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Rizer Pack Shifter- Complete Series

Page 28

by Amelia Wilson

  They made it across catching up to the wolf they had their sights on quickly, he must have believed they wouldn’t take such a leap. He was wrong and it was going to cost the poor bastard his life.

  Victor leaped with confidence that he would make it to the other side. He landed easily and continued in pursuit, Minus right behind him.

  Layna and Pelari had the wolf pinned. He was still struggling fiercely and they were having a hard time holding him. He really was a large wolf.

  Minus growled at Victor, insisting he step in.

  Victor had no interest in dragging the wolf kicking and fighting all the way back to their base. Not only would the wolf injure himself further but he would make more work for them.

  A bad taste filled his mouth as though he were already having to taste the regret of what he was about to do.

  Shit. I’m sorry about this.

  Clamping his jaws down on the wolf’s throat he cut off his air. The wolf struggled to free himself managing to throw Pelari twenty feet. He clawed Layna sending her to the ground so hard, dirt shot out from beneath her.

  Victor counted trying to get it just right. Too long would kill the wolf, too short would leave them dealing with an angry shifter who’d already shown he had the grit to break enough bones to make death stick.

  His blue eyes widened as he fought off unconsciousness. Minus, was drooling again, he wanted blood.

  Fuck. Not now.

  The blond and white wolf passed out just as Minus bit into his side. He’d tear out his stomach if Victor allowed him. Knowing what Demitrus might do to the wolf, it could be better to allow him to die while he was unconscious.

  Stop him. Victor’s wolf spirit demanded.

  Victor closed his jaws over the back of Minus’ neck and flung him into Pelari. He turned back to check on their prisoner only to have Minus land on his back. His claws and teeth sinking fast.

  Crouching Victor launched backward aiming for the boulder. The crunch of bone as Minus made contact with the boulder earned a yelp from Minus. He fell in a heap of fur at the base of the rock.

  His shoulder was broken but he got up again.

  He wants to die. Put him out of his misery. Victor’s spirit wolf told him.

  Victor stepped back. He refused to kill if there was any way he could avoid it and Minus wasn’t a threat, not broken the way he was.

  Layna and Pelari had no such qualms. They went after Minus. Victor felt sick inside at the look of relief on Minus’ face as he died.

  That is going to be me and I can’t do a damn thing about it.

  The look on Demitrus’ face as I deposited the prisoner from my shoulder to the floor was enough to make Victor wish it was him on the floor before Demitrus.

  Their prisoner had shifted back into a human while he was unconscious. It would have been better if he hadn’t. A bucket of what Victor told himself was water even though it didn’t smell anything like something he would deem worthy of drinking.

  “He looks just like the other one. How do you know it’s not him?” Demitrus asked Pelari.

  “This one doesn’t have the scar across his chest you gave Errol. This one is Ian. He’ll tell us what we need to know.”

  Ian was gauging the size of the pack and his possible points of exit. Victor wanted to leave, to miss the torture Demitrus would put him through but he couldn’t. It wasn’t fair that he should be spared when it was his fault Demitrus had him in the first place.


  “WHY HASN’T HE COME back yet?” Errol asked Angeline. Ian had taken off nearly five hours ago. It wasn’t like him to stay gone so long, at least not on his own.

  Angeline shook her head. “I don’t know, that’s not how I see things. I see them when I’m asleep. When I’m relaxed.”

  “Get relaxed,” Errol said pushing his hand through his blond hair. Something was off. He could feel it in his gut.

  “You know, I don’t feel relaxed when you’re pacing and yelling at me. I’m funny that way.”

  Onyx gripped his forearm.

  He looked down at her and then followed her gaze out toward the skyline. Black smoke was billowing up into the blue sky. The bell in Freebasin rang but was quickly silenced.

  “They’re in the city,” Cara yelled out.

  “Stay together, Rizers. Together we will end Demitrus,” Darian instructed. He shifted into a huge white wolf. The pack followed his lead and he led the pack of nearly fifty down the mountain.

  The shared feeling of power bolstered the pack as they moved like a stampeding army, their racing sounding like rolling thunder.

  Darian was the first to reach Freebasin. His roar of rage shook the houses and toppled over the werewolves closest to him. Cara was right with him and didn’t make a sound as she shot like an arrow at the huge werewolf that was standing over several dead humans.

  Cara, although much smaller than the wolf she attacked, aimed to kill. Faster than the other wolf expected he blocked his neck too late. Cara’s teeth clamped around his throat and broke his neck in one sharp jerk.

  The mammoth sized werewolf collapsed in a bloody heap, one of his own makings when he’d killed the humans. Darian attacked the wolf that first out of the gate to go after Cara.

  Killian and Angeline fought as a team staying close as Darian had demanded. Herod’s pack was closing in around the outside of the Rizer pack.

  Errol tried to herd Onyx in with him so he could protect her but she wasn’t for staying back. Racing to keep up with her Errol sank his teeth into a one of the Herod pack. The werewolf fought like it was a drowning cat.

  Once Errol got out of the way of his claws, he took the wolf down quickly. Onyx had taken down three. She was going after them like they were coming after her own cubs. Errol raced after her as she started up with a wolf that was far too big to be in the same league.

  What is she thinking?

  The wolf caught her and took her to the ground. Errol’s heart skipped a beat as he stretched to get there in time. Leaping over the battling wolves he landed on the beast Onyx went after, tearing at his skin and biting down over his muzzle.

  A sickening crack confirmed that he’d broken the jaw of the wolf rendering him basically harmless. Onyx hopped up and started running back toward the pack.

  Errol stayed with her wondering why she’d suddenly been in such a hurry to get out of there. The sound of a frenzied feeding registered behind him. He looked back to see the Herod pack feasting on their own.


  A thin but very real scent belonging to Ian called his attention and he turned back toward the frenzying wolves. No longer caring about the danger he galloped back to the pile of wolves seeking out the one who smelled like Ian.

  Onyx tugged at the fur on his back trying to get him to return to the pack but he didn’t. When he found the source of the smell he dragged the wolf, snarling and fighting him, out of the pile.


  Onyx growled a deadly rumble that told Errol all he needed to know. Pelari was no longer her cousin, he was the enemy.

  Pelari snapped at Onyx’s feet, catching her right front paw. The whimper that came from her sounded in almost the same instant as Errol ripped open Pelari’s shoulder. He wanted to kill him for hurting Onyx but the traitor smelled like Ian.

  “Where is he?” Errol demanded with a distinctively deadly growl.

  Pelari drew back his lips in a bloody-toothed wolf smile.

  Errol looked over at the frenzied pile with clear intention. Pelari followed the motion and his smile was gone. His body began to shake with fear as he began to try and escape Errol’s hold.

  Onyx caught his neck und his chin. All she had to do was bite down and Pelari would be dead. She shook him hard and then held, giving him the chance to give them something.

  Pelari looked up toward the mountain in the east.

  Onyx looked at Errol, her brown eyes open wide. “They took him,” she told him without needing any words at all.

furious growl coming out of Onyx made Pelari tremble with what looked like petrified excitement right before she broke his neck.

  Errol pushed her with his head back toward the Rizer pack. Onyx pushed back. She knew where he was going and she was clearly insisting on going with him. Not knowing what was happening to Ian was too much.

  He roared trying to scare Onyx back. She didn’t budge.

  Another waft of Ian grabbed his attention and he took off toward the mountain. Onyx was right with him.

  I’ll keep her safe. I’ll get Ian and he’ll be okay. Shit.

  There were a lot of wolves coming up behind them, and Errol could feel their hostility. They were not from the Rizer pack.

  The way they circle Errol and Onyx but didn’t attack told him all he needed to know. They were being herded back to Demitrus.

  I should have made Onyx stay.

  Half way up the east mountain, they hear a cry of pain. It’s Ian in his human form. Errol races forward moving faster. As they reached the crest of the mountain something sharp slammed into Errol’s side. He could see Ian, bound with a hot poker being pressed against his face.

  Errol sailed past Demitrus ripping the throat out of the man burning Ian. A second and then third sharp impact landed on his back and in Errol’s neck.

  “He should be under by now,” Demitrus roared at the man with a gun standing next to him.

  Errol felt his muscles growing slack as he tried to stand and failed. Crawling he reached Ian’s side where Onyx was lying still with a tranquilizer dart protruding from her chest.

  The bindings at Ian’s hands were almost chewed through. She’d been trying to help him rescue Ian.


  Errol bit into the bindings trying to finish it off and free Ian. He tasted blood as the darkness swallowed him up.


  “WE HAVE TO MOVE.” ERROL heard someone say as he began to wake.

  “Stop being such a little bitch,” Demitrus said. His voice was so distinctive Errol recognized it and would have anywhere.

  His body hurt like it had been dragged over miles of dirt behind a horse. Errol opened one eye to check his surroundings. The first thing he saw was Onyx. She was tied to a post with a guard standing over her a hundred yards or so away.

  Errol didn’t smell any silver in her bindings or in his own. This told him that Demitrus did not recover the glove that Onyx stole and that he did not have a spare.

  Ian was on the floor about ten feet in front of Errol. His face was black from the soot of the fire. His burns were deep. Demitrus had tortured him almost to the point of being unrecognizable.

  He wasn’t moving. Errol could hear his heart beating and his breathing. There was a hitch in his breath as he sucked in air.

  Is he awake?

  Any attempt to whisper to his brother would be picked up by the Herod pack. Ian and Onyx had both suffered enough at the hand of Demitrus.

  Errol knew he had to get them out of there and if not he had to kill Demitrus himself. He may not be an alpha but Errol felt his anger was enough to trump the alpha strength.

  “We’ve moved enough times and left enough false camps that the Rizer pack won’t come to this one until after I’ve killed the twins,” Demitrus chuckled. “It’s me you need to fear, not them,” his last statement was said with anger.

  Errol turned his head slightly to better gauge the area. He was tied to a post in the center of a tent while Onyx was out in the open.

  “He should be awake by now,” another voice Errol didn’t recognize said.

  “You said that two hours ago,” Demitrus growled.

  A werewolf shifter entered the tent through the open flap. He approached Errol who used his noise to figure out where he was in the tent. He stopped next to Errol and pressed two fingers against his neck.

  “Well?” Demitrus asked from the doorway.

  “I think that he.... Maybe is already awake?”

  Demitrus shook his head. “He looks the same to me. A hot poker will wake him to be sure.”

  “Victor, bring the hot poker.” There was a pause before he bellowed. “Now.” The anger in his voice was over the top for his request.

  Come closer, Demitrus. I am gonna rip your throat out.

  Errol was careful to keep his breathing even. He could smell the fire and feel the heat coming off the poker the moment it was brought into the tent.

  He tried not to show how tense he became as he waited for the poker to stab and burn into his flesh.

  “Why aren’t you using silver to bind the prisoners?” a voice from a male shifter asked. It was a cocky disrespectful sound.

  “Victor, if you question me one more time I’ll use my vast collection of silver on you. Understand?”

  Victor must have indicated that he understood because Errol didn’t hear anything after that from Victor.

  Errol could feel the heat getting closer. His skin felt like it was singeing at the proximity of the heat.

  Be still he’s not close enough.

  Scorching heat burned into his side. Errol lurched to the right trying to catch Demitrus between his jaws but he caught the werewolf doing Demitrus’ dirty work for him. He snapped the neck almost instantly. The poker fell with the werewolf to the dirt floor.

  “So, you are awake,” Demitrus said smiling. “I was hoping you’d wake in time to see me make my heir with Onyx.”

  “I hope you do pull out that shriveled dick Onyx and I laughed about. She’ll castrate you,” Errol said challenging Demitrus.

  His dark eyes shrank as he glared at Errol. “I am going to peel away your flesh with this poker and then you can watch me fuck onyx. But first,” He smiled again. “Let’s finish off your brother.”

  “Yeah, make sure he’s tied up so you don’t break a nail, bitch,” Errol taunted.

  The werewolf near the door smirked, surprising Errol.

  Demitrus backhanded Errol so hard it almost pulled his arm out of socket as it jerked against the pole. Errol spat blood in Demitrus’ face. He looked pissed enough to explode but didn’t hit Errol again. Instead, he kicked Ian in the stomach.

  “Let’s pretend you have the strength to fight a werewolf who isn’t tied up, couldn’t you at least go after one that is awake?” Errol taunted again.

  “Did you smile?” Demitrus roared at the werewolf near the exit.

  “Seems to me he’s got a point. I’d like to see you take down this beta wolf. Teach him a lesson. He’s talking a lot of shit.”

  The Herod pack was assembling together outside the tent. Their howling and growling an encouragement to see him in action, pushing the fight.

  “I’ve wanted to feel your windpipe crush between my teeth for a long time, Demitrus,” Errol grinned his wolf eyes flashing and his teeth growing into those of his wolf form.

  “You test my patience, Victor,” Demitrus growled addressing the werewolf beside the door by name. “I think the pack may have to be fed early tonight.” After I’d seen what happened to injured members of the Herod pack, I understood what Demitrus was threatening.

  Victor’s gaze lowered but it wasn’t fear in his eyes. It was contemplation. Onyx couldn’t be the only one unhappy in his pack. It wasn’t lost on Errol that Demitrus was deferring to the pack to have Victor dealt with either.

  The Herod pack chanted and stomped outside the tent, calling for a fight. Demitrus laughed shaking his head. “What kind of wolf is stupid enough to fight the wolf who already killed him once? What? You can’t wait to die again?”

  Errol leaned out as far as he could from the pole to get as much in Demitrus’ face as possible. “I can’t wait to send you to hell, Demitrus.”

  “Take him,” Demitrus pointed at Ian. “Tie him with Onyx. Since I’ll be killing Errol, at least I’ll have his brother to watch me take Onyx and reclaim her as mine.”

  Victor picked up Ian from the ground and carried him out of the tent. Errol was watching his brother go, paying attention to the pattern of his br
eathing and the pacing of it to be sure he wasn’t dying.

  He didn’t see it coming, though even if he had he could not have done anything to stop Demitrus. It was a sharp punch to the lower stomach. The force of it winded Errol but the sharpness still remained and burned.

  “What do you think?” Demitrus held up his hand for Errol to observe. “I got these from the same blacksmith I used to make the glove. He made me these brass knuckles too. Only they aren’t brass just brass.”

  He slid the knuckles from his fingers, showing Errol the rings of irritated red skin there as he slid the weapon back into his pocket. “Brass over silver. They had these long, skinny little spikes coming up off where the knuckles go. I thought it was a stupid feature but then I learned how to use it.”

  Demitrus patted Errol’s stomach where he’d punched him. “There is a silver needle in your body that is already beginning to poison you. So, you see, Errol. You’re already dead.”

  “This won’t stop me from killing you, Errol answered without any sign of fear.”

  Demitrus laughed on his way out of the tent. He turned toward the left. Errol looked out the opening of the tent at Onyx. She needed to escape. If he wasn’t strong enough to defeat Demitrus, how would he spare her from them? She did not belong with these creatures.

  I will kill Demitrus. It’s the last thing I’ll do and I don’t care. It’s worth it if it’ll rid the world of him once and for all.

  Onyx was awake and looking right at him. She had tears running down her face. Errol knew she must have seen what Demitrus did.

  Errol didn’t want her to be scared. He wanted her to be brave and to escape. He smiled at Onyx and mouthed, “I love you,” to her. She mouthed the words back.

  “Run,” He mouthed. “Go and keep going.”

  She shook her head.

  Errol wanted to argue with her but she turned her face away from him, refusing to give him another chance to tell her to go. Victor was squatting low by the post where Onyx was tied. He was tying Ian but as Errol watched him he saw Victor reach up and pull loose Onyx’s tie at her hands.


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