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The Billionaire Replacement

Page 10

by Emma Lea

  “Brandi,” he said, his voice rough, “you look beautiful.”

  With his free hand, he reached up and tucked her red hair behind her ear before gently cupping her face. She was lovely, every part of her and the more time he spent with her the more he saw of that pure heart and genuine kindness. Women would hate her tonight for how she looked, but he knew she hadn’t done it to show anyone else up. This was her wanting to dress up and have some fun and he would defend her right to do so with every inch of his life. She had the body of a siren and yet there was something so precious and innocent about her. It was that naiveté that made her all the more endearing.

  “‘I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way,’” she whispered and he frowned in puzzlement.


  She smiled. “It’s a line from the movie. Jessica says it to the detective when he accuses her of scamming Roger.”

  He smiled. This girl was something else.

  “I don’t think you’re bad,” he murmured moving in to nuzzle her neck and breath in the scent of her perfume. “I think you’re perfect.”

  She sighed and melted against him, tilting her head, offering her tempting neck to him. He placed his mouth over the pulse point and felt it flutter against his tongue. She made a soft mewling sound and he felt the tell-tale thickening in his pants. He was like Pavlov’s dogs when it came to her and he had no control over his body’s reaction to those wonderful sounds she made. He loved that she had such an influence over him. He was happy to be in her thrall and had no intention of breaking free any time soon. She may only be his fake girlfriend, but he intended to take every advantage of it while he could. He knew it couldn’t last forever. He didn’t have the luxury of falling in love, but for whatever length of time she was in his life, he was going to enjoy it.

  The limousine came to a slow stop and the chauffeur opened the door. Reluctantly, with one last kiss on her cheek, he slid out of the car and then held out a hand to help her out. As she straightened her dress and smoothed her hair he patted his pockets knowing he had forgotten something. It wasn’t until he felt the small lump in his breast pocket that he remembered. He reached in and pulled the diamond solitaire ring out and turned to Brandi.

  “So,” he said and she looked at him and then saw the ring in his fingers. Her eyes widened and her mouth worked but no words came out. “I figured that if you were pretending to be my fiancé, then you should probably be wearing my ring.”

  She reached out to take it and then pulled her hand back. “What about your mother? I’m only supposed to be your girlfriend.”

  “Tell her it’s part of your costume,” he said. “That’s if she even asks.”

  Brandi held out her gloved hand and he tried to slip the ring on, but it got caught on her knuckle.

  “It doesn’t fit,” he said ruefully.

  She lifted her hand to her mouth and using her teeth she pulled at the fingers of the glove, slipping it off her arm and then she presented her hand to him again. This time the ring slid on without a problem and he looked down at the platinum band and the cold, bright diamond and something clicked in his heart.

  “It’s beautiful,” she murmured and when he looked into her eyes he thought he saw tears, but she smiled and he thought he must have imagined it.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, repeating himself but not really caring.

  With a deep, satisfying breath he hooked her be-ringed hand through his elbow and escorted her inside the Old Treasury Building.

  Brandi breathed through her mouth hoping to calm her fluttering nerves. This would be the first time she met any of Declan’s friends and she hoped they liked her. He’d told her that they knew about their agreement and that their relationship was one of convenience only but still, she wanted his friends to like her anyway. She also hoped she’d get a chance to see Bailey. Brandi knew Bailey was attending the benefit with her fiancé Hunter and it would be nice to introduce her to Declan. She hadn’t mentioned anything to Bailey about her arrangement with Declan simply because she knew what her friend would say and that she wouldn’t approve.

  It wasn’t the only reason she was nervous though. There was a lot riding on tonight and on the performance that they had to give to convince Dr. Shane that they were a couple. There was also the small matter of meeting Declan’s mother, something she was not looking forward to. Brandi had met enough of the old money clique in her time to know that Declan’s mother would never approve of her. It was a good thing that they weren’t really in a relationship because she was pretty sure Mrs. Mayfield would go out of her way to make Brandi’s life a living nightmare as long as she and Declan were together.

  She glanced down at her hand and the sparkle of the diamond on her finger. Then there was that. Brandi had to keep reminding herself that none of this was real because seeing that diamond on her finger and the man attached to the arm she held, it was very easy for her to believe her own fantasy.

  “Here we are,” Declan said as they approached a table that was half filled. Brandi looked around at the faces and her mouth dropped open.


  Bailey looked up at her and her eyes widened in surprise. “Brandi?”

  “You two know each other?” Declan asked looking between them.

  “Of course we know each other,” Bailey said coming around the table to hug Brandi. “She’s one of my closest friends. What are you doing here? More importantly, what are you doing here with Declan?”

  Declan pulled her against his side, wrapping an arm possessively around her. “She’s my date and my girlfriend.”


  Brandi didn’t know what to say. Declan’s friends were Hunter’s friends and by association, Bailey’s friends? Why didn’t she know this? And if that was true, then did Bailey know about their fake relationship?

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Bailey asked.

  “It’s only new—”

  “I’m one of your closest friends and you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend,” Bailey pouted.

  Hunter came up to stand beside Bailey and smiled sympathetically at Brandi. “Nice to see you again, Brandi,” he said before shooting a questioning glance at Declan. “I think you had blonde hair last time we met?”

  Brandi smiled. “Its a wig,” she said, “to go with my costume.”

  “Are you going to introduce the lovely Jessica Rabbit to the rest of us?” a dark haired man said coming to stand beside Declan, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “Everyone,” Declan said, getting the attention of the rest of the people at the table, “This is my girlfriend, Brandi. Brandi this is Jonathan, Brooks, Mason and you already know Hunter.” He said indicating each of the men. He looked at Bailey. “Where are Harper and Abby?”

  “We’re here,” Harper said coming up to the table and dropping a kiss on Brooks’ cheek before turning a smiling face towards her. When she recognised Brandi the smile fell from her face.

  “Hello Harper,” Brandi said, smiling brightly and trying desperately not to let the other woman’s reaction upset her. “Abby,” she said turning to the third woman.

  Abby came up and hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said as she stepped back. “And you look amazing! I love the red hair.”

  Brandi touched the hair that fell over her shoulder and replied, “Thanks.”

  “Have you met Mason?” she asked, holding her hand out to another dark-haired man with intense blue eyes. “You two are going to be partners at the wedding.”

  “What?” Declan growled looking at Mason who lifted a sardonic eyebrow.

  “Nice to meet you, Mason,” Brandi said.

  “And you,” he replied before turning to Declan. “Shall we get the ladies something to drink?”

  Brandi didn’t think Declan was going to let go of her, his fingers even seemed to tighten fractionally before he let go and followed Mason towards the bar.

  “I didn’t know you were seeing Declan,” Abby said as sh
e led Brandi to a seat.

  “It’s only new—”

  “And fake,” Harper said nastily from across the table.

  “What?” Bailey asked.

  “That’s our cue to leave,” Brooks said, standing. The remaining men followed him away from the table leaving the four women looking at each other.

  “Explain,” Bailey said.

  Brandi sighed. “Declan and I have a mutually beneficial arrangement,” she said. “He needed a girlfriend to get his mother off his case and I needed a fiancé to deter a certain doctor from his advances.”

  “You should report that arsehole,” Bailey said grumpily, “and you should have absolutely have told me about you and Declan.”

  “I had no idea you knew each other,” Brandi said. “Besides, what does it matter? We’re both getting something out of the deal and…” Brandi shrugged. “I like being with him.”

  Bailey’s eyes widened even more and she gasped. “Oh no, Brandi! You’re not falling for him, are you?”

  She snorted and shook her head. “Of course not.”

  Bailey reached across the table and took her hand. “Are you sure?”

  “Would it be so bad—”

  Bailey groaned. “I love Declan like a brother, but he is not relationship material. Please tell me you are not falling for him.”

  “I’m not falling for him,” Brandi said absolutely lying through her teeth with all the acting ability she could muster.

  Bailey stared at her for a moment before sitting back in her chair with relief.

  Brandi was a little hurt by her reaction. Would it be so bad if she and Declan made something real out of their pretend romance? Did Bailey’s reaction mean that she didn’t think Brandi was good enough for Declan? Feeling suddenly very insecure, Brandi stood.

  “I just need to visit the ladies’ room,” she said and walked away from the table without waiting for a reply.

  “That is going to end badly,” Declan heard Harper say as he approached their table. He couldn’t see Brandi anywhere and he hung back hoping to see her in the sea of faces that filled the ballroom.

  “I don’t know—” Abby began but Bailey cut her off.

  “Did you see the look in her eyes? I think she’s already half way in love with him.”

  Harper snorted. “Women like that don’t fall in love.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Bailey asked turning to Harper.

  “Look at her,” Harper replied. “Look at the way men watch her as she walks past. Women like that only see men as play things. The use them up and spit them out.”

  Who were they talking about? Declan had the disturbing thought that they were discussing his date and an unfamiliar feeling of anger burned in his throat.

  “How can you say that?” Abby said. “You barely even know her.”

  “Maybe not,” Harper said, “but I know women like her and believe me, they’re all the same.”

  “I know Heather was an absolute bitch to you,” Bailey said, “but Brandi is nothing like her. Trust me, we have been friends forever and she is the sweetest person in the world.”

  “Indeed she is,” Declan said stepping forward and glaring at Harper. “And where is my lovely date? Did you scare her off, Harper?”

  Harper paled under his glare and shook her head.

  “She went to the bathroom,” Abby said.

  “What’s going on?” Brooks said, stepping up to stand protectively beside Harper.

  Declan looked at Brooks and then down at Harper and huffed out a breath. He set the two drinks down on the table and then stalked away, not bothering to answer Brooks’ question. Harper was out of line, but Bailey had defended Brandi, as had Abby to some degree. It wasn’t his place to say anything, not when Brooks was one of his best friends. It wasn’t his style, anyway, making a scene. It was better for him to just walk away so he didn’t say something he would regret. He could explain everything to Brooks later when the women weren’t around. Man to man, it would go much better.

  He skirted the edge of the room looking for Brandi, hoping that Harper hadn’t said something that would make her leave. They still had to see his mother and make a big show in front of Dr. Shane. That was the whole purpose of this evening. They both had objectives to achieve before they could leave and the sooner they could tick those boxes the sooner they could call it a night.

  He saw a flash of red and headed in the general direction. There was a small hallway that led to the restrooms and he thought he saw her red head disappear down the corridor. He broke through the crowd an into the dim hallway and came to a stop.

  “Get off me,” he heard Brandi say and his feet started moving.

  He laid a hand on the suited shoulder of the man who had his girlfriend bailed up against a wall and pulled him off her. She looked up at him, her eyes glassy and her skin pale. When they made eye contact, the relief that flushed over her was palpable.

  “Declan,” she breathed.

  He didn’t think, he just pulled her into his arms, cradling her head protectively against his chest as he eyed the man who had upset her.

  The other man looked at him with a calculated stare and the side of his mouth tipped up in a sinister smile. “So you do exist,” he said.

  “Dr. Shane, I presume,” Declan said, his voice a deep growl.

  “And you are?”

  “Declan Mayfield and I believe I sponsor a wing of your hospital.”

  Dr. Shane swallowed visibly but tried to keep the arrogant devil-may-care look on his face. “You’re one of those Mayfields then.” It was a statement, not a question. Dr. Shane shot a disgusted look at Brandi and then looked back up at him. “Now I know what she sees in you, the little gold digging bitch.”

  Declan’s eyes pinched together in puzzlement. “You think she’s with me for my money?” He laughed. The thought was ridiculous especially when he knew how much Brandi was worth in her own right.

  “What’s so fucking funny?”

  “You are, arsehole. A woman doesn’t want to have anything to do with you and you think it’s because there’s something wrong with her? You’re a fucking imbecile.” He shook his head. “If you touch my fiancé again I will ruin your fucking life. Got it?”

  The other man sneered, but turned and walked away. He could feel Brandi trembling in his arms and he held her tighter, smoothing his hand down her back and making soothing, nonsense noises into her hair. He didn’t know how long they stood there, but she eventually stopped trembling and took a breath, easing away from him and looking up into his eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said, and he saw the heartfelt gratitude laid plain on her face. His heart cracked a little more at the vulnerability in her gaze and he dipped his head, brushing a soft kiss across her lips.

  “There’s nothing to thank me for,” he whispered against her lips.

  She pressed her body against his and kissed him. He opened his mouth and let her lead, happy for her to show him how happy she was that he had arrived when he did. She didn’t need to know that coming to her rescue made him feel like a fucking champion. When she broke the kiss, his eyes were a little glazed and the room in his pants was hampered by the giant growing between his legs.

  “Come on,” she said, her voice breathy with a husky quality that was pure sex. “Let’s get back to the party.”

  He pulled her close for one more kiss before they walked arm in arm back out into the crowd.


  “Your mother hates me,” Brandi said as they slid into the limousine.

  Declan didn’t reply just drew her close and nuzzled her neck. What could he say? His mother didn’t like her, but it was less about Brandi and more about his mother.

  She pushed him away and glared at him. “Aren’t you worried?”

  “What do I need to worry about?” he asked leaning down and kissing her again. She had been driving him crazy all night with that tight little dress and he wanted his hands and his mouth on her.

t she doesn’t like me,” Brandi said, her voice going breathy as he sucked on her neck.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway,” he murmured against her neck.

  She pushed him away again. “It doesn’t matter? What, because we’re not in a real relationship?”

  He sighed and pulled her against his chest.

  “No, that’s not what I meant,” he said.

  “Then what did you mean?”

  “My mother’s opinion doesn’t matter because I don’t take stock in any of her opinions. The only thing that matters is that I like you.”

  She looked up at him with those big blue eyes and his world tilted again. “You like me?” she asked in a whisper.

  “I do,” he whispered back, leaning down to kiss her lips. “Very much,” he said, and kissed her again.

  “I like you too,” she said softly.

  Before he could reply, the limousine came to a stop outside the hotel and the door was opened by the doorman. Declan shuffled out and then leant down to help her from the car. She smiled up at him as she took his hand, the ring winking at him in the lights from the hotel.

  “Do you live here?” she asked as they walked through the quiet lobby towards the elevator.

  “No,” he said, “but it’s convenient. My house is out in the suburbs and the commute is a bit of a killer. I don’t spend too much time there.”

  She was quiet as they rode the lift to the top floor and he led her into the suite. He had already organised for her overnight bag to be brought up and he had a delicious weekend to look forward to with her. Now to get her out of that dress.

  He prowled towards her as she set down her clutch and took off her remaining glove. She had gone through the night with only one glove on so as to show off her ring. He kind of felt proud of that, not that it was real, but he liked that she had loved the ring and had worn it all night, showing it off to everyone. His mother had seen it and balked, but hadn’t mentioned it. He knew he was going to get an earful, but he didn’t care. Tonight was his fantasy and in it Brandi was all his and no one, not his mother or her stupid breeding techniques, was going to ruin it for him.


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