Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend)

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Stronger Than Ever (My Best Friend) Page 12

by Ancelli

  “Again, would you have married me if Kimberly would’ve told you she was pregnant? The answer is no, because you would’ve done the right thing by your son.” She grabbed her purse.

  “Kay, what does it matter, the what ifs? What’s done is done, it’s in the past. We don’t even know if he’s my son.”

  She smiled. “You still didn’t answer.” She turned and walked out the door.

  Jason rushed to the bedroom, put on a pair of sandals, and grabbed a T-shirt. Running out to the elevator, he caught up with her in the lobby. “I’ll take you home.” He knew she must still be in shock to hear he might have another son.

  He drove her home in silence. He pulled up in the driveway, parked, and turned to face her.

  “Don’t come home until you truthfully answer my question: is this family really what you want?” She was about to get out of the car.

  He grabbed her hand off the door. “Kay, I’ve always wanted you. My family is everything to me.”

  She pulled her hand away from his. “If Jeremy wasn’t born, the decision would be easier.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “If Jeremy wasn’t here, I would make the decision for you.” She got out of the car, closed the door, and ran to the house.

  How did we get here? He backed up to go pick up their kids from his parents’ house.

  Making cheerful small talk the entire way home, he wondered if they would be all right. Walking into his apartment, he had Jeremy in his arm and held Angel with his other hand. He sat on the couch and just thought about everything he’d been through lately. Then he remembered what his grandfather said before dying: always remember to fight for your family. He stared at Angel. My beautiful daughter, I can’t imagine my life without you. He looked at Jeremy in his arms. You’re a product of love. She’s given me all of this. I would never change this, he thought, looking at Angel and Jeremy.

  “Angel, do you want to go see Mommy?”

  “Yes, Daddy. Are you coming, too?”

  “Yes, baby, I am.”


  He pulled up to their driveway and took the kids out of the car and walked up to the door. Kay pulled it open. He stared at her. She had her hair in a high ponytail. In addition, she wore sweatpants and one of his T-shirts.

  She looks so damn sexy when she wears my clothes.

  She bent down and kissed Angel. “I missed you, sunshine.”

  “I missed you too, Mommy,” Angel said, running to her bedroom.

  Kay grabbed a sleepy Jeremy and kissed him. “I missed you too, big man.” He felt for her breast. “Mommy had a long night.” She walked backward, about to close the door, when Jason stopped her with his hand.

  “We need to talk.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  “You asked me a question earlier and I have my answer.” He didn’t wait for her to give him permission. He walked in, passing her. She went to Jeremy’s bedroom and put him down for a nap in his crib. Jason could hear her fussing over him. She walked out to the living room with her hands crossed over her chest.

  “Just listen. You asked me earlier if I would’ve known Kimberly was pregnant if I would’ve still married you? The answer is yes. You asked me once when I was dating her if I had ever considered marrying her and I laughed at you, and I told you hell no. I never loved her. You caught me off guard when you asked me earlier. Kay, you’ve always been number one in my heart. Eventually I would’ve married you, pregnant or not. If she would’ve told me she was pregnant, I would have done the right thing by taking care of him, not her. I wouldn’t have married someone I don’t love. I married you because I love you.” He walked up to her.

  “You think by sweet-talking me, everything will be fine.”

  “I’m just giving my answer to your question.”

  She closed the distance between them and hugged him tight. “I want you back home.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He kissed her and walked out the door. She was still staring at him as he came back with his bags and suitcases.

  “I love you.” She ran up to him. “We’ll get through this.”

  “I love you too, baby.” He hugged her tight.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Miriam, please make sure she’s out of her office by eleven,” Jason said before hanging up the phone.

  Today was Kay’s birthday and he’d let her think he’d forgotten all about it, but to the contrary, he had big plans for her today.


  Kay opened the door to her office, and was shocked. There were pink and white roses all over her office with music playing in the background…and in the center of her office was a table set for two.

  “Surprise!” Jason walked up behind her, grabbing her waist, kissing her neck. “Happy birthday, beautiful.” Her hair was down the way he liked it, and she was wearing a light pink blouse, showing some cleavage, and a black skirt and pumps.

  She turned in his arms. “Thank you, baby. I thought you forgot.”

  He leaned down and kissed her nose. “That was the point.” He turned and winked at Miriam and walked Kay backward into her office, closing and locking her door. “Today you belong to me.”

  “Baby, this is so sweet, but I have an appointment in fifteen minutes.”

  “Nope, I cleared your schedule. You’re all mine.” He walked her to the table and pulled out her chair for her and then he sat down. He picked up the plate covers.

  “Lobster, steak and baked potato…this seems more like dinner, not lunch. Are you trying to break my diet?” She grabbed her fork.

  “You forgot the Caesar salad.” He smiled at her. “What diet? I love all your beautiful curves. I don’t want you skinny.”

  “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” She started eating her salad in a very sensual way.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “Do what?”

  “The way that fork glides in your mouth makes me wish I was your fork.” He gave her a naughty stare.

  “Soon, baby. Really soon.” She winked at him.

  Damn, the things she made him feel, her brown eyes, and damn those juicy lips. He could never get enough of her. Being away from her was the hardest thing he had to do.

  Damn, the things he makes me feel. His blue eyes, which always sparkled when he looked at her, his lips…oh my. Every time he smiled, she melted. She could never have enough of him. When he’d moved out it had been so hard for her.

  They finished eating. “Dessert?”

  She shook her head. “I’m too full.”

  He got up. “Let’s dance. It’ll help you digest your food and make room for dessert.”

  She put her hand in his and he helped her up. He grabbed her waist, and they began dance. “I love you.”

  “Promise me something,” she whispered in his ear, knowing it would make him hot.

  His hold on her tightened. “What, Kay?”

  “Don’t do that to me again. Don’t ever doubt my love for you.” She stared up at him.

  He gently grabbed her hair. “Baby, I’m sorry. I’m a fucking fool, but I know you love me. I can see it in your eyes.” He kissed her. “You did break my heart when you said I left you like everyone else in your life. You know you’ll always have me until the day I die.”

  She moaned. “Promise me.”

  “I promise,” he said, leaning down to kiss her neck.

  “Mmm, give it to me now.” She helped him get rid of his shirt.

  “Fuck, Kay, I was trying to take it nice and slow.” He began unbuttoning her blouse.

  “Fuck nice and slow.” She took her skirt off.

  He picked her up, pulling off her panties. “You won’t need those.” He carried her to the couch, placing her down, and finished taking his clothes off.

  He sat next to her, turned and picked her up and made her straddle him. He placed his cock in the opening of her wet pussy, and pushed up.

  “Oh…Jason…give it to me.”
r />   He grabbed her waist and thrust into her hard. “Baby, I’m not going to last long,” he said between gritted teeth. He pushed up and she pushed down. “Kay,” he moaned. “I promise.”

  Kay rotated her hips, taking him in deeper. “Make me come, baby.”

  He placed his index finger on her clit and gently rubbing it, while sucking on her right breast. “Come for me, baby.”

  Kay threw her head back and her pussy contracted. “Jason…” she moaned in ecstasy. Her orgasm hit her hard. Her head fell back, then forward on his shoulders.

  Jason kept thrusting into her hard and fast. Her pussy squeezed him, and he could feel it coming. His balls tightened and he burst deep into her. “Ohh,” he groaned, biting her collarbone.

  They were both weak from pleasure. He lay down, pulled her closer over his chest, and caressed her shoulders and face. “That was delicious, baby.”


  He walked over to the table and got a plate of strawberry shortcake, then sat back down. He cut a piece with the fork and held it out to her.

  She opened up and ate it. “Mmm, that tastes good.”

  “Not as good as you,” he said, kissing her. “Mmm.”

  “Don’t ever leave me like that again.”

  “I’m so sorry for walking out on you…I have no excuses. I know you love me and I trust our love can make it through anything. It’s just when I heard him say he didn’t care about her, and then you defended him.”

  She looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “I heard him say he didn’t care about Angel. That he was using her for the transplant and that you were just a one-night stand.”

  “When did you hear this?”

  “The day we talked to the doctor.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I tried to spare your feelings. Even though you won’t admit to me, I know you still haven’t dealt with why out of five kids he didn’t want Angel.”

  “So you let me think he cared.”

  “You assumed he cared. I told you he didn’t and you told me he’d changed.”

  “You left me. Why didn’t you just tell me that’s why you had such strong feelings about the situation?”

  “It’s over now, and I promise I’ll never walk out again. I can’t promise I wont get angry and storm out, but I’ll never leave.” He caressed her cheek.

  “When are you taking the paternity test?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. She said she’ll let me know.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, all concerned. I’m not mad.” She fixed his brow. “We just haven’t really talked about it.” She ran her fingers through his silky hair. “Don’t you want to see him?”

  He sat up and stared at her. “Kay, I—” He looked away. “I don’t know if he’s mine.”

  She took his face and turned him. “I know, but I think you should meet him, just in case. If you’re worried about me, don’t. It happened before us, and if he’s a part of you then he’s a part of our family.”

  He leaned into her. “What would I do without you?” He picked up his pants and searched in the pocket, and he pulled out a blue velvet box. “Happy birthday.”

  “You didn’t have to, this was enough.” She looked at the box.

  “Nothing is enough for you,” he said, caressing her. “Open it.”

  She slowly opened the box. “Oh Jason, it’s beautiful.” It was a blue diamond heart pendant and chain.

  “My heart is yours.”

  She had unshed tears in her eyes.

  “Kay,” he said, staring at her, caressing her cheek with his finger. They stared at each other. “Have I told you lately how much you mean to me?”

  She grabbed his hand and kissed his fingers.


  She kissed his lips. “Yes. You just showed me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and Kimberly had agreed to take Jacob to meet Jason at the park. Angel was on the swing and Kay held Jeremy in her arms.

  “What’s she doing here?” Kimberly said, walking up.

  Jason took a few steps forward. “She’s my wife. What do you think she’s doing here?”

  “I don’t want her around my son.” She squeezed the little boy’s hand.

  “Well, we are going to have a problem, because if he is mine, she will be around him.” Jason bent down and took the little boy’s hand. “Hi Jacob, I’m Jason.”

  Jacob, with gray eyes and brown hair, was shy and hid behind Kimberly.

  “He doesn’t speak to strangers.”

  Jason stood back up.

  “Baby, its okay. I’ll go play with the kids while you spend time with Jacob,” Kay said, staring at Jason.

  He grabbed her hand. “No, she has to deal with it.”

  “It’s about him right now. The kids and I will be fine.” She kissed him on the lips and walked away.

  “Look, Kimberly, I won’t let you disrespect her again.”

  He bent down. “Hey, Jacob, do you want to go play on the swing and monkey bars with me?” The little boy nodded and placed his hands in Jason’s and they walked over to the swings next to Angel. Jason spoke to Jacob, but he wouldn’t talk back. All he did was nod or shake his head, but Angel talked for both of them.

  Kay took that opportunity to talk to Kimberly. “I know you don’t like me, and as a matter of fact I don’t like you either, but it’s not about us. It’s about the kids.”

  “Don’t talk to me about kids. If it wasn’t for you, Jacob would’ve had a father.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s because of you Jason didn’t get to know he had a son.”

  “Okay, I tried to be nice, but that’s not working. Don’t you blame me for you not telling Jason about his son. You didn’t tell him because you didn’t want him to know, or because you don’t know who the father is?” Kay had moved up in her face, with Jeremy on her hip.

  “What the fuck?” Kimberly asked, getting loud.

  Jason heard the commotion. He left Angel and Jacob on the swings and walked back.

  “Look at yourself in the mirror. Your daughter is black, and she doesn’t look anything like Jason. You’re the one that needs to get a fucking blood test done on her. Do you know who her daddy is?”

  “Watch your mouth in front of my son,” Kay said, turning Jeremy on her shoulder.

  “So do you know who your bastard kid belongs to?”

  Jason walked up behind them and yelled, “Damn it, Kimberly, what’s your problem? Don’t come here attacking my family, and stop blaming everybody but yourself for the outcome.”

  Jason’s yelling scared Jeremy and he started crying. Jason felt bad and took him from Kay. “Sorry, boo bear, Daddy didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, bouncing him.

  “Jacob, it’s time to go.” Kimberly yelled, waiting impatiently for him to come next to her.

  But Jacob didn’t move. He shook his head.

  “Now, Jacob,” she yelled.

  “Why are you taking him?” Jason said, looking at Kimberly. “He’s having fun.”

  “No, it looks like you’re more concerned with defending your bitch of a wife than spending time with your son.” She went over and grabbed Jacob’s hand.

  “Look, Kimberly, I won’t take any more of your insults.” Kay walked toward Angel.

  “I’ll see you in court.” Jason said, walking forward to Jacob. “Hey, Jacob, I’ll see you very soon. This is Jeremy, and he’s looking forward to spending time with you, too.” He leaned down and kissed his forehead.

  “Come on.” Kimberly grabbed Jacob’s hand and walked off. He turned around and waved bye to Jason.

  Jason walked over to Kay and Angel. “Princess, are you having fun?”

  “Yes, Daddy, me and Jacob played on the monkey bars and I fell,” she said, laughing.

  He took Kay’s hand. “Come here.” He put Jeremy in his stroller.

  “Are you okay?”
he asked.

  “I’m okay. Sorry you didn’t get to spend more time with him. Next time I’ll stay home with the kids.”

  “No, Kay. You’re my family, and if he is my son, he will be spending time with all of us.”

  “She blames me.”

  “I don’t care what she says or thinks. She’s to blame. She should’ve told me.” He put his hand in hers. “I got a sample from him, and tomorrow I’ll take it to the lab.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “I can’t wait any longer. I don’t understand why she keeps putting it off.”

  “You know I’m always on your side.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Something is wrong with Jacob. He wouldn’t talk. It’s like he was afraid, and he’s too skinny.”

  “I noticed that, too, but once we find out if he’s yours we’ll take care of him and make sure he is taken care of.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Thank you for being understanding.”

  “It happened before us.”

  He grabbed her hand. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the day.”


  Two weeks later

  “Hey, baby, I have the results. I want you there when I read them. Meet me for lunch.” Jason spoke urgently into the phone.

  “Okay, when?” Kay asked.

  “I’ll meet you at home for lunch.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then. I love you.”


  “I love you more you hung up before I could tell you,” Kay said, coming in the front door. She went to where he was sitting down in the living room and leaned in and kissed him.

  He smiled. “I don’t think so doll eyes.” He handed her the envelope. “Open it.”

  She grabbed the envelope, turned it over, and opened it. She read the result in silence. She looked up at him. “He’s not your son.”


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