Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Marcy Jacks

  Well, whatever, at least he was finally getting a shower.

  He turned on the water and felt the spray with his hand before climbing in.

  Immediately hot, as always. Sorin hadn’t had a proper shower since he’d been taken and thrown into his cell in the basement.

  He’d barely been allowed to clean himself off in a sink during bathroom breaks.

  He sighed under the water, putting his face up into the spray, letting it wash over his skin, his hair and shoulders.

  His hair had been cut shorter than it used to be when he’d been captured. It used to be down to his neck. He had to tie it back to keep well groomed.

  Now it was short, cut sloppily, and spiked in some places because of that. He wasn’t sure he liked it. It didn’t feel normal. He might just go the distance now that it had been cut and clip it as short as Lucian’s hair.

  At least then no one would be able to grab a fistful of it ever again.

  That hadn’t exactly been pleasant either.

  But this felt good. He could almost forget about the pain in his arm and in his mouth. He still couldn’t seem to stop his tongue from licking at the spots where his fangs used to be. It seemed he was something of a sucker for punishment. As if he couldn’t stop himself from picking at a wound.

  Oh well, the pain would go away in a couple more days as his healing kicked in.

  What he wished would go away right now was what was staring up at him from his waist.

  His dick had become hard even before he made it into the bathroom. He couldn’t stop it.

  Lucian’s hands…Sorin could still feel the strength of them pressing against his shoulders. He should hate the man. Part of him did hate him, even though Lucian hadn’t been the one to hurt him.

  Lucian had promised to watch over him, however. Even before the attack.

  And he hadn’t been there.

  It was so stupid, but Sorin had hoped Lucian would come for him. When the pliers had come out and Sorin knew what was going to happen to him, a part of him held out hope that Lucian would show up in time, that he would be able to stop it from happening.

  The first fang went. Lucian still didn’t come. The second fang was pulled out, and Lucian still did not appear.

  “Holy shit, are you crying?” said the dragon with disgust.

  “Big, bad vampire master. Not so powerful or brave when you don’t have an army behind you, are you?” The second voice, an omega’s, snorted. “Pathetic. You’re ruined now. Don’t think Daddy will want you after this, will he? Crying in front of the enemy, your slaves. Begging for mercy. No one to protect you now.”

  Sorin had never thought himself brave or powerful, and he hadn’t exactly begged. Well, he might have a little, but it hadn’t made a difference because his last two fangs were still yanked out.

  When they’d finished with him, they’d left him alone. Strange thing, too. He’d expected them to hurt him a little more, to rub it in. They’d laughed on their way out, not cruelly, no, because what they’d done wasn’t evil.

  They’d punished someone who was evil. That was the important difference that had allowed them to leave as if they had scored a victory against a monster.

  Sorin was the evil one. He was the one who deserved suffering and punishment, and they had given it to him.

  Those thoughts stayed with him for hours and hours. He didn’t know how long it had been before Lucian finally came downstairs— it might have been a day or two—but Sorin had already managed to put himself back together when the dragon came to him. He’d even tried taking his mind off the situation, his hunger, and pain by reading one of the books Miles had brought to him.

  Lucian had taken the book when he saw it. A heavy hardcover could be used as a weapon, and he’d sounded just as angry by the recent attacks upstairs.

  Sorin had trembled, waiting for Lucian to continue with his punishment, waiting for the dragon to prove to him that the others had been more than justified in their actions.

  Instead, Lucian had tried to feed him, with both food and blood, and when Sorin couldn’t speak to him, Lucian had noticed, and he’d been gentle when he’d examined Sorin’s arm and his mouth.

  Lucian had been angry, though not with Sorin, and he hardly allowed himself to leave Sorin’s side to let Seth know.

  Sorin almost didn’t want the dragon alpha to know what happened. He expected Seth to sneer at his pain, to say it was well deserved as the son of his greatest enemy.

  Seth hadn’t done that, and he’d agreed to let Sorin…he’d agreed to let Lucian take Sorin into his room.

  And Sorin’s stupid dick wouldn’t stop thinking of that as some kind of invitation.

  God, he was so…horny. It was a crude word, but he hadn’t exactly been in the mood to touch himself while he’d been a prisoner in his own basement.

  Nor had he wanted to.

  But he could still feel the warmth of Lucian’s hands on his shoulders, could still feel the comforting embrace of the man as he held Sorin from behind, allowing him to drink.

  He would let Sorin drink from him again.

  Sorin curled his fingers around his cock. It was hot and heavy in his hand, and he hissed at the pleasure as he stroked himself beneath the spray.

  He gritted his teeth at first then stopped and flinched from the pain in his mouth.

  Fuck. He was going to have some trouble remembering to not do that.

  He tried again, focusing on not gritting his teeth this time as he let his fist slide up and down the hard length of his shaft, and Sorin couldn’t resist letting his fingers play along the underside of his cockhead.

  He had to do this. If he didn’t do this now, he was just going to get hard when Lucian fed him, and Sorin couldn’t bear that humiliation.

  It was like he was giving himself permission to masturbate, to stroke his own dick while his jailer, and protector, was just outside the bathroom door.

  And it had been awhile since he’d been able to enjoy himself. He might as well do it now while he still had the chance.

  Sorin pressed his forehead against the tile of the shower. God, he felt so sensitive. It really had been awhile since he’d done this.

  He just needed to get it out of his system. That was all this was.

  If it wasn’t enough, then he had no idea what he was going to do. Already the pleasure curled his toes, his thighs trembling as he struggled to stay on his feet.

  It was Lucian’s face he thought of when the pleasure became too much to bear and he burst, his body vibrating, his dick still hard and sensitive long after he should have been done thrusting into his hand.

  Oh God. Simply thinking about Lucian wasn't going to be enough, it seemed.

  Chapter Two

  It took Lucian a couple of minutes before he recognized the sounds, and smells, coming from the bathroom for what they really were.

  He knew those sounds, and smells, quite well since he’d been the reason many people had sounded like that.

  Lucian only noticed after some clean clothes had come for Sorin. Miles had delivered them himself. He’d even asked to see Sorin. Thank God Lucian hadn’t let the fox shifter in. Otherwise, he might have to answer some awkward questions.

  Sorin was definitely not available for a visit right now.

  The shower excuse was convenient enough to get Miles to go away, though the omega had promised to come back again later.

  Now Lucian was alone, pacing around the room, listening to what Sorin was doing in there.

  Lucian always thought he had an active imagination, that he was able to read people fairly well.

  This was a problem because now that his active imagination was running wild he was picturing all sorts of things in his head that he shouldn’t be.

  And apparently he couldn’t read people that well at all. Otherwise, he might have suspected this would happen.

  Was it because Lucian had offered to protect him? No, first of all he was being totally narcissistic in assuming Sorin was gett
ing off in there while thinking about him.

  He might have just needed to get off. It was perfectly normal for a young twenty-something to have to get his rocks off from time to time, and now that he was safe with Lucian, there was no better time.

  Better in the shower than in the cell he’d been locked up in.

  Now Lucian was just doing a great job of making himself feel even guiltier.

  Mostly because he couldn’t stop thinking about what exactly Sorin was doing, how he was touching himself.

  Lucian couldn’t get the image out of his head of himself joining the man, in the shower with him, on his knees, giving Sorin’s cock all kinds of love and attention with his lips and tongue.

  Lucian blinked that strange thought away. The last thought in the world he should be thinking. He had zero right to be thinking such a thing at all when, just a few days ago, he’d been annoyed as all hell with the man.

  Lucian had wrongly blamed Sorin for his part in the most recent attack, and had he not noticed Sorin had been tortured, he might still be keeping his distance from the vampire.

  What on earth did that say about him?

  The water didn’t stop for some time, but long before the shower stopped, the soft, barely-there noises that Lucian detected did.

  Lucian was strung tighter than a violin as he waited for Sorin to emerge. He was probably getting dressed right now, and Lucian couldn’t stop thinking about what his body looked like beneath his clothes.

  It was sick. Wrong on so many levels. Why the hell did he have to be thinking these things now, about the one person in the world he shouldn’t be thinking about?

  Where had these thoughts even come from? Was it because he felt protective of Sorin? That he didn’t want to fail the man again? Lucian’s heart still ached to think of Sorin softly crying in his arms while he sucked weakly at the wound Lucian had made on his wrist, allowing him to feed without his fangs.

  Right. It did bring out something protective in him.

  He wouldn’t betray the man’s trust again. He would do better.

  The door eventually opened. Lucian heard it even as he had his back turned to it. He kept his hand on his hip, rubbing his jaw, thinking about what he could possibly say to Sorin when he turned around.

  “Look, I’m going to have to—”

  Lucian stopped suddenly at the sight of Sorin, standing right there, in front of him.

  Completely and totally naked.

  Heat climbed Lucian’s neck, settling into his ears and cheeks. His gaze moved up and down Sorin’s body before he could stop himself. He caught sight of Sorin’s dick for a split second before he could look away.

  That split second was all it took for the warmth already in his body to go to volcanic levels. He couldn’t look away in time before his own cock twitched, pulsed, and thank God he was wearing jeans. Otherwise, it might have been obvious what was happening downstairs.

  “What…” Lucian had to clear his throat. “What are you doing? Never mind. I have your clothes for you.”

  He turned to the bed, where he’d put them. He should have knocked and let Sorin know he had them ready.


  Sorin’s hand reached out, grabbing Lucian by the wrist, stopping him before he could get very far.

  Lucian’s heart jumped. It almost never did that. His heart was cold and dead, and yet it was alive and beating faster and harder than he’d ever felt it in his entire life.

  “What do you want?”

  He wasn’t an idiot. He had a perfectly good idea of where this was going, of what Sorin wanted, but God, how could Lucian even think about giving it to him?

  The vampire came up behind Lucian, pressing his forehead against Lucian’s back, his hands clutching tightly to both of Lucian’s wrists. “You…you saved me.”

  Lucian focused on his breathing, on calming his body. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to do that before he lost all control.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, even though Sorin was wrong. Lucian hadn’t saved him. He’d noticed what happened to the man far too late for it to have had any real impact on him. His fangs were still gone, and his arm was still healing.

  “I…” Sorin’s grip tightened “I want you to…”

  Lucian sighed. He turned in Sorin’s garms, looking down at the man. Sorin’s cock was hard. He’d touched himself in the shower, and Lucian had a pretty good idea of what had been going through his head.

  “You don’t want this,” he said.

  Sorin’s eyes widened.

  Lucian continued. “You only want this because you think I’ll leave if we don’t. I won’t. I promised you I would do everything I could to keep this from happening to you again. I meant it. You don’t have to throw yourself at me because you think I’ll leave you alone.”

  Something in Sorin’s eyes changed. His jaw briefly tightened, but then he flinched, as though remembering the pain in his mouth.

  “It’s not that. Not entirely,” Sorin said, rubbing his cheek a little.

  “Then what is it?” Lucian asked.

  Sorin’s eyes met his. Lucian’s breath caught in his throat as the man pushed himself up onto his toes, their mouths coming together.

  The kiss was softer, sweeter than Lucian would have expected. Something about it gave him the impression this wasn’t exactly what he thought it was, and even though he knew he should pull away, that he was allowing himself to take advantage of someone in a delicate mental state…

  God help him, he couldn’t stop. Even his dragon side, that wild inner animal that, for the most part, stayed dormant, woke. It lifted its head, as if to search for where that wonderful sensation was coming from.

  When the dragon found it, locking in on Sorin, it didn’t want to stop. The spirit of the dragon came alive, and it wrapped its wings around Sorin’s body, keeping him close, keeping him from going anywhere.

  It took Lucian a minute before he realized it was his own arms around Sorin’s narrow waist. He held the smaller man so tightly it was as if he was the one who didn’t want to let Sorin go, instead of just the horny dragon within him.

  Their tongues came together. A buzz of pleasure lit him up from the inside out, and Lucian moaned. He didn’t let it just sit like that. He couldn’t handle just the taste of Sorin’s tongue, not when he wanted so much more. Lucian thrust his tongue between Sorin’s willing lips.

  The smaller man shivered and flinched.

  When Lucian felt that, he immediately pulled back. “Fuck, I’m sorry. Your teeth—”

  “No, it’s okay.” Sorin panted, grabbing onto Lucian’s ears, as if they were there for the sole purpose of being grabbed, right before he yanked him back down. “Kiss me again, just like that.”

  Part of Lucian didn’t want to. He didn’t want to hurt Sorin by putting his tongue into the man’s mouth and accidentally touching the spots where his fangs should be.

  But the other part of him, the part of him that was going to burn in hell for this, absolutely could not resist. He had to do it. He had to taste Sorin again because he was so good.

  Lucian kissed him again, moaning when their mouths were connected, when Sorin willingly parted his lips and let Lucian lick deep inside his mouth.

  It was perfect. It was everything Lucian could have ever wanted and more.

  His hands went down, down, down, sliding across Sorin’s smooth, pale skin before he found the man’s hips, pulling them closer.

  Sorin moaned through the kiss. If he felt any pain, he didn’t show it as Lucian thrust their cocks together.

  As much as he could, at least, considering Sorin was a good deal shorter.

  Really, it was more like Sorin had his hard prick pressed up against Lucian’s thigh, and as the man moaned, he thrust his dick against that firm muscle, desperate for friction.

  Lucian never felt as out of control as he did just then. He thrust his hips forward, his cock throbbing beneath the denim of his jeans as he searched for any and all
friction he could get against Sorin’s body.

  And the man gave it to him in spades. He couldn’t hold back. He wanted to fuck him. This animal instinct had Lucian by the balls, almost literally, and he needed to be inside Sorin as soon as possible. There was no stopping it.

  And Sorin apparently knew this, too, gasping as he yanked his mouth away from Lucian’s.

  “I want to feel good. Make me feel good,” he begged.

  Lucian growled. That was a request he could definitely make come true.

  Lucian reached down. He curled his arms around Sorin’s waist and lifted him into the air, walking him over to the bed.

  The clean clothes that had been laid out for Sorin, Lucian knocked them onto the floor. He couldn’t separate his mouth from Sorin’s. He had no idea where this lust was even coming from, but now that it was here and he had Sorin in his arms rubbing against him so beautifully he couldn’t stop.

  Take him. Fuck him. Make him yours.

  Lucian didn’t know where that thought was even coming from. It was almost enough to make him pull away from Sorin’s mouth, but when he tried, the smaller man groaned and yanked him back down by the back of his head.

  And Lucian got lost in it. He was sinking into the heat of Sorin’s body, which called to him on such a primal level that he didn’t have the right words to describe it. The only thing left to do was act. To make this happen. There would be no going back after this was said and done, and he didn’t care.

  Lucian pulled away from Sorin’s sweet mouth, and this time he didn’t allow the man to yank him back down. Not when he had to get ready. Lucian stripped out of his shirt. He swiftly unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants and black underwear down around his hips, freeing his cock before he could change his mind.

  Sorin panted and puffed for breath, his cheeks pink, and his eyes never left Lucian’s. “Hurry. I need it.”

  Lucian groaned. Sorin wasn’t the only one who needed it. He grabbed Sorin by his thighs, intent on pulling them up and onto his lap when Lucian stopped suddenly, cursing. “Fuck, give me a second. I need to find something for you.”


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