Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Sorin's Protector [A Dragon's Growl 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 3

by Marcy Jacks

  He didn’t keep lubricant in his room. Usually, whenever he was in the mood, he found someone to fill that need for him in a bar or a club. Or handled it himself in the shower.

  But it was a very real fact that Sorin would need something to get him ready, and Lucian couldn’t just go shoving away.

  Sorin grabbed Lucian by his shoulders, swiftly shaking his head, a touch of panic in his eyes.

  As if he was honestly scared of the idea of Lucian leaving the bed.

  “No, it’s fine. Don’t bother.”

  Both of Lucian’s brows shot up. “Don’t bother?” Not good. Not good that he was considering taking Sorin at his word. “Don’t tempt me like that. Trust me, you won’t like it.”

  “I know that,” Sorin snapped. “I’m not an idiot, but I already…in the shower…”

  He kept trailing off, but Lucian didn’t need any more information than that to know what the smaller man meant.

  And his excitement, his eager anticipation, and heart leaped at the thought.

  “You got yourself ready for me in the shower?”

  Sorin nodded, his eyes becoming half-lidded, the pink in his cheeks turning a little closer to bright red. As if what he’d said should even remotely embarrass him.

  “God, don’t be embarrassed,” Lucian moaned, and just to make sure Sorin had done it correctly, he couldn’t stop himself from lowering his fingers and checking Sorin’s asshole.

  It was wet, and not because it was still damp from the shower. There was something soft and slick there. He could have used the shower gel or found the moisturizer bottle Lucian had beneath the sink.

  Either way, he was stretched and slick. Sorin was ready for Lucian right now, and the thought was more than enough to make Lucian’s cock jump with anticipation.

  He pulled his fingers free. “You did prepare yourself,” he said, staring in awe down at the man beneath him.

  “Is it enough?” Sorin asked, still panting for breath, still smelling of musk and desire.

  “More than enough.” Lucian nodded, easing himself into position, pulling Sorin’s ass onto his lap so Lucian could press the head of his cock against the man’s hole.

  “Next time, let me do it for you though. I think you’ll like it.”

  Maybe mentioning the possibility of a next time was a mistake because Sorin gently cocked his head to the side, giving Lucian something of a confused glance before Lucian pushed forward, the thick head of his prick meeting only a small amount of resistance before the ring of muscle gave way, allowing him to sink inside Sorin’s tight body.

  Sorin threw his head back, his eyes squeezing shut, and he moaned as Lucian started to move.

  Chapter Three

  Sorin had wanted Lucian to make him feel good, and he was definitely doing a good job of that so far.

  No, a great job. Sorin had always thought being penetrated would hurt more than this, but the pleasure seemed to be outpacing the pain by about ten yards.

  This was what he’d wanted. This was what he’d needed, exactly what he’d needed. He didn’t even know why he knew he needed it—some kind of instinct he couldn’t explain.

  The sensation of having a larger, stronger man on top of him, dominating him, was better than anything else Sorin had ever felt in his entire life.

  The smell of Lucian’s musk, the sounds he made as he groaned with each hard, forward thrust, and the feel of his powerful body, hard muscle beneath Sorin’s hands and between his thighs, played to every fantasy Sorin had ever held.

  His father would shit kittens if he ever found out about this, and Sorin didn’t give a damn. He moaned through the pleasure, the stimulation rising, the heat beneath his belly increasing as he felt his body rocking against the sheets beneath him.

  And Lucian looked at him as if he’d never seen anything better in his entire life.

  “So tight. You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Even through Sorin’s pleasure as Lucian started circling his hips, he was happy to hear the man say such a thing. Lucian wasn’t a servant. He wasn’t required to give compliments.

  So maybe that meant it was true?

  Sorin let his hands roam. He couldn’t help himself. He had to touch every inch he could reach of this beautiful body.

  The tight muscle beneath his fingers was wonderful, stimulating him on as he let his fingertips stroke over Lucian’s hard nipples. Sorin gentle pinched them, hoping it was enough to make the other man enjoy himself even more.

  Lucian growled, his eyes falling to half-lidded, so Sorin thought he was doing fairly well, and he pinched them again, smiling about it.

  The pain in his mouth was so far in the back of his mind he almost forgot about it. To have this for the first time was too much for him to spend any real amount of attention on his pain.

  Sorin wasn’t a virgin, but Lucian was the first man to penetrate him, and Sorin already knew he’d made the right choice with Lucian.

  There was no one better than this. Lucian was the only one who could make him feel this good, who could make him forget about the pain he’d suffered and to give him what he’d always fantasied about. A proper release from a handsome, powerful male.

  Sorin had only had sex once before this, so he supposed that wasn’t saying much about not being a virgin, but it had been with an escort, about five years ago.

  Sorin being a twenty-year-old virgin, and the future lord of the manor, hadn’t sat well with his father. So Varrick had hired someone to take care of Sorin’s needs.

  Sorin had been embarrassed by the whole thing but still interested when he saw who had been given to him.

  A man not quite as tall and broad in the shoulders as Lucian but still someone with a good amount of muscle tone, enough to make Sorin’s cock interested.

  There had been much fumbling around, and then Sorin’s humiliation when the escort had to gently explain, after all his hints weren’t getting through, that he would not be topping Sorin.

  Sorin hated that part. He hated knowing his father not only had a say in who he lost his virginity to but also how he did it.

  The escort had been friendly enough, though Sorin supposed it was his job to be, and tried to make light of it.

  “Trust me, if I ever get to come back, I’ll make you moan and tremble in all kinds of ways,” he’d said, his index finger touching Sorin’s bottom lip.

  It was enough to make him tremble right then and there.

  “But for now, I don’t want to piss off your dad. Also, you’ll be glad for the experience.”

  “I will?” Sorin asked, not all that convinced.

  The escort nodded. “Everyone needs to try it at least once.” He laughed. “I can see you’re embarrassed, but don’t be. I’m being serious. At least then you’ll know if you really have a taste for it or not. Just follow my lead for now and you’ll be fine.”

  Sorin had an orgasm that day, so he supposed the escort had been right, but he hadn’t had sex with anyone since then, and he didn’t know what happened to the escort after he left.

  Probably sold off to some other wealthy family before Sorin could form an attachment—at least he hoped that’s what had happened to him—but he had been right.

  Sorin was glad to have had the experience because now that Lucian was inside him, fucking him as if he were in the Olympic sport of sex and trying his damnedest to win gold, Sorin could tell that this really was where he was most comfortable.

  And he was glad he’d made the right decision to let Lucian dominate him, to let his cock inside and stretch him wide like this. Nothing felt more real. More right.

  He fucking loved it, he loved having a stronger man on top of him, and he loved the burning sensation of having his insides stretched as Lucian’s cock pushed back and forth, hard and fast, again and again.

  There was nothing in the world that could possibly be better than that, and Sorin didn’t want it to end.

  “F-fuck me…harder,” he panted, his hands sliding around to the back of Lu
cian’s neck, holding him tightly, a piece of him terrified this would stop before he could have his orgasm.

  The orgasm he’d given himself in the shower seemed to be doing its part to keep him from coming again, prolonging his pleasure.

  And that was more than fine with him.

  Lucian’s eyes turned a bright shade of red. Sorin wasn’t afraid of it. He was glad to see it. This wasn’t the red of an angry dragon who was about to hurt him. This was the red color of a man in lust, who was losing himself to that pleasure and about to take Sorin with him.

  Abruptly, Lucian growled and pulled his cock out of Sorin’s hole. Sorin cried out, the shock and sudden pain hitting him, as well as the sensation of being empty.

  It went right to his heart.

  Lucian growled again, and his powerful hands didn’t stay idle as he reached for Sorin’s hips, abruptly flipping him around onto his stomach and then pulling him to his hands and knees.

  The sudden position switch was more than enough to make Sorin’s already excited blood spike to unbelievably heated levels. He knew what this was, knew what this position meant, and if his father could see him now, he would explode.

  And he didn’t care. Sorin’s body began to tremble, and all he could do was beg for more.

  “Fuck me, please fuck me. Don’t stop.”

  He glanced back just as Lucian put himself into position, his strong hands still holding firm to Sorin’s waist, pulling him back, and Sorin felt the brief touch of Lucian’s cockhead against his asshole right before the man pushed inside him once again.

  The reentry was just as good as the entry had been the first time Sorin felt it. He threw his head back, moaning out loud, unable to take the pleasure that made his body tremble, the warmth building in the bottom of his stomach, everything that all added up to just one more reason why he couldn’t seem to get himself under control.

  Maybe that was part of the point. He didn’t want control. He wanted to lose control, to forget about his pain, and he wanted Lucian to be the one to give him that gift.

  Sorin’s cock bounced uncontrollably against his belly as Lucian growled and grunted, fucking into him and pushing his body back and forth. Sorin was barely able to push back against the man, to take him in since Lucian seemed to have all the control.

  Just the way he liked it.

  Sorin tried to reach down for his cock, but then he nearly fell onto his face. He had to hold himself up with both hands, the teasing nature of everything starting to get to him, as he was barely able to think or breathe.

  The heat, the pleasure, the building sensation that made his toes curl and every muscle in his body become tight with want and desire was coming to a head.

  “Oh God!” Sorin cried out.

  Lucian leaned in, his mouth attacking the side of Sorin’s neck, where he was most vulnerable, with sucking kisses and gentle bites.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” Lucian rasped into his ear.

  The fact that he wasn’t one of Varrick’s underlings, that he said it of his own free will had to mean that he meant it, so maybe it was true.

  Sorin’s heart warmed and swelled when he knew damned well that it shouldn’t, that this man couldn’t possibly mean what he said, but then Sorin couldn’t think of that at all as the pleasure he’d been trying to reach was suddenly right there for the taking.

  Just a little closer…

  Then he was there, and it was amazing. Sorin shouted out loud, unable to form any coherent words as the pleasure he’d been desperately searching for was suddenly within reach, and he took it, letting it wash over him as he spilled his seed onto the bed.

  Lucian groaned, reaching around, his hand fisting Sorin’s cock, prolonging his pleasure.

  “That’s it, come for me. I want to see you do it.”

  He was seeing Sorin do it. Sorin couldn’t seem to stop the longest orgasm he’d ever had in his entire life.

  And there was something beautiful about the fact that Lucian came just after he did, as if their bodies were trying to come together on purpose, as if they were connected in more ways than just this.

  Lucian didn’t stop moving, even as Sorin felt the warmth of Lucian’s cum spilling inside him, filling him up. It was as if the taller, stronger man was trying to milk the last of his orgasm out of him.

  Lucian barked a shout, sudden and over with quickly, before he collapsed onto Sorin’s back.

  Sorin was barely able to keep himself propped up while the alpha dragon groaned and stayed in place.

  Sorin absolutely did not want to move from this spot. He could still hardly catch his breath, but the warmth of the alpha behind him, the heat of Lucian’s breath as he, too, struggled to catch it…was the most heavenly thing Sorin had ever experienced in his entire life.

  He could fall asleep just like this and wake up feeling completely refreshed.

  He turned his head a little and then barely managed to stop himself before he could press a kiss to Lucian’s arm.

  No, he wasn’t going to do that because that wasn’t his place.

  Kissing before sex was one thing, but kissing after the sex had been done and over with…that seemed a little more intimate. As if they were actually lovers.

  Sorin’s heart hurt at that thought. Right, of course they weren’t lovers. Sorin had asked the man to do something for, practically threw himself at Lucian, and he got what he wanted.

  Maybe it was just because Sorin was something of a romantic, but he had to remind himself that there was a fairly large difference between sex and love and commitment.

  He told himself to not be disappointed when the head of Lucian’s chest left Sorin’s back and the alpha pulled himself out of Sorin’s body and left the bed.

  Sorin barely allowed himself to turn around and sit. He definitely didn’t want to look up and see the expression on Lucian’s face.

  When he did pull together the spine to do so, he wasn’t all that shocked to see Lucian was doing the same thing Sorin was.

  Refusing to look at him, too.

  Right. Of course the man would be avoiding eye contact. He was Sorin’s protector, but he was also Sorin’s jailer. Sorin was a vampire, a broken vampire. It might have even disgusted Lucian now that he was in the right frame of mind.

  The man reached down, grabbing the clean clothes that had been thrown onto the floor, and holding them out to Sorin.

  “These are for you. You should get dressed,” he said softly.

  As if he were in just as much pain as Sorin was.

  Suddenly, Sorin wished he hadn’t wanted the sex in the first place. Had it really shamed the dragon so much to sleep with him?

  Lucian turned away, righting his pants and searching for his shirt on the floor. Sorin had been so swept up by the pleasure of what they’d been doing that he’d almost forgotten Lucian hadn’t even gotten himself naked. He’d just taken his shirt off and pushed down his pants a little.

  That made Sorin’s cheeks heat and made what they had done seem a little less…

  No, he wasn’t going to think it because it wasn’t true. There had been nothing special about what they’d done, and it was unfair for Sorin to project that onto Lucian.

  Sorin got dressed, but he felt as if he needed to clean up a little in the bathroom.

  Lucian nodded for him to go, so he did.

  Struggling to catch his breath, Sorin did what he needed to do, washed his hands and face, and looked at himself in the mirror for a bit, trying to collect his thoughts.

  It was just sex. Sex between two people who barely knew or liked each other happened all the time, and there was no point in him making a big deal out of it. Lucian had promised to protect Sorin, and that was the best he was going to hope for. Sorin wouldn’t push his luck by asking, or begging, for anything else.

  Sorin had sucked back a few more desperate breaths, trying to work up the courage to show his face again when he heard a knock.

  Not on the bathroom door, but on the door outside, lea
ding into Lucian’s room.

  A voice sounded…angry. It sounded almost like Seth’s voice, the alpha of all the dragons who lived in this house.

  Sorin had to make an appearance. He had to know what was going on, especially if this turned out to concern him, which it probably did, all things considered.

  Maybe Lucian really hadn’t been allowed to bring Sorin up here. If that was the case, he didn’t want Lucian getting in trouble for it.

  Sorin stepped out of the bathroom, and the sight of Seth’s angry eyes, even if his gaze was pointed directly at Lucian, well, they made Sorin cower a little.

  Fuck, was something wrong inside the house? Or could that look really be about Sorin?

  Seth looked at him when he made his appearance, but he didn’t keep his eyes on Sorin for long before turning his glare back on Lucian.

  Lucian, who looked like a defeated man with his shoulders slumped, barely able to face his leader. Sorin wanted to go to him, to reach out and touch him, ask what was wrong, but he was stopped by the harsh sound of Seth’s voice.

  “I’m taking him with me. He can be well protected with myself and Miles around.”

  It took Sorin a minute before he realized what that meant, as if those words had also knocked his senses out of him.

  “Wait, what?” he asked, looking between both men. “But I…what’s happening?”

  Lucian wouldn’t look at him. “Just go with him, Sorin.”

  Sorin’s entire body tensed up. Lucian was sending him away? Why? What did he…?

  Oh, right. Now Sorin was just being an idiot. Of course Lucian would want to get him out of here. He wouldn’t want Sorin to be around after what they’d just done. Maybe it shamed dragons to sleep with vampires as much as it was supposed to shame vampires to sleep with dragons.

  Also, Sorin had come off as fairly pathetic and needy. He wasn’t well versed with sex, but he knew well enough to know that begging wasn’t always sexy.

  Worse than that, Seth looked angry. Maybe Lucian wasn’t supposed to have sex with Sorin, some sort of interspecies rule.

  Embarrassment flooded through him. He’d never felt so small, even under the watchful eye of his father. Worse than that, he felt stupid for even remotely believing that Lucian might be able to care for him one day.


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