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Rizer Pack Shifter- Complete Series

Page 22

by Amelia Wilson

  “I heard you. It doesn’t change what I saw though, does it?”

  Killian straightened, resituating Angeline in his lap. “You saw him with her?”

  “I did, and boy is he in for a whole lot of trouble!”



  AMELIA WILSON HAS DEDICATED her life to writing. She is a firm believer in the power of love to conquer all, and her works reflect this belief. Her paranormal romances are known for their love stories, action and suspense. She creates immersive worlds that are rich in detail and full of emotion.

  Amelia can be contacted at her Facebook page or through her newsletter.



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  Amelia Wilson

  Claim by Love

  A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 3


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:





















  Copyright © 2017 by Amelia Wilson

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  ∞ Amelia ∞


  “ONYX,” DEMITRUS ROARED her name so loud the birds launched from the trees and into the air in a mass exodus. The smile that spread across Onyx’s face was one of pure joy.

  Demitrus sounded as pissed as ever she’d heard him, more probably. Adrenaline pumped through her veins at the same time as she dropped down into the boat Demitrus had stashed in case he ever had to flee his hiding place.

  “Faster, Onyx. The pack will be on the trail.” She thought as she took hold of the oars. Onyx didn’t know the first thing about boats or the sea and she didn’t care. All she knew was that this, right here, right now, was her one chance to get away from the man known as her husband.

  Onyx tossed her long mane of black hair over her shoulder and began to work the oars through the water. It was awkward and much more difficult than she’d thought it would be.

  Trees toppled on the mountain up above as Demitrus and his pack tore through the forest and mountainside looking for her.

  “Shit,” she breathed. They were coming fast. Onyx didn’t think she’d ever seen Demitrus move that fast. Maybe it was the pack knocking down the trees in their desperation not to incur the murderous rage of Demitrus.

  Either way, they were coming for her.

  Finally, she got the hang of the oars moving them in a circular motion at the same time. She leaned into the push and pull of the oars with all of her might. Getting far enough into the ocean that Demitrus couldn’t see her was her best chance at escaping him.

  If he got his hands on her after what she’d done to him, Onyx was certain that Demitrus would kill her at the very least. More likely there would be a lot of torture beforehand.

  Demitrus wasn’t a man to cross lightly, and what she’d done before she’d left was something any man would find unforgivable.

  “Damn you’re crazy,” Onyx said aloud. She still couldn’t believe she’d actually done it. After her father passed away she’d realized that the last reason she stayed, the final person Demitrus had to hold over her was gone.

  Demitrus didn’t think she had the balls to escape him, in fact, those were his exact words. He was wrong and she’d proven it.

  Another roar sounded, shaking the mountain. He was over halfway down the steep incline. Judging by the falling trees they were headed in her direction. They were having no trouble at all following her trail.

  The muscles in her arms and legs burned as she continued pushing hard and using every ounce of strength her spirit wolf offered. Waves tipped the boat up high in the air and she was nearly dumped out into the sea.

  Onyx leaned back managing to hold onto one of the oars while the other shot away in a huge dark blue wave that seemed determined to flip the boat and shove her to the ocean floor.

  As soon as the boat stopped tipping upward it was tipping backward as it raced down the other side, like kids sliding down snow covered hills on snow shovels. This hill was ominous, alive with movement and loud to her sensitive ears as the water clapped down across the surface.

  Onyx was soaking wet but she was still inside the boat and the wave, as scary as it was, carried her away from the drop off where she’d leaped to her freedom.

  She was too afraid to celebrate. Too scared to squeal with joy that she’d finally escaped Demitrus and the Herod wolf pack.

  It might have been the conditioned response he’d trained her to have over the past two years, that she would never be free of him. Or maybe it was because she knew as sure as the sun would rise in the east that she would see Demitrus again. He wasn’t just a werewolf. He was a hunter and trained killer.

  She looked back toward land as the tiny row boat climbed the next wave. Sure enough, there he was.

  The wind made the long locks of his greasy yellow blond hair swim in the air like snakes around his head. His blue eyes cut across the distance as if she were in his grasp and hearing with her ears what his gaze promised.

  I’ll find you Onyx. When I do, you’re dead.

  “You can try, asshole,” Onyx yelled even though it was doubtful he would hear her over the sound of the waves crashing.

  And yet... she could almost swear that she could faintly hear his voice. “I’ll kill you, Onyx. I swear it....”

  Onyx put the oar into the water steering her way to the north as the boat skidded down the watery incline like a skipping stone. Then as the boat began to climb again she paddled north, using the sun setting in the west as her guide.

  The mountains were so far behind her when she dared to look back that she could only barely tell they were there at all.

  Maybe she’d be dumped out of the boat and drown, or be eaten by a shark or killer whale. Maybe
she’d make it to land only to be found by pack Herod.

  But right now, in this moment she was free.

  I really did it.


  ERROL’S LIGHT BLUE, almost silver eye’s popped open. He sat up in bed. It was midday. He’d slept in because he’d patrolled Rizer mountain last night with his twin brother Ian. The Rizer wolf pack had an alliance with the human populated town of Freebasin. Patrolling the mountain to keep trespassers off of Rizer land was just part of upholding the alliance.

  There weren’t many alliances left between humans and shifters. Not after the shifters came out of hiding. Things could have gone so much differently if the humans had just tried to accept their kind. It was foolish of them to try and subdue shifters.

  Warring between humans and shifters broke out. Cities fell. Some tried and were still trying to practice coexistence within some of the still standing cities. Los Angeles fell around the same time the Herod Pack came to the Shasta mountains.

  Errol and Ian had nearly died in the shifter battle for territory. Their family and pack were destroyed and scattered.

  None of that matters anymore. Errol told himself trying to forget the past and all the pain it held for him. Why was he thinking of his old pack anyway? Why was he so wide awake?

  Errol quieted his thoughts and listened to the instincts of his spirit wolf, the wolf with which he shared his human form. His wolf was restless, he wanted to run, to track.

  Sighing Errol stood, catching sight of the deep scars that stretched from his left shoulder to his right hip. They were four long scars, still red as if they still hurt as much as his soul did.

  “Today is already such a bitch,” he grumbled turning the mirror toward the door. He tried to deny his spirit wolf. If he let his wolf boss him around he would never sleep again. His wolf still longed for his destined mate. He still wanted her even though she’d made it clear she didn’t want him.

  Forget her.

  He washed his face at the sink with cold, icy water. Errol tugged off what was left of his shorts from shifting into the form of his werewolf and pulled on a pair of pants. He strapped on the bandolier he filled with their healer’s antidotes that had the added benefit of covering Errol’s scars.

  Normally he wouldn’t take the time to brush out his overgrown blond head of hair but his wolf was especially pushy today. Errol decided to remind him who was the boss by taking his time with each medial task.

  By the time he left his room, Errol was gritting his teeth trying to keep his wolf in check. He was still pushing, digging at Errol to allow the shift.

  “You’re up early. Well, for you I mean.” Angeline smiled at him pulling her white blond braid over her shoulder. Killian, her destined mate, and husband were coming up the hall. The hungry look he directed at Angeline’s backside meant that soon, Errol would hear them mating. Again.


  “Yeah, I guess,” Errol said forcing a smile.

  “Are you okay? You aren’t the same.”

  Killian narrowed his brown eyes on Errol. “You’re anxious. Why? Did you find anything last night?”

  “No,” Errol answered. That was one thing about being in a pack. Everybody could feel the kind of energy being put out so privacy was more an idea than an actual right.

  Errol rolled his shoulders. “Sorry, I just woke up feeling anxious. Bad dream probably.”

  Killian nodded, but Angeline with her blue eyes and gift for the sight was continuing to study him. “Not a bad dream. A memory.” She lowered her gaze in what Errol took as an apology for speaking about his personal business out loud.

  “I’m getting something to eat. I’ll see you later,” Errol said. He left them looking after him as he walked down the hall and took the stairs two at a time down to the main level of the Rizer fortress.

  Sexual energy sizzled through the air like an invisible electrified gas. Errol stiffened trying not to let resentment cloud his usually level head.

  The alpha of the Rizer pack, Darian was lusting after his mate Cara and she for him. The arrival of their baby girl had them blissfully happy and behind their usual mating schedule.

  His wolf lurched forward trying to force the shift. Errol jerked him back. Shocked that his spirit wolf would be so brazen.

  Darian and Cara were both looking at him along with several other members of the pack.


  “Rough night. Sorry.”

  Errol made a b-line for the kitchen, grabbed a chicken from the lunch platter and ate it standing in the kitchen. His wolf was so uneasy, Errol was having trouble swallowing the food.

  What the hell? Errol demanded of his wolf.

  Ian stumbled into the kitchen. His hair messed up and the print of his pillow still on his face. Being twins their spirit wolves were finely attuned to each other. “Why are we up, Errol? I’m tired.”

  “You feel it. Right? It’s an unyielding pull. I don’t get it.”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. He’s not giving up so let’s shift, see what the hell your wolf wants and then I’m going back to sleep.”

  Errol nodded though he hated to indulge his spirit wolf when he was being such an ass. He took a step toward the door with the intention of going outside to shift but his wolf pushed his way through, forcing the shift.

  White fur spread over his skin, feeling like all of his skin was tingling. Errol’s bones and joints shifted, moving under his skin and stretching. The kitchen came into greater focus as he fell forward onto thick, heavy white paws.

  His spirit wolf leaped through the open window as Ian called after him.

  Errol felt his heart pumping at a frantic beat in his chest. His annoyance evaporated. Something was wrong. Pulling back, he allowed his spirit wolf to take the lead as the mountain raced by in a blur.

  Where are we going? What’s wrong?

  His wolf didn’t offer any response. It was just raw urgency flowing through him. Errol gave in to it. He stretched his limbs pushing wolf form to cover more ground and move faster.



  A town where humans lived but also tolerated shifters. The people seemed friendly enough. Many were outgoing and kind. It was strange to Onyx to have anyone smile at her. The wife of Demitrus was a title that darkened the faces of humans and shifters alike, with pure hatred.

  Demitrus was known for the way he’d murdered and wiped out entire towns of humans and shifters. He was the reason so many were now banding together to increase their numbers and stand a chance against the Herod pack.

  These people didn’t know her. She’d never been so happy to be someone else.

  Onyx knew she wouldn’t be able to stay in Freebasin. It wasn’t far enough away from Demitrus. She was, however, going to find out if the rumors she’d heard were true about Freebasin. Onyx prayed they were.

  It had been five days since she’d ditched the boat on the shore and climbed onto land. Getting careless and forgetting who was after her, wasn’t something she could do, not if she wanted to live.

  “Where is your town doctor or healer?” Onyx asked a man who approached her with a large smile.

  “We used to have a few healers but they weren’t very good. There is one who is decent here in town but you’d be in better hands if you waited till the shifter doctor comes through town.” He nodded toward the mountain. “Need a place to stay?”

  Onyx shook her head. “No, I don’t. What kind of shifters are they?” If they were werewolves she’d have to stay clear of them. They would know who she was by sight and they’d smell Demitrus on her.

  “You don’t have to worry about them. We have ourselves and alliance with them. Besides, if you come stay with me I’ll look out for you.”

  Many of the human women were killed in all the warring in ugly terrible ways. Ways that are so unforgivable, the chance any good shifter ever had at being seen as good or peaceful vanished. This man interested in protecting her was looking fo
r a mate.

  “I decline, but thank you.” Onyx walked away knowing that he would not be easily sidetracked from his goal. Men weren’t like that when it came to claiming women.

  A pull toward the forest caught Onyx by surprise. Her spirit wolf, heartsick since Onyx agreed to marry Demitrus never wanted to run just for the sake of running. She’d become angry passenger sharing the body of Onyx.

  No. Onyx told her spirit wolf. There was no time to be wasted. She needed to find out if the rumors about the human discovery of scent invisibility were true. If they were then she’d have the key to being free from Demitrus and his pack.

  It wasn’t as though a person who had this tonic or whatever it was that cloaked scent would be out advertising what they had. Onyx watched the flow of foot traffic.

  The well.

  Everyone had to go to the well to get water. Onyx veered toward the well feeling her spirit wolf push toward the forest. Onyx ignored her and sat by the well where there was a bench and waited.

  People came and went each with their own individual scents, and musk. Even those who smelled of other things had strong enough odor to get the attention of a shifter.

  An hour passed with Onyx sitting by the well and waiting for the right person. She felt every second of every minute tick by. If she was wrong and the rumors were all a lie, then she was going to regret sitting and waiting.

  Fear is a powerful motivator for movement. It required her strength to make her remain still.

  Another group of people approached. A pair of women with their buckets at the bend of the arm as they gossiped about the brother of the town official. Behind them a young man with white blond hair and blue eyes followed, towing another two buckets.

  It was easier to figure out which scent belonged to who when they were spaced out. This group was going to make it difficult.

  In the distance, she could hear the sound of hurried feet. Running, on all four. It coming from the forest and moving at the speed of a shifter. A lone shifter she could take. It wasn’t Demitrus’ pack and that was what mattered most.


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