Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Page 11

by Ancelli

  “What happened? You guys were practically fucking on the dance floor?” Sophia tried not to laugh.

  “I’m glad you find this funny. He’s just trying to keep other guys away, but too bad it won’t work. He’s nothing to me.”

  “I’m nothing to you?” yelled Jason.

  “Dude, calm down. You know she doesn’t mean that shit.” John patted his shoulder.

  “I meant what I said. He left me like everybody else has done in the past.” She wiped a tear before walking off to the dance floor.

  “Kay,” he whispered to himself.

  “Why don’t you stop all this mess and move back home with your family?” Amy asked him squarely.

  “I’m not ready. We need to work on some issues.”

  “Like what, Jason? Any fool can see you guys are madly in love with each other. The love you guys feel for each other only comes once in a life time,” came Sophia’s words.

  “What’s this? A fucking intervention?”

  “Jason, I shouldn’t be the one to tell you this, but Kay went to see a divorce lawyer,” Amy said, with concern in her eyes.

  “I don’t want a fucking divorce,” he yelled.

  “Have you told her that? Why do you think she’s acting like she’s single? Because of you. It’s been over a month and a half since you walked out on her,” Sophia said. “If you want your wife. You better fight for her.”



  She heard someone calling her. When she looked back it was Tommy. Oh great, she thought. He was wearing a black button-up shirt, black slacks, and black shoes, looking handsome as ever. He walked over to her and leaned in.

  “Just wanted to say thank you for what you tried to do for my son. We found a match and he’s going to be fine.”

  “Tommy, don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for you.”

  “My son means the world to me.”

  She felt hurt by his words. His son means so much…but what about my daughter? “That’s why you’re here at the club?”

  He grabbed her wrist. “Let’s get out of here. You were one of the best lovers I’ve ever had.”

  She pulled her wrist away. “Fuck you.” She turned and raced away.


  Jason went looking for Kay to tell her how he felt. He was disgusted to find her in the back, by the bathroom, with of all people, Tommy. “What the fuck?” She’s still in love with him. I guess she settled for me.

  “Jason?” Kay’s voice rang with uncertainty. He kept walking, but she caught up with him. “Jason, wait.” She touched him and he pulled away.

  Before he knew it, the words were out of his mouth. “Did you fuck him?”

  She stared in silence and when he least expected it she slapped him. “Fuck you.”

  One of the guys that she danced with earlier saw what had just happened and came over. He grabbed her hand. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded.

  “You want me to handle him?”

  “No. Let’s dance.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

  “Fuck this shit,” Jason said, rushing to the dance floor, and pulled her out of the man’s hands. “You’re leaving with me.” She tried to pull away from his grip.

  “Let me go.”

  “Let her go.”

  “Or what?” Jason wasn’t a violent man, but when it came to his wife and kids he didn’t pull any punches. He balled his fist and punched his opponent in the face.

  “Damn.” John rushed to the dance floor.

  He rushed back, swung at Jason and missed, but he almost hit Kay. Jason rushed forward and punched him again. Kay pushed him back. “Jason, please! Stop! I don’t want you to get hurt.” She saw all the guys gathering around.

  He stared at her and could see the fear in her eyes, he was about to back away when the guy grabbed Kay. “She doesn’t mess with white trash like you.”

  “What did you call him?” She wiggled out of his hold, closed her fist, and hit him in the stomach.

  Jason picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He knew he couldn’t handle all the guys gathering around them.

  The man and his boys were about to charge Jason when John stepped in front of them. “Look, that’s his wife.”


  “That’s his wife.”

  “Put me down,” yelled Kay as she pounded Jason’s back.

  He reached his car, placed her on the ground, and pinned her in between his hands. “Look at me.”

  She ignored him.

  He gently grabbed her chin and moved her face to where she could look at him. “I’m taking you home before you do something we’ll both regret. We both acted like two teenagers tonight.”

  She just stared at him.

  “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. What’s it going to be?” he asked, caressing her chin. “Thank you for sticking up for me.”

  She put her hand in his pocket and removed his car keys, hitting the button to open the car. She opened the car door and got in, crossing her arms.

  He smiled, walked over to the driver’s side, and got in. That was easy.

  “Where are you taking me? You told me you were taking me home.”

  “You’re coming to my apartment.”

  “No, take me home. I don’t want to see your bachelor pad.”

  “I’ll take you home when you’re sober, and I don’t have a bachelor pad. I got the apartment for the kids. I wanted them to be comfortable.”

  “I’m sober. Where are my kids?”

  “Our kids are with my parents. It took you long enough to ask about them.”

  “So you asked to spend time with them, then you hand them to your parents. First you call me a slut, now I’m a bad mother.”

  “I was spending quality time sleeping with them, when John called me, since he knows I’m the only one who can handle you.”

  “Handle me? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “A married woman doesn’t act the way you did tonight. I never called you a slut or a bad mother.” He stared at her for a second before facing the road again.

  She turned her body to look out the window. “Whatever.”

  Neither of them dared to speak the rest of the way to his apartment.


  Jason opened the door. “Welcome.”

  It was the first time she’d been in his apartment. “It’s nice. How many bedrooms?” she asked, looking around.

  “One. When the kids are here, Angel sleeps in the bed. Jeremy and I sleep out here.” Jason pointed at the couch. “I put him in his playpen.”

  She sat down and was quiet and then she whispered. “Why?”

  He sat in front of her. “Why, what?”

  “Nothing. Take me home.” She broke their eye contact.

  “Are you sure you want to go home?” He touched her chin and tilted it slightly so she faced him.

  They stared at each other. He couldn’t do this anymore. He leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. She moaned, wrapping her hands around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss got deeper, and he devouring her lips, and then pulling away, gasping for air.

  “I miss you.”

  “Kay, please don’t tell me to stop.” He caressed her cheeks. Kay began taking off her shirt. He looked at her smooth, milk chocolate skin. She unhooked her bra. “Don’t. Let me.” He leaned into her again, kissing her neck, nibbling her ear. “I want you so much, baby.”

  “I want you, too.”

  She removed his shirt, and he helped her by pulling it over his head. She gasped again when she saw his six-pack abs, and she touched his chest. He grabbed her hands and brought them to his lips, sucking on each finger in turn. She closed her eyes.

  He stood, picking her up, and walked toward the bedroom. He opened the door and kicked it closed with his foot. Strolling over to the bed, he placed her in the middle. “Doll eyes, I’ve missed you.” He bent down and kissed her lips, then her chin. He pulled her up and unhooked
her bra, throwing it on the floor. He sucked her dark right nipple.

  “Mmm, baby, did you miss me?” he said, moving to the left one, taking it in his mouth and gently pulling on it. “Answer me, baby.” He began kissing and licking from between her breasts to her navel, then stopped and stared into her eyes. Tell me, Kay.

  “I’ve missed you too, Jason,” she said, moaning. Her breathing was getting more erratic with each single lick and nibble.

  He unbuttoning her jeans, and took them down her hips and legs. She helped him by finally taking them off and throwing them across the room. He stared into her eyes. “You’re beautiful.”

  He took off his jeans and his boxers and settled between her legs. “Baby, I want to taste you, but I can’t wait to be inside you.” He tore her panties. “I’ll buy you some more.” He rubbed his cock up and down on her wet pussy. “Fuck, baby, you’re so wet.”

  “Stop teasing me.”

  “Take it, baby,” he said between groans.

  She grabbed his dick and placed it in the opening of her pussy. She gasped when he pushed into her inch-by-inch gripping the sheets.

  “Oh God, Jason.” She uttered, moving her hips to take him in.

  “Baby, you’re so tight,” he said from between gritted teeth. He moved in and out of her, and she followed his lead. He leaned into her sucking her breasts, and then kissed her up until he reached her ear. He felt her pussy squeezing his dick. “Kay, I will always love you.” He leaned up and stared into her eyes.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  He made love to her slowly, letting her feel all of him. She turned her face to look away. He cupped her face and wiped the tear away.

  “Tell me you still love me.” He gently pulled her hair. “Tell me you’re still mine.” He pulled out and slamming back into her pussy. He could feel she was about to come, but he wanted her to say she still loved him. He tightened his hold on her hair. “Tell me, Kay.”

  She stared at him with her mouth slightly open. He could see she was enjoying what he was doing to her body. He felt her body shaking, at the brink of ecstasy.

  “I’m yours.”

  “Say it louder.”

  “This pussy is yours. I’m yours.” She grabbed his ass to pull him closer, wanting him to go deeper.

  “Damn, Kay. I’ve always been yours,” he said, beginning to thrust her harder and faster.

  She yelled out in pleasure. “I love you! I will never stop.”

  He kept thrusting into her uncontrollably, bursting deep into her canal, grabbing her hair with force. He felt his soul leave his body and return. When he opened his eyes, Kay was crying. “Did I hurt you?” he asked, trying to wipe all her tears away. “Please don’t cry, Kay. Was I too rough?”

  She shook her head and tried to get up from under him.

  “What is it?”

  “Why did you do this to me?” She stared at the picture he had of the two of them on his dresser.

  “Because I love you.”

  “Come home, then.”

  “I can’t.” He pulled out of her and sat down on the edge of the mattress, putting his face in his hands.

  “Oh, I get it. You were horny.” She got up.

  “How could you say that? I miss you! You’re everything to me!”

  “You could’ve fooled me! You left me and your kids over a disagreement, just because I had a different opinion than you.”

  “Kay, if Angel was a match you were going put her life in jeopardy for someone who doesn’t give a fuck about her. She is my daughter. No matter what you or anybody else thinks I can’t get over that. Do you still love him? Did you just settle for me all these years because you wanted him and couldn’t have him?”

  She stared back at him. “I can’t believe you just said that. I never loved him. It was always you. How could you think I settled? You’re so much more than what I dreamt about? Jason, with you I finally felt home, like I belonged, and now I’m feeling empty. But I will survive this.”

  “Kay, stop thinking you’re less. You are so much more.” He moved in front of her. “Girl, you have my heart in the palm of your hands.” He leaned in and kissed her. “The last few months have been hell.”

  “Come home.”

  “I was coming back to beg you to take me back. Then something came up, and I just couldn’t.” He let go of her face.

  “What is it? You can’t forgive me?”

  “That’s not it. If we are going to fix this, I have to be honest with you,” he said, stepping back.

  “You’re scaring me. Did you find someone else?”

  “Didn’t you hear what I’ve been telling you all night? Didn’t you see the way I acted? No, you’re the only one, Kay. But there is no simple way of saying this. Kimberly has a little boy and she says that her son is mine. We’re supposed to get a paternity test done, but she keeps postponing.” He stared at her and could see the sadness in her eyes. She got out of the bed and walked to his bathroom. He stood there, knowing exactly how badly he’d just hurt her.

  Kay got into the bathroom closed the door. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, and cried. Who are you to judge? Angel is not his. You shouldn’t be feeling like this. It’s not his fault. She stepped into the shower stall and turned it on.

  Jason opened the door to the bathroom and stepped into the shower behind Kay. He whispered in her ear.

  “You’re my chocolate. I love you.”

  He kissed her neck, then turned her around to kiss her lips. He could taste her tears. He leaned down and nibbled on her breasts, twirling his tongue on her nipple, going down to her belly. He got down on his knees and placed her left leg over his right shoulder, licking and sucking her pussy. She threw her head back in pleasure, moaning his name. He tongue-fucked her, and then inserted two fingers into her pussy. “Mmm, baby, you taste so good. Come for me, baby.”

  He grabbed hold of her waist and nibbled on her clit until she burst into his mouth. He kissed his way back up. “I’m sorry,” he said, whispering between kisses.

  She could taste her own essence, she kissed him one more time before she kneeled down and took him into her mouth. She stroked him up and down with her hand. While she twirled her tongue on his dick he held on to the rack. She deep-throated him, could feel his dick throbbing, as she held and gently messaged his balls. They were getting tighter. She felt him about to come when he pulled out her mouth. He picked her up.

  “Can I get your hair wet?” he asked, smiling.

  “I don’t care about my hair right now.”

  He put her under the water and commenced kissing her breast and neck. He plunged into her in one deep thrust. “Jason,” she moaned, gasping. “You’re mine.”

  “Yes, I’m all yours.” He thrust into her harder, saying her name. They both came in ecstasy. He lowered her to the floor and washed her from head to toe. He dried her and walked her to the bed. “We’ll talk tomorrow…is that okay? I just want to hold you.”

  “Hold me.”

  He grabbed her in his arms as she placed her head on his chest. Finally, she thought. The sound of his heartbeat.


  Jason jumped up from out of a deep sleep and looked over to his side. Is she really here with me? Her hair was a mess, but he smiled as he removed a strand from her face with his index finger. He leaned in and kissed her nose, whispering, “I missed you so much.”

  He got up to use the bathroom. He came back, climbed under the sheets and between her legs. He spread her legs and kissed her inner thighs. She moved as he licked her labia and started kissing her clit.

  She grabbed his head and guided him. “Jason that feels….” She moaned. “So fucking good.” She grabbed his hair, and was obviously sensitive after their night of making love.

  “Come for me.” He plunged his tongue into her tight pussy. She let go of his hair and gripped the sheets.

  “I’m coming!”

  Her body bounced of the bed and he grabbed her waist, holding her in
place, making sure he took her to ecstasy. She came so hard, he felt her walls closing in on his tongue.

  He leaned and kissed his way up to her lips. “I know you’re sore, but I needed to taste you one more time. It’s been so long since I’ve had you in my arms.”

  “Your fault,” she smiled.

  “We can get through this,” he said. Kay turned her face. “Right?”

  “Jason, if he is your son—”

  “So what if he’s my son?”

  “Think about it. That means I kept him from you.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “You broke up with her because of me. If you wouldn’t have, you would’ve known you were going to be a father. You gave up raising your own son to raise a baby that wasn’t even yours.” She could feel her tears ready to fall.

  “First of all, it’s been you in my heart. I would’ve eventually ended things with her. You didn’t keep him away from me, she did. She could’ve still told me. Kay, I have two beautiful kids until the test says otherwise and Angel is mine in every sense.”

  “Answer me this truthfully.” He nodded. “If you knew she was pregnant, would you have still married me?”

  He stared at her. He’d obviously never thought about that and didn’t have an answer. “Kay.”

  “You don’t have to answer. Please take me home.” She got off the bed and picked her clothes up off the floor.

  “Kay, you don’t know what I was going to say, and why do we have to dwell in the past? I married you and that’s all that matters.” He put on his jeans.

  “To me it matters. Are you keeping the kids today? Or should I pick them up?”

  “I told you because I want to come home, and now you’re asking me if I want to spend time with my kids? I don’t want to be a part-time parent.”

  “Jason, you only married me because of Angel. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful for what you did for us. But if I knew you had a son I would’ve never let you do what you did.” She walked out of the room. “If you don’t take me home, I’ll call a cab.”

  He ran after her, grabbed her arm, and turned her around. “You think I married you out of convenience? That’s not true! I could’ve adopted her—there are so many other things I could’ve done. I married you twice because you’re my soul mate.” He caressed her arm.


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