Book Read Free

Southern Attraction

Page 8

by Tracy Kauffman

  “Your crazy. What makes you think that she loves you?” Shawn asked.

  “I know she loves me, because she told me that she does,” Jake blurted out.

  “When did she tell you that she loved you?” Shawn inquired.

  “After I got out of the hospital. She took me and my mother home that day. We went outside to the backyard and that is when she told me that she loved me,” Jake replied. Shawn was puzzled, but didn’t want Jake to know.

  “I think you are just making this up. You want Heather and you want me to step aside so you can have her. Well it’s not going to work. She wants to be with me,” Shawn said as he walked away.

  Jake followed Shawn and said, “Shawn, I believe you know how Heather really feels. You are just too proud to admit it. You are afraid that someone will look down on you, if you don’t get the girl in the end. Just get over yourself and think about her. Ask yourself a question. What does Heather want? When you search the truth, then you’ll discover what the truth really is,” Jake replied.

  After Jake’s conversation with Shawn, he felt bad about the way it went. He didn’t want to argue with Shawn, but he wanted to form a friendship with him. He decided the best way to do that was to write him a letter. He hoped that Shawn would read the letter and at least give him the chance of being his friend.

  After Jake drove home, he sat down to write Shawn a letter. It read:


  I wanted to write you a letter to say I’m sorry about how our conversation went after football practice. I want us to be friends. I know that will make Heather happy, if we are all friends. She is a very sweet and caring person, and I want her to be happy. I know you feel the same way I do. I am willing to step aside if that is what she truly wants. I want you to stand back and observe her. You should be able to tell what she wants by her actions. Sometimes a girl will walk away when she is afraid of hurting someone she cares about. Heather is not the same person she was when she drove into town that first day. She is a mature young woman that has did a lot for all of us. She helped raise money for our town and our school. She brought our football team publicity and helped it to become better. She has made me a better person and I know you think she has made you one too. Please accept my friendship and my apology. If I have wronged you in anyway, I am sorry.

  Your friend, Jake Parker

  After addressing his envelope, Jake put the letter inside and sealed it. He decided to mail the letter. He was afraid Shawn would tear the letter up if he gave it to him in person. He placed a single stamp on the outside of the envelope and took it outside to put it in the mailbox. Seconds later, he wondered if he should have mailed the letter at all. He didn’t want to fight with Shawn and was afraid the letter might stir up more strife. He was worried, but decided that something had to be done, so he left the letter in the mailbox.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Heather continued to ignore Jake at school. It grieved him so much that it made him ill. He decided to stay home and tell his dad that he was sick. He started to feel betrayed by Heather, and he was heartbroken by her actions. He hoped that his letter to Shawn would make a difference. If Shawn had any decency in him, he would consider Heather’s feelings.

  Heather could see that she was hurting Jake. Deep down it tormented her to stay away from Jake. She became reserved. When Shawn came up to her at school, she tried to act as if nothing was wrong. He could tell that something was bothering her.

  After a couple of days the letter came. Shawn saw the letter sitting on the kitchen table. At first he stared at the letter, then he took it to his room and sat down by the window to read it. Shawn thought that the letter was hard, but it opened his eyes. He knew that Heather had been upset at school and deep down he knew why. He cared about her and didn’t want to lose her. He didn’t want to hold on to Heather if that meant her unhappiness. He decided that something had to be done. He called her and asked her to meet him at Sally’s diner so they could talk. She agreed to meet him at seven that night.

  After she got ready she went to the living room to tell her Uncle Mick that she was leaving for a little while.

  “Uncle Mick, I have to go somewhere, but I won’t be long,” she said. “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “I’ll be at Sally’s Diner. Don’t worry, I’ll be home by bed time,” she answered.


  After Heather arrived at Sally’s Diner she saw Shawn sitting at the back of the restaurant. Sally had her usual greeting as Heather entered the diner. “Hello Sally,” Heather replied. Heather wondered why Shawn had asked to speak with her. It make her feel a little uneasy, not knowing why. She wondered if he wanted this meeting to be a date or just a friendly get together.

  Shawn stood up from his booth and gave her a little hug. “Hey, I’m glad you made it.”

  “Yes, Uncle Mick didn’t seem to mind me getting out of the house for a while. What’s up?” she questioned.

  “I wanted to talk to you to find out your feelings about everything,” Shawn replied.

  “What do you mean?” she inquired.

  “I’ve noticed how you’ve been acting the last few days. I was just wondering what was going on,” Shawn replied.

  “I don’t know what you mean. Everything is fine and…” Heather paused as she looked down at the menu.

  “Heather, look at me. You can talk to me. You can tell me anything you need to tell me. Don’t be afraid of hurting my feelings. I know in my heart, that you have feelings for Jake,” Shawn replied.

  “I care about him, yes. I don’t know what you are asking me,” she replied.

  “Heather, sweetie. You are one of my dearest friends. I know that you are in love with him. So why are you allowing yourself to be hurt so much. You are purposely separating yourself from him?” Shawn said.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know what you are expecting me to say. What do you want from me?” she asked.

  “I want you to be honest with me. That’s all I want,” Shawn replied.

  “Yes, I have feelings for Jake. Does that answer your question?” she asked.

  “Then why are you trying to avoid him? Is it because you are afraid of hurting me?” he asked as he put his hands in hers.

  “Yes, maybe. I don’t know,” she replied.

  “Heather, don’t worry about me. I’m pretty tough. I can manage a heart break or two,” he replied as he looked into her eyes.

  “Jake is wonderful. He’s kind and he seems to care about me, but I don’t know. I am thinking about my parents. They have always wanted the best for me. Maybe I’m being a total snob. I just don’t know what they would say about me being with someone like him,” Heather replied.

  “What do you mean, someone like him?” Shawn inquired.

  “He comes from a poor family. Things like that meant a lot to my parents. They told me on numerous occasions that they wanted me to find someone with money, or a great job, that could take care of me.”

  “Is that what you want? Is that why you’ve been acting like you like me?” Shawn asked as he pulled his hands from hers.

  “Shawn, I haven’t been acting like I like you. I do like you, but I care about Jake too,” she replied.

  “Heather, you need to quit worrying about what your parents would want. You need to worry about what you want, because in the end, you have to live with your decisions. I’m sure your parents would want you to be happy,” Shawn said as he got up from the booth.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I’m going home. I suggest you go home too and think about everything we’ve talked about. You need to decided who you really want. I don’t want to be second fiddle to anyone. Yeah, my parents have a little money, but money can’t buy happiness. Only true love can do that,” Shawn replied.

  Heather watched Shawn walk out of the diner and she began to cry. All sort of emotions came over her. She knew that she was being completely ridiculous and a complete egotistic brat. Everything had changed since she came
to Huckleburg, but she had been raised as a snooty, self centered girl who had always gotten her way. She couldn’t change how she was raised. She couldn’t change how she felt inside. She knew a life with Shawn would be easier than a life with a poor dirt farmer. At least in her mind, she thought it would be.

  Although she wanted an easy life with someone that had plenty of money, she really cared about Jake. It was hard just to let go of him. She wanted to be happy and in love with someone that loved her back. She didn’t know what to do, but she knew she had to search her heart to find out. She hoped that she hadn’t made Shawn mad at her by telling him the truth. She decided to wait until Monday at school to talk to him about it. That would give her a couple of days to sort through her feelings.

  Chapter Twenty

  Monday came way too early. Heather wasn’t any closer to deciding on what to do about her love life. She wanted more time, but she knew she didn’t have it. She needed to buy some time, because that was the only thing that would help her. She wondered if dating both guys was out of the question. She didn’t know what Shawn or Jake would think it.

  She came up with a plan to go out with both guys before she made her final decision. She hoped she could do it without the other one finding out. She decided to ask Shawn out on a real date and tell him that she needed some confirmation of her feelings before she made any real decisions.

  In the mean time, she would find a way to talk to Jake and tell him that she cared about him, but didn’t want to hurt Shawn. She thought that after a couple of dates with the guys she would know who she really wanted. She thought she knew but wanted to be sure.

  After getting dressed, she hurried to her first period class. Jake was already sitting in his normal seat. She sat down beside him and smiled, “Hey.”

  “Hey. What are you doing in that seat, didn’t you trade with Lori Jefferson?” he asked.

  “Yes, but I’m sure she will trade back with me. She doesn’t like sitting all the way back here. Anyway, how have you been? I was worried about you because you were not in school Friday,” she said.

  “I’m better. What about you? I haven’t talked to you much lately. I take it you have been spending a lot of time with Shawn.”

  “I have, but that is because of all the hospitality that he and his parents have shown. They gave us a place to live when we had no other place to go. I will be forever indebted to them,” she replied.

  “Is that all it is? You feel indebted to them?” he inquired.

  “What else did you think was going on? We are friends. People hang out with their friends every day,” Heather replied.

  “Come on Heather. What do you take me for? Do you think I am a complete idiot or something. I know you like him. I guess the question is, How much do you like him?” he asked.

  “He is my friend and will always be my friend. Just like you are my friend,” she replied.

  “Oh, so I get it now. You like us both as friends, and only friends.”

  “I didn’t say that. I didn’t say that I like you as only a friend,” she replied.

  “Heather, why don’t you say what you mean exactly. Quit playing games with me. Either you like me or you don’t. It’s that simple,” he said.

  “Does everything always have to be in black or white or a yes or no answer? I’m sorry, but things aren’t always that easy,” she replied.

  “Yes, things are that easy. People only chose to make things harder than what they really are. People usually know what they want. Well, most people anyway. Is that what is wrong? You don’t know exactly what you want,” he inquired.

  “I know that I care a great deal for you and want to see where that leads, but I need time to think. Is that too much to ask from you?” she asked.

  “No, not at all. Why didn’t you just say that, instead of trying to avoid me? I am willing to give you time. Take all the time you want,” he replied.

  At this point Lori Jefferson walked up, and Heather ask her to trade seats again. Lori seemed perturbed to have to trade seats again, but agreed. After Lori walked away, Heather and Jake continued their conversation.

  “So Jake, what do you think about us going on a real date together?” she asked.

  “I’d love too, when?” he asked.

  “Maybe this weekend, but you have to promise not to say anything to Shawn about it. I don’t want to upset him,” she replied.

  “I understand. What about Friday night?” he asked.

  “Friday’s great, just pick me up about six,” she replied.

  “That sounds good to me and I promise to keep this to myself for the time being,” Jake said.

  After class was over, Jake walked Heather to her second period class. Luckily, Shawn didn’t come to the classroom yet, and Heather didn’t have to worry about giving him any explanations. Heather liked the idea that Jake was more understanding. He was more tolerant and forgiving toward her, than Shawn. She felt like she always had to explain things to Shawn instead of him being more accepting.

  After she sat down and pulled out her notebook from her backpack, she looked up and saw Shawn approaching her. She felt uneasy about seeing him after their last conversation. She didn’t know whether he was going to be mad at her or whether he was going to avoid the whole thing. She wished the latter.

  “Hey Shawn, how are you?” she asked. Shawn didn’t respond at first as he sat down. “Shawn, are you mad at me?”

  “No, I’m not mad. I’m trying to give you some space. You seem to need time to think about things,” he replied with a sarcastic tone.

  “You seem mad,” she replied.

  “I told you I wasn’t mad. I just don’t want to crowd you,” he responded.

  Heather didn’t know what to say to Shawn after his comment, so she looked down at her book and pretended to read it. Shawn felt bad at how he responded to her and didn’t want to risk losing her as a friend.

  “I’m sorry. Can we start over?” he asked.

  “Yes, that would be good. I’m Heather nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you Heather. Say, do you want to go out with me sometime,” he asked.

  “Yes, that would be nice. When?” she asked.

  “What about this weekend?” he asked. Heather wasn’t expecting him to say this weekend. She was afraid he would want to go out the same night as Jake.

  “Why not tonight? We can go to the new movie that is playing at the theater,” she replied.

  “Sounds good. Pick you up at six?”

  “Yea, that would be fine,” she replied.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Heather was excited about her date with Shawn. She knew that this date would help her decide who she wanted to be with. All she knew now was that she was nervous about her date. She didn’t know what he expected from her. She didn’t know whether he would try to kiss her or whether it was to be more of a friendly date. I guess time will tell, she thought.

  As Heather put on her makeup and curled her hair she heard a knock at the door.

  “Heather, your date it here,” Mick yelled through the door. I can’t believe he’s yelling through the door, Heather thought as she searched the room for her purse.

  Heather opened the door to her room and heard Mick grilling Shawn with all sorts of questions. “Where are yall going? How late are yall going to be out?”

  “Uncle Mick, we will be home late so don’t wait up,” Heather said as she motioned for Shawn to follow her.

  “We won’t be out to late, we have school tomorrow,” Shawn said as he shook Mick’s hand.

  Heather walked toward Shawn’s truck wondering why he told her uncle that. She wondered if he was just being polite or afraid of her uncle.

  “Do you know the name of the movie we are going to go see?” Shawn questioned.

  “I think it is, Midnight in Bakers Field,” she replied.

  “Do you know what it is about?” Shawn asked as he opened the door for Heather to get in.

  “It’s a scary movie, I think,�
� Heather replied.

  “Your not afraid of scary movies?” Shawn asked.

  “No, not really. Shawn you seem nervous. Are you?” Heather inquired.

  “No, maybe a little nervous. It just feels a little weird going on a date with you after we basically lived together,” Shawn replied. Heather wondered about his comment. She couldn’t understand what he meant. Was he thinking she was more of a friend to him or what?

  “Why do you think it is weird?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I just meant that we have seen a lot of each other and this is our first date and all.”

  “I guess I see what you mean,” Heather said trying to act as if his statement didn’t bother her.

  Finally, they arrived at Carmike Cinemas. Shawn being the perfect gentlemen opened the door for Heather again. As they walked inside Shawn asked, “Do you want some popcorn or a coke?”

  “No, not really. If I drink something I’ll have to run to the bathroom in the middle of the movie,” Heather replied.

  As they walked into the movie, the credits were already showing on the screen. When she started to sit down she saw Jake in the row behind them. Afraid of what Shawn would say, she tried to act as if she didn’t see him. She knew he had seen her because he was smiling from ear to ear.

  All sort of questions starting running through her head. She wondered if Jake had followed them there. She wondered why he was smiling so big, especially since they had a date planned for the weekend. Why wasn’t he mad or jealous? Was he going to say something to Shawn and spill the beans about their date?

  Shawn didn’t realize that Jake was sitting behind them. He sat down and tried to make small talk, but all Heather could think about was Jake sitting right behind her. She wondered if he could hear what they were saying. She worried that if Shawn tried to kiss her, would Jake become upset.

  “Shawn, it is hard to hear. Do you want to move closer to the front?” she asked.

  “Yea, if you want to,” he replied.

  “Yes I do,” she replied as she stood up.


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