eyes. I’ve been waiting for you.” She caressed the baby’s hands as he fussed. She pushed down her hospital gown, and he began nursing. “He was hungry.”

  “Thank you,” said Jason, staring at Kay with both love and tears in his eyes.

  “For what?” she asked.

  “For him.” He leaned in and kissed her lips.

  “No, baby, thank you.” She stared at Jeremy. “We made him with love.”

  “He weighed eight pounds, nine ounces, and twenty inches long.”

  “He’s big for a preemie,” she said, kissing his button nose.

  They sat in silence for a while. She turned him on her shoulder. He burped and she turned him back around. “My beautiful baby.” She just stared at him. “Did you call Angel?”

  Jason walked over to the table and served himself a cup of water. “Yes, she is so excited to meet her brother. I told my parents to wait before bringing her, but I have a feeling they’re already on their way.” He took a drink of water.

  Kay stopped talking and put her hand on the baby’s chest. “Jason,” Kay said, a little worried.

  “Yes, baby?”

  “His breathing is not normal.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, walking toward her. He noticed the baby was having a bit of trouble breathing. “Let me have him.”


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