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Rizer Pack Shifter- Complete Series

Page 25

by Amelia Wilson

  Onyx gripped the blanket on the bed in both her fists at her sides. “What now?” She asked staring at the bulge in his pants that she was aching for.

  “I’m leaving. You’re staying here,” he said and started into the darkness of the cavern.

  “What?” Onyx got back up onto her feet and followed after him. “Why would I stay?”

  Errol turned back toward her. “Because there is only one exit out of these caverns that won’t lead you right to Demitrus. If you want him as you say you do, then go. Climb out and back into his murder pack. We both know he isn’t who you want though, don’t we?”

  “Errol, you can’t do this-”

  “I’ll be back. When you admit the truth. I’ll set you free. It’s as simple as that.”


  “YOU HAVE HER IN THE caverns?” Ian asked as Errol emerged from the underground tunnels into the sub-basement level of the Rizer Fortress.


  Errol closed the door in the floor that led to the tunnels and locked it. “You’re following me? I told you, I have this under control.”

  “Like hell you do,” Ian said. “The Herod pack is sitting on the outskirts of our land and they aren’t budging. They know she’s here.”

  “They don’t know she’s here. If they did know, they would attack.”

  Ian growled flexing his hands. “I’m trying to understand this, Errol. I know you love her. I want to help you, so stop shoving me away and stop with your fucking lies.”

  Errol closed his eyes.

  Ian didn’t deserve to be closed out. He was always there for Errol. “I’m trying to keep you out of this.”

  The bark of laughter Ian let out surprised Errol. “Well, I’m up to my neck in it.”

  Errol raised his sandy blond brows at his twin. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I got one of them before he crossed out of our territory.” Ian held up his hand. “Don’t say anything to me about taking risks when I just found you climbing out of the tunnels.”

  Errol shook his head. “Did you kill him?”

  “No. I should have. He was a real bastard, but no. I let him go after I got information out of him,” Ian said as he looked upward at the upper levels of the Rizer Fortress. “I don’t think he’ll admit to telling me anything to Demitrus. If he does, Errol. They’ll be back. You and I have seen what the Herod pack can do.”

  “He won’t tell Demitrus anything because his alpha would peel his skin from his bones if he thought there was even a chance that he told you anything. Still, it was not a risk you should have taken, Ian. This is my fight.”

  Ian shook his head. “Fuck you, Errol. This is our fight. Demitrus and his pack killed our family. I hate him almost as much as you do. Remember?”

  Errol froze realizing his insensitivity. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m ...sorry.”

  Ian frowned. “He wanted me to kill him. The guy that I caught. He said a lot of shit after I got him to tell me what really happened with Onyx. At least, I got him to say what he knew about it.”

  “What did he know?” Errol asked.

  “He said that Onyx escaped the pack. He said that Demitrus means to kill her with the fine silver traitor’s death.”

  Errol stepped back feeling like his brother had just sucker punched him.

  “He didn’t know what she did to make Demitrus so angry but whatever it was, it was more than just escaping. Apparently, she’s tried it before.”

  “And what did he say when he wanted you to kill him?”

  Ian rolled his thick shoulders as he breathed in and out. “He told me how our pack was tortured and killed before we returned from hunting. The women who survived... it would have been better if they’d died. Though he said they did eventually.”

  Errol put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and squeezed. “Try not to think on it now, Ian. It’s going to cloud your judgment.”

  “Well, I think I figured out what you wanted to know,” Ian said blinking back the tears of rage. “He said that Demitrus chose Shoshana to be his alpha mate.”

  Errol sucked in air as though he’d just emerged from the deep sea into the air.

  “Are you sure?”

  Ian smiled. “Yeah, Errol. I’m sure. Go on. I’ll cover for you until you get back. When you do, you know we have to talk to Darian.”

  Errol opened the door on the floor. “Yes. Okay, we will.” He started down the ladder and then stopped. Ian was smiling at him with his arms folded. “Thank you, Ian.”


  ONYX SAT UP IN THE bed when he opened the door into the cavern room at the end of the tunnels. She curled her feet under her and gave him a defiant look that reminded him of the stubborn little girl she’d been when they were kids.

  “Demitrus was going to take Shoshana as his mate,” Errol said shoving the door shut behind him and not bothering to lock it. “That is all you had to tell me, Onyx.”

  She drew her legs up under herself, raising to her knees. “Who told you that?”

  “Of course, you would agree to be Demitrus’ mate. Fuck, Onyx. Why didn’t you tell me? Shoshana was your mother. I would have understood. I would have come back for you and I would have freed you.”

  “No, Errol. You would have come back to die,” her voice shook. “It doesn’t matter why I married him. I don’t want you, Errol. You aren’t my mate. Let me go.”

  Errol could see her shaking trying to keep it together. “I love you, Onyx. I’ve loved you ever since we were kids. I’ve been in love with you since we were sixteen when you smoked me in that race across the canyon. You are the one for me.”

  “No, I’m not.” Onyx climbed off the bed and onto her feet. “I’m not.”

  Errol shrugged realizing he didn’t need her to say it anymore. “It doesn’t matter. I love you and I won’t let him get his hands on you again. He plans on giving you the fine silver traitor’s death, do you realize that?”

  Onyx laughed. “I’m not afraid to die.”

  Looking into her dark brown eyes he could see that she really wasn’t. The hell she must have suffered at being with Demitrus that made her look forward to death only riled Errol’s anger toward the demon alpha.

  “I don’t need you, Errol. If I did I would have come for you a long time ago. I need the cloaking device or whatever it is that the humans use to hide their scent.”

  “I’m not doing it for you, Onyx,” Errol said. “I’ll do it for us and for Ian too.” Errol turned around heading for the door. His anger and rage climbing past the boiling point.

  Onyx sprinted past him yanked open the door and was racing down the hall before Errol could register what she’d done.


  Errol raced after her. He had to push hard to catch up, Onyx always was the fastest of the pack. If she was in full health, Errol knew he would have had no chance of catching her. Onyx was exhausted and moving at only a third of her usual speed and yet he still had to push to catch up to her.

  Onyx passed the ladder to the Rizer pack sub-basement which meant she was following the scent of the fresh air. Errol gained speed bulleting down the long tunnel when he realized she could find herself in the hands of Demitrus, if he was searching the forest for her.

  The early morning light danced like glitter in the rays that broke through the foliage to the floor. He could hear her heart racing and her breathing coming out in ragged breaths.

  She had to slow down, because she didn’t know the forest like he did. Errol knew where she was headed. She wanted the plant that Killian’s wife, Angeline had shown them. Angeline’s father had been using to cover his scent as he’d committed murder.

  The alpha of Rizer pack, Darian believed it was best not to speak of the plant or its capabilities and ordered the pack not to speak of it. A human from Freebasin must have said something to someone, because clearly word had gotten out.

  Taking a short cut, Errol got in front of Onyx. She was so busy checking behind herself that she did
n’t even see him. Onyx ran right into his arms.

  She didn’t scream but she started to struggle right away.

  Errol backed her up against a tree. “Stop it. You’re acting like an idiot. Demitrus has surrounded the territory. He’s convinced you’re here and could very well have his pack searching these woods for you.”

  “Take it back,” Onyx said on a sob. “Promise me you’ll stay away from Demitrus.”

  “What? No. He killed our pack, my parents, and sisters. He stole you from me and I let him because you told me he was who you wanted.”

  Onyx closed her eyes. Her long black lashes against her fair skin were just as beautiful a contrast as it was when she socked him for kissing her when they were twelve. Tears streamed down her cheek in one continuous flow. Her full pink lips were swollen.

  She pressed her forehead against his chest. The long black strands of her hair slid over her shoulders. On the back of her neck, there was a bite scar as though it had healed, been broken again, and healed repeatedly.

  I am going to kill that Demon Alpha, so help me God.

  “Come with me back to the caverns. He won’t find you with us. The Rizer pack will protect you.”

  Onyx pushed against him like she was getting ready to fight. “No. Come with me, Errol. Well find the scent masking stuff in Freebasin and we’ll escape. We could be together. Please, come with me.”

  The engraved bite mark at the back of her neck from Demitrus forcing himself on Onyx was all he could think about and he couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand the thought of Demitrus touching Onyx at all but it was worse knowing he’d forced her.

  “Errol, please. I did this all for you and for what was left of my family,” Onyx pleaded. “I never meant to come back into your life and ruin it. I didn’t know you were here.”

  “You were going to escape him and not come to me?” Errol scowled at her.

  Onyx nodded, her dark brown eyes meeting his without apology. “I’ve already seen him murder you once, Errol. I can’t live through that again.”

  Errol frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Onyx pulled on the strap that ran diagonally across his chest. “This,” she said her fingers tracing over the long scars. “He threw you off a cliff. I,” she gasped for air. “thought you were,” gasped again. “I saw him throw you.” She was beginning to hyperventilate.

  Errol wrapped his arms around her. “I’m right here,” he said. “Breathe with me, okay. In and out with me.”

  “You died,” she said sobbing again and sagging against him.

  Sweet Onyx.

  She’d tried to carry it all on her shoulders. No wonder she was harder and colder. Errol tried to give her some time to get it out but the longer they were in the forest and exposed the more dangerous it became.

  “We need to head back. Let’s go.”

  “We’ll be leaving a trail right up to your pack for them to follow. I know he’ll kill them and so do you.”

  Errol brushed her hair out of her face. “Our pack was small when Demitrus attacked. The Rizer pack is much bigger and we have a stronger Alpha. Demitrus tried to bully Darian and he lost.”

  Onyx looked up at him with wide eyes. “He never loses. Not ever.”

  “You missed it. He did.”

  “I don’t care. You didn’t see how he killed everyone off. I did. He’s evil and I would know. I’ve been his wife for two years now. He’ll kill so many before Darian can get to him, but if we leave now-”

  “I won’t leave Ian, and I won’t leave my pack. Running from him will only make him chase us.”

  Onyx shook her head. “He’s going to chase me until I’m dead. There will be a war, Errol. Let me go and I will lead him away from your pack and the humans in Freebasin.”

  “I’m not letting you go again, Onyx. I should have known. I should have recognized what was happening. You must hate me for leaving you to him. I don’t blame you.”

  “I could never hate you, Errol,” she said quietly. “You may not have fallen for me until we were sixteen but I fell for you the first time we kissed.”

  Errol’s heart started pounding double time as his wolf spirit soared in his chest. “No, you didn’t, you punched me for that,” Errol smiled.

  “It scared me,” Onyx confessed. “My family is dead now. He has nothing left to hold over me except you. I love you, Errol and I can’t see you die again.” She kissed him. Her lips soft and cold.

  “I’d rather die doing the right thing than live knowing I didn’t. I’ve already taken that path, Onyx. It’s not a life at all.”

  “He’s going to kill us. All of us.”

  “Then we’ll go down fighting, not running,” Errol answered. He framed her face with his hands. “I’m so sorry I didn’t come back for you.”

  Onyx wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m glad you didn’t. I had to stay for my family. I love you, Errol. You being alive is what got me through.”

  He swallowed thinking again about the bite mark on the back of her neck. “I’ll be the death of Demitrus, Onyx.”

  His spirit wolf pushed forward at her words of love.

  Claim her. She’s ours.

  Errol agreed with the spirit wolf. He needed to claim Onyx. He wanted to be the man she thought of when she thought of sex. He wanted to be the one who touched her last and he wanted to erase Demitrus from her mind and body permanently.

  “Onyx,” he breathed blowing back her hair. “I want to claim you. I need you so badly, but I won’t. Not unless you want me to.”

  Onyx met his gaze, her brown eyes intense as the tears ceased from flowing down her cheeks. “I want you so bad I can hardly stand.”

  Errol’s shaft surged harder, nearly coming out of the pants. He was still hard from teasing her and from making her come.

  His wolf was ready for him to sink his shaft into Onyx but Errol didn’t just want to fuck her. He wanted to love her as she should be loved, like he’d dreamed of doing.

  Bending forward he closed his mouth around her breast through the material of her dress and sucked on one her erect nipples.

  She gasped, sinking her fingers into his hair and pulling him harder against her chest. Errol slid his hand up her skirt. She was still so wet, her smooth folds heated against his fingers.

  “I need you, Errol,” She pleaded pulling his head up to meet her mouth. Onyx kissed him hard, sucking his tongue into her mouth. Her moan of pleasure as he stroked her and pumped his tongue in her mouth at the same rhythm, made his hard cock jump against her.

  Onyx reached between them. Her hand slid under his pants and wrapped around his hard rod. “I need you so bad,” she whimpered against his mouth. She ran her hand up and down his long thick shaft.

  “Fuck, Errol, you are big,” she smiled as he kissed her chin. “I want you so bad I could come just holding your cock,” she confessed with her eyes closed.

  She peeked at him to see his response.

  Errol pumped his dick in her hand watching her mouth drop open. Her breasts arched toward him. He peeled the top of her dress down, wanting to see her and taste her skin.

  Her nipples were a deep crimson, velvet soft, and reminded him of cherries. “Damn, Onyx. You’re so beautiful, baby.” He lapped his tongue over her breasts hungrily.

  The sweet, sensual sounds she was making were driving him crazy. He had to stop pumping his cock in her hand or he would come and he wanted to come inside of her.

  Onyx’s thumb ran over the tip of his shaft finding the pre-cum moisture there. She moaned licking her lips. “Errol, please,” she panted. Onyx lifted her leg around his waist and rubbed her wet pussy over his throbbing male hood.

  “Fuck,” He groaned trying to keep in control and not pound wildly into Onyx. “I don’t want to hurt you. Let’s go slower.”

  “No. I can’t.” She put the head of him at her entrance and then tightened her hold on him with her leg trying to pull him inside.

  Errol’s cock was so hard against h
er, she could feel his heart beat throbbing along the vein on the underside of his dick. He grabbed her other leg and pulled it up too to wrap around his waist.

  She could see him straining, and new he was trying to go slow so he wouldn’t hurt her. Onyx didn’t want slow, she wanted him to lose himself in her like she was in him.

  Slowly he pushed the thick head of his dick past the entrance. The walls stretching around him were tight and the heated burn felt so good, Onyx couldn’t keep quiet. She gasped and bucked her hips trying to take more of him.

  “Onyx,” her name on his lips sounding like desire made her muscles tighten around the head of him. His grip on her thigh tightened as he gasped. His muscles were straining at his neck. Errol’s body was so stiff against hers. She knew he was using every ounce of strength to stay in control.

  She rocked her hips, demanding more of him. Errol sank inside her another inch. “Don’t be gentle with me, Errol. Take me,” she pleaded tightening her legs around him again.

  “Onyx, I don’t,” he gritted his teeth as she tightened around him. “want to hurt you,” he gasped out.

  “Show me how much you want me.”

  His blue eyes were so hot as they looked into hers. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she cried not caring if she sounded desperate, she was.

  Errol sank into her pussy another few inches, stretching her inner walls and adding to the building sensation inside. Onyx gripped his shoulders, hanging on. Her nails bit into his shoulders, gaining a growl of delight from Errol.

  He thrust deeper.

  Onyx cried out in surprise. He was so much bigger than she’d thought. But it felt so good.

  “I need more,” he growled as he guided her legs up over his shoulders.

  Onyx’s mouth dropped open in a silent plea for him to take every inch of her. His cock rammed inside of her, deeper than she knew she could take him. His balls slapped against her ass as he began to thrust in and out.

  She was so wet for him, she could hear the moisture soaking him as he continued to thrust, taking a little more of her with each upward thrust.


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