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Curse Of Desire: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica)

Page 5

by Anya Merchant

  “Kate’s right Tim,” said Angela. She began to rub her hand along his shoulder. It felt hot to Tim, and he couldn’t fight off the images of her stroking his cock. “Why don’t we go upstairs and talk about your punishment for being out past curfew?”

  “Mom, I can’t,” Tim said, only barely managing to force the words out. “I still have homework to finish.”

  “Fine, have it your way,” she said. “Let me just give you a goodnight hug, in case I don’t see you later tonight.”

  Before he could react, Angela stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around him. From Kate’s perspective, it looked just like a regular, motherly hug. Tim’s hard cock and the way Angela was grinding her cunt against it was totally hidden from view. Her leg on the far side of the hug, hidden from Kate’s view, lifted up and wrapped itself around Tim. He felt his arms begin to meander, and he had to fight the urge to grope her perfect ass cheeks.

  “We almost never hug like this anymore, Tim,” she whispered into his ear. “Why don’t you hug me more?”

  “I can’t mom,” he said. His body seemed to contradict his words, and he was rubbing his cock against his mom in a way that almost seemed like fucking with clothes on. “This is wrong.”

  “Its fine sweetie, we’re just hugging,” she whispered back. “I’ll be up to help you with your…homework, later.”

  The hug went on for a while, longer than what was appropriate for a mother and son. They finally released their embrace, and looked over at Kate’s puzzled face.

  “He was only a half hour late, mom,” she said, confused. “It’s not the end of the world.”


  Tim said good night to his sister, and then made his way upstairs. His cock continued to throb. He knew that it was just a side effect of being around his mom, but more than anything he wanted release. It took him several minutes to push the thoughts of her out of his mind, and even then, his dick was still erect. It almost seemed comical, but instead of coming up with a punch line, he set to work sorting things out.

  He emptied his knapsack and took a closer look at the items the old man had given him. The sword was his first priority, and he inspected it carefully. It had a strange gleam to it, and stood out from the rest of the artifacts. The hilt was made of some type of black stone, possibly onyx, and looked as though it had been extensively polished. The blade was shiny, double edged, and almost new looking. After touching the point of it, he realized that it was razor sharp. The old man had not given him a scabbard for it, and after a quick search around his room, he found an old leather belt that wrapped into a holster shape easily enough. He knotted the end of it into a loop that he could slide another belt through, allowing him to carry it much more easily.

  Tim then turned his attention to the compass and the map. This almost seems like something out of a video game, he thought to himself. There was nothing incredibly unusual about the compass, excepting the fact that the needle seemed to be adorned with a tiny red jewel. The map on the other hand was unlike any Tim had seen before. It was incredibly old, and seemed to be printed on a type of sturdy cloth that didn’t seem like it would tear easily regardless of age. Colored ink had been used for the details, and he noticed that though it was lacking in most specific details, several lakes and waterways could easily be identified on the island. Combined with the animal flask, which also looked to be just a normal item, he would be well off if the trip took long enough to require a refill on fresh water.

  The last item, and the one that the old man had included a warning about, was the ancient looking hard cover book. The title on the front was written in a language that seemed indecipherable to Tim. He flipped it open and noticed that most of the pages were the same. Strangely, there were basic illustrations to go along with much of the writing. They looked medieval in origin, and though they were crude, many of them involved people dripping blood, or floating, or various other conditions that seemed almost arcane and spell like. It did not come as a huge surprise, and he figured that if the curse he was under was real, others like it must also exist. The last ten or twenty pages were blank. After flipping back to the beginning, Tim carefully closed the tome and set it aside.

  “Well, at least I’ll have some interesting toys to play with,” he to himself quietly.

  The other conclusion Tim had arrived at was that if he was going to be traveling thousands of miles to a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he was going to need some company. Marco was the obvious choice of traveling companion. Tim thought for a moment about how to convince him, and then dialed his phone.

  “Hey man,” he said when Marco answered. “How are things?”

  “That’s my question,” Marco said. His voice was laden with concern. “You just ran off after the fight with Carter today, what the hell has been going on with you?”

  “It’s a long story. In a nutshell, I’ve been cursed by an old and crazy wizard.”

  “Why can’t you ever be serious? I’m hanging up…”

  It took Tim several minutes to explain everything that had happened to Marco. He left out the parts concerning the exact effects of the curse, along with the forays he’d had with his mom and his teacher, Ms. Ashby. When he finished, there was silence on the other end of the receiver.

  “It’s going to be the epic quest of a lifetime,” Tim added. “And you’ll get a free trip to an exotic island.”

  “You are a complete and utter lunatic,” Marco said to him. “Whatever, man. I’ll go if you let me film everything for my YouTube channel.”

  “Awesome! And I won’t even comment on how much of a nerd you are,” Tim said happily.

  “Alright, so when do we leave?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning, bring survival gear.”

  Tim heard Marco sigh into the phone.

  “Trust me, Marco. This is going to be fun.”

  Nothing could have been further from the truth.

  Tim figured he would put off the rest of his preparations until the morning. He felt as though there was no real way to predict just what he would be encountering, and had resigned himself to just focus on what was under his control. At the moment, that was making sure he got enough sleep. After showering and brushing his teeth, he collapsed onto his bed, and passed out almost immediately.

  He was awoken midway through the night by the feeling of his sheets being pulled down. Soft hands slid their way across his chest, and he realized what was going on.

  “Mom? Is that you?” The room was dark, and he had to keep his voice to a whisper. He could feel her lips kissing his stomach, and working their way down to his crotch.

  “It’s me honey,” she said to him, very quietly but with a seductive edge. “I just couldn’t leave things like they were for the night.”

  “We can’t mom, you have to stop,” Tim said to her. “I’m leaving first thing tomorrow to find a cure for this. A cure for both of us.”

  “I don’t want a cure, honey,” she said, licking his now rock hard member. It felt amazing, and Tim had to work to remind himself that his sister was home and he had to stay quiet. “I like having this power. You should like it, too. Let me show you…”

  His mom lowered her mouth over his cock and wrapped her lips tightly on it. Tim moaned with pleasure. It felt incredible, and the fact that she was his mom just made it hotter. The illicit nature of it filled him with sexual desire.

  “Oh mom,” he said to her. “Oh god mom, don’t stop.”

  He gave in to the sensation, figuring that it was easier to just cum and get it over with than to fight her. After all, it forcing her back into her room against her will would make even more noise. The last thing Tim wanted was for Kate to get any hint of what was going on.

  Angela sucked his cock greedily, using her tongue to massage it with every bob of her head. Tim took one of his hands and wrapped it in her hair. He began bouncing her head up in down with even more force, and felt his cock push into the top of her throat with each stroke.r />
  “That’s right mom, suck it,” he said. “Oh god, mom, I’m going to cum!”

  Angela pulled back as soon as he said it. It was dark, but he could see that she had a grin on her face.

  “I’m only going to finish sucking if you stay here, Tim,” she whispered. “I want you to stay, for now and forever. We can keep it as our secret, meet up when it’s just the two of us and give in to our desires…”

  She was deep under the effect of the curse. Tim knew that the words were not really coming from her. This whole situation had begun from that little red potion, and it had turned both him and his mom into people he hardly recognized. He found himself getting angry, and grabbed his mother and pushed her down on the bed roughly.

  “You want me to fuck you? Fine!” He said to her as he jammed his cock into her wet and warm cunt.

  “Oh yeah Tim, fuck me!”

  Angela began to orgasm the second he entered her. Her moans were too loud for them to hide what was going on, and Tim was forced to put his hand over her mouth. He fucked her hard. Excitement shot through his dick with every push. His mom’s pussy felt better than anything he had ever had before. He fucked her faster, and faster, and began to feel himself approaching the edge. He pulled his cock out and sprayed his load all over her face at the last second.

  “Go clean yourself up, mom.” Tim said to her bluntly. “And then head back to bed. This is goodbye for a while. I won’t be here when you wake up.”

  “What can I do to make you change your mind?” she asked pleadingly. “Please, Tim,”

  “I’m sorry mom, this is how it has to be. For the both of us.”

  She rubbed his back for a moment, and then got up and left the room. Tim collapsed back on his bed, and was asleep again within minutes.


  Tim woke up early to the cold wind of the morning. The sun was still below the horizon, and he moved quickly but quietly through the dark of his room, packing no more than the essentials into his knapsack. He had no idea what to expect from the road ahead. As far as clothes went, his bag only had enough room for a couple sets of shirts and shorts. The ancient tome given to him by Jarovian took up more room than expected, as did the sword, which he figured he should keep hidden away for the moment. He took another close look at it as he was setting it into his bag.

  The blade was incredibly reflective, and seemed to gleam with an almost unnatural sparkle. He tested out the makeshift sheath he had created for it and found that it held the weapon from his belt satisfactorily. He would wear it that way if space got tight in the future, but at least for the start of the journey, leaving town and traveling on the boat, he thought it best to keep in in his bag. It just barely managed to fit when set into it diagonally.

  After mulling it over for a moment, he decided against taking the flask the old man had given to him. It was too large to fit into the bag neatly, and when he opened it, he greeted by an acrid smell that overwhelmed his nostrils. He set it aside in his closet, figuring that the potions of the old man had gotten him into enough trouble already.

  The last two items were the compass and cloth map. He set the compass into his pocket, figuring that it was small enough and practical enough that it was fine to keep it on his person. Tim glanced the map over, and noticed a small legend on it in the lower right hand corner. The island was larger than he had realized, about a dozen miles across and five miles north to south. He carefully folded it in half, and then set it inside the cover of the old tome.

  After taking one last look into his room to make sure he wasn’t missing anything, he set out into the hallway and shut the door behind him. He headed down into the kitchen and raided the fridge for leftovers from the night before, breaking fast with a full meal. It seemed appropriate, and he realized while doing it that he hadn’t even considered what he would do for food and water during the trip. That would be something that would have to be resolved while on route, he decided.

  After eating, Tim quietly headed out through his front door. He took a final look at his house before climbing onto his bike. No time table had been set up for this adventure. It might be a while before he could return, and as Tim started pedaling down the road, he couldn’t resist a final look back at the place that he had called home for so long.

  Marco’s house was his first destination. Tim felt a little guilty for asking him to come along. True, they had been friends for long enough that he was owed at least a few favors, and there was a very good chance that he would have offered to come anyway if had figured out that Tim was going, but the only thing he was really certain of that lay ahead was uncertainty. When he reached wherever the old man had chartered the boat for, this mysterious island of Manai, all bets were off. The girl could currently be held hostage by tribal people, for all the information Tim had to go on.

  Tim reached Marco’s house and hopped off his bike. He thought better of ringing the door bell, and instead pulled out his phone and texted his friend.

  “Hey. I’m outside,” he messaged. Marco’s response came after about a minute.

  “You were being serious last night?”

  “When am I ever not serious?”

  “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  Tim waited for a minute, debating whether or not it was worth pushing his friend into accompanying him if he really didn’t want to. Before he could message Marco back, the front door of the house opened, and his friend walked over to him, sporting a large backpack and sunglasses.

  “Nice shades, Antonio Banderas,” Tim joked.

  “Fuck you. You should be down on your knees thanking me for following along with your stupid ideas.”

  “You know it. Come on, grab your bike. We have a bus to catch.”

  His plan from the beginning had been to take advantage of public transportation for as long as he could. The address the old man had given him for the boat was a little out of the way, and the two of them would have to walk or possibly hitch hike the last couple of miles. Once on the boat, the trip would be much more straightforward. The lion’s share of the journey looked like it would be spent waiting to get to the island, and then searching for Lucia, Jarovian’s daughter.

  The two of them set off for the bus stop. Both were silent for a time, and then Tim heard his friend call up to him.

  “So this curse that you claim to be under,” Marco began, shouting to be heard over the noise of early morning traffic. “Why exactly is it so bad? I mean it seems like you had a pretty good day yesterday, at least compared to the one before it.”

  In a way, Marco was right. Yesterday had been a mess, but on the day for it, Tim had lost his girlfriend, a fight, and his job.

  “It…it makes people have trouble controlling themselves around me,” he said. “And it makes me have trouble controlling myself around them.” He did his best to be intentionally vague. Whether he liked it or not, the curse was something that was almost unbelievable in its function. The way that women threw themselves at him was ridiculous enough that he still almost had to pinch himself when he saw it in effect. And on top of that, he was stronger physically, but also much less in control. The fight with Carter yesterday had proven that. Tim wanted to be normal, and wasn’t interested in spending the rest of his life knowing he had this unwanted effect on other people.

  He thought back to the way his ex-girlfriend had looked at him after she heard about all of his exploits, and then her eyes after seeing what he had done to Carter. Tim didn’t want to be that person, not in the eyes of others and not in reality. He had decided then and there to go to whatever lengths necessary to get back to being ordinary.

  “Tim, we’ve known each other for years now,” said Marco, still not entirely sold on his description. “Can’t you give me a little more than that to go on? I’d like to know a bit more about what I’m walking into...”

  “Trust me, you’ll understand soon enough,” said Tim. “Besides, I don’t think there is any way to predict just what surprises this trip has in
store for us.”

  The two of them arrived at the bus stop. They pedaled their way over to the bike rack and chained up their bikes.

  “Think they’ll be alright, just left here?” asked Tim.

  “Just how long do you think we’ll be gone for?”

  Tim didn’t answer. Instead, he started digging around in his pocket for change. They were about ten minutes early for the bus, and it would take them about half way to where the boat was supposedly going to dock and meet them.

  “Hey, I recognize that car,” said Marco, gesturing to the road. “Isn’t that-“

  A horn honked several times. Tim was looked over, distracted from what he was doing. He instantly recognized both the car and its occupant.

  “Kate,” he said, walking over to her unmistakably pink VW Beetle. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same thing!” She got out of her car and ran up to him, throwing her arms around him in a hug that seemed slightly gratuitous, given that they had just seen each other the previous night. “You can’t just run away from home, little brother.”

  “I’m not running away, I’m on a, uh, well…” Tim struggled for an explanation that would sound believable. “A friend of mine asked me to look for somebody for him. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “You aren’t going,” Kate had the same stern expression on her face that Tim had occasionally saw on his step mom when she had put her foot down about something. “This is ridiculous, you have school and work!”

  “Well, just school now, and I’m not the kind of student the teachers are going to miss,” he said, smiling. “You can’t stop me Kate. Just get out of the way.”

  The bus was on its way over. Tim finally succeeded in finding the change in his pocket and began to make his way over to the stop.

  “Wait!” Kate yelled. She moved right up behind him and grabbed him by the back of the shirt. Her petite size made the gesture almost comical. “If you insist on going, I’m coming with you.”


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