Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Page 6

by Ancelli

  Chapter Eight

  About a month later, early evening

  “Close your eyes, Kay, and listen to my voice.” Jason whispered in her ear, leaning over her, kissing her nose. “I love your mind”—he kissed her eyes—“your body”—kissed her lips gently—“and your soul.” He grabbed her hands and entwined their fingers. “I will never intentionally hurt you. Do you trust me?”

  She whispered. “Yes.”

  “Now open your eyes and look at me. It’s just you and me. We’re going to make new memories together.” He looked at her close eyes.

  Kay opened her eyes. “Thank you for loving me.” She leaned forward and kissed his soft lips. “I love you, Jason. It’s been too long. Make love to me.”

  “I’ve missed you,” he said before devouring her lips, he pulled away. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and cupped his face with her hand. She pulled him into a hot, passionate kiss, taking control of his mouth, nipping at his bottom lip. “I need you.”

  He leaned away again. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Yes, I’m ready.” She caressed his lips with her fingers. “I only see and feel you.” They gazed into each other’s eyes.

  He gave her gentle kisses as she parted her lips for him, and slowly making love with their tongues. He pulled slightly away and kissed her earlobe and neck.

  She moaned. “Jason.”

  “I’m going to take it slow,” he said, making his way to her right breast, kissing and nibbling on it, and then giving the left one the same treatment. “Feel me.”

  She moaned in pleasure, holding his head closer to her breast, begging him silently to continue. He licked from between her breasts to her navel, planted tiny feather kisses on her stomach. My baby, he thought. She arched her body toward him, begging him for what she knew came next. He cradled himself between her legs, and looked up at her. “Baby, if you’re not ready, I’ll stop right now.”

  She gazed back. “Jason, I’m so ready.”

  “I’ve missed your sweet taste.” Smiling, he looked up at her, and saw fire in her sparkling brown eyes. He spread her legs and wrapped them over his shoulder.

  He gently licked her inner thighs and she moaned. She opened her legs wider, begging for his touch. He nibbled at her clit and looked up into her eyes, which were filled with pure ecstasy. She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to her core. Her head was nodding from side to side. Jason grabbed her hips to prevent her from moving.

  She moaned. “I’m coming, baby.”

  He sucked her clit one last time and she burst into his mouth. He licked all her juices before coming back up to her breasts and sucking them. He finally made it to her lips. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  She moved forward, grabbing his face and kissed him passionately, letting him know how much she wanted him. He laid down on his back and helped her get on top of him. His hands roamed up and down her thighs as she straddled him. He placed the head of his dick in her opening. She gasped for air and they both stopped moving. The feeling was overwhelming. He couldn’t take it anymore and began thrusting into her slowly. Kay followed his lead, making love to a silent song.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  He stared into her brown eyes with all the passion and love he was feeling. It seemed like he could see into her soul.

  “You’re all mine,” she said.

  “Say my name Kay.”

  “Jason,” she moaned.

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked, groaning.

  “You, I’m yours, all yours.”

  He grabbed her waist and turned her around. Now on top, he kept slowly thrusting into her, and kissed her neck. “You know I’ll always be here for you.”

  She gave him a wicked smile. “Who do you…belong to?”

  “You, baby. I belong to you. This white boy is all yours.” He gritted his teeth. His balls were getting tight. “I’m all yours, my chocolate.” They had waited almost four months to make love. He wanted to make it last. She wiped the sweat off his forehead. He continued to slowly make love to her. All that was heard in their bedroom were moaning and the sounds of skin-to-skin loving. He turned her to the side and slowly plunging into her.

  He stroked her slowly a couple more times until he exploded deep in her canal, saying her name. He felt like his body went to heaven and back.

  “I only saw and felt you,” she said, catching her breath, with tears in her eyes.

  He hugged her and whispered. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  She turned in his arms. “I’m more than okay. I only saw you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Kay and Angel walked through the mall hand in hand. They entered the Disney store. Kay bought Angel a Tiana doll from The Princess and the Frog. They were giggling and talking when a man passed by, stopped, and stared at them. Kay couldn’t believe it. It was Tommy. His brown skin, tapered hair cut…it was him, unmistakably. He’d always been a very attractive man. There he was Angel’s biological father looking straight at Angel, like he was analyzing her, seeing the resemblance between her and him. Kay looked at him, and could see it in his eyes. He knew Angel was his. She was about to continue walking when she saw a tall dark woman with a little boy who resembled Angel grab Tommy’s hand. The little boy couldn’t be more than two years old. She picked up Angel and held her tight, she was about to walk away when Tommy called out her name.

  “Kay.” He moved closer to her, leaving the lady behind.

  Kay changed Angel’s position, to make sure she wasn’t facing him. “Tommy.”

  “How have you been? It’s been a long time since I last seen you. I want to really apologize for what happened between us. You didn’t deserve what I did to you.”

  Kay heard the sincerity in his voice.

  “That’s in the past,” Kay said, feeling very uncomfortable. Angel moved her head and looked at Tommy.

  He stared at Angel. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  “Angel.” She smiled back at him.

  “Hi, Angel. My name is Tommy.” He looked down and saw Kay’s baby bump. “You’re pregnant?”

  She could see he wanted to ask her something, but when he was about to, the lady came over with the little boy.

  “Hi, I’m Connie, Thomas’s wife.” She extended her hand to shake Kay’s.

  Kay accepted the gesture. “I’m Kay Anderson.”

  “She’s an old friend. I haven’t seen her in a long time. I was just saying hello,” Tommy said, not taking his eyes off Angel.

  “It was nice to meet you, but we really have to go.”

  “It was nice to seeing you again.”

  Kay turned and walked away. She bent down and put Angel on the floor. She grabbed her hand and walked to the parking garage.

  Kay unlocked her car door and put Angel in her booster seat. She turned on the car and just sat there. A tear ran down her cheeks as she remembered everything she’d gone through because of him, from his rejection of Angel and her, to him beating her, but then she smiled as she thought of Jason. She was so thankful to have him in her life. That man is everything I’ve ever wanted and more. Shaking off her memories, she drove off, heading home.


  Before Jason could put the key in the doorknob, Kay opened the door and kissed him. Jason smiled at her.

  “Welcome home to me. I wish you greeted me like this every day, doll eyes.” He leaned into her and kissed her on the cheek. “What’s up?”

  She closed and locked the door. “I’m just grateful for having a wonderful husband. Dinner is ready.” She walked down the hallway and called Angel.

  Before they began to eat, Jason said the prayer.

  “How was your day at work, sweetie?” Kay asked.

  “It was okay. I was in court most of the day. How was your day off with Angel?”

  “It was great, we even went to the movies, then shopping,” she said staring at him.

  “I met mommy’s friend Mr. Tommy,” Angel blurted out. />
  Jason had been about to swallow some of his drink. Almost choking, he turned to look at Kay. “Who did you meet?”

  “Mr. Tommy. He was a nice man. He said I was beautiful,” Angel said with a smile.

  “Kay what the f….” Looking at Angel, he thought about what he was about to say. “What is Angel talking about?”

  “Jason, let’s talk about that later, please.”

  Jason didn’t speak again during the rest of dinner. Angel talked about the movie they saw and her new toy. All Jason did was nod his head.


  By the way Jason washed the dishes, Kay could tell he was angry. She walked over to him, came up from behind him and kissed his back, she thought he was going to move but he didn’t, he turned around and asked.

  “I promised you I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. What happened, Kay?”

  “We were at the mall, that’s when Tommy stopped me. He was there with his wife, and he introduced himself to Angel. He apologized for what he did to me, and said he’d changed.”

  “Why did you speak to him?” he asked with sadness in his eyes.

  She cupped his face. “Baby, if I would’ve run, he would’ve thought something was up. This way it just seemed normal.” She took his hands and led him to the counter. “He knows she’s his.”

  “What? Did you tell him?” He pulled his hands away from hers.

  “How could you think I would ever do that? I would never break our happy home. She resembles him, Jason, she looks just like his son. It hurts me that you would think the worst of me.”

  He looked away from her. “This has been my nightmare, Kay. She’s my little girl and no one is going to take her away from me.”

  “No one will ever take her away from you. You’re her daddy. She is legally yours and if anyone tries we will fight them to the end, but I have faith it will never come down to that. I need to go tuck her in.” She moved away from him.

  “No, I want to tuck her in.” He walked toward Angel’s room.

  “Hey daddy’s princess, what book do you want me to read?” he asked with a big smile.

  “Three Little Piggies,” she said, laughing at his expression.

  He read the book until Angel’s eyelids were heavy and she was falling asleep. He got on his knees and they both said their nightly prayers. Kay stood at the door, watching their interaction. Jason began to sing until she fell asleep.

  “You’re my little princess.” He bent down and kissed her chubby cheeks. “I love you.” He got up to leave Angel’s room and realized Kay had been there all along.

  “I love you, Jason.” She hugged him. “This doesn’t change anything.”

  “I love you too, Kay. But I’ve been afraid this day would come where he would try to tear our family apart. I have to go out and clear my head. I’ll be back.”

  He grabbed his keys from the side table, then kissed her on the cheek and headed out the door.


  Jason stumbled into their bedroom. He’d been out drinking his sorrows away. He told Kay he needed to get out for a bit, but it was now one in the morning. He called John to go shoot pool with him, it soon turned into a lot of drinking. The bartender called them a cab.

  He walked in to the dark house and stumbled to the bedroom. He made it to the bed in the dark, and sat on the edge of the bed trying to take off his shoes. He whispered to himself. “Damn shoes.”

  Kay rolled over and turned the light on the nightstand. She could never really fall asleep without him by her side. She leaned up. “Well hello stranger.”

  He turned toward her and smiled. “Do you know how much I love you?”

  “I think I do?” She leaned off the bed, walked in front of him and helped him take off his shoes. “Do you feel better now?”

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. “Every time I see you, touch you, think about you I feel better. Kay, you and Angel are part of me.” He kissed her.

  She kissed him back, he smelled and tasted of liquor. “I’m not supposed to drink its bad for the baby.” She said smiling.

  He pulled back, bent down. “Hey little one, I love you.” He got up and took off his clothes. “Kay, Angel is my little girl.”

  Kay walked over to her side of the bed and slid under the sheets. He climbed into the bed and laid his head on her stomach. The baby moved and kicked. “Calm down, baby, Mommy needs to sleep.” Kissing and rubbing her stomach, he sang, “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy….”

  Chapter Ten

  Kay’s private telephone line rang. “Good morning, this is Kay Anderson. How can I help you?”

  “Kay, it’s Tommy. Please don’t hang up. We need to talk.”

  “We have nothing to talk about. Bye.”

  “She’s mine, isn’t she? Does he know? Kay, I’m a changed man.”

  “I really don’t care if you changed or not. Angel is not your daughter. Don’t call me again.” She hung up the phone. He has no rights. Everything is going to be okay.

  By the time Jason picked her up ten minutes later for lunch, it was obvious he could see something was bothering her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, deflecting the question he had on his lips.

  “It’s a surprise.” He pulled up to the lake and parked.

  He opened her car door, went into the trunk, and pulled out a picnic basket. She ran up to him and jumped into his arms.

  “We’re having a picnic? How perfect,” she cooed.

  He laid out the blanket, smiling, and helped her sit down.

  “Okay, what’s wrong?” Jason asked, eating a grape.

  “Nothing. The baby is hungry.”

  He handed her a sandwich just as she finished eating her first one. “That was so good.”

  “I can see that. I have more.” He rubbed her stomach.

  “Did you make these?”

  “Yes, I did. I have hidden talents.” He laughed.

  “Tommy called me today and asked if Angel was his. Before you ask, I told him no and not to call me again.”

  He got up, sat behind her, and continued to rub her belly. “I looked up his rights. He has none right now, but he can go to court and ask for a paternity test to prove he is the father. But baby, after thinking about things, I’m not worried about Tommy.”

  She leaned back into him. “If you’re not worried, I won’t be.”

  He began to kiss her neck. “If he calls you again, tell him to call me.” The baby kicked. “They’re getting stronger.”

  “It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that we created this baby with love, that she or he was conceived in love.” She turned around to kiss him. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I love Angel with all my heart, but to know that you’re carrying part of me, it’s amazing. This is the second most unbelievable thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “What’s the first one?” she asked, putting her hands on his.

  “The day I became a father, when Angel was born.” He squeezed her hand. “Don’t be jealous,” he said, laughing. “You’re the love of my life.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “That’s my baby,” Jason said, looking at the doctor’s monitor during their six-month checkup. He could see the features, the eyes, nose, and lips. “It’s amazing.”

  Kay held his hand. “Look at his hands. He’s saying hello.”

  The doctor turned to both of them. “Do you guys want to know what you’re having?”

  They looked at each other and answered in unison. “No.”

  The doctor cleaned her up and asked her a couple of questions.

  Jason asked. “Is everything okay with the baby—and Kay, I’m just asking because of what happened with her first pregnancy.”

  “I reviewed your file from your first pregnancy and I saw that you hemorrhaged and were in a coma for a few days. I’ll be monitoring you closely, but I don’t see any signs of anything going wrong. You and your baby are healthy. Everything is progressing norma
lly. In fact, the baby’s growth is a little more than normal, but that’s not a bad thing.” The doctor made another note in Kay’s file.

  Jason smiled. “My baby is healthy.” He kissed her stomach.

  “Too healthy,” Kay said, laughing. He helped her up. She went into the bathroom to get dressed.

  The doctor left and came back in with pictures of the sonogram and handed them to him. “I’ll see you next month.”

  Kay stepped out of the bathroom and she could see in Jason’s eyes that the picture mesmerized him. “Our baby is beautiful,” she said.

  “Yes, our chubby baby is beautiful.” He kissed her.

  “You know we haven’t come up with names, but I have a few in mind.”

  “It’s your turn. I chose Angel’s.”

  “I’m going to wait until the baby is here. When I see the baby’s face I’ll know.”

  They were walking out the doctor’s office hand in hand, that’s when she noticed his swollen hand, when she was about to ask him what happened. Her cell phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Hello Mrs. Anderson this is Officer White. We need you to come in for a lineup. We think we have the person who attacked you.”

  “When do you need me to come in?”

  “As soon as possible.”

  “I’ll be there.” She hung up the cell phone.

  He looked at her. “What?”

  “The police think they got the guy who attacked me. They need me to go down to the police station to identify him in a lineup. I told him I would be there in half an hour.” She grabbed his hand. “I want to get this over with. I want to close that chapter in my life. Just promise you won’t leave my side.”

  “I promise.” He opened the car door for Kay and then jumped in and started the car.



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